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Home » Affiliate Marketing » Easy Retired Millionaire Review: Can You Really Make Money?

Easy Retired Millionaire Review: Can You Really Make Money?

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Home » Affiliate Marketing » Easy Retired Millionaire Review: Can You Really Make Money?

You are welcome to my Easy Retired Millionaire Review. Can you make money with Easy Retired Millionaire? Is Easy Retired Millionaire legit or a scam?

Indeed, you are here to find out if you can make money with Easy Retired Millionaire.


I also like researching online programs; this was how I discovered how to transform my gifts, skills, and passion into a full-time income online.

Will you like to retire a millionaire? I am very sure your answer would be YES!

You are certainly here because you want to make money with the Easy Retired Millionaire?

I will like to tell you that I am in no way affiliated with this product, so; you should expect an unbiased analysis of the Easy Retired Millionaire.

Continue reading to find out if Easy Retired Millionaire can change your life as claimed by its sales pitch or if it is a SCAM!!!

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

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Easy Retired Millionaire at a Glance

easy retired millionaire review

Name: Easy Retired Millionaire
Founder: Unknown
Price: $47.00
Rating: 5%
Recommended: No

Summary of Easy Retired Millionaire Review

Do you like to make more money? Of course, everyone wants to make money.

Would you be open to investing a mere pittance for an automated system that will make your dream of living a rap-video life come true? Maybe, but how exactly will this happen?

ERM promises you paychecks of up to $15,000 mailed to your doorsteps weekly in not just more than 12 clicks of your mouse.

I am sure you would love to quit your nine to five job for this.

But, I am also confident that you would not want to be ripped off of your hard-earned money in the process of doing so.

There is a better way to make money online that is legitimate and not scams. Try out my #1 recommended way of making money online.

It is affiliate marketing training. You can start the FREE training here. The level-1 of the training with ten lessons is free for you.

What Is Easy Retired Millionaire?

ERM is sold through ClickBank, and this makes it an attractive option for people looking to buy into it. This is because there is always the option of getting a refund.

However, in reality, the product is supposed to be an automated system designed to help you earn money.

Although it fails to address how it proposes to make money exactly, the repetitions of ‘clicks’ suggest that it might be an affiliate system.

In the sales video, the unknown speaker, who calls himself Chris and his wife Kathrine, explains that he is going to make you an income-generating account live.

However, that claim is ridiculous as the video is not live, and there is no way they can create an account for you.

He also claims that the account will be yours and will keep adding commissions to it until the end of the video.

He also claims that the system is built to handle anything and take care of the repetitive tasks that will help you make money automatically.

After which some people spoke of their experience with the system.

One woman even claimed she made $3,000 the week before and that she wouldn’t be going back to her job ever again.

According to Chris, ERM is a private group he has created to teach people how to get rich and ride off the waves of automation.

ERM offers training on how to utilize CashCrate and how to create car listings on Craiglist, and we all know that this is outdated.

“Earn $600 in five hours! All at the click of fewer than twelve buttons.” That is the breakthrough Easy Retired Millionaire peddles.

The system, claim it is fully automated and geared to make you thousands of dollars every week.

ERM is filled with claims upon claims, and any wary person would not believe this, and in this review, you will understand why.

Read more about how to become a millionaire on Wikipedia.

How Much Does Easy Retired Millionaire cost?

Easy Retired Millionaire offers you its so-called automated system at a one-time payment of $47.

Who is the Easy Retired Millionaire for?

Easy Retired Millionaire system is open to everyone.

However, according to the sales pitch video, if you will like to retire early, toss in your nine to five, earn extra cash to set you up for life.

Then they claim that this system is for you, so long as you have a PC and internet connection.

How to Make Money with Easy Retired Millionaire?

After signing up and paying the fee, all you are required to do is follow a simple step-by-step guide to set up the system.

On investigating, I found out that the whole “automated get rich at the push of a button” thing is training on affiliate marketing.

We all know that affiliate marketing is quite lucrative, but it requires the sacrifice of time, lots of effort, and investment but not a get-rich-quick fix.

No seasoned affiliate marketer will sell you that lie.

So, I wonder how a simple training will help you make thousands within minutes when all you have to do is push a few buttons.

You need to understand that as far as earning a passive stream of income goes, affiliate marketing is a legit business model for you.

The fact that these sorts of programs soil the reputability of affiliate marketing irks me. No internet marketing/business makes you money via automation.

What is further annoying is that the whole system and its mechanism is kept a secret.

There is no explanation as to how their program works or what the automated system does to make you productive.

Instead, what you get for all your troubles are worthless:

  • Emergency Cash Generator Training

This training shows you how to make money by using CashCrate where you are paid for completing surveys and offers.

Take note that this business model is not feasible. For all your labor, your reward wouldn’t buy you a decent cup of coffee.

  • Traffic Sourcing Training

Here, the training will put you through how to submit articles to a now-defunct site called Squidoo.

List Building Blueprint Training: Explanation on how to build your list using Solo Ads, Ad waps, Click Banking, Exit Popups, Viral PDF reports, among others.

  • ClickBank Training

Apparently, you will be trained on being an affiliate marketer on Click Bank.

These training are outdated; they are all worthless and defunct ways to earn a passive income on the internet.

What the creator(s) of Easy Retired Millionaire is selling is a recycled junk from the early phases of internet marketing.

None of these models are sustainable and are now defunct.

Easy Retired Millionaire Support /Customer Service

There is no customer support on the ERM website. You are only redirected to a page where you are asked to fill in your details.

What is Good About Easy Retired Millionaire

Not one thing is right about this product, excluding the fact that it is sold through ClickBank and you can get a refund.

Word of advice, RUN from this program.

Issues with Easy Retired Millionaire?

  • A Lot of Hyped

The sales video keeps glorifying and shoving in your face an automated system that will make you thousands of dollars in minutes.

Besides, they make bold claims – all of which are hallmarks of a scam you should run from.

  • Claims of Automation

This is another red flag.

As I have mentioned earlier, there is no automated system in the world of linked computers that make you money on its own.

  • Unknown founder

The founder of this product/training is unknown – a big red flag and an indication the product cannot be trusted to live up to its wild claims.

Even the names used, Chris and Kathrine could be false identities.

The pictures used in the video are stock images; a simple image search revealed that.

  • Fake Testimonials

As usual, most of these scam projects pay actors on freelance websites like Fiverr to read off a script proclaiming that they’ve earned thousands of dollars online.

Another many product reviews include:

Is Easy Retired Millionaire Legit or a Scam?

The Easy Retired Millionaire is fake, scam not legit. All the red flags put together including the fake testimonials, stock pictures, unknown founder, hype and bogus claims point to the true north.

Easy Retired Millionaire is a SCAM that will vanish just as it appeared.

Since you have read this review, I hope you will not fall, the victim.

What do you think of my Easy Retired Millionaire review? Is Easy Retired Millionaire legit or another scam Click Bank product?

Can you make money with Easy Retired Millionaire?

Is Easy Retired Millionaire worth It?

Thanks for reading my Easy Retired Millionaire review? Do you think you can make money with Easy Retired Millionaire? Is Easy Retired Millionaire legit or a scam?

As usual, the first thing I check before making a payment on any website is the URL, and as usual, ERM’s URL is unsecure.

It is easy to believe that Easy Retired Millionaire will earn you weekly paychecks, that will run into thousands of dollars. This is not true.

Are you are looking for a legit and consistent means of making an income online, I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

This is a product that will not only teach you the seasoned techniques of an affiliate marketer; it also enables you to earn as you learn.

Will you like to know how I managed to create a monthly four figured income with Wealthy Affiliate? Click on my link here to find out more.

Let me know what you think of my Easy Retired Millionaire review.

What do you think about my Easy Retired Millionaire review? Can you now make money with Easy Retired Millionaire? Is Easy Retired Millionaire legit or a fake and scam program?

The kindly drop does well to drop your thoughts in the comment area below. I will love to read what you think.

easy retired millionaire login

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18 thoughts on “Easy Retired Millionaire Review: Can You Really Make Money?”

  1. Hello John, 

    From your review, I found it is a scam. Its URL is not secure. I also search on the internet and found many negative reviews about Easy Retired Millionaire. In my opinion, it is a scam. I love your recommendation. 

    Wealthy Affiliate is the best site. I started my online business from a wealthy affiliate. Thanks for providing a good recommendation.

    Thank you


    1. Dear Parveen, 

      Thanks for reading my review about Easy Retired Millionaire. You right, I am not recommending the Easy Retired Millionaire. 

      It is clear that Easy Retired Millionaire is not legit. It is all over the internet. 

      Thanks again for taking the time to read my article.

      Read appreciate.


  2. Thanks for the update or should I say warning.  I never heard of Easy Retired Millionaire before your review. 

    If you could make money with clicks we all would automate our computers and wait for the cash to roll in.

    I am disappointed in Clickbank.  I thought they had some oversight as to what products can be sold on their site. The making easy money offers are almost always a scam or misleading as to how much work is involved and how long it takes to get up and running. 

    If it was so easy we all would be rich.

    1. Thanks for reading my Easy Retired Millionaire review. 

      I am surprised to know that you are just seen as a click bank product that is sub-standard. Click bank has much online product that are scam and waste of time and money. 

      Many people are even wondering if Easy Retired Millionaire worth it. 

      This is why it is always good to read reviews of many of these online programs. Many of it has issues. 

      thanks again for reading my article about Easy Retired Millionaire.



  3. Hi John, thank you for this detailed review. I am glad that you went through all this point, I honestly did not know this program before and yes t does look fishy, it cannot be automated, I hate it how most affiliate marketers kind of lie to sell their product, which can actually be harmful to their reputation on the longer term. Nothing comes easy and in a blink of an eye, it needs a proven system, first, it needs good updated trainings, it needs hard work and persistence, and it needs some time in addition to all that effort. Anyway many thanks again for your review, now I know, I will avoid that ERM system!

    1. Dear MyaSage,

      thanks for visiting my page and for reading my review about Easy Retired Millionaire.



  4. Hi  people need to be more careful and thorough today then ever before. 

    people are willing to cheat and break the rules more than ever. 

    common sense and intuition will take you far.

    no such thing as a done for you system.  That should have scam written all over it. there is and never will be such a thing. 

    1. Hi Jake, 

      I indeed agree with you that there is no done for your program in the 21st century. Most especially, how to make money online program. 

      I have reviewed a lot of online programs that are teaching people how to make money online. 

      Any such program that claimed to be done for you is probably a scam. Yes, take it from me. 

       thanks for reading my Easy Retired Millionaire review.



  5. wow, I agree with you John, ERM has scam written all over it

    I wonder if it has already been shut down?

    Isn’t their some government agency that investigates these scams and shuts them down?

    Did you report this to them?

    So there is no monthly fee, just a one time forty nine bucks for their scam product?

    I will keep my 49 in my wallet.

    1. Dear Phil, 

      Thanks for acknowledging my take about the Easy Retired Millionaire.

      Thanks for visiting my page to read my review.



  6. Hey thank you for the awesome review!  I am glad I looked at your post before trying Easy Retired Millionaire.  I really am shocked that it is unknown who made this site.  Why can’t they be more transparent?  I would assume it’s because they are basically a scam.  It’s also crazy how much money they are claiming a person can make.  I can’t believe I almost fell for it honestly.

    1. Hi Jessie, 

      Thanks for reading my review about Easy Retired Millionaire. 

      I am glad you love my article.



  7. A program that promises to just give you thousands of dollars if you just click a few buttons is surely a scam. I mean, if it was that easy why share it with everyone? Why not make all the money by yourself? And why would anyone give away so much money?

  8. Hmm….. This article actually helped me realize I don’t understand what affiliate marketing is! I’m glad you’ve got other info I can read about that. As always, I love how thorough these articles are! You don’t just say “NO”- you give a lot of info about why you came to that conclusion. Thanks for the rundown!

  9. I hate so-called automated systems. When will people realize there is no such thing as an automated money-making system?

    You need to put work in if you want to be paid, whether it’s online or offline.

    Systems are just there to show us the way to do things but we still have to do them to get paid.

    My question is this, is retired millionaire legit?

    I am certain of your answer but I am still asking.

    1. Dear Rayenne,

      Your question is, is retired millionaire legit?

      No, Easy Retired Millionaire is Not Legit, It is a Scam. Why is Easy Retired Millionaire a scam?

      Easy Retired Millionaire is a scam for the following reasons:

      1. the owner of the product fake the testimonial and employed paid Fiverr workers to display a fake video testimony that lies that the product has made them money. I have seen these actors in other scam products I have the review.

      2. The information made available in the membership area is very shallow and you can get more information on how to make money online via any search engines. Such information will not earn you such a result they claimed.

      3. They claimed that you can make $15,000 within a week. You can NOt make such money within that short period of time. It is not possible. It is only an experienced online business owner that have system in place that can possibly make such amount of money.

      4. The product owner did not state how you will make money with this product.

      5. It is done for your program. You can have an experience in any done for your online program.

      6. They also claimed that it is easy to make money online. NO, it is not easy to make money doing business online. You have to work your heart out. It needs a lot of work and a lot of investment.

      the above reasons are why Easy Retired Millionaire is not legitimate. It is a Fake and scam online program that is out to seduce newbie to join and ripped them off their money.

      what do you think?



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