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Home » HOW TO MAKE MONEY » 49 Affiliate Marketing FAQs For Beginners: Top Affiliate Questions

49 Affiliate Marketing FAQs For Beginners: Top Affiliate Questions

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Home » HOW TO MAKE MONEY » 49 Affiliate Marketing FAQs For Beginners: Top Affiliate Questions

You are welcome to my article about Affiliate Marketing FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). These are various Affiliate Marketing questions and answers with Amazon Affiliate Program FAQs. 

There is a lot of information overload online regarding Affiliate Marketing; I decided to put together comprehensive FAQs (questions and answers) for Affiliate Marketer. 


Here is a list of Affiliate Marketing’s most Frequently Asked Questions that will help you assimilate how Affiliate Marketing business works online.

Please read on.

Estimated reading time: 21 minutes

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Affiliate Marketing FAQs

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a process of making money via commission earned from promoting other people’s (or companies) products or services. 

As Affiliate Marketers, you are to identify a product or service and promote them to your audience. The advertiser will then reward you with a commission for your sales.

What is Affiliate Program?

So, what is an affiliate program, and how does it work?

An Affiliate Program is an association or relationship between an Affiliate Marketer and a merchant such that a merchant pays you a commission (the affiliate or website publisher) for promoting his/her products or services to your audience; Affiliate Program is also called Associate Program. 

As an Affiliate Marketer; you can only get paid commission from sales that were made due to customers you sent via your affiliate link to a merchant website.

This Affiliate Marketing FAQ is often mistaken for Affiliate marketing

What is an Affiliate Network?

What is an affiliate marketing network about?

An Affiliate Network is intermediate between publishers (or affiliate marketers) and merchants (or advertisers). 

Affiliate Network help Affiliate Marketers to easily participate in affiliate programs that are great and profitable for them.

Affiliate Network contains pools of Affiliate programs from different advertisers; this helps the affiliate marketers to decide which program they like to take on. 

In most cases, Affiliate Network, the advertisers decide and approve affiliate marketers for every affiliate program. 

The advertisers are the owners of the product (affiliate programs) promoted by affiliate marketers. 

It is a crucial Affiliate Marketing FAQ because of many mistakes affiliate network with network marketing. 

How Big is the Affiliate Marketing Industry?

Affiliate Marketing is a massive industry that worth way over $12 billion. 

The statistics of 2017 by the US and the EU stated that the affiliate marketing industry is worth over $12 billion. 

What do you think the worth of the affiliate marketing industry will be by 2021?  This question is a great FAQ For Affiliate Marketer. It help you to know that you can make money if you are ready to work at it.

What is a Super Affiliate?

A Super Affiliate is an experience top affiliate marketer who has seen it all with many years of experience and evidence of earnings for years in the affiliate marketing industry. 

They are known to have generated huge profits with affiliate marketing programs. 

You can class the supper Affiliate as professional affiliate marketers, usually with their products offering.

Is Affiliate Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?

No, Affiliate marketing is never a pyramid scheme but a legitimate business model, unlike a pyramid scheme that is a scam and illegal in many countries.

A pyramid scheme is when you get paid for referring somebody into an investment opportunity, such that the commission you earn is a certain percentage of the amount paid by your referral to join. 

Also, your referral can only make money from the commission earned for referring others. 

There is no product involved in a pyramid scheme, while Affiliate marketing is all about products or services.

It is another significant Affiliate Marketing FAQ; know that you help companies or individuals promote their products and services for a commission in affiliate marketing. 

Therefore, affiliate marketing is not a Pyramid scheme. 

Which Way do I Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer?

This is a good affiliate Marketing Question. You will observe the below to become a great and profitable affiliate marketer:

  • Chose a useful and valuable product to promote
  • Write articles and review products within your niche.
  • Stay connected with a higher power, i.e., where to learn new things and trends in your niche.
  • Learn and employ different marketing strategies that work, e.g., Organic Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing
  • Always promote products and services that are highly in demand.

What are the Problems with Affiliate Marketing?

Another great FAQ For Affiliate Marketer.

These are top problems with Affiliate Marketing and their solutions:

Quality of Content You Produce

You must learn to create great and high-quality content to help your audience; content can include Making of Videos, Podcast, and Blogging. 

Your Niche Choice

Your choice of niche is essential here.

You must have a passion for your niche because your passion for the online business will boost you to go the extra mile to do your best and give it all it takes to make it work for you. 

Ensure that you focus on the right traffics that will make your sales. 

The kind of problem you plan to solve will determine the type of content you produce, select the type of content your site will attract, and how much money you can make as an affiliate marketer. 

Why do Affiliate Marketers Fail?

Most affiliate marketers failed because they lack discipline.

Affiliate Marketing job is a very tasking one; you need to be a hard worker and love what you are doing to excel in the online business.

88% of the affiliate marker quit this job; it may even be worst than that number. 

Affiliate marketing and online job, in general, required consistency. You must be providing content that solves real-life problems.

Affiliate marketing is about helping your audience. You will identify a problem and start providing content in articles and videos (YouTube) that solve real-life problems. 

The objective is to bring in your audience to your platform, and you can only do that with your constant provision of content. 

You will fail as an affiliate marketer if you are lazy and hate to work. 

It is another Affiliate Marketing FAQ that is often thrown around by the affiliates.

Which Affiliate Network is Best In the 21st Century

This is another common affiliate marketing questions. 

Below is the list of my best Affiliate Networks:

  • Amazon Associates.
  • CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction)
  • CJ Affiliate.
  • ClickBank.
  • Clickbooth
  • Commission Factory
  • eBay Partner Network 
  • FlexOffers.
  • FlexOffers.
  • Impact Radius.
  • MaxBounty.
  • PeerFly.
  • Pepperjam.
  • Rakuten Marketing (formerly known as LinkShare)
  • Rakuten Affiliate Network.
  • Refersion Marketplace.
  • ShareASale.
  • ShareASale.
  • Tradedoubler.
  • Zanox)

You can use these Affiliate Marketing questions and answers to your advantage i.e. to make a good decision about your online business.

What Type of Business is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is performance-based online marketing. 

The affiliate network or the advertizer will reward you for referring a customer/visitor to another platform. 

If such a customer makes a purchase, you will be earning a commission. 

What are the Most Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing?

Below are my profitable list of niches:

How Can I Succeed in Affiliate Marketing?

Below are various ways you can succeed and be profitable as an affiliate marketer:

  • You must be dedicated
  • The set expectation that can be achieved 
  • Ensure you do a try and error and always improve on your sales strategies
  • Still help your audience by providing content that will add value and make them forever to come back
  • Let your content engage your audience
  • Stick with a Niche at a time to avoid distractions
  • Still track your success and failure. 
  • You need high-quality content. 

Does Affiliate Marketing work in South Africa?

Affiliate marketing will work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, etc. 

Affiliate marketing will work anywhere and any day as long as you do it the way it must be done. It all depends on your niche and your target audience. 

You can be in the USA as an affiliated marketer and target a South Africa audience. 

What are the Advantages of Affiliate Marketing?

This is one Affiliate Questions And Answers that will give you a boost to chase Affiliate Marketing as a career.

Below are the advantage and benefits of becoming an affiliate marketer:

  • It is performance-based; your reward is proportional to your performance. 
  • You can quickly scale up your sales with your traffics.
  • Also, you can become famous as an affiliate marketer, i.e. if you are successful. 
  • You don’t need to spend much money; it is very cost-effective.
  • No customer support or handling of products

What is the Commission Rate?

Commission rates are set by the advertiser (the affiliate program owner). 

Also, the Commission rate is the percentage an affiliate will earn on every sale made by sending a customer to make a purchase. 

Commission rate can be 5%, 10%, or 75%; it all depends on the advertiser and the amount he/she is ready to pay the affiliate marketers. 

As an affiliate marketer, you can negotiate the advertiser’s commission rate if you make many sales for that affiliate program. 

Affiliate Marketing is popular because it is one way of solving problems for people online. 

Just decide on your area of specialization (niche), and start providing helpful content. It is what drags your customer to the platform, most especially if you are good at SEO (organic marketing). 

Aside from that, you don’t need to handle products and supports; your own is to refer your customer to where they can get those products or services while you earn a commission. 

How do I Create an Affiliate Business?

You create an online affiliate business by choosing your niche, website name, and domain hosting company. 

Also, you should like and have a passion for your niche choice and be prepared to help your audience solve real-life problems. 

You will create quality content that relates to your audience’s problem and challenge. 

Ensure you start building your email list as early as possible; that strategy will help you grow your business faster in the future. 

A cookie is referred to as a text file placed on your computer system (either desktop, mobile or tablet devices); the text files’ function is to store or record every one of your activities while using your computer. 

Note that this affiliate marketing questions is a technical one and it is going to help a lot.

Most affiliate programs and companies use cookies to track your online experience. They can know the kind of products and services that is interested in you.

Companies also use cookies to monitor your activities online, like return visits, kind of item purchases, and various search histories.

Cookies are used to track affiliate partners’ activities and performance, such as what and how they should be compensated.

If your affiliate link leads your audience to an affiliate program website, and your audience did not purchase that day and went back to buy some days later.  

The affiliate program could then award you the commission for that visitor, depending on the cookie’s affiliate program policy.

So, cookies are used to identify the affiliate marketers’ effort to sell and commission in any affiliate programs.

How Long do Cookies Last?

How long cookies last is determined by the affiliate programs (advertiser), and this is based on their business model and strategies in the marketplace. 

Some cookies can be 24 hours, a week, 20 days, and even 90 days. 

Does it Cost Money to be an Affiliate?

Must an affiliate marketer pay to join an affiliate program?

No, the affiliate does not need to make payment to join partner programs. An affiliate marketer can join any affiliate programs you like to promote.  

Your acceptance of any affiliate program will depend on your acceptance by advertisers to promote their affiliate program. 

How do I become an Affiliate?

Below are steps for you to quickly become an affiliate marketer to any affiliate program of your choice; please follow these steps:

Choose and decide on an affiliate program (The affiliate you choose should fit your niche site). 

Then come up with quality content that you can easily rank on page one of the search engines. 

You can then broadcast your articles to get traffics to your affiliate website; this can be achieved in many ways before the content is even rank, e.g., Social media and paid ads.

Create a great and compelling call to action within the article to take your audience to the main page for conversion.

You have to convert your website and page visit to a sale. 

Who is the Wealthiest Affiliate Marketer?

This Affiliate Marketing FAQs shows that people are making huge money as an affiliate marketing.

Below is my most prosperous and respected affiliated marketer of all time. 

Some of them are my idols and people that taught me how to make money online blogging. 

  • Finch Sells
  • Ian Fernando
  • John Chow
  • Kirsty McCubbin
  • Kyle Loudoun
  • Missy Ward
  • Nathaniell Brenes
  • Neil Patel
  • Pat Flynn 
  • Shawn Collins
  • Zac Johnson

What are the Success Rates of Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a tedious business to venture into, especially as a newbie; it is so severe that not many people stay through my experience. 

From what I have seen, over 88% of the affiliate marketer quit.  

Which Affiliate Marketing Training is the Best?

This is another great FAQ For Affiliate Marketer. You need to get trained to avoid costly mistakes. My #1 recommended affiliate marketing training program is Wealthy Affiliate

See other top affiliate marketing training today:

  • Wealthy Affiliate
  • Authority Hacker’s TASS
  • Income School’s Project 24
  • The Affiliate Lab
  • Five Figure Niche Site
  • Affiliate Marketing Video Course
  • Commission Hero
  • Digital Worth Academy
  • 123 Affiliate Marketing
  • Savage Affiliates
  • Udemy courses

Is Affiliate Marketing Easy?

Affiliate Marketing is not an easy job. It is why you need a good training platform. Over 88% of people quit. 

It is a lot of work and effort to make affiliate marketing work for you. You have to create great content that will help your audience to drive reasonable traffic.

What are the Most Profitable Affiliate Programs?

Another common Affiliate Marketing FAQs that always come from newbie.

Below are my selected high ticket and profitable affiliate marketing programs that you can venture into. 

It all depends if the advertisers (Affiliate program Owner) approve you for their promotion. 

Below are my most profitable affiliate programs:

  • Authority Hacker
  • BlueHost
  •  iTunes Store
  • James Allen
  • LiquidWeb
  • MediTravels
  • Plus500 Affiliate Program
  • Sandals Resorts
  • SEMRush
  • StudioPress
  • Template Monster
  • Villiers
  • VIP Cars
  • Wealthy Affiliate
  • WP Engine. 

Can Affiliate Marketing Make You Rich?

Yes, affiliate marketing can make you huge Money. 

I used to be a banker for over 20 years, but I am now an affiliate marketer full-time. 

You work from home, wake up at your chosen time, and be sure you are productive. 

I knew my people making over $50,000 monthly as an affiliate marketer. But it may take time and a lot of effort and consistency on your part. 

It would help if you made it work for you to earn big online. I love the above affiliate marketing questions.

How Much do Affiliates Get Paid?

New Affiliate marketers that have put in the work for over six months should be making a minimum of $2,000 monthly within a year (do not expect to make Money via organic in your first six months). 

Super affiliates are making over $10,000 monthly. Many withing Wealthy Affiliate with multiple sites are making over $20,000 monthly. 

Intermediate Affiliate marketer earns between $500 to $3,000 with Amazon and ads/Google AdSense.

You can read collation of Amazon Affiliate program FAQs and training on Wealthy Affiliate platform here.

The amount you will earn as an affiliate depends on May things; many of them are within your control while others are out of your control. But you stand to control all conditions by your actions and hard work.

If you build your platform (website) correctly and produce quality content that attracts traffics, you can quickly see traction in your earnings. 

More quality content means more traffic, which means more earnings. 

How Long Will It Take to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

This is a typical affiliate marketing fag. 

You have to know what you are doing first, and that requires adequate training. Then you have to put in the work for like a full-year. 

You can make money within your first six months, but you should be ready to do extraordinary work. 

Such as the production of daily content either in the form of articles or Video or both.

If you an experienced affiliate marketer and it is not your first site, you can make Money with six to 12 months of setting up a new website niche. 

But prepare your mind for like between one to two years minimum. It all depends on your work rate. Many affiliates ask this FAQ For Affiliate Marketer because they want to know when the money will start coming.

Can You Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website?

Yes, it is possible to do affiliate marketing without a website. 

You will have to be good with social media platforms because you will always need a platform to reach your audience.

You can also have a YouTube channel, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook are a great platform to do affiliate marketing without a website.

Please know that you need a website to make real money. 

Social media and third party website for marketing are not reliable for your online business.

With a simple mistake of posting a wrong article at the wrong time, any of the social media platforms can kick you out of the platform; by revoking and restrict your access at any time. 

You can quickly get a free website in the 21st Century. 

Claim a FREE website with Wealthy Affiliate marketing certification training now.

How Much does it Cost to Start Affiliate Marketing?

You can start affiliate marketing with a $10 monthly fee. You will need to get your domain and a host. 

That is if you won’t need training. $10 monthly will results in over $120 in a year. 

How do Affiliate Marketers Pay Taxes?

Payment of tax by affiliate marketers depends on your country of origin. 

If you are an affiliate marketer in the UK, UK law pouts your tax payment under trade.  

You will be classified as a trader as an affiliate marketer under UK law; you will be made to pay tax on your affiliate income by filling a self-assessment form. 

How do You Know if a Niche is Profitable?

In my opinion, no niche is not okay. You must ensure you are not the first person with such a place and ready to work for traffic with quality content. 

These are some ways to check out how profitable your niche is:

  • Go for a place that you have a passion for. 
  • Check that your niche has a quality audience that is ready to buy
  • Check for the trend of such a niche
  • Study others in the same niche
  • Ensure you will have enough products and services for promotion for your place. 

Which Niche is Best for YouTube?

These are the most profitable and popular niche that can make you a fortune on YouTube. 

  • Animals
  • Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Food
  • Gaming
  • How To’s
  • Humor
  • Product Reviews
  • Storytime Videos
  • Tech Videos
  • Travel
  • Tutorials
  • Vlogs
  • Weight loss & Healthy Living

Can I Post Affiliate Links on Facebook?

Yes, there is no crime for posting your affiliate links on Facebook. Note that some Social media like Twitter may not allow your affiliate links. 

Ensure you avoid spamming people. Otherwise, your Facebook page can be penalized and revoked.

Both Amazon Associate, Instagram, and Facebook will allow you to use your affiliate link. But it is better to direct your audience to your website; they can now move from your website to where to make a purchase.

It is critical to creating your website because social media platforms are not reliable; they can revoke your access at any time. Your website will always be your website.

That is how to build a profitable business online and make money on Facebook in the 21st Century. 

Create your free website here

It is another amazon affiliate program faq that is common. 

 These are various ways to promote your Amazon affiliate links:

Constant writing of reviews of products as relating to your Amazon niche website (Daily article and reviews)

Creation of high-quality content about your Amazon products

Using unique offering strategies for your promotion

Creation of Pinterest profile accounts for effective advertising of your Amazon product review.

Using social media outreach for the promotion of your Amazon products and content 

Employment of YouTube and video content review of your Amazon products review

How Much do Amazon Affiliates Make?

As an Amazon affiliate marketer, you can be making anything from $500 to $3,000 monthly after your first one year.

If you are not a newbie with good experience, you can be making the same amount within your first six months.

Many Amazon affiliates are making up to $30,000 monthly, i.e., those with Authority websites with a lot of experience. 

The above is a common amazon affiliate program faq; it is critical to note it. 

What Kinds of Brands Offer Affiliate Programs?

Any brand and all brands cab decide to offer affiliate marketing programs to get their exposure to their products and services.

It is the best way to make huge sales by authorizing affiliate marketers to outreach for your brands and various products and services.

Any brands can offer affiliate marketing programs; you do not need to be big or small. It is for both small and high-level companies with billion in earnings.

Any such Industries include:

  • And many others
  • Automotive
  • Beauty/Skincare
  • Direct-to-Consumer
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Finance
  • Gaming
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Restaurant
  • Retail
  • Subscription Service
  • Telecom
  • Transportation
  • Travel

Is Being an Amazon Affiliate worth it?

It is my favorite amazon affiliate program faq.

Yes, it is great to be an Amazon affiliate marketer. 

Many are working full-time online as an affiliate. However, the Amazon Associate commission has gone deep and smaller by the day. 

You can also expand your strategies and locate high-level advertisers to link your niche website to maximum profitability. 

Also, you don’t but all your egg in one basket.

You can also go after high price Amazon products niche with the high commission to jack up your earnings.   

How Many Affiliate Programs should I Join?

It is not okay to join many affiliate programs, but it still depends on so many factors. It is best to join two to three affiliate programs that you can manage and with great integrity.

Managing more than three affiliate programs can be dangerous. 

You just need to identify one major affiliate program or network and great a money page where you have your cornerstone content to convert sales.  

This is another common Affiliate Marketing FAQ on Quora and other forums online. Knowing this will avoid you a lot of time and money.

Where Can I Post Affiliate Links for Free?

These are various classified sites that you can use for your marketing and outreach as an affiliate marketing.  

This Affiliate Marketing FAQ can help you build great links if well implemented.

They are excellent article directory listings that can increase your site exposure and sales; you can also earn backlinks via them.

  • EPage Classifieds
  • US Free Ads.

Can I be an Amazon Affiliate without a Website?

No, it is a must to have a website to become an Affiliate Marketer for Amazon Associate. 

Your website must be active at the point of requesting to become an affiliate with quality content to speed up your approvals. 

You can also have a YouTube Channel for the promotion of your Amazon Associate products. 

I have seen the above amazon affiliate faq many times online; I hope it answers your questions about the Amazon affiliate program.

How Many Products Can you Promote on Click Bank Platform?

An affiliate marketer can promote as many products as possible on Clickbank, while vendors can offer up to a maximum of 500 works on Click bank. 

You can read more about vendors’ offering here on Click Bank. 

These are ways to promote your affiliate links on social media:

Target Facebook group that is relevant to your niche

Create and grow both your niche-based Facebook pages and group.

You can also use link shorteners to protect your affiliate links. This is an important Affiliate Marketing FAQs for beginners. It will help you avoid penalty of some social media.

How do I Start Affiliate Marketing on Facebook?

This Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions is for a lazy affiliate. You need to build your own website to be able to make real money as a marketer.

It is how to start your affiliate marketing on the Facebook platform:

  • Start sharing your affiliate link on your page
  • Create both Facebook group and pages 
  • Join as many Facebook group as relating to your affiliate niche
  •  Learn all about Facebook ads and promotions to make more sales via ads. 

What is Better than ClickBank?

Below are various affiliate networks that are better than ClickBank:

  • Affiliate Window – (AWIN)
  • Amazon Associates Program
  • AvanGate ( 2Checkout )
  • BuilderAll
  • CJ Affiliate Network 
  • eBay Partner Network (EPN)
  • FlexOffers.
  • GlobalWide Media 
  • JVZoo
  • LinkConnector
  • Market Health
  • MaxBounty
  • PeerFly
  • Pepperjam.
  • Rakuten Marketing
  • Rakuten Marketing (formerly LinkShare)
  • Sendible
  • ShareASale
  • Skimlinks
  • Tradedoubler
  • Viglink
  • Warrior Plus

Is Social Media Best for Affiliate Marketing?

The best social media platform for affiliate marketers are:

  • LinkedIn 
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat, and 
  • Twitter

Amazon cookies duration is 24 hours, and you will get paid for every item placed on a customer’s Shopping Cart even after the 24 hours duration.

But, any subsequent login by your referral via another affiliate link will not count for you after 24 hours. 

Hence, yes, Amazon affiliate links will expire after 24 hours. What do you think about my amazon affiliate program faq? Is Amazon associate worth it? 

This is another great Amazon Affiliate Program FAQ that affiliates ask a lot.

Conclusion on Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Thanks for reading my article about FAQ For Affiliate Marketer. These are various affiliate questions and answers. 

Do you agree with my response to Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions? Is it helpful to you as an affiliate marketer? 

New affiliate marketers have many questions and answers about this job; I just decide to collate many important Affiliate Program FAQs that will help the affiliate marketing community.

I am sure that many affiliate gurus will read this article. But do you agree with my answers to these affiliate marketing questions? 

Are there any other Amazon Affiliate program FAQs?

Do you have any other important Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that are not covered in this article? I will love to include it. 

Affiliate Marketing FAQs (Questions & Answered) – Video

24 thoughts on “49 Affiliate Marketing FAQs For Beginners: Top Affiliate Questions”

  1. A really detailed article about affiliate faq and some great content. 

    Affiliate Marketing is definitely one of the best opportunities the web has to offer.  

    It was a real pleasure to read through this nice article, the layout is very appealing and it basically covers every aspect for beginners to understand what affiliate marketing is about. 

    Thank you for putting this Affiliate Program FAQs together. 

    1. Thanks for your comment with respect to my article about FAQ For Affiliate Marketer. 

      It is all about Affiliate Questions And Answers about marketers. 

      Really appreciate your comment.



  2. Wow, nice Affiliate Marketing FAQ. Some of these questions and answers were what I had in mind before I started affiliate marketing. I was very pessimistic about starting an online business. 

    And you’re very right. Some people think affiliate marketing is a get-rich-quick scheme. 

    But unfortunately, it’s not. It needs hard work, dedication, and patience to make it big. 

    There are some of the big reasons people stop learning very fast. But it pays in the long run because the hard work is just only at the beginning.

    Thanks for the great amazon affiliate program faqs that you have put together.

    Great work.


    1. Dear James,

      Thanks for reading my article about FAQ For Affiliate Marketers. Really appreciate your time.

      The article is the focus to help the newbie takes care of many Affiliate Questions and Answers. 

      Thanks again for your comment.



  3. Thanks for your article on amazon affiliate faq.

    I heard my coworkers kept mentioning about affiliate marketing and I just have to know what exactly is it and if I can really make extra side income from this or not. 

    Thanks for compiling all these questions about affiliate marketing! So far I love what I read. It doesn’t seem like it is hard, all I have to do is just writing the right content and pick the niche that I want to promote. 

    Will give this a try. 

    Thanks for your articles about amazon affiliate program faqs

    Great work

    1. Thanks for reading my article about Amazon Affiliate Program faqs. 

      The article is all about Affiliate Marketing FAQs that are commonly asked by Amazon Affiliates.

      Really appreciate your comments.



  4. Wow. 49 is a lot. 

    These are a lot of Affiliate marketing frequently asked questions on affiliate marketing, but they are definitely something to learn and gain exposure from. 

    Thanks for taking your time and effort to gather these questions and compile them in this article. 

    Reading this article has given answers to some of the questions I have in mind.

    Great collation of FAQs for Affiliate Marketers.


    1. Thanks for your comments about my article on amazon affiliate program faq.

      The article is all about affiliate marketing questions and answers. 

      Thanks for your time 



  5. Thank you for putting these FAQs For Affiliate Marketers together.

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    1. Thanks for your comment about my Affiliate Marketing FAQs. The article is the focus to help affiliate marketers resolve many common questions about affiliate marketing. 

      Thanks for your comment



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    1. Thanks for reading my article about my Affiliate Marketing FAQs review.

      The article is to help many affiliate marketers resolve many affiliate marketing questions. 

      I am happy you like it.



  7. Thanks for your article about amazon affiliate program faq. 

    Thank you so much, there is a lot of unanswered questions about affiliate marketing. 

    So many people are very much confused about its makeup. 

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    Please know that you did a great job with these Amazon Affiliate FAQs. 


    1. Thanks for reading my article about Amazon Affiliate FAQ. 

      It is all about Affiliate Program FAQ for affiliate marketers. 

      Thanks for your comments.

      I really appreciate.



  8. This article is something every affiliate marketers should check out not just the amateurs. this show everything an affiliate marketer or someone who want to go into affiliate marketing should know. i like how simple this article is just being questions and answers. this was totally worth my time thank you 

    1. Thanks for your article about Affiliate Program FAQ for affiliate marketers.

      This article is something every affiliate marketers should check out not just the amateurs. 

      this shows everything an affiliate marketer or someone who wants to go into affiliate marketing should know. i like how simple this article is just being questions and answers. this was totally worth my time thank you 

      You did a great job.



  9. What a great article about Affiliate Program FAQ. 

     Thank you for putting out information distinguishing affiliate marketing from multi-level marketing (MLM).

     When I first heard about the affiliate marketing business model I was skeptical because it sounded familiar to MLM. After doing some research I learned that they are totally different things.

    Affiliate marketers seek to solve a problem with the content they produce; to guide people to purchase useful products that can improve their lives. 

    You help others while at the same time helping yourself. It’s truly a win-win.

    And it takes consistent, disciplined work.

    But the payoff can be great!

    Thanks again for the great  affiliate faq article. 


    1. Thanks for reading my article on  affiliate faqs. 

      It is all about Affiliate Program FAQs. 

      Thanks for your comment. 



  10. Wow, John, this is a great article about Affiliate Program FAQ; and so much can be learned from here! 

    This is a must read for every affiliate marketer newbie. The article definitely contains all the answers a newbie wants to know about  affiliate faq. 

    At least I know what were my main concerns before getting into affiliate marketing. 

    Experienced affiliate marketers might learn something as well.   

    thanks for the great article about affiliate marketing FAQs.


    1. Thanks for reading my article about  Affiliate Program FAQs.

      It is all about affiliate marketing FAQs. All questions and answers about affiliate marketers.

      Thanks again for the comments ‘

      Really appreciate.


  11. You have here a very detailed article on Affiliate Marketing. This will help a lot of newbies to Affiliate Marketing. It will also help those intending to join the industry. You have just about covered it all. You must have spent quite some time doing your research. Yes, affiliate marketing is a good work from home job where you can get up late in the day, but make sure you put in some serious work to succeed. Thank you for this

    1. Thanks for reading my 49 Affiliate Marketing FAQs For Beginners. It is all about questions and answers about affiliate marketing. 

      Thanks for your comment. 



  12. Hello, 

    Thank you for all the wonderful information about affiliate marketing you have shred here and I feel really excuse about it all. Most of us who get involved in this business often do not know the right people or business to be an affiliate for and that is why I would be glad to check the suggestions you have given here as the best in this century. Cheers

    1. Dear Daniel, 

      thanks for your comment and for reading my 49 Affiliate Marketing FAQs For Beginners.

      The article is all about various questions and answers about affiliate marketing and marketers.  I am glad you like the article.



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