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Home » PERSONAL DEVELOPEMENT » 29 Top Highest Paying Jobs In The World for 2023

29 Top Highest Paying Jobs In The World for 2023

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You are welcome to my Top 29 highest paying jobs In the World.

Are you a College or University student? Why chase a career that will pay you less?


Yes, your interests matter; In fact, a high-paying career is not essential to every person, but don’t you want better pay?

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” –Confucius

But if you seek to know those high-paying jobs that can make you very rich, then you must take a look at these 29 Highest Paying Jobs In The World with an average salary of over $100,000 yearly.

You will learn the following about these top professions:

highest paying job
  • Who they are
  • What they do
  • Education Requirements to attain those jobs
  • Average Salary and,
  • Benefits of attached to getting those jobs

Estimated reading time: 46 minutes

Must-Read Articles


  • Who Is An Anesthesiologist?

An Anesthesiologist is a very vital person when it comes to medicine.

An Anesthesiologist is one of the highest paying jobs in the world and they are physicians responsible for putting a person into surgery by inducing them with anesthesia.

He specializes specifically in this field. An Anesthesiologist can be categorized as a doctor who has attained the required qualification by going through college and medical school.

The academic requirements must be met before qualifying as an Anesthesiologist. He or she must specialize in all forms of drugs that induce sleep during surgery.

The drugs vary, and the anesthesiologist must have the knowledge required of all these drugs.

An anesthesiologist must always be with the patient both before and throughout the surgery.  

And, finally, during the postanesthesia step to ensure the patient has responded well to the drugs and the aesthesis process.

An example of an anesthesiologist is an obstetrical anesthesiologist that deals with pain during childbirth.

  • What Does An Anesthesiologist Do?

what is anesthesiologist about

An anesthesiologist performs the aesthesis on the patient prior to the surgery.

The anesthesia is supposed to relieve the patient’s pain when undergoing surgery.

The anaesthesiologist thus puts the patient into anesthesia using some prescribed drugs and medicines, which are extreme to induce heavy sleep thus reducing the possibility of a patient feeling any pain whatsoever.

In cases where a patient requires special care during recovery, the physician who is responsible for that would be most likely be the anesthesiologist.

He or she plays some specific roles during surgery.

First and foremost the anesthesiologist must meet with the patient before the surgery day to run some tests on the appropriate drug to use on them.

After that, they must be present before the surgery to administer the aesthesis treatment, and during the surgery process, the anesthesiologist will monitor the vital signs of the patient.

They also make adjustments to the patient if necessary to rule out any potential danger or life-threatening scenarios that may occur during surgery.

This is one of the Highest Paying Jobs In The World.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Anesthesiologist

Firstly, he or she should know medicine and pharmaceutical.

An anesthesiologist must have gone to college and completed their degree then go to medical school for a period of four to five years.

Aside from that, an anesthesiologist must have completed a one-year internship in their area of specialization.

The internship ensures that the anesthesiologist receives a more practical approach in their field of study. A residency in aesthesis is also required to qualify as an anesthesiologist.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of An Anesthesiologist?

The first benefit an anaesthesiologist enjoys is the working hours.

They don’t have to work regular hours like other doctors and nurses.

They technically work when they are called upon or on the occurrence of a surgery.

Besides that, training as an anesthesiologist ensures job security as not so many people specialize in this field thus there are more job opportunities out there than ordinary doctors their specialization in the area is an added advantage too.

When you take a look at the salary, it ranges from around $300,000 to $400,000 per annum.


  • Who Is A Surgeon?

A surgeon Falls under a class of physicians that deals with the changing of body parts and tissues as a result of a deformity, injury, or illness.

They will treat the injury or disease mainly through an effective means or surgery.

The surgeon is one of the highest paying jobs in the world and also a critical physician as they are most of the time faced with life-threatening illnesses and are given the hard task of saving the lives of patients who are in dangerous conditions.

They can dissect and cut a human or animal tissue to repair it or in an attempt to detect a default or problem in the body of the organism.

Surgeons vary and are of many types including neurosurgeons, dental surgeons, cardio surgeons, nerve surgeons, and cosmetic surgeons.

  • What Does A Surgeon Do?

A surgeon takes part in operating the body of human beings in case there is an illness, injury, or anomaly that needs to be rectified.

Surgery, however, involves more cutting of the human tissues to repair it to fix a life-threatening disease.

Surgeons should be cautious in performing their operations because if anything goes wrong, the patient might die while still in surgery.

Some surgeries can take an extended period if the issue is critical and requires much attention, while others take only a few minutes to be completed.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Surgeon

average salary surgeon

A surgeon is like any other physician thus has first to have a basic undergraduate degree in a science preferably biology or chemistry.

It is indeed one of the highest-paying jobs in the world.

To add to that, a surgeon should go through four years of medical school which is mandatory from a well-known medical university.

A residency of not less than three years also falls under the educational requirements.

Once a surgeon is through with their residency an internship follows which varies with the specific type of surgeon.

With these entire academic qualifications followed the latter, one can commence their work as a surgeon.

Although, some surgeons require extra years of extended studies to be more competent and qualified.

A Doctor of Medicine (MD) and a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) is also an educational requirement.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Surgeon?

The salary varies according to the area of specialty.

A general surgeon does not receive the same wage as a neurosurgeon or cardiovascular surgeon.

The salary range of a surgeon is $350,000 to $468,000. Surgeons also have so many other benefits.

If a surgeon socializes in a particular field, the advantages are more as compared to a general surgeon.

A surgeon may even have health insurance, house allowance which is just but a few. Another Highest Paying Job In The World

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Obstetrician and Gynecologist

  • Who Are An Obstetrician And A Gynecologist?  

An obstetrician and gynecologist are almost the same as they both deal with the woman’s reproductive system, childbirth, and pregnancy.

This is my favorite of the top Highest Paying Jobs In The World.

An obstetrician and gynecologist can help a woman throughout her pregnancy period.

A woman’s reproductive system is quite essential as it acts as the core through which any human being is given life.

An obstetrician specializes in the area of childbirth while a gynecologist specializes in the woman’s reproductive system.

  • What Do An Obstetrician And Gynaecologist Do?

An obstetrician and gynecologist (OBGYN) deals with the delivery of babies and performing cesarean sections to mothers who have difficulty in delivering children and have some complications to ensure the safe delivery of the babies.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Obstetrician And Gynaecologist

The educational qualification required is having an undergraduate degree from a certified college, going to medical school for four years, and coming out with a Doctor of medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy.

Finally, an Obstetrician or a gynecologist has to complete a four-year residency to become a fully certified doctor; this is why it is one of the highest paying jobs in the world

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of An Obstetrician And Gynaecologist?

Regarding salary, obstetrician, and get a salary of about $138000 to $225000 per annum.

Aside from that their working schedules are not full-time as other doctors can deliver babies and they are only called upon, in the instance of a serious issue such as ectopic pregnancy and so forth.

Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon

  • Who Is An Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon?  

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is one who has specialized in treating facial disorders mostly associated with the jaws and majorly the oral cavity.

People who have facial deformities as a result of their oral cavity visit the maxillofacial surgeon to try and fix their oral structure to look normal.

  • What Does An Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon Do?

The work of this group of specialists involves performing surgery to patients who have problems with their dental cavity and maxillofacial area that majorly affects the bones on the forehead and cheeks of any patient.

They also repair the tissue in this area in case an injury occurs.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon 

To qualify as a certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon one needs at least to have gone to a pre-medical school for about two years.

Later on, one must attend a dental, medical school and graduate with a Doctor of Dental surgery (DSS) degree after four years.

Finally, a hospital residency program of not less than four years should be met.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of An Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon?

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon earns a salary of around $240, 500 excluding other allowances that are set aside.

The maxillofacial surgeon  is very important to humans and this is why it is one of the top and highest paying jobs in the world

They also enjoy essential benefits according to their job group and level of academic qualifications and work experience which varies.

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  • Who Are Orthodontists?

does orthodontist do

An orthodontist is a specialty that deals with mispositioned jaws and teeth with the aim of correcting them to make them look presentable.

An orthodontist resembles a dentist to some extent but exists solely to help put in place the bad placed teeth and jaws.

This is one of the very rear Highest Paying Jobs In The World.

  • What Does An Orthodontist Do?

Appearance matters quite a lot, and a wrong dental outline and arrangement of teeth will portray a bad facial appearance.

To enhance the appearance of the teeth and jaws, the orthodontist performs procedures that help put the teeth in place and in their correct position.

Malocclusions are also a defect that is treated by orthodontists as the upper and lower jaw doesn’t tend to fit together thus the specialty corrects this anomaly.

They use hardware such as braces to align the teeth together.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Orthodontist

You must be a graduate of a well-known medical school, to start by.

Also one must complete at least two years of training in bite problems and its prevention measures and other mouth deformities and neuromuscular problems.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of An Orthodontist?

The salary of an average orthodontist who works at a hospital is around $90K per annum.

While the orthodontist who is not employed tends to earn more than $100k per arum and can even go up to $200k per year compared to the average working orthodontist that works in the hospital.

An orthodontist is indeed one of the highest-paying jobs in the world. 


  • Who Is A Physician?

A physician is a medical PR actioner who doesn’t deal with surgical means in treating their patients.

Physicians are more like standard doctors and deal with the patient’s wellbeing.

This a popular profession with not many of them and reason for being one of the Highest Paying Jobs In The World

Physician carries the whole scope of doctors be it gynecologists, dentists, surgeon, anesthesiologist, and so on.

The patients not only need physical treatment but also need their doctors to foresee their wellbeing and that’s where a phi comes in.

  • What Does A Physician Do?

Since a physician is a doctor, he or she does ensure that their parent is well by checking up on them and even trying to manage their stress and encourage them towards recovery.

A doctor would be meaningless if he would not seek to foresee that their patient is well and comfortable both mentally and physically.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Physician

A physician needs the necessary training that a doctor undergoes through.

A basic physician needs to have an undergraduate qualification, get to medical school, and graduate with their Doctor of medical certificate after four years.

An internship period of one year or more depending on the doctor’s specialization and finally has gone through a residency program to qualify as a physician.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Physician?

The salary of a physician varies. Since a physician can be any doctor in any field, the salary would also vary depending on what one has specialized in.

The salary cannot be the same for a physician who is a surgeon and a physician who is a dentist.

The benefits are also different depending on the field of specialization. What do you think of my Highest Paying Jobs In The World article so far?

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  • Who Is A Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists are doctors who have specialized in treating patients with mental illness and not physical diseases.

In other words, they try and run tests to determine patients that are a bit crazy and have lost their sanity.
Mental illness is mostly associated with the brain and may be a result of trauma, head, or brain injury.

If a person loses their mind, then a psychiatrist is the most recommended medical practitioner to handle such a case to make a mentally challenged person regain their sanity.

Apart from mental disorders a psychiatrist also deals with behavioral and emotional disorders.

  • What Does A Psychiatrist Do?

A psychiatrist, first of all, performs a diagnosis to determine a patient’s state of mind by evaluating their past experiences.

If they detect something is wrong then they tend to apply some psychological treatments that should help a patient return to their right state of mind and ultimately cure their mental illness.

Different types of medications are established to help a patient recover.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Psychiatrist

Like all other medical actioners, psychiatrists must think first of all complete a bachelor’s degree in a pre-medical school.

After that, they proceed to a medical school for four years while emphasizing subjects and topics that deal with psychology, the brain, and neurological issues.

Lastly, a psychiatrist must undergo a psychiatric residency for four years to practice their skill in patients before going to the field.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Psychiatrist?

The average earnings of a psychiatrist are around $210,000; however, this figure varies depending on the age group, level of experience in the practice, and specialization in the field of psychiatry.


  • Who Is A Pediatrician?

A pediatrician is a medical PR actioner that deals with childcare when a child is still young between birth and the age of five years.

It is a very sensitive job and also well paid and this is why it is one of the highest paying jobs in the world. 

They make sure the child stays healthy always by regularly checking on their health progress now and then.

It is essential for a parent to have a pediatrician for their child from an early age

  • What Does A Pediatrician Do?

Pediatricians ensure that the child has a healthy body by running tests on the child on a regular basis, providing the vaccines necessary for childhood.

They also advise the mother on how to take care of the child to avoid exposing them to illnesses that are common in children.

The pediatrician can also advise the parent on the right foods to give the child to boost their overall growth.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Pediatrician

A pediatrician requires an essential undergraduate degree in a pre-medical school. After that a four-year training in a medical school in pediatrics, childcare, and development.

Finally a three-year residency pediatric residency.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Pediatrician?

Pediatricians earn an income of roughly $132,000 in a single year if they are employed in a hospital. However self-employed patricians make more than the average doctor.

In the U.S, the pay varies from state to state and is not similar in all the countries.

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  • Who Is A Dentist?

Highest Paying Job In The World

A dentist is a medical specialist that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to the mouth which includes the teeth, both upper and lower teeth, gums, tongue, and generally the whole mouth cavity.

  • What Does A Dentist Do?

A dentist does occasional check-ups on patients to examine their dental health and the state of their oral cavity preferably after every month or twice per month.

Apart from checks, the dentist does minor procedures like removing a tooth that is weak and finally filling up a tooth that has a hole.

These are the necessary procedures and treatments a dentist performs in everyday life.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Dentist

A dentist must undergo the standard four years of undergraduate studies to get a degree, followed by going to medical school to get a doctorate in dental medicine and a doctorate in medical surgery.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Dentist?

Dentists earn a hefty salary and receive excellent benefits as they play a very crucial role in the human body.

Dentists earn about an estimated $138,756 to over $204,000 per arum without calculating any allowances that come with it as they defer in different states.


  • Who Is Prosthodontics?

Prosthodontics is a specialty that deals with missing teeth to restore or replace them, and also deals with jaw problems.

This is a specific area of dentistry as a regular dentist cannot perform it.

Prosthodontics also helps with snoring disorders in some patients once in a while.

  • What Does A Prosthodontics Do?

Prosthodontics fixes missing parts of a tooth such as the crown or fixes a tooth that has been injured or decayed.

This type of specialist can also put ceramic cosmetics on the tooth caps to improve and enhance the appearance of the teeth.

Finally, the tooth can be reshaped to the desired shape that the patient wants or to fill a gap that might be in the tooth.

Aside from that, a prosthodontist uses dentures in case of a missing tooth or missing teeth. Dentures are like false teeth which can be clipped or implanted in your tooth.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Prosthodontics

A specialist in this field must attend not less than four years of dental school to be a doctor of dental surgery, and then a three-year program through the American Dental Association which is similar to a residency program in prosthodontists.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of Prosthodontist

Prosthodontists are paid the lowest compared to other dental specialists like a dentist, orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

An average prosthodontist’s salary is around $165,000 per year which is almost double if what an Oral and maxillofacial surgeon earns.

Nurse Anesthesiologist

  • Who Is A Nurse Anesthetist

This is a specialized certified nurse that deals specifically with the administering of aesthesis during medical procedures to the patient.

They are more like the anesthesiologist only that they are nurses.

They also help the patient to manage their pain and assist them through their recovery process until they are fully healed.

  • What Does A Nurse Anaesthetist Do?

Nurse Anaesthetist plays various roles in the medical sector. To begin with, they have to perform tests on a patient before any procedure that requires aesthesis.

This is done to determine if the patient has any other conditions that may pose a problem when administering aesthesis.

Secondly, they have to be present during surgical, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures to administer the aesthesis to the patient when needed.

They also unblock nerves when the need arises, and they also monitor the vital signs of patients during any of the above-mentioned medical procedures.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Nurse Anaesthetist

The educational requirements of a Nurse Anaesthetist are a bit steep.

He or She must have a bachelor of science in nursing, have at least a minimum of 12 months as an experienced RN in a care unit such as ICU,

And also have a master’s degree from an accredited nursing program in anesthetist and finally pass the National certification examinations.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Nurse Anaesthetist?

According to the Bureau of labor status, an average nurse Anaesthetist is paid around $80 per hour, which estimates about $ 292,000 per year.

This is without calculating the benefits that come with it because such a nurse does not work all through.

Their pay being calculated per hour can mean much more income if they work more hours.

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It Manager

  • Who Is An IT Manager?

An IT manager is a specialist that manages all the information technology in an organization and oversees the implementation of new technology that is in line with the company’s needs and requirements.

He supervises the rest of the IT department and is head of the department.

  • What Does An IT Manager Do?

An IT manager must ensure other analysts do their work correctly.

Keeping the computer systems up to date and coordinating with other programs so as to know which programs best fit into the company’s computer systems.

They supervise the setting up of new technology in the company and ensure that information is transferred technologically through the computer systems.

  • Education Requirements To Become An IT Manager

An IT manager requires at least a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in the field of information technology and prior work experience if not less than five years to be a manager and supervise other workers.

The experience is crucial to have some knowledge of the technology worked due to its rapid involvement.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of An IT Manager?  

Since IT managers are at a higher rank than other computer specialists like software developers and database administrators they tend to earn more.

In the U,.S.A, an average IIT manager earns around $150,000 per year depending on the company they work in. In private companies, the pay may be higher than in public companies.

Marketing Manager

  • Who Is A Marketing Manager?

marketing manager salary

A marketing manager is a person in charge of the marketing of business regarding products and services.

A company may be offering more than one product or service to its customers, and thus as the marketing manager, you will need to come up with the marketing strategies of products and services to ensure the company makes profits and not loses.

  • What Does A Marketing Manager Do?

A qualified marketing manager will maximize both the use of print and non-print media to try and convince customers to buy their company’s products and services, increase brand popularity by building the brand name.

They look at the marketing segmentation and try to fulfill the needs and wants of each of their sellers.
Marketing majorly deals with shooting commercials and advertisements.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Marketing Manager

The educational requirements for a marketing manager are only a bachelor’s degree in marketing and business administration, which take up to four years.

Basic knowledge of business and marketing strategies is required.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Marketing Manager?

A marketing manager in the U.S.A earns a salary of roughly 100,000 dollars to 120,000 dollars per year if he or she is in charge of the company or hired by a company.

However, there are marketing managers that are explicitly hired when a product hits the market.
Their salary thus varies depending on the marketing campaigns and strategies needed.

Software Developer

  • Who Is A Software Developer?

A software developer is a person who is concerned with the software development process, which involves the design, programming, testing, and installation of the computer program.

These computer programs help average people to perform specific tasks on the computer using the software and applications developed by a software developer.

  • What Does A Software Developer Do?

The software developer creatively creates and innovates software through coding.

A software developer has to create and develop software that will help solve the problem for a specific group of users to make their computing work easier.

The software developer first of all maps out a design, draws the necessary flowcharts for the design, and drafts each step needed.

Using the diagrams the software developer can tell the programmers to write the code for the specific program.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Software Developer

To be a software developer, a person needs to have the necessary computer skills to start with and to further specialize in computer science and attain a bachelor’s degree in computer science and software engineering.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Software Developer?

A software developer is paid over 100,000 dollars as the starting salary.

Most of them, however, get more benefits after selling their software to prominent technological companies.

The highest-paid software developer can earn up to $500, 000 if the software he or she has developed serves a very vital purpose.


Who Is A Podiatrist?

A podiatrist is a medical specialist that has specializes in the treatment of foot and ankle diseases in human beings.

These diseases may be a result of symptoms of diseases such as diabetes, swollen feet, and injured ligaments in the feet.

They are trained to detect, treat, and prevent foot abnormalities and problems related to the foot structure.

What Does A Podiatrist Do?

A podiatrist diagnoses the cause of foot disease, be it from an external or internal injury. Infections, injuries, or even defects can cause foot problems.

They can treat a variety of foot diseases such as corns, calluses, toenails fungus, stinky feet, warts, sprains, foot fractures, bunions among other foot illnesses.

Education Requirements To Become A Podiatrist

To qualify as a podiatrist, one needs to undergo the four basic years of undergraduate education.

Attain a Doctor in podiatric medicine in medical school that takes four years and lastly go through a podiatric residency program.

Average Salary And Benefits Of A Podiatrist?

Since a podiatrist is a rare career specialization, the salary is quite good.

The wages of a podiatrist is around $130,000 per year.

Without including the allowances for individual foot cases that they handle aside from a hospital.


  • Who Is A Lawyer?

does criminal lawyer do

A lawyer is any professional who is licensed to advise and represent others in legal matters.

However, the word lawyer varies depending on the part of the world that it is used.

Some refer to him/her as a barrister, solicitor, counsel or attorney. He or she can be young or old.

  • What Does A Lawyer Do?

The major role of a lawyer is to uphold the law as they protect their clients’ rights.

For them to effectively do that, they must understand the law and be good communicators.

Apart from what they are entitled in the courtroom, they have other responsibilities such as researching information, coming up with draft documents, meditating upon disputes, and counseling their clients on their legal rights.

The tasks depend on the area of interest of the lawyer.

There are different types of specialization in which different lawyers might show their interests; criminal law, patent law, environmental law, business law, tax law, and divorce.

Therefore, the type of duties performed by a lawyer varies depending on their specialization.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Lawyer

It is not easy to become a lawyer. One needs a Juris Doctor (J.D) degree, which in most cases takes around three years for an individual to earn.

However, J.D programs can be applied after acquiring a degree in specific fields such as political science or English though they are very competitive.

First, an individual will have to undertake a Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and then submit their scores to the school they are applying.

On completion of the J.D program, they can take the bar examination in their state which upon passing, they become licensed to work in that particular state.

However, education does not end there, as they have to keep their license valid and be informed of the many changes in the law.

Thus they attend classes regularly for any updates.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Lawyer?

According to the information by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statics, the mean annual wage for the lawyers was $114, 970 as of May 2014.

Other benefits of a lawyer are financial and emotional rewards, the flexibility of their job, a conducive working environment, and skills transfer- alternative legal careers, a wide selection of career options among other benefits.

Sales Manager

  • Who Is A Sales Manager?

sales manager salary

A sales manager is an individual who is in charge of leading and guiding a group of salespeople in a company.

Their work is to set quotas and sales goals, create a sales plan, assign sales training and territories, and evaluate data, mentor the members of their team, and also hire and firing of the members of their team.

  • What Does A Sales Manager Do?

The responsibilities of a sales manager vary depending on the size of the organization for which they work for.

Being in charge of a given section of the workers in the company, they need to come up with the most effective sales strategies for their department to get high sales for the company.

They do motivate their team and direct them on how to make the most deals.

The sales manager in all organizations reports to the sales director who is in charge of all the sales managers in the company.

His work is to instruct the sales manager then in return; the sales manager instructs the salespeople.

Just like a detective, the sales managers need to find patterns in the sales records to find out what is selling best and why.

Thus, his task revolves around reviewing data about the current sales.

Once they discover the magic key that makes a particular product sell more than the other, they take their ideas to the sales director who in turn approves their work plan.

Also, when they are not working on their new business ideas, they hire new members and train them. Guiding the new staff to fall into the system is part of the responsibilities of a sales manager.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Sales Manager

For one to be hired as a sales manager, they need to have a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a lot of emphasis put on marketing.

However, some organizations prefer holders with a master’s degree. Some courses in accounting, finance, mathematics, and statistics among other related fields might be advantageous to the candidate.

Due to the changing face of the global market, the sales managers require computer skills and understanding of the Internet, which most companies have adopted to conduct sales promotions and also advertisement for their products.

Skills from a second language are essential to the sales manager.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Sales Manager?

According to the report by the BLS in 2016, the sales managers earned a mean salary of $117, 960. The lowest-paid sales manager made $55, 790 with the highest causing $208, 000.

Other benefits of a sales manager include having direct contact with the customers since he acts as a go-between for the customer and the organization, carrying out research into new markets, and developing a new product.


  • Who Is An Optometrist?

highest paying jobs in the world

An optometrist is a trained professional who examines the eyes for any defective visions, signs of injuries, abnormalities and ocular diseases, and general health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

In other terms, they are trained as primary health care practitioners.

  • What Does An Optometrist Do?

An optometrist examines people’s eyes to diagnose vision problems such as long-sightedness and shortsightedness.

They get to test the patient’s depth and color perception and ability to coordinate and focus the eyes.

The professionals might prescribe spectacles, or instead, contact lenses or provide other services such as the rehabilitation of the low-vision or vision therapy.

Even though they generally work as primary care specialists, some prefer to specialize in particular fields such as pediatrics, vision therapy, contact lenses, and geriatrics.

Most optometrists work as private professionals and thus the business aspects of running an office, hiring employees, record keeping, and ordering of equipment and supplies become very crucial.

However, optometrists are different from ophthalmologists as the latter are trained to carry out eye surgery and diagnose and treat eye injuries and diseases.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Optometrist

To become a practicing optometrist, one needs to complete a four-year bachelor’s program in a related course such as physiology, chemistry, or biology.

Thus, one requires a bachelor’s degree to apply for optometry programs which are usually very competitive, and it not a guarantee whether you will be selected.

Optometry courses include visual sciences and clinical training in the diagnosing and treating of eye disorders and laboratory and classroom health studies.

Programs such as biochemistry, optics, pharmacology are also included. Upon selection; it takes four more years to complete.

To be allowed to practice as an optometrist, an individual should fulfill the national and state requirements for licensing.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of An Optometrist?

The median salary for an optometrist according to the report by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2016 was $106, 040, with the highest earning of $192,050 and the lowest $52,810 per year.

The benefits of being optometry are that you do not have to work for very long hours, unlike other doctors who work late at night and on weekends.

Again, the pay is good due to the high demand for vision services. In the beginning, they make less money, but as they grow in their experience, they earn more.

Financial Manager

  • Who Is A Financial Manager?
Highest Paying Job In The World

A financial manager is a person responsible for giving financial guidance and support to clients and colleagues for them to make sound business decisions.

That means that they need a good head for figures and for dealing with very complex modeling and analysis and also a sound grasps of financial systems and procedures.

  • What Does A Financial Manager Do?

A financial manager heads a team of financial analysts.

Their work is to oversee the research and reports and also manage the budget of the team.

Also, he or she supervises the accounting process.

There are two types of financial managers, and the first is the managerial, financial manager.

His work is to evaluate all the projects in the company, monitor their development, and resolve the issues, which occur.

The second type is the corporate financial manager whose work is to focus on the future instead of the present.

He assesses the debts and assets of the company and comes up with a plan on how to improve the financial status of the company for the long term.

In all the positions, the work of a finance manager is to ensure they run a successful financial department.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Financial Manager 

To be a financial manager, one requires a bachelor’s degree in accounting, economics, finance, or business. However, most companies today are seeking individuals with a master’s degree in related fields.

To get started, financial managers require experience in other financial jobs such as auditing, accounting, or loan officer.

In other cases, organizations provide formal training management to enable people to prepare to be highly skilled and motivated workers when they become financial managers.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Financial Manager?

Financial management jobs do pay well. The median salary for the profession in 2016 was $121,750, with the highest-earning 208,000 and the lowest at $65,000.

Other benefits of a financial manager are that other employees build their confidence in you when they see your work is admirable.

Also, as an individual, you don’t have to work for long hours, and even on weekends yet you earn a good income.

Financial Advisor

  • Who Is A Financial Advisor?

A financial advisor is a person who offers financial guidance and advice to customers for compensation.

To determine an investment portfolio for a client, they should take into account a range of information including regulatory changes, economic trends, and the customer’s comfort in making risky decisions.

  • What Does A Financial Advisor Do?

A financial advisor assesses the financial needs of a person and assists them with investments, tax laws, and insurance decision-making.

They do help their clients to plan for their long-term and short-term goals such as retirement and education expenses.

The financial advisor invests the client’s money based on the decision of the client. Some also do provide tax advice and sell insurance.

Even though most offer a wide variety of advice, some do specialize for example in risk management and retirement.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Financial Advisor

There are no official requirements for being a financial planner or advisor. Many employees prefer those who have a college education.

However, some universities and colleges offer financial advising, courses in finance, accounting, and other related fields are recommended for a financial advisor.

Coursework in this field includes retirement planning, insurance, and investment tactics.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Financial Advisor?

Senior financial planners who work with an average-wealth client base can earn up to $60,000. Qualified financial planners earn their salary ranging from $30,000 to $45,000 whereas trainee advisers make $22,000 to $30, 000.

They are needed in every cooperation, hence reason for making the list of the highest paying jobs In the World

Other benefits of a financial advisor are that they carry out a lot of research to help the client to invest appropriately.

Again, they create a relaxation mode for their clients since they do most of the work.

Financial advisors also take care of the concerns about taxation before going ahead with the investment.

Business Operations Manager

  • Who Is A Business Operations Manager?

A business operations manager is the go-to woman and man in an organization.

They make sure the company meets its goals. The failure or success of a company is all their responsibility.

  • What Does A Business Operations Manager Do?

Despite the size and nature of the business firm, business operations managers perform various tasks.

They are involved in hiring people, addressing budget matters, understanding the operations of the business, guiding work teams for projects, and negotiating for a firm’s projects.

Also, they make strategic decisions on what the customers are likely to buy and make policies, which help the staff to work effectively.

However, the duties of a business operations manager vary depending on the needs of the company they work for.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Business Operations Manager?

Most of the business operations managers have a degree or a master’s in a business-related field.

However, the specific requirements depend on the organizational hiring. Sometimes significant experience in the company leads to the promotion of this position.

Effective decision-making and communication in a large organization are crucial.

Therefore, the Association for Operations Management offers certification programs in production and inventory management then certifies workers as supply chain professionals.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Business Operations Manager?

Top 25% of earners in this field earn an average of $147,350 according to the reports by the BLS.

On the other hand, those in the bottom quarter of this industry earn $66,000 per year whereas those at the bottom an average salary of $46,000.

This job is are in demand everywhere and this is why it is one of the highest paying jobs In the World.

Other benefits of a business operations manager are that they work in a very conducive working environment.

Again, they are entitled to performance bonuses, health and dental insurance, stock options, profit sharing, retirement saving plans, sick leave, and paid vacations.


  • Who Is A Pharmacist?

average salary pharmacist

A pharmacist is a health professional who practices pharmacy.

They are medication experts who are responsible for patients for receiving the best medical outcomes while at the same time reassuring cost-effective and safe therapy.

  • What Does A Pharmacist Do?

Pharmacists prepare and package medication which the doctor has prescribed and also sell medicine over the counter.

They explain what the drug is for, how the medicine works, what to expect when taking the medication, and what the patient should look out for.

Pharmacists who work with the healthcare teams offer advice on the proper dose, availability, side effects, and monitoring parameters for effective medication usage.

However, in particular settings, pharmacists may work independently or collaboratively to manage the patient’s drug therapy.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Pharmacist Need?

For a person who is interested in becoming a pharmacist, they need a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.).

To be accepted, completion of a pre-professional track, which is typically two years including scientific courses such as anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and physiology, is essential.

Foundational courses in the field are also included. Students may consider Pharm. D. programs which the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accredits.

This demonstrates that a given program is preparing students to meet the standards of the profession.
The curricula in the pharmacy coursework include Pharmacotherapy, pharmacy law, health management, and dosage forms.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Pharmacist?

As of April 29th, 2018, the median annual salary for a pharmacist was $127,361 with a range of $119,784-$136,001.

This is a major reason for making the list of the highest paying jobs In the World.

The salary varies depending on specific factors such as experience level, specific employer, and the area of residence.

Other benefits of being a pharmacist are that not all pharmacy-related jobs require a license.

For example, an individual does not need a permit to work in the pharmaceutical industry. T

he industry also has a variety of positions where a pharmacist is allowed to perform different tasks.


  • Who Is An Actuary?

An actuary is a person who measures and manages risks. An individual needs to have a deep understanding of statistics, business management, and mathematics.

  • What Does An Actuary Do?

Actuaries work with reinsurance, insurance, and consulting companies.

Their work is to quantify the financial impact of the risk; price insurance products based on statistical analysis and help to establish adequate reserves for organizations to remain solvent.

On a daily basis, they might work with Excel and other related soft wares to analyze data or even work with senior-level staff members to establish a risk-averse business strategy.

Therefore, they help the company grow and provide value to their clients.

They support the leaders to make strategic decisions and the customers to prepare for their future.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Actuary

For an individual to become an actuary, they need to have a vast knowledge of business and mathematics.

They need to complete an undergraduate degree in mathematics, finance, economics, business statistics, and other related fields.

However, some institutions offer a specialized actuarial science program though it is not common.

Certification is needed for coursework in economics, finance, and statistics. Also, BLS recommends training in computer science, accounting, and calculus.

  • Average Salary Of An Actuary?

The average salary of an actuary, according to the reports by BLS in 2013, was $107,740.

The actuaries working in insurance companies, brokerages, and other insurance-related organizations earned the highest annual salary of $119,440 while those in the state government earned $79,830.

This is why it is one of the highest paying jobs In the World.

Other benefits of an actuary include good pay, and the profession itself is such an interesting one.

Due to the dynamic nature of academic requirements and the competitive nature of the job, actuaries are heavily compensated.


  • Who Is A Mathematician?

average salary mathematician

A mathematician is a person who has a deep love for mathematics.

He uses high-level math and technology to develop new mathematical principles, understands new relationships between the existing principles, and solve real-world problems.

  • What Do Mathematicians Do?

Mathematicians can recognize previously unknown relationships between known mathematical principles.

They create models to resolve practical problems in fields such as business and engineering, develop computational methods and computer codes, and also expand mathematical knowledge by developing new principles.

Mathematicians get employed in public and private science and engineering and science research. Mostly they work with teams with engineers and scientists.

  • Education Requirements To BecomeA Mathematician

Undergraduate programs give the students the option of selecting a concentration in theoretical or applied mathematics.

Theoretical mainly focuses on basic concepts such as algebra, analysis, and geometry.

Applied mathematics involves the coursework in the relationship between scientific principles and math such as statistics, computations, and optimization.

In both categories, students are needed to understand fundamental areas in mathematics such as calculus and differential equations.

However, a master’s degree offers specific concentrations such as scientific applications and computational science.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Mathematician?

The median annual salary for a mathematician as of 29th April 2018 was $78,454 with a range of $60,757-$92,328.

The salary, however, varies depending on some factors such as the residence and the experience of the mathematician.

Some benefits of studying mathematics are that an individual develops analytical skills and analytical attitudes.

One gets to pay attention to all the assumptions involved in a given problem or situation and break down the problem into a series of tractable steps.

One develops a sense of critical thinking when faced with a complicated situation. What do you think of my highest paying jobs In the World?

Information Security Analyst

  • Who Is An Information Security Analyst?

An information security analyst is a person who reviews and analyzes the IT environment and infrastructure for information security design, implementation, and maintenance-related processes.

  • What Does Information Security Analyst Do?

Information security analysts are crucial in any IT company.

Their work is to protect the company’s computer network from possible cyber threats and security breaches through defense planning and incident response.

The information security analysts assess and test the system for any risks after the security architects and engineers design and implement the network.

Their responsibilities range from overseeing and monitoring private information to examining compromised data and evaluating security threats.

  • Education Requirements To Become An Information Security Analyst

For someone who wants to become an information security analyst, they need a bachelor’s degree in either computer science; programming, or any other IT-related field.

However, some companies prefer applicants who have a Master of Business Administration in information systems.

Programs that offer the Master of Business Administration require two years of study past the undergraduate level, and it involves both business and computer-related courses.

  • Average Salary Of An Information Security Analyst?

The average salary for an information security analyst per year is $76,133 with a range of $55,000-$108,000.

For any organization, an information security analyst is essential. This is because they help to protect the company’s private data.

They monitor the flow of information and prevent it from being accessed by authorized users. They also assist senior management in case they are stuck in obtaining information on computers.

Computer security analysts thus protect the secret of the organization and manage the office network appropriately.

Also, being an information security analyst gives one a priority to work in a conducive working environment as they only work in the office.

Also, within five years of education and experience, the individual earns a good salary which most people dream of.

Computer Network Architect

  • Who Is Computer Network Architect?

A computer network architect is an individual who designs and builds data communication networks for an organization.

The systems might include wide area networks, local area networks, and intranets. It is one of my choice’s highest paying jobs In the World.

They might range from a small connection to a multinational series of globally disseminated communication systems.

  • What Does A Computer Network Architect Do?

Computer network architects are individuals who create plans and layouts for data communication networks.

Their work is to inform the company in which they work in areas that they will require a network and clearly explain why it is necessary to set up.

The architects also are in charge of upgrading software, for example, the network drivers and hardware such as adapters and routers.

They work hand in hand with the computer system engineers who help them to build the network which they have designed.

The planning of implementation of security patches or other countermeasures needs to be taken into consideration when creating systems just in case of any vulnerability.

Another essential part of their job is researching new technologies to analyze the current data to traffic and estimate how growth might affect their network.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Computer Network Architect

For an individual who wants to be a computer network architect, they need at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering, information systems, computer science, or any other related course.

The degree program in the computer-related field gives the network architects hands-on laboratory classes like database design and network security.

The programs prepare network architects to be able to work with different technologies, which are used in networks.

However, some firms today prefer applicants with a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) in information systems.

The MBA programs require two years of study beyond the undergraduate level and include both business and computer-related courses.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Computer Network Architect?

According to the 2016 report by the BSL, computer network architects earned a median salary of $101,210 with the lowest making $55,610 and the highest computer architect making $158,590.

The benefits of being a computer network architect are that they receive dental, medical life insurance, sick, vacation, and retirement plans from their employees.

Some employers are too generous to offer stock options and bonuses hence why it is the highest paying job In the World.


  • Who Is A Psychologist?

A psychologist is an individual who has studied mental processes and human behavior through observing, interpreting, and recording the relationship to one another and the environment. They are very few in the world, hence why it is the highest paying job In the World.

Some work independently while doing research or working with their clients while others work as part of the health care team working together with doctors and social workers.

  • What Does A Psychologist Do?

Psychologists are trained to understand and explain their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and clients’ behaviors.

Some of the techniques that are employed by psychologists include observation, experimentation.

The assessment depends on the topic so that they come up with theories concerning the feelings and beliefs, which influence a person’s actions.

They gather information and evaluate the behavior of laboratory experiments, psychotherapy, or psychoanalysis.

Psychologists also can administer aptitude, personality, intelligence, and performance tests. They also find patterns that help them to understand and predict behavior.

  • Education Requirements To Become A Psychologist

The minimum requirements for a psychologist are a master’s degree while some other positions in psychology require an individual to have a doctorate.

After the completion of a doctorate, one is either awarded a Ph.D. or Psy. D. Degree.

The Psy. D. is ideal for those going for the practice while Ph.D. is ideal for those who want to focus on research or academics.

Obtaining the degrees can take as long as seven years.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Psychologist?

According to the 2015 report by the U.S Labor of Bureau Statistics Occupational Handbook, the average salary for a psychologist was $66,280 per year.

The pay is increased by the skills of the job.

A benefit that comes with being a psychologist is that one gets to meet and interact with a wide variety of people; they run their businesses and especially private psychologists.

They also have flexible work schedules that mean they can do other occupations apart from helping other people to overcome their emotional challenges.

Do you agree with me that it Psychologist is one of the highest paying jobs In the World?

Political Scientists

  • Who Is A Political Scientist?

Political scientists are people who study government, political processes, and political issues scientifically, mostly within the context of an academic institution.

  • What Does A Political Scientist Do?

A political scientist in an academic setting usually asks intelligent questions that are answerable, and the process of research begins from that point.

If in case the questions asked were more philosophical or historical, the researcher might consider reading texts of classical works by ancient philosophers or even more contemporary historical works.

But if the questions required more practical issues such as the government economic policies, the political scientist might consider looking at the current statistics on the current budget rate of inflation or deficit.

Also, political scientists participate in political advice, political commentary, government employment, and direct political action.

These jobs have a lot that goes with it with many benefits and why it is the highest paying jobs In the World

  • Education Requirements To Become A Political Scientist

Political scientists need to complete either a master’s degree or a Ph. D. for them to be competitive in the job market.

For them to be admitted to a graduate program, they should have completed undergraduate courses in writing, statistics, and political science.

Candidates also benefit from having an internship or related work experience.

They also need to complete a Master of public administration, master of public policy, or master of public affairs degree.

This combines several disciplines, and students can decide to choose their area of interest.

The core course offered includes policy formation, program evaluation, research methods, and statistics.

Those who wish to complete a Ph. D. program, need several years to study then finalize with independent research for a dissertation.

  • Average Salary Of A Political Scientist?

The median salary for a political scientist in the year 2015 was $99,730 annually.

According to the report by the BLS, the job growth in the field is estimated to be declining by 2% between 2014 and 2024.

The benefits of studying political science are that it offers a wide variety of courses for specialization. One can specialize in the area that they have an interest in.

Again, being a political scientist one renders services to others, and they get personal fulfillment.

Lastly, this is a fascinating profession which many people admire.

Medical and Health Services Manager

  • Who Is A Medical And Health Services Manager?

medical health services managers

A medical and health services manager is also called a healthcare administrator or a health care executive and it is one of the highest paying jobs In the World right now.

Their work is to plan, direct, and coordinate medical and health services.

They might manage the entire facility or rather specialize in a specific clinical area, or even manage a medical practice for a team of doctors.

They must be able to adapt to any changes in healthcare laws, regulations, and technology.

  • What Does A Medical And Health Services Manager Do?

Medical and health services perform different tasks in the hospital. Some of the functions include:

  1. Supervising the training and recruitment of the hospital staff
  2. Managing the day-to-day records of the facility like the patient count
  3. Following and maintaining records of the budgets
  4. Creating work schedules for healthcare providers
  5. Coordinating of care and services of the healthcare team
  6. Maintaining close communication with medical leadership and directors.
  • Education Requirements To Become A Medical And Health Services Manager

For individuals who would like to be medical and health services managers, they need a bachelor’s degree in health administration.

The programs prepare the students for higher-level management jobs than the programs offered to other graduate students doing other fields.

The courses, which are required for a degree in health administration.

This includes human resources administration, strategic planning, hospital organization and management, health economics, law and ethics, health information systems and accounting, and budgeting.

Some institutions allow students to specialize in particular facilities.

The graduate programs in most cases last two to three years and include one year of supervised administrative experience.

Also, a master’s degree in public health, public administration, long-term care administration, or business administration is also used.

  • Average Salary And Benefits Of A Medical And Health Services Manager?

According to the report by the BLS, the median annual salary in 2015 was $98,350.

The highest earner received $58,350 while the highest got $176,130. This is why it is the highest paying jobs In the World

Various benefits come with being a medical and health services manager.

One gets an emotional reward and also it is a career path as a person can specialize in different facilities.

Lastly, healthcare managers get more income compared to other fields.

Conclusion On Highest Paying Jobs In The World

What is your take on my top 29 Highest paying jobs in the world? Do you agree with me?

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What do you think of my top 29 highest-paying jobs in the world?

Do you know of any other jobs, not on this list?

Kindly educate my audience in my comment area below, we will happily respond to you in good time.

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41 thoughts on “29 Top Highest Paying Jobs In The World for 2023”

  1. Very interesting information, thank you very much.

    The top 10 is full with medical related jobs, interesting (and it requires a long term education)

    I’m a psychologist student, very glad to be on the list hahaha!, but i also have been thinking how to program.

    Definitely surprised about some of these things on this list!

    Thank you! Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks for visiting my site to read my Top 29 Highest Paying Jobs In The World. I am glad you loved it.

      Yes, medical jobs are more important and they involve life; I think this is why they get the highest pay and they seem to be scarce to find too. The little medical professional is available for millions of the population; this occurs in many regions and countries.


      John. A

  2. Hi John,

    I need to send this list to my daughter.

    I always worry that she doesn’t realize about the impacts her decisions on her career will have on her future.

    If you study for a career, you only want to be doing it once, especially with the amount of studying required for some of these jobs.

    Great information here.

    I hope it helps her choose her profession.

    Thank for great website that is solving problem for me and million of people.

    I apreciate you.


    1. Dear Lynsey,

      Thanks for reading my article on the Top 29 Highest Paying Jobs In The World. I am happy you love what I wrote on the highest paying jobs around the world.

      You are right, it is important that every child know what they are going for. Why going to school to read a course that will be hard to secure a job in the first place not to even talk about the salary it is going to offer.

      It is all about who is solving the more serious problem in the world today. And artificial intelligence is even taking people jobs away.

      You are welcome.



  3. Dear John,

    It is nice to have a well-paid job, but shouldn’t people get the job that they dream of rather than what is the best paid.

    It is so uninspiring to be working in a job that you hate even if it does pay well.

    I know this only too well.



    1. Dear Keith,

      Thanks for reading my article and review of the highest paid jobs in the world. I agree with you that people need to get job satisfaction before going after money.

      The problem is that there are so many poor people in the world. Who will not like to get paid good money for doing anything at all?

      The problem is that no matter what anyone gets paid for, it can make them rich.

      You can only be very rich and amas wealthy if you choose to solve the world problem.

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  4. Dear John,

    I remember my dream job was to be a dentist (don’t ask me why, but I am fascinated with teeth).

    To my amazement, it is one of the highest paying jobs in the world today.

    But due to me not paying enough attention at school, I had to follow my second dream job of working with animals.

    Now seeing the wages, I really am wishing I studied harder at school!



    1. Dear Allison,

      I am glad you like my article on top highest paying jobs.

      Is like you are now regretting not following up on your dream profession “dentist”?

      But the question is this, what is the toughest job in the world? The tougher the job the more the pay? Can that assertion be validated?

      Every job has its pain point and every job is very important but there are those that are important than other Jobs.

      Most especially medical Jobs. They are key important to society at large.

      Thanks for visiting my site again.



  5. I really wish I had seen this list when I was deciding what to do with my life. There really is some food for thought here. However, I have to admit that I did not even have a clue what an actuary was. Even for that pay, I doubt I would want to do it :-/ But a surgeon, yes please.

    1. Dear Michelle,

      Thanks for visiting my site and for taken time to read my article on the Top 29 Highest Paying Jobs In The World.

      An Actuaries consultant is an analysis that calculates the cost of risk and any uncertainty.

      They employed statistics, mathematics, and financial model to forecast the risk that an event will occur and they help their clients come up with policies and strategies to minimize or eliminate such risk.

      I hope that is clear?


  6. Wow, I really feel that I am in the wrong field. It just goes to show that if you can get your head around one computer language, your potential to earn big bucks is incredible. Thanks for inspiring me to learn yet another skill.

  7. It is crazy to see that a lot of these are to do with healthcare. As a nurse is a shame that they do not value the people that are the main assistance to the highly paid workers an adequate wage. However that said, it is nice to see live savers being paid a good wage.

  8. When you think about it, Anesthesiologist’s are pretty chill compared to other jobs such as those working in a more fast paced area of the hospital but their role is so vital because anything that could go wrong with their job affects the whole system. So it’s more on getting paid on your value I guess. Also, it’s important to consider your happiness and how much you love what your doing, financial aspects of a job can only bring you so far.

    1. Hi Eugene,

      Thanks for reading my article on top 29 highest paying jobs in the world. As you can observeed from the article, the medical related jobs dominiated the highest paying jobs.

      It is a reflection of how important the medical jobs are. They are the mechanic of our bodies.

      I hope you will visit my site again?

      Regard s


  9. Dear John,

    There are really a lot of information on a lot of great jobs with nice salaries in this article.

    Anybody doing research on careers for there future will find this information helpful.

    Thanks for all the hard work that went into this review.

    Thank you for great write up.


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  10. Dear John,

    Hey, I just wanted to say that all of the content on your site is incredible.

    I never knew how many professions there are where good money can be made.

    Who knew a Political Scientist could make upwards of $99,000+.

    Anyways, loved the content.

    I am Danny


    1. Hi Danny,

      Thanks for reading my article on the Top 29 Highest Paying Jobs In The World. I also appreciate you for liking my review.

      There is nothing like knowing that people are reading your write up and they are even commending your work.

      Yes, there are so many professions you don’t know existed and they pay very well. Though, it is a general knowledge that most medical professions are well-paid professions.

      So, if you have a kid and you won’t mind them depending on salary; then you can point them to the medical field.

      Though for me, the best job in the world is been a blogger; making money from home or anywhere for that matter.

      I am currently writing this now from Kenya and in two weeks time, I should be in Canada. That won’t change nor affect my earnings because I earn online. And I am making money even while I am asleep.

      You can also try it out. It is all about how you can help people ( Your audience).

      What do you like doing? What is your passion or ideas? Wealthy Affiliate can help you turn that into a thriving online business.

      Thanks again for visiting my site.



  11. This is a really interesting post! I didn’t even think a few of these things would be on this list. It’s such a great resource for someone looking for a high paying job or wanting to learn more about any of these careers. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Dear John,

    I always wanted to be a lawyer, with all this information I’m now on overload as i see my other two options .

    I will have to sit down and really pick through this list.

    It is so detailed and well put together.

    Thank you in giving me this information on one page



    1. Dear Marianna,

      Thanks for reading my article on Top 29 Highest Paying Jobs In The World. I am so glad that i can help you with my content.

      Best regards


  13. What an excellent and detailed resource for someone looking to get a high paying job. Love all the details you put into each. But do you think that one is limited to only making such high amounts of money from those jobs or do you think one would be able to exceed the ‘norm’ income in other job areas if they really worked hard for it? Is there really a limit to how much one can make in each field?

    1. Dear Ashley,
      Thanks for visiting my website. Indeed there is no limit to which you can earn! It depends on where you are around the world. The article and an average overview of job demand around the world.

      Pay differs from country to countries but they are all competitive. Generally, the Top highest paying jobs are dominated by medical jobs.

      Such an article can focus the parent of our days to refocus the children and advise them accordingly on what is important if money is in consideration; though interest should be in focus though and not money.

      Thanks for visiting my website again.



  14. I am surprised that the top 10 are all medical jobs. They are all important fields and take a lot of education and on the job training. When I was a kid I dreamed of being a brain surgeon. That sounded cool, but as I grew up I realized that I wasn’t really interested in the medical field.

    Then I became interested in Chemistry. You know, I didn’t see any engineers in your post. I think there should be some Chemical Engineers in the top 29.

    Finally, I ended up in psychology and teaching. I am much more at home in the world of ideas and information. If I had to choose something else, I think that a financial advisor sounds good.

    What other jobs should be next to your top 29 if you have to extend the numbers? I am just courteous. 

    1. Dear PETER,

      Thanks for visiting my website. Yes, the top ten are all medical jobs and that is the reality. The article are results gathered from several job rating agencies and several job sites. 

      To answer your question, other jobs that will make the list after the top 29 highest paying jobs will be Engineering jobs such as computer engineering and core mathematics related courses.  

      Thanks for coming by. 



  15. Thanks for these great job titles that pay well. I guess it comes as no surprise that most of them are in the. Medical field since that is where most people spend money due to one reason or another.

    However I feel owning a business is far greater both financially and personally.

    You don’t have a boss to answer to, you can make as much money as you want there no cap, and you can work on your own terms.

    That’s just me, but I’m sure there people out there that have a passion to be firefighters or baseball players too.

    1. Dear Michael, 

      You are quite right. It is better to have your own business; it will be even better if you can have a business online. You can be making money while sleeping. Warren Buffet said ” If you are not making money while you sleep you will die working for others” Do you want to die working for others? 

      The good news is that you can learn the act of making money online and you can start FREE HERE.

      This is what I do. Making money online is sweet and with great feeling. . . 



  16. Your article has really opened my eyes to the different high paying jobs that exist in the world today. But most of these high paying jobs need a lot of certification, and not to mention a lot of debt needs to created for many people in order for them to be able to achieve these professions. And even if they are being paid high amounts like that, they also need to start paying their student loans back. If you are someone who has rich parents, then you are not worries about all this but if you are an average person wanting to become a doctor for example, paying for education can be quite a big obstacle. Thanks for sharing their incomes though. Some of these jobs are definitely worth fighting for!

  17. Interesting post.

    I always knew that doctors, lawyers and ITs are on top of the list of the highest paying jobs. But I think nurses deserve to be on the list too, because they are as important as doctors. Without nurses, doctors won’t be that effective in treating their patients.

    I wish I had known before that aside from doctors, lawyers and IT engineers, financial managers and advisors and pharmacists also have attractive salaries.

    Just curious, why are civil engineers and architects not included?

    1. Dear Alysanna, 

      Civil Engineers and other Engineering profession are great and they also earn high pays but I only limit my articles to the very few high paying jobs in the world. 

      Thanks for visiting my website.



  18. I did not know that an Anesthesiologist makes close to the same amount as a Surgeon! That is very surprising! I am in the wrong profession but I also do not like to be around other people’s bodily fluids.

    Thanks for this article but I do disagree with your Sales Manager lowest salary of $55k. I was a regional sales manager for a brewery and only made $45k where there was no commission or bonus structure. It might be because I lived in a low paying area or because it was a start up company that could not surpass a certain amount. No saying you wrong just letting you know that there are Sales Management jobs out there that cannot offer that pay. Great article though!

    1. Dear. Traci,

      Thanks for your observation. It is important you know that the salary stated was based on the average salary world wide. Some countries even pay better while some pay less.



  19. What I conclude is that jobs related to the health sector are the best paying jobs. Let’s face it, doctors will always be necessary including surgeons, odontologists, and psychiatrists. The IT department is a high paying income source due to the fact that technological innovation becomes more and more important in our everyday lives. I’m actually thinking of getting a degree in International Business and then dive into the marketing sector. The possibilities are endless, I guess.

    1. Hi John,

      It is always good to keep moving and never to give up improving one self. Opportunity will always come for the prepared.



  20. Hi John and great review on highest paying jobs with a huge wealth of information! I kind of foresaw what the top ranking jobs would be. The medical industry is highly competitive and takes large financing and years of training. Jobs within the computer technical field require the brainpower to succeed. I noticed there were ads between some of the jobs, too. I think the best alternative is to go with affiliate marketing. I’m a Premium member with Wealthy Affiliate for very little cost, expert step-by-step training and people and leaders to help you succeed. Profitability can be catapulting! I learned so much about the job industry in your article.

    1. Hi Nelson, 

      Thank you for your comment and for finding my article interesting. I do agree with you Medical lines and Information Technology is where money are as elaborated in my article. 



  21. Hi Jofa, You really have a long list. I agree that medical practitioners have the highest salary rates because they handle risks of physical life and death. Also, at first I thought that “podiatrist” was just misspelled but I was wrong. With your posts, I have added a bit more knowledge about some medical terminologies I am not so familiar with. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi BA, 

      Thank you for visiting my website. Indeed Medical lines are really pulling earnings and it appears it is in every country. 



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