You are here because you want to know how to import from China. But Can you make money importing from China?
One of the most profitable business models is importing useful products from China and reselling them either online or offline for your profitability.
In this article, you will know my thought about importing goods from China.
If I think it is safe to introduce your products or goods from China, it is only saved to import from China, but you must get the process and procedure right.
I will also elaborate on the best ways to safely import from China that has been proven not to hurt your business.
Some other ways can ruin your business and fortune if you don’t know your onion in this business of importation from the Chinese market.
Lastly, in this article, you will also learn various tips employ to know if a Chinese supplier can be relied on; these are proven tips I have used for years now, and it has paid off several.
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Is It Safe To Import Goods From China?

The importation of goods or stocks from the Chinese market is not safe unless you are sure the supplier can be trusted.
And you will need to start dealing with such suppliers before you can realize if they can be trusted or not.
Some Chinese suppliers may not send your stocks or goods after you must have paid to them and it is so bad now that some may even decide to send your products but may send those goods and stocks not according to specification and by agreement.
And if you get sent banned and illegal products, the custom will impound your stocks and you risked being prosecuted and jailed; this is if at all the good is yet to get to you and you are however to start selling.
Just because some fraudulent suppliers sent you illegitimate and banned products; since such commodities and stocks may be illegal in your country of residence.
This is the reason to employ trusted suppliers that will not scam you and send you the right product as detailed in the purchase or buying agreement form.
This can be avoided if you can verify and be sure that the supplier you are about dealing with has a good track record and that such a supplier will send you your legitimate products.
This is where research comes to play; you will need to do a lot of research to ascertain the status of legitimate Chinese suppliers.
There are so many tools and directory employed to achieve this; this will be examined in this article.
Tools To Find Trusted Chinese Suppliers
Below are my trusted ways of locating and choosing my suppliers from China:
SaleHoo – Directory of Wholesale and Suppliers
SaleHoo directory of wholesale and suppliers is my secret tool to find trusted and proven suppliers from China, and this has paid off several when I have problems or challenges with my stocks.
You may be wondering why I depend on SaleHoo Wholesale Directory to sort out the trusted suppliers for me?
Directory of SaleHoo of Wholesales has in the database a list of legitimate and trusted suppliers in the world.
Yours is to access the directory and make your choice of your desired suppliers as relate to the kind of product you are importing from China.
If you are sure of getting your products through suppliers then you are okay to go on importing your stocks and goods from China.
They have great stuff that you can earn a lot of money with a good margin.
SaleHoo Wholesale Directory has been around for a while, they don’t just admit any suppliers, and they only deal with the trusted and proven suppliers around the world.
They also have a well-kept standard that sorts out fake and fraudulent suppliers from SaleHoo Directories of suppliers.
You also have access to user reviews of well-behaved and respected suppliers; each supplier is reviewed for feedback after a successful supply has been made.
Every supplier in SaleHoo Directory knows that what people say about them is key to their business because new users will be banked on using suppliers with a positive review.
SaleHoo Directory of Suppliers also has no place for suppliers with the frequently negative review, they are often delisted.
With SaleHoo Directory of Suppliers, I deal with many Chinese suppliers with a lot of confidence and believe that my goods and stocks will be delivered in great shape.
Drop Shipping With Miniinthebox and AliExpress
These are two major huge wholesale online stores in China. Miniinthebox and AliExpress are two different entities that are heavily involved with dropping shipping.
What is dropshipping, is a process by which an online store owner supplies the goods sold through wholesales suppliers or sellers on Miniinthebox or AliExpress.
Meaning instead of the store owner supplying the goods directly, they involve a drop shipper(s) who is a seller on Miniinthebox or AliExpress to supply the goods for him or her.
The online store owner does not need to have the physical goods before they start advertising or sending traffics to their stores.
They only have to purchase goods from a wholesale seller who will then forward the goods to the buyer directly without involving the online store owner.
Top Tips To Start Importing From China
Are you thinking of importing from China?
These are important tips and precautions that will save you your funds and resource.
You should know that China is a big player in the world trade transactions, this can only get better for China since the USA is now closing her doors to more foreigners.
China will get better over time and attract more people to it.
There are a lot of third world countries that have fully embrace China importation and the list is growing.
Here are some tips to keep in mind while importing from China.
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Deal With Trusted Suppliers
Ensure you only deal with well-known suppliers that have been in the trade business for three or more years. Avoid new entrance by all means.
Employ Suppliers With Positive Review
You can easily Google for review on any of your selected suppliers, only decide on suppliers with a positive review.
Avoid New Suppliers
Check the websites of the suppliers so as to know how long they have been in the business of supplying stocks to other countries
Go For Sample Imported Stocks First
Always purchase sample goods first before you purchase stocks of good.
This will help you set the standard for exactly what you want from the suppliers.
Research The Physical Location Of Your Suppliers
Always check the suppliers up to know the exact location and physical address of the suppliers. You can use Google place for this verification.
Avoid Restricted Imported Products
Find out that the product you are planning to import is not against the law in your country.
Otherwise, you will not be able to receive your goods though you must have paid the suppliers.
The Government of your country may prosecute you and may result in jail
Visit Your Suppliers If You Have The Means
If you are indeed going into it on full scale i.e. large scale importation. It is advisable to visit your suppliers or manufacturers and the agents in China first.
Visiting the suppliers will create a great bond and help you know the physical address of the location. And also, you will also get to inspect the physical products you are planning to import.
Eliminate Known Risk Through Proper Documentation
It is also essential you document your negotiation officially for a clear contract, which will help you reduce risk.
Ensure you employ the internationally agreed INCOTERMS or International Commercial Terms.
It states in clear terms “right and obligations of each of the parties that enter into a contract for the delivery of goods or stocks”. That elaborates on the responsibilities of both buyers and sellers in an importation contract.
Decide Payment Method For Your Imported Goods
The contract must also cover the type of payment you agree on, what percentage you are paying for full delivery or if LC (letter of credit) is being employed in the payment.
It is important to note here that China suppliers like instant wire transfers. The mode of payment must be stated in clear terms.
Know Your Country Trade Tariff Structure
Get to know about your country Trade Tariff, as an importer you must familiarise yourself with your country’s tariff structure so as to know what the customer will eventually charge you for your goods at the port of entry.
And this must be a factor in your profitability.
Know The Various Commodity Code For Every Imported Good
Understand the importance of commodity codes. Knowing your commodity code is key when you are importing from China.
You will need to know the correct commodity code for your goods, this will help you file and document your goods with custom.
Commodity code is a ten-unit number for every importation outside the EU. The code will aid you in knowing the duty rates and any other restrictions as relating to goods importation.
What Is Transportation Method For The Imported Goods
Decide on a method of transportation. The type of transportation you employ is very important to your profitability and this also depends on the nature of goods and stocks you are importing from China.
You either handle the logistics by yourself or outsource to the expert i.e. Freight Forwarders.
Your major transportation options when importing from China are air and sea. It is also dependent on how fast you want the goods delivered and the level of security you desire.
Shipping by air will be appropriate if you want your stocks to deliver in a good time with a great level of security.
If you are importing smaller goods from China, you might even get them to deliver through the air. This can even be at no cost to you. This depends on your negotiation and agreement of purchase.
Ensure you have a great deal during negotiation.
Conclusion on How to Import From China?
What do you think of making money importing from China?
People are making a lot of money by reselling goods and stocks imported from China.
You now know that it is safe to import goods from China only if you follow the above procedures.
I also highlighted some tips you must look out for when and before you start your importation. This will help safe guides your funds and resource.
This is how to import safely from China. I have followed and use the above strategies severally and it has worked for as many people as possible.
You can also leverage on some selected well know online wholesalers firm highlighted on this page.
Are you importing from China before now?
What is it like making money importing from China?
I also recommend you read my article on the SaleHoo Directory of Wholesalers. This is for several lists of trusted and proven suppliers all over the world.
Any suppliers selected from these directories are okay to deal with.
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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
Hi John,
This is a great lead. Knowing that I can import from China from Canada where I am based is a good news. I love site like Mininthe box and AliExpress.
Really love you webpage. You have a lot of great resource.
You are always welcome and always feel free to drop a line in my comment area if you need any help or may be you have something for my readers.
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