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Home » Affiliate Marketing » The Directory of Ezines 2.0 Review: Can You Still Make Money?

The Directory of Ezines 2.0 Review: Can You Still Make Money?

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Home » Affiliate Marketing » The Directory of Ezines 2.0 Review: Can You Still Make Money?

You are welcome to my The Directory of Ezines review. You are here because you want to know if you can still make money with the Directory of Ezines. Is Directory of Ezines Legit or Scam?

Directory of Ezines is a marketing program own by Charlie Page; I call it Charlie page directory Ezines.


He bought this program more than 13 years ago and it has been re-touched and polished to one of the most useful tools online today in the marketplace.

The question is this, how can Directory of Ezines help you make money online?

Directory of Ezines is now in use by a lot of great marketers for the promotion and marketing of products and services.

This program is all about email marketing and how to use it to make money.

Basically Directory of Ezines comprise of categories of Ezines in a directory, with several different topics in segmented niche and sub-niches.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

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Directory Of Ezines at a Glance

make money with Directory of Ezines

Program Name: Directory Of Ezines

Owner: Charlie Page
Recommended: No
Overall Rank: 15 %

What is Directory Of Ezines?

The aim and objective of this program are to help Internet marketers achieve their targets by providing

them with Ezines of different categories in different niches so as to help marketers promote their products through ads in those Ezines (newsletters).

Directory of Ezines is also involved in the training and development of its members of the latest tools and modern resources as relates to SEO through email marketing.

Ezines are online newsletters and electronic magazines that are sent to subscribers via their email address or website.

Ezines marketing can be effective in increasing your website traffic and high sales because Ezines are sent to your target market no matter how big.

It is a process of building a buyer ready list for all your product and service, an ezine is another model and variance of Global MoneyLine

When you sign up with the Directory of Ezines, you will yet be trained on how to create a strategy and build an article marketing campaign that will add value to your targeted audience.

Ezines Marketing is very key and essential part of any great business until you showcase your products and services in the marketplace, your niche audience will never know what you are selling or the worth of your products.

Directory of Ezine is another program from the Click Bank affiliate network. You can read more about Ezines Directory on Wikipedia.

I have reviewed over 400 of such products. Some other such products include:

Importance of Directory Of Ezines To Your Busines

  • Ezines are electronic mail subscriptions that are received frequently by every subscriber. It can be published in a variety of topics and subjects, it depends on the niche in focus.
  • Ezines are great for you if you have hot products and services to offer people because you have already made and TARGETED audience for you in E-zine directories, just confront them with your offering, sit down and start raking in the cash.
  • Every great and successful Internet marketer must make use of email marketing to make great sales. For effective conversion or sales to take place, email marketing must be implemented; it has been proven to be very reliable and effective for many years.
  • Ezines are never spammed, it is meant for every subscriber, which implies that you must subscribe before you receive the Ezines, this implies that is permission-based.
  • The Ezines are niche focus and targeted. When people subscribe to a certain promotion such as “best ways on how to make money from a website” these individuals will continue to receive emails from this source that is only relevant to the stated topic. Ezines can be used for advertisement, these are already made a list of people in a particular niche, and you can direct your ads towards this set of audience. You can also employ both free directory Ezines and paid ones. The paid one is very avoidable most especially if you are a member of this program you will have a lot of discounts.
  • In the Directory, a lot of publishers accept joint ventures promotion; they will do solo ads for you and you will split the income in return. Not all publisher does this but DOE listed the names of the publishers involve in this joint venture scheme.

    Every DOE members are not limited to various Ezines but so many other resources such as Ezines advertising directory, member-only webinars, free ads, success library
  • The Ezines can be trusted because they have been around since 1997
  • You can always promote your content through content marketing with E-zine

 What I Like About Directory of Ezines

Great Tools And Training

The Ezines provides its new users’ training on how to go about advertising online. The trainees is all about in copywriting, email advertising, marketing strategies, and conversion rate optimization.

The training program will give you access to a database of E-zines with regular updates. The database comprises hundreds of E-zines that are in several categories.

Additionally, you get vast knowledge of business promotion and several ways and methods to promote your business online that will increase your sales.

Professional Community

Immediately you sign up with the Directory of Ezines, you receive a warm welcome from a community of professionals who have vast experience.

The community will come to your aid whenever you have any challenge, they are always available to answer your questions on how to increase sales and promote your business.

You can also seek direct consultation with the owner Charlie Page for any further clarification, which is a rare opportunity.

Directory Ezines Affiliate Program

Directory of Ezines has a great profitable affiliate program that will earn you $90 per conversion i.e. 50% of the subscription fees; this is a great way every member can make extra money.

Directory of Ezines is a very reliable brand that has been around for a long time.

They will definitely pay you whenever you convert and a subscription come through your link.

The Directory of Ezines is a onetime subscription to its members. There are no hidden charges or upsell. The membership program provides a training module package, advertising coupons, and Ezines list.

Once you become a subscriber you remain a subscriber forever thus an added advantage to promote your business online.

My Issue With Directory of Ezines

  1. Too Expensive

Although the Directory of Ezines is worth your every penny, it is too pricey especially for those who are starting out in the online marketing business.

The program is expensive to promote and increase business sales. There are other affiliate marketing strategies that you can use other than the Directory of Ezines that are a bit cheaper and pocket-friendly.

      2. No Free Trial

A lot of online marketers like testing the waters before signing up to be subscribers or member. You will need to pay the one time $197 before you can have access to try and see how the directory works.

     3. Not All Publisher Have Latest Ezines

There are many so-called e-zine directories all over the Internet; many of these directories DO NOT have the latest E-zines. A lot of these e-zine publishers entice subscribers to their list with free offerings.

Ads through e-zines are great but you may not rely on it most especially if it is a free ad; paid ads have a better chance of converting than a free one.

directory of ezines

Is Directory of Ezines Legit or Scam?

Directory of Ezines is legit and not a scam. It is all about using the opportunity of using an extensive database of the ezine for your marketing and sales for your online marketing.

The problem with the Directory of Ezines is the high cost of the subscription.

But, the subscribers are not complaining. It seems that they are happy.

The question you should ask is that, will you need the Directory of Ezines (DOE) in the 21st century?

Is a directory of ezine worth the money? To be straight forward with you as many readers, I will not buy the Directory of Ezines.

Ezines is an old way of marketing; it is a waste of time employing such a marketing model today in the 21st century.

What do you think of my Directory of Ezines review? Can you make money with Directory of Ezines? Is Directory of Ezines legit or scam? What is your take?

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is Better Than Directory of Ezines

Wealthy Affiliate is just the best in the world today, you will learn how to turn your passion into making money online.

By joining Wealthy Affiliate make making money online reality for me and this is not for me alone but for thousand of other affiliates around the world.

What makes Wealthy Affiliate so teak? It is cost-effective when you join the premium program you have 25 websites with hosting with a lot of support you have never seen in any program.

We have more than 100 video tutorials with text stating step by step of how to build your own business online.

You also have access to the owner Kyle both privately and otherwise with support from another affiliate 24/7, just ask the questions and someone somewhere will always respond to your question and put you through on how to resolve your challenge either graphically or otherwise.

Learn more about Wealthy Affiliate here.

What is your take on the Directory of Ezines?

Do you agree with me? What is your best email marketing? what method or program do you prefer?

And what is your ideal affiliate program? Do you have an alternative to Wealthy Affiliate?

What do you think? Can you really make money with the Directory of Ezines? Please drop your thought.

Note: Please know that you can always contact me at Wealthy Affiliate, this is my Personal Profile.

Also, do well to leave your comment here. Do you have any questions? I will respond to you immediately.

Is Directory Of Ezines Worth It?

Thanks for read my Directory of Ezine review. Can you make money with Directory of Ezine? Is Directory of E-zine legit or scam?

This is my take about Directory of Ezine (DOE).

The Directory of E-zine is legit for it has been around for like forever (since 1997) and the price for subscription is an indication of its quality.

So do you think you can use this program to build your list so as to make money online?

My only challenge with this program is that several members of the lists in the directory may become old and if not refreshed or purged regularly it may not be useful to the members.

The program is very great when you are just starting out in the online marketing business; the Directory of Ezines is the best program to subscribe.

Because each of the niche lists has been sorted out, you are to just decide your niche market and focus on sending your sales letter.

Not only will you get lifetime support from the program but also learn how to increase your sales by creating traffic to your website.

You will get access to Ezines and have enough knowledge of how to promote your business in a short time.

For those who are determined to start making a five-figure profit online, the Directory of Ezines will take you through efficiently and guide you forever.

What do you think of my Directory of Ezine review? Is Directory of Ezine legit or scam? Can you still make money with Directory of Ezine today?

You will get a supply of Ezines to market your products and a clear guide on advertising campaigns the will help you make great profits.

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 Directory Of Ezines Review – Video

2 thoughts on “The Directory of Ezines 2.0 Review: Can You Still Make Money?”

  1. This e zines seems great to me; the challenge is the cost. Do you have alternative to this program that is cheaper than this? It will help me build up my list but the cost is too high. Please revert.

    1. Hi Ezekiel,
      thanks for coming by. Yes there are lot of e-zines out there, all you need doing is to google. You will need to look out for a fresh and regular updated list. BUT Directory of Ezines may be costly but it is a one time payment and you have a lot of list with various niches of your choice. It is a great products that will help you build your list.

      Thank you.

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