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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » BusinessForHome Review: Can You Really Make Money?

BusinessForHome Review: Can You Really Make Money?

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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » BusinessForHome Review: Can You Really Make Money?

You are welcome to the review. Can you make money with Is legit or a scam?

It is a great thing to do your research, that was how I discovered how to make a full-time income with my hobbies.


But, do you think you can make money with

Are subscribers of BFH Business For Home org making money?

You will be shocked by what you will discover about this MLM subscription website.

You will also know why BusinessForHome can not make you money a full-time income online.

Read on to also know why this website is NO for me. . .

Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

Must-Read Articles

BFH Business For Home at a Glance

Business For Review

Website: BusinessForHome
Product Name: Business For
Founder: Ted Nguyen & Dini Noorlander
Rating: 15%
Recommended: No


Summary of BusinessForHome Review

BusinessForHome also referred to as “BFH” is a news media and channel for MLM – Multi-Level Marketing companies, Network Marketing news, and everything you need to know by both new and old MLM programs.

It shows and presents so call facts and figures for the Network Marketing companies around the world by the production of Multi-Level Marketing companies reviews and covering awards.

The co-owner of BusinessForHome Ted Nuyten is an ex-network marketer; he started his career in Multi-Level Marketing while he was in Norway in 1998

It is a site where a Networking Marketing professional seeks the latest news, information, and new multi-level marketing opportunities about MLM companies.

The website currently receives over 7 million traffics across the world.

The company also employs its BusinessForHome App effectively in connect networkers to Networking Companies. is a hub for getting information and connections as relating to the following:

  • Multi-Level Marketing news
  • Network Marketing news,
  • Latest News about Direct Selling
  • Top Moneymakers in the MLM world
  • Latest Press Releases from Top MLM Companies.

Why It Is Difficut to Make Money with is an advocate of most MLM companies online.

But know that is legit and not a scam. But the MLM business model cannot make you money.

Why is that statement?

 Jon-M.-Taylor did over 20 years of research about over 600 MLM and direct sales companies, and he concluded that 99.7% of people that join direct sales companies would lose their money. 

Please read his two books here, MLM Unmasked and “The Case for and Against MLM.” The two books are FREE pdf you can download and read.

AARP also did an investigation about the effect of MLM and impact in the life of ordinary people. If you read this book, “MLM Study Report By AARP Foundation,” you will never want to join any MLM company ever. 

This does not make a scam company or website. is legit and not a scam. But MLM and direct sales companies can not make you money.

My Recommendation

Do you want to make money? 

You can start your profitable online business today via affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing will help you to partner with thousands of products and services from hundreds of companies.

You won’t need to run after family and friends anymore. Instead, you will bring them to your platform. You will also be able to attract a global customer base for your niche choice. 

Start this affiliate marketing training now. The first level with ten lessons is FREE to join. You will be able to learn if it is for you or not. Learn more here.

You will have all you need, including the tools and resources under one roof, such as your website hosting, training, support to your website, weekly webinars, and expert training.

If you work smart, you can be making over $5,000 monthly in the next seven months. 

What do you think of my review? Can you make money with Is legit or a scam?

What Is BFH Business For Home?

BusinessForHome is a unique opportunity for those in the field of Direct Selling (DS) and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM); but can you make money with Business For

This is the question and much more that I will help you answer with this article.

If you belong to DS or MLM industry and you are struggling to break through to the next level, or just want to increase the productivity and profitability of your professional career, you can consider BusinessForHome as your next advertising campaign platform.

BusinessForHome is the brainchild of Ted Nuyten.

He is the Chairman of the BusinessForHome Foundation and CEO of the company.

Ted started the company with Dini Noorlander back in 2007 and had been masterfully guiding it to success ever since then.

What do you think of my review? Can you make money with

Is legit or a scam?

My Issue with BFH Business For Home

  • Ted Nguyen Once a Sales Rep for Vemma (Shut Down by FTC)

Ted Nguyen, the Owner of BusinessForHome, was a formal member and salesman for Vemma.

Vemma, an energy-drink company, was shut down by FTC on December 15, 2016, for being an illegal multi-level marketing and pyramid scheme.

This is was sighted in Wikipedia and many online medial including Forbes News.

Source: Wikipedia

The FTC claimed that Vemma indulges in making college students recruit new distributors that pay up to $600 for their starter packs and much more for the energy drink product.

They insisted that the majority of people that subscribe to the Vemma pyramid scheme lost their money.

FTC slammed Vemma that they use false promises of high-income potential to lured consumers to pay to join their program.

FTC release a press statement saying, “We are also alleging that Vemma is an illegal pyramid scheme,”

  • Online Opinion of BusinessForHome Is Negative

The online opinion of is that they only publish great news and review about MLM that pays them more.

And there are also rumor that Direct Selling Global News LTD run and operates BusinessForHome.  A site concluded that both belong to the same person i.e., Ted Nguyen.

There is no trace of Direct Selling Global News LTD on the BusinessForHome website, and the same applies to the website of Direct Selling Global News LTD. What can they be hiding?

See comment below:

  • BusinessforHome Will Lure You to Join MLM

One of the ways earns money online is to write great reviews and information about the Network Marketing program.

They will give you many reasons why you have to join them to make money.

They are a channel for anyone to join Multi-Level Marketing companies because that is how they foot their bill.

This is why they can never write anything negative about any MLM companies even if such nes is already in the public domain.

If you have to do your research, that implies that may not be reliable and worth reading.

  •  Joining BusinessForHome Membership Is a Waste of Money. has a membership opportunity where you will be charged monthly or yearly for the information that you will be provided.

Most of these MLM leads provided by BusinessForHome are in the public domain. Just search for it online. You can get more done via YouTube, Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

You don’t need any subscriptions to get MLM and scamming leads from a specific site.

Also Note: The owners are Ted Nguyen & Dini Noorlander (note: registration of ownership to this website is listed as private. However, the address listed belong to and is located in Scottsdale, Arizona)

How Does BusinessForHome Work?

Business From Home is all about Direct Selling & Multi-Level Marketing figures, facts, and news?

The company covers a range of current industry news and trends and shares them with their viewers to keep them informed on what is hot and what is not.

They offer a platform for companies and distributors which they recommend, as a way to help guide people on a day-to-day basis of which companies and direct selling distributors to trust, to sign up for, and which ones to avoid as well.

By investing a one-time fee with BusinessForHome, you can receive an interview, review, and persuasive article with a broad reach, which is placed on the Internet once and for good.

Clients of Business For who has paid for spotlight advertising (the interview, review, and online article) can expect to receive thousands of hits on their website or businesses per year(3,000 to 10,000 to be exact).

That is some massive coverage.

Client interviews will also be sent directly to a whopping 100,000+ subscribers from all over the globe.

Did I mention that the resulting article based on your discussion and review stays on the actual Business From Home website permanently as well?

BusinessFromHome has an impressive influence that is felt all the way across the world. Over 162 countries and counting to be precise.

That is a seriously wide web if you ask me!

 Cost Of Joining BusinessForHome

The cost to receive spotlight advertising via, an exclusive interview, personalized review, and robust, long-lasting article listed on their very own website, is a one-time-only fee of $1,500.

I understand that may seem like a lot of money at first glance, but I urge you to consider what you are getting serious.

After you start to realize that hundreds of hits on your website or business per month, thousands per year, and a tenth of a million people instantly being introduced to you and your business is what you are receiving.

It suddenly begins to make perfect sense. You’re making one hell of a deal.

How Does BusinessForHome Make Money?

BusinessForHome claimed to be making its money from four different ways:

  • Members Subscriptions

BusinessForHome is a membership site. Paid members pay to get vital information about multi-level marketing companies that can add value to them.

They tend to get better information from the BusinessForHome website that gives more leverages in the Network Marketing world.

  • BusinessForHome Is a Google Adwords Publisher

The company makes money by publishing ads for members and the company.

Google Adword is an advertising method by which advertisers bid for specific keywords to get click by a prospect and get directed to subscribe for a particular program.

Such ads show up at the top of page one of Google. This is one significant way Google makes money.

The implication of BusinessForHome as a Google Adword publisher implies that they are either:

Helping members to subscribe to specific Networking Programs, or

They are recruiting people directly to some Network Marketing program by acting as an agent or affiliate to those companies.

  • BusinessForHome Get Paid for Covering Networking Companies

The BusinessForHome earns for interview top earners and significant stakeholders of major Network marketing companies around the world.

BusinessForHome is a channel and medium through which the Multi-level Marketing companies get their news out to the public.

  • Consultant to Investors and Venture Capital

BusinessForHome makes even more money by acting as a middleman or agents to Investors and Venture Capital that which to invest or have a stake in any Network Marketing company around the world.

They have a certain percentage after the deal is concluded.

In short, they aid the launching of new networking marketing companies.

What I Like About BusinessForHome

  • 4 million-plus users from all over the globe have done BusinessForHome the top website on Earth for direct selling news, facts, and figures. This means some severe marketing coverage.
  • Momentum for you and your business or career in direct selling or multi-level marketing is practically guaranteed to be gained by purchasing spotlight advertising through BusinessForHome.
  • General Knowledge and up-to-date coverage of all things direct selling are yours for the taking as a subscriber to BusinessForHome.

Who Is BusinessForHome For?

Over half of the BusinessForHome viewers and subscribers are residents of either Canada or the United States of America.

The other 50% are from the United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Spain, and 155 other countries from across the globe.

Most people visiting BusinessForHome belong to a professional multi-level marketing program.

However, the #1 and #2 types of people who log onto BusinessForHome are those working from home, or desire to, as well as male college graduates who rank in the $100,000+ a year income bracket.

How To Make Money With

So, by now you are probably wondering, “how do I make money with BusinessForHome?”

The truth is, making money with BusinessForHome is as simple as 1-2-3.

First, you must be in the direct sales or multi-level marketing industries. This is who Business For is made to benefit the most.

Second, you need to have a genuine desire to exceed what you do and want to achieve growth.

If this fits you so far, you’re on the right track to earning some severe bread with the help of BusinessForHome.

After deciding that you want to increase your productivity and start earning more profits, you will need to rustle up some capital for investing.

A cool $1,500 to be exact.

Once you have secured the funds to invest in yourself, you will need to pitch your story to BusinessForHome.

You do this by first contacting the man himself, Ted Nguyen.

The next step after submitting your story and background to Ted, and he has personally accepted your request, will be heading back over to BusinessForHome and clicking on the buy button located on the spotlight-advertising page.

At this point you will be interviewed, BusinessForHome will review you, your company, and the info you have provided, and then they will add you to the ranks of businesses on their website.

Business for Home will send your way over 100,000+ subscribers and you will have up to 10,000 hits send your way annually.

This is where the moneymaking part kicks in.

With the spotlight cast on you by BusinessForHome and their powerful online authority, your exposure will skyrocket and so will your business, sales, investment opportunities, revenue, and income in general.

Can you now make money with Is legit or a scam?

Alternatives To BFH Business For Home

Try as I might, I just could not find any real mention-worthy competitors to BFH Business For Home.

A telecommunication company called ACN, LLC is similar.

However, they do not have the same authority as, and while they do work with direct selling and multi-level marketing, and their focus is geared towards telecommunications, energy companies, and other services.

My job is to review various online training program that claims to help people make money. Very few of these programs are legit, while many are a scam.

See some of my review below:

Online of BFH Business For Home

BFH Business For Home Org is listed with an 88% trust score by, which is pretty high considering for even the most legitimate business there are going to be people who just do not have anything positive to say.

Google’s safe browsing has also indicated BFH Business For Home as safe for browsing.

Actual users of BusinessForHome have left 90%+ positive feedback. Altogether I would have to say that is some pretty good feedback for the company.

Is BusinessForHome Legit or a Scam? is legit and not a scam.

In my opinion, they aid and promote both legitimate multi-level marketing companies around the world.

They make money from their promotional models and methods.

BusinessForHome is a middleman between the general public (their readers) and the various Network marketing Companies.

The good news is that BusinessForHome cannot directly scam you of your funds, but you can be lured into joining many of the multi-Level marketing company they front for.

BusinessForHome earns from its various consultations for major MLM companies (both new, old, and upcoming).

BusinessForHome positions these investors and venture capitalists to the top of these various pyramid schemes.

Eventually, if you join any of the MLM companies, you will be made to work for them forever. is safe and legit to read and consume its content, but you must do your due diligence to ensure that you are not lured to joining any MLM through this website.

Wealthy Affiliate Vs. BusinessForHome

Is BusinessForHome worth It?

So, thanks for reading my review? Do you think you can still make money with

Is legit or a scam website?

After performing in-depth research on the business, I have decided to give my full stamp of approval. That being said, BusinessForHome is NOT my #1 recommended business online.

It is only when you are into the direct selling or multi-level marketing industry that is when you can reap the full benefits and rewards BusinessForHome has to offer.

But in my opinion, I classified all multi-level marketing to be a scam.

All in all, I give BusinessForHome a thumb way up in the air and would highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make a killing through direct selling or multi-level marketing.

Then you should know that there is this excellent and proven business online that can earn you over $5,000 monthly within one year if you follow the step by step training.

What do you think of my BFH review?

Are you making money with BFH already?

What is your thought on my BFH Business For Home org Review? Kindly drop your thought.

Other Great and Useful Articles Review – Video

16 thoughts on “BusinessForHome Review: Can You Really Make Money?”

  1. Hello John. Thank you for sharing this review of Business for Home dot org. This looks like a good opportunity to make money. However, from experience, MLM business model is not easy at all and not suitable for newbies although one can make good money if he is able to develop the skills required. Moreover, the cost is very high. $1,500 no be beans o. Permit me joor. I’d recommend Wealthy Affiliate. Just take a close look at the comparison. The difference is clear.


    1. Dear Mr. Biizy,

      thanks for reading my review  Business For

      I agree with you that their subscription fee is too high and the site is all about multi-level marketing. 

      i am not a fan of the MLM program. Rather, i believe in leveraging on your skills and market demand to help your audience online.

      You can not make money online without helping people. 

      Thanks to again for visiting. 



  2. I appreciate you taking the time to do a thorough review of Business For Home. I was wondering if I could make money with them and your post gave me a lot of information based on which I will be able to do an informative decision.

    I didn’t imagine they have such a selection to be able to join them… Having to go through interviews and all… Since I am a complete novice in this type of business, I don’t think they are the right fit for me, especially with the high joining fee.

    John, please what is the relationship between MLM programs and business and  Business for home. org? Most especially the relationship between Business for home. org and QNet(another MLM program)

    Thanks again for great review. I am a great fan of your website https://amazingprofitsonline.c… 


    1. Dear Katja,

      business for home . org is a complete promoter and enhancer of all multi-level programs around the world. They solicit and help any MLM program solicits for fundings by getting a stake in such companies. 

      Business For Home. org is a major sponsor of MLM products and programs. They are defenders of the Multi-level marketing programs. 

      You will see captions such as the following on the website of business for home. org

      business for home top earners, business for home top earners 2019, business for home top earners 2020,  business for home . org 2019, business for home top earners 2018, www business for 2018,  business for home QNet.

      They will also tell you what direct sales company is the most profitable and the number 1 MLM company. If you want any of that information. You can easily get it on the Business For Home Website. 

      Thanks again for visiting and reading my review about business for home . org


  3. Hello John!

    Business for Home… Such a tempting name! We need to check things carefully before making decisions.

    From the review I understand that BFH may be a fruitful business for certain people, but not for beginner marketers, and most of all not for people who can’t afford a great initial investment like $1500.

    Being lured into joining MLM is surely a risk, so becoming a BFH member while not having marketing experience is like playing with fire… Experienced people would handle it better and maybe even earn more than they invested.

    In my opinion, BFH seems to be connected to “the grey zone”, although it is not a true scam. I would not recommend it to my friends, neither go for it myself.

    Best regards!


  4. Hi John,

    Thanks for providing this business for home .org review. Sounds like a definite no go for me, the inital buy in costs sounds extremely high & in my opinion always best to avoid anything associated with fake earning/ income claims. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be giving this a “wide berth”

  5. Thank you for helping us save some money by not investing in Business For Home dot org. I am eager to get a successful online business started and growing. I think doing research and reading review posts such as these are very helpful. Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a better alternative to Business for Home dot org

  6. Thank you so much fir another great review! I agree that at first this site looks like it is overpriced and expensive. There is a lot you get for that money though, and it can bring in so much traffic! I’m not sure if it is something I would do, personally, but it is a good way to get traffic! Thank you for your honesty about the site!

  7. Really loved your write up. Great one. I like to know what steps do I need to take to learn how to make money online. I like weaving women hair.

    How do I turn that to making money online or via Affiliate Marketing?

    Please revert.



    1. Hi Gloria,

      Thanks for reading my Business For Home ( Review. Firstly you can NOt learn how to turn your passion for weaving women hairs to money through this program i.e. Business For Home.

      Business For Home ( is not a perfect way of making money online. But I can recommend my #1 Affiliate Marketing training online. It is not just for me one of the best but it is just the best. You can also join the program for FREE.

      The first 10 course is FREE to be sure that it is what you want; you can then go Premium after the first 10 training course.

      Check out that link. Wealthy Affiliate can help turn your hobbies of making or weaving hair into making over $10k monthly within 2 years. This is real!



  8. This sounds quite interesting. However, I’ve been into some MLM businesses which didn’t yield what I was expecting. Just to be clear, must I own a company with an active website before applying? Is it possible to have Business For Home set up my site even at an extra cost?

  9. Thanks for sharing this review. The one-time cost to join does seem like a lot. How do you know when it’s appropriate to justify such an expense? I’d be worried about my ability to get my moneys worth from it. Is it hard to get into the direct-selling business?

    1. Dear Sam,

      Please don’t join Business For Home ( It is going to be a pure waste of time and energy.

      Instead, there is a better online training program. Just like the Wealthy Affiliate that I am promoting now.

      It is important to know that I am not asking you to join because I am promoting it.



  10. After reading this post, it does seem like a legitimate opportunity and while at first it might seem really expensive, there’s a lot of value in this. But, obviously, it’s still expensive, because not everyone has 1500$ laying around ready to be spent on something. Do you have any recommendations where one could possibly start earning money for a lower investment or even for free?

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