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Home » SOCIAL MEDIAL MARKETING » Fun Ways to Promote Your Local Business on Facebook

Fun Ways to Promote Your Local Business on Facebook

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Are you on Facebook? Do you know you can promote your local business on Facebook? Yes, you can make money with your Facebook account.

Promoting a product has now become easy and also provided the means through which one can earn income.


This requires you to promote your product on social networking sites.

Speaking of social networking sites, you can now make money using Facebook, the leading social networking site with over a million accounts.

Facebook is a very powerful tool if you’re promoting business with a global reach.

Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

Promote Your Local Business On Facebook

Must Read Articles

What is Facebook?

With over one billion users and the most popular social media platform in the world.

Social networking has bridged gaps and made communication easier.

Speaking of social networking, we cannot forget this famous site called Facebook; you can chat, share pictures, thoughts, and even put a live video for the world to see.

Yes, it is addictive, and almost everyone is on Facebook.

Most people have these questions in their mind, how are people making money?

Are they genuinely making real money on Facebook? Facebook is a for-profit organization.

It is an online social networking site that allows the user to share his/her thoughts, pictures, videos, and much more. If a person likes a post/blog, he/she can share it on his Facebook page.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes, and Eduardo Saverin.

This is a thorough review of Facebook, and it covers a range of ways you can use your Facebook account productively for making money online and offline.

You will also be watching three YouTube on how to make money with and on Facebook. You will thank me later, trust me. Read more about Facebook on Wikipedia.

Do I Recommend Facebook?

The answer is a resounding YES. Facebook is great for sharing your life experiences.

It also allows you to promote your business.

Since everyone uses Facebook, it is a great way to advertise your business. You may have your friend circle/relatives/colleagues in your list.

If you share an idea/product/blog, they can forward it to their friends. This way your business would get visibility.

In a nutshell, I would strongly recommend Facebook for promoting your business/make money.

Can You Really Make Money with Facebook?

Facebook has changed the face of the world. You can post advertisements and what you do on the platform.

There are many businesses, which have their business page on Facebook.

While they do use SEO tools, the presence of social media is as significant.

There are billions of users on Facebook, and the chance of doing business with them is high.

How about expanding your circle? Add related contacts and ask your friends/family/colleagues to share your posts.

For example, if you are a real estate specialist, you can post a picture of a beautiful home and put a caption with it. “Are you trying to find a home?

I love helping people find their perfect home sweet home! If anybody needs my assistance, I would be happy to help.”

If you are a freelance writer, you could find experts, who are in the field and drop a line to them. In case anyone has a requirement, they can hire you!

The most fruitful business is to sell your products online. If you cannot afford to build a website right now, you can make a page for your products.

I have seen home bakers, who are selling cakes, cupcakes, and handmade cards on Facebook. Once you get famous, people start following you.

It is essential for you to post pictures of your client’s diaries as well. Upload screenshots of what your existing clients are saying about you!

If you offer content writing services, you can start your page. If anybody has a requirement, they will visit your page, and you may be attracting prospective clients.

There are some ways you can earn with Facebook! Some companies hire professionals to post promotional content on the page.

Some affiliate marketers share links to articles, and if someone buys the product mentioned in it, then some share goes into their account. Affiliate marketing is trending!

There is a buy and sell group which allows you to sell products. However, there are some rules and regulations you need to follow.

Another useful article that can help you make money online include:

How to Promote Your Local Business On Facebook

The following are the best ways to promote your local business on Facebook that will give you more exposure and leverage in making amazing profits.

***Create A Fan Page In The Right Category***

If it’s a company, let it be one. If it’s about you then choose your proper designation.

A Facebook page that is in a proper category will attract more organic traffic.

If your business is a company, then you can select it as your employers in your Facebook profile.

Also, You can use the page as a profile and like another page. This page will then add to your page home. This way you can cross-promote your pages through Facebook.

***Use Great Profile Picture For Your Facebook Fan Page***

A good profile picture will attract more people to your page.

When your fans share news about you, others will see your name and the profile picture. So make it nice and attractive.

With current Facebook, you can set the headshot of your profile pic.

Drag and align it to make the profile picture look nice. You can have a pic with a height of at most 540 pixels, so use every bit of it.

***Use Videos For Social Media Marketing***

Very few know that you can use Facebook native video in reaching more potential customers through your news feed.

You can do this by creating videos with a local appeal.

The videos do not necessarily have to be about your services or products, nor should you have it done by a professional.

You can simply share a useful tip or cover a local event that will spark the attention of your followers.

***Use More Images***

By using nice photos, you can attract a lot of customers. Ensure you get time to take photos of local photos of your business.

Interesting images always get shared, and by having them on your page, they will attract a lot of attention to potential customers.

When possible you should take photos of local areas as they have more chances of attracting the attention of people who come from or know the place.

Below are other social media websites that can help you make money online:

***Feature Fans And Customers***

You can effectively market your local business by posting photos of your loyal customers to your Facebook page.

A lot of people are always attracted to photos of people that they may know.

You should also encourage your loyal customers to tag themselves in your pictures or share photos taken at your business premises.

Also, ensure you should remember, that only people could tag other people or tag themselves on a Facebook page.

You should also find time to thank your followers and fans through images. By doing this, you will attract more of their Facebook friends.

***Facebook Reviews And Your Physical Business Address***

You can use the reviews feature to show your social proof. Reviews are also displayed on mobile phones. Hence, you should not take this for granted.

If you want to display the Reviews tab on your page, then set your category as Local Business, and you should include a physical address.

You should also ensure that you reply to every review you receive on your page, whether negative or positive.

***Join Local Groups***

You should find Facebook groups and join those that you think would serve as an advantage to your local business.

Be aware of the groups’ rules for posting before joining to ensure that you become a member for the long term and enjoy the perks.

Ensure you use your personal profile to become a member because a Facebook page does not have this capability.

You can also create a group of your own, this is a gold mine traffics source for your local business.

***Facebook Advertisement***

As a local business, you can employ Facebook Advertisement to launch your business into another level.

With more than 1 billion active users, you can leverage Facebook Advertisements to showcase your products and services to the World at a very low cost.

With $5 and above, a local business in Italy can be sighted in a village in India.

Important Of Facebook Advertisement

  • It showcases your business to the world without limitation of the number of people that can view your offerings
  • Presents and establishes your local business as an expert in your field
  • It shows case your business to the right gender and age group only. For instance, if you are a female clothing seller, with the features of Facebook, you can select that your product is for a female and a specific age.

Facebook help in the segmentation of your targeted audience as showing below:

  • Your audience interest
  • Your audience-specific location, age, and gender
  • Activities of your audience on Facebook i.e. Pages and products your target audience already likes and dislikes on Facebook.

***Post Useful Updates On Your Fan Page***

If you don’t update regularly, you will miss out on fan engagement.

Add a mix of text, links, photos, and videos.

Ask questions, share resources and write well wishes.

Allow your fans to write on your wall and when they do, thank them.

***Create Custom Landing Page For Facebook***

With the Facebook iFrame application, you can create a custom tab/page for your Facebook business page.

The best thing about this is you can set a custom message for the first time viewers and assign them to take action. Let it be to LIKE you.

***Create Sub-pages For Your Business***

You can create many pages on Facebook so why stop at one? You can create a page for one of your products.

Google also indexes Facebook pages; so this can bring in search engine positions for your name.

***Offer Incentives***

Offering perks now and then ensures that you grow your followers. The kinds of incentives you can offer are free eBooks, discounts, and gift certificates.

Start with any of these steps, and you are on your way to attracting more fans and potential customers to your local business.

These were the few ways to brand your business through the Facebook fan page. I wish for you to bring great results to your Facebook page.

Facebook Products and Services 

Facebook = Money

You can sell any service or products on Facebook, but you need to remember that Facebook is just a part of the strategy and it is not the whole strategy.

You need to have other advertising strategies. When you try to sell an item on the site, you need to abide by their policies.

If the product does not meet its commerce policies, you would not be able to sell it.

There is a prohibited items list that you need to follow. The products which are banned are –

  • Tobacco-related products
  • Prescribed or Illegal drugs
  • Unsafe supplements
  • Animals
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Alcohol
  • Adult products
  • Gambling services
  • Adult health products
  • Digital products
  • Electronic devices
  • Fake currency

You need to take permission before selling event tickets on Facebook. If you feel that the product/service is not against the rules of Facebook, you can appeal.

Costs/Price Of Using Facebook

Yes, Facebook will charge you to place Ads on this great platform. Placing Ads will help your target audience for your specific products on Facebook.

You can select the age group, locations, and the particular niche market you are focusing on your profitability.

If you want targeted marketing, Facebook is where you will get your product sold but at a little cost. The price and value range from $2, $5 to as much as you are ready to sell.

==>How To Make Money With LinkedIn

What I Like About Facebook

  1. It is a great platform to connect with friends, family, colleagues and prospective clients.
  2. One can share links to product pages/blogs and drive traffic to their website.
  3. It is the largest social networking site, and the icing on the cake is that anyone can join it for free! You can advertise your business to billions of people without any investment.

Issues With Facebook

  1. Most people join Facebook to connect with friends and family. How are you going to attract prospective clients? You need to spend a considerable amount of time to draw group members.
  2. The buy and sell group concept may be too technical for some not-so-tech-freak people.
  3. You have to manage the orders manually. It is a time-consuming process.

Who is Facebook For?

Facebook is meant for all those who wish to sell their products and services. Whether you want to drive traffic to your website/blog or sell your products, Facebook is the ideal place.

And you should rest assured of your safety as long as you take precautions on how to protect your Facebook Profiles and details from hackers.

If you are a home baker or even a choreographer, you can publicize your services and share pictures and videos.

Anyone, who is doing business such as selling particular services and products, can use Facebook to earn money.

It is simple! However, it may be complicated to use the buy and sell group, but you would get the hang of it soon!

How to Make Money with Facebook

There are so many great ways you can make money with your Facebook accounts, listed below are the most realistic and best ways you can consistently make money through your Facebook accounts.

You can continue to earn money through Facebook; it is called passive income. These are what you must do:

  • Start a Blog

It is easy and fast to create your websites and start making money with it, and you can easily link your blog to your Facebook. This will help direct traffics (audience in your niche market) to your website.

This is one of the best and most reliable ways of making money online. You can be making over $20,000 monthly within two years if you are consistent and ready to do what it takes.

  • Join Affiliate Program

You can start promoting products for so many companies.

They will give you a unique ID, and the necessary marketing materials (banners and fliers) and you will earn a commission for every sale you make.

All you are expected to do is to advertise these products on your Facebook profile page, Fan Page or Facebook Group.

You can join great brands like Click Banks and Amazon Associates. Other smaller affiliates programs also pay very well.

Do you have a brick-and-mortar business? Then you can use Facebook to drive leads to your local business thereby boosting your sales.

You will need to do a great post with a beautiful picture of your products relating to your local business.

Sharing this post and pictures stating your address and contact with friends and relatives. This can turn viral by also informing your friends and relatives to share with their other friends.

You can also employ Facebook Ads to target specific locality as relate to your local business.

  • Become a Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager is the art of activating social media traffics and leads and converting them to your profitability.

As a qualified social media manager, you can help others manage and promote their various businesses online for a fee.

Social Media Manager is not limited to just helping people or business owners make money on Facebook only; but also extends support for business owners and helps them make good money on all social media platforms.

The following social media platform are vital to the success of any social media manager.

Such Medium includes but is not limited to the following: Twitter, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Delicious, Whatsapp, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Viber, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, Flickr, Vine, Quora

Is Facebook  Safe?

Yes, Facebook is safe.

A lot of companies have succeeded with the help of Social media.

Recently, there was a company that has a website that creates experiences for couples in a particular region.

SEO did not help them much! What did they do? They made a group on Facebook and reached out to thousands of people.

They started slow but eventually, they did get noticed! The company curates experiences for couples. Isn’t that a lovely idea?

The investment is low! In some cases, you do not need to shell out a single penny! If you are using the buy and sell group, there would be a little investment.

When you share your products on Facebook, people talk about it, and they share it.

If somebody opts for your services, they share it with other people. This way your business gets visibility.

  • You need to have an aim!
  • What do you wish to achieve?
  • Pick a niche and be fantastic at it!

If you believe in the services and products that you sell, it will surely reach out to the people, who are looking for it!

Is Making Money On Facebook Real?

Facebook is a great social media platform to start making money online. Facebook has proved to be the most superior of social media tools.

The question is this, are people making use of these attractive opportunities?

In this respect, there are several ways in which you can make money using this social media. 

Facebook is one of the most populated countries globally (If we take Facebook to be a country).

It is not only known worldwide as having more than one billion users, but it has also proved to thrive despite technological advances that have taken place over the years.

How to Make Money on Facebook

Facebook is a vast marketplace. Many online marketing sites are available to sell different products, including eBay and Craigslist; Facebook has of late served as an essential site for marketing your products.

You can use employee Facebook to promote the following program for making serious money online.

 Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another useful way of earning money using Facebook.

All you are required to do is to identify a program and sign up with them, after which you can begin marketing their products.

Once you become successful in marketing a company’s product in affiliate marketing, you will receive your payment, usually by a commission.

Displaying advertisements on your Facebook page for different affiliate products will also serve to earn you money on Facebook.

You can get trained and become a great affiliate marketer by turning your hobbies into making money online through Wealthy Affiliate.

Join Wealthy Affiliate is my best Affiliate program in the world today.

 Publishing E-Books

Selling electronic books through Facebook can earn you a lot of money online.

If you are well acquainted in these areas, you can write and sell your e-books on Facebook yet make some income.

You can explore various online options, including PDF and Amazon’s Create space services, publish your book to ensure that only individuals who have paid the price can access it.

I recommend you check out Kindle Money Mystery;

Kindle Money Mastery is a training program that uses video and text tutorials to teach you how to publish, promote, and sell your E-book online.

See how you can generate money online via Kindle publishing (selling eBooks on the Kindle platform)

Using A Facebook Page

When it comes to making money using Facebook, your Facebook page is convenient.

You will be required to have a fan page in which you will be posting content that will attract followers to your site.

Having a website in place beside your fan page will prove useful in advertisements and other money-making online activities. See how you can get a free site built.

In conclusion, we still have a lot of ways you can earn money on Facebook.

Therefore the answer to how to make money on Facebook has more solutions and requires due diligence to realize full results.

By keeping up to date, you will realize new and more ways you can earn money on Facebook.

The articles below are other social media that will also help you make money online.

FaceBook Vs Wealthy Affiliate

Promoting your local business on Facebook through Wealthy Affiliate is the best and sustainable money-making engine. You can easily promote your local business on Facebook via your website.

Facebook will come and go but your website will be your own property.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training program that will equip you on how to develop your website, how to identify the best business for your locality, how to identify your choice of profitable niche, how to develop a suitable website at minimal cost, and how to market your website and local business for profitability.

A premium member has access to 50 websites with hosting and a lot of training videos and text from professionals.

While if you join free I will personally give you a gift of two websites with hosting. Check out the full detail of Wealthy Affiliate here.

What do you think about how to Promote Your Local Business On Facebook?

Do you have a better opinion to share with me and my readers?

Please drop your comment below, I will be happy to reply to your comment.

Is Facebook Worth It?

What do you think? Can you start making money with your Facebook account now? These are just the best ways to be smart and be productive online; to start using what you have to get what you want, which is money.

I consider Facebook to be an excellent website to create a fan base for your business. As for sales, it is one of the best platforms ever to make money online and offline.

But to indeed make money with Facebook, you need to have other sales strategies as well! Start off with Facebook, but you would need to spend the time to get the prospective client’s attention.

Yes, it is a great platform to meet new people and reach out to billions of people, who may be looking for the products that you are selling!

So, yes, I would recommend business owners to use Facebook to make money. It works well! Most especially if you create your own blog and connect it to Facebook.

So, what do you think of Facebook as a money-making booster? Are you making money with your Facebook account before now? How are you doing that? Kindly share with e and my audience.

Do you have a contribution or comment? My audience will like to read your take in my comment area below.

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4 thoughts on “Fun Ways to Promote Your Local Business on Facebook”

  1. Some really innovative ways to advertise a small business on Facebook here – thank you so much for sharing!

    I think you’ve got it bang on right with the use of videos – they seem to completely take up the timeline of Facebook these days therefore stand out more…what do you think? Video or image posts?

    1. Thank you Chris for visiting my website and most especially for noticing the use of my YouTube video. Bothe video and images are key to getting our content rang on search engine because they help us drive home our points to the readers. If you are a blogger or webmaster and you have not been visiting www youtube com video you are making a huge mistake.

      Youtube video is here to stay and a lot of people are embracing it.

      Thanks for visiting again.

  2. Hey John,

    Facebook is a great way to promote your business and your website. You can get many visitors but the most important thing is that they are targeted visitors. I would like to add something. I recommend for everyone to try facebook ads. They are cheap and you can get sales.

    1. Thanks a lot, It is indeed very important for every local business to make Facebook business page, with this business page they can easily set up paid advertisement that can be easily manipulated to target their audience market. Facebook is so very important that it allow you to target people in specific location, age, interest, and likes and dislike. This is a wake up call for every business owners to launch out into the deep of over 1 billion Facebook users.

      Clients usually ask the following question as regard making Facebook business page: When do you start Facebook business page? How do i set up Facebook business page? Must i make good Facebook business page? My answer to all the above is that, there is no specific ways to how to make a business page on Facebook, it all depends on your type of business and how deep your pocket is. You can always consult expert to design and help make good Facebook business page and logo for your business need.

      But every business person must take actionable steps. Even though you are taken a wrong steps, you will learn along the way.

      Thanks again for coming by.


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