You are welcome to my World Ventures review. How to make money with World Ventures MLM jobs? Is World Ventures legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
I can be sure you are researching about World Ventures and how to make money with the MLM travel company.
This was how I discovered how to make a full-time income blogging about my skills and ideas.
Please know that I am not affiliated in any way with WorldVentures, therefore be sure to read sincere and unbias World Ventures reviews.
Please continue reading. . .
Estimated reading time: 23 minutes
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World Ventures at a Glance

Product Name: WorldVentures
Year Founded: 2005
Founder: Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue
Product Type: Multi-Level Marketing Company (Selling Travels)
Price: $99 initial payment and $24 monthly
Rating: 25%
Recommended: No {Check Out My #1 Recommendation }
Summary Review of World Ventures
WorldVentures is a legitimate Multi-Level Marketing company selling travel products (i.e., Vacation Packages).
Is World Ventures MLM jobs legit or a scam pyramid scheme? Can you make money with the World Ventures compensation plan?
Though WorldVentures is legit and a scam pyramid scheme, this is despite all the pyramid scheme lawsuits marring it in some regions and countries.
You can make money with World Ventures MLM in two ways:
Selling travels vacation products and recruiting downlines as new members.
Due to the MLM and direct sales business model of this company, the amount of money you can make is limited.
If you are joining this MLM, it is like you will lose your money.
Why is that?
Mr. Jon M Taylor, Ph.D., (He is the President, Consumer Awareness Institute, and Advisor in the USA) found over 600 direct sales companies in the USA and across the world for 20 years.
He concluded that 99.7% of people that join MLM companies would lose their money. That implies that only 0.3% of people who join MLM and direct sales companies will make money.
He came up with a book about his findings titled “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.” It is a FREE PDF booklet that will change your mind about doing business with any MLM company.
Are the World Ventures Representatives Making Money?
How is this applicable to World Ventures MLM jobs and its compensation plan?
It implies that only 99.7% of MLM that joins World Ventures MLM jobs will lose their money. Can will prove this?
We can look at the income disclosure statement of World Ventures see below:
You see that 80.29% of Representatives made an average annual income of $80 for the whole year, and
0.07% of the total Representatives made an average yearly income of $906,006
Note: By the time you deduct the $99 starter fee and a monthly fee of $24 from $80 (Average annual earning for over 80% of World Ventures Representative in 2018/2019.
You can conclude that they all made a loss that year.
Also, read up the next article below on why World Ventures Representatives are not making money.
My Recommendation
Do you know you can make real money online? You can build a profitable online business for yourself.
It will be required for you to have your website. It is not difficult to build a profitable website in the 21st century. You will learn how to do it (It is not done for you).
You can even build your website about travel, but instead of focusing on one company like WorldVentures, you can make money with hundreds of companies and travel products and services.
Having your website will help you to achieve the following:
- Have 100% owned online business
- You will work once and earn for a long time.
- Ability to sell to the global community via SEO (search engine optimization)
- You can sell your website at 10x your investment if you want.
- You can earn passive income while sleeping (People will visit your site without knowing you, just like you are on my website now).
- Ability to start working from home and anywhere in the world
- Etc
You can learn all the above via affiliate marketing certification training.
You will become a professional and consultant to companies worldwide with owning your online business.
Level -1 with ten lessons is FREE to join. There is no need for your credit card. Learn more here.
It was how I started in 2015 part-time, I am now doing this full-time.
Also, it changes my life; it can change yours too.
What do you think of my World Ventures MLM job review?
Can you now make money with the World Ventures compensation plan?
Is World Ventures legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?
Why Representatives Are Quitting WorldVentures (Red Flags)
The World Ventures Representatives are not making money. Looking at the WorldVenture Income
Disclosure Statement of July 2018 – June 2019.
WorldVentures has a total of 57,584 Representatives in the United
States during the period under review. Out of this number, only 14.6% made some
money with WorldVentures while the other 85.4% did not earn commission or bonus.
The annual average commission and bonus earned by all WorldVentures Representatives were $354.31 (This implies that this is the amount that was made by every 57,584 Representatives if the commission is spread over all Representatives)
With the $354.31 made by every Representative in 2018. If you deduct the yearly subscription fees of over $200. Assume is $200, what is your balance? It implies you made $155 in a year ($13 monthly/$0.4 Daily).
World Ventures Income Disclosure Statement 2018/2019

Breaking the World Venture Income Disclosure Statement of July 2018 – June 2019 down, you will be shocked.
- 80.29% of Representatives made an average income of $80 for a whole year.
- 8.05% of Representatives made an average income of $849 between 2018 to 2019
- 5.68% of Representatives made an average income of $2,759 in one year
- .
- .
- .
- 0.19% of Representatives made an average income of $154,815
- 0.06% of the Representatives made an average income of $329,739
- 0.07% of all the Representatives made an average income of $906,006
Did you see the pattern? This is why WorldVenture is an MLM company.
It is only people at the top of the Pyramid that earn the most (The executives and significant stakeholders).
If you are just joining now, you will be working for the big boys. All your downlines will be working for them.
Note: This does not implies that World Venture is a scam and pyramid scheme.
No, World Venture is a legitimate MLM company. But the MLM business model is making it very difficult for World Venture representative to make money.
World Venture is an MLM company selling travel packages. The company is legal and legitimate to join, but it will not make your real money.
This is why I am not recommending WorldVenture to you. It is NO for me.
See the actual graphical World Venture Income Disclosure Statement of July 2018 – June 2019 breakdown within the article below.
Source: World Ventures Income Disclosure Statement 2018/2019
What do you think of my World Venture MLM jobs review? Do you think you can still make money with World Venture compensation plan?
Is World Venture legit or a scam pyramid scheme? what is your take?
What is World Ventures?
When MLM giants, YTB international, fell in 2009 after more than three years of defense against bankruptcy and lawsuits regarding deceptive marketing, many MLM companies took the initiative to fill that massive void, especially in the travel niche.
One of the companies that took center stage after the demise of YTB was WorldVentures, a tourism-focused business created in 2005 by veterans in the Multi-level marketing business Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue to be the ‘Samsung of traveling.’
Since then, WorldVentures has enjoyed tremendous success, notably a 600% recorded growth in revenue between 2006 and 2009, boasting up to $90 million by that time in revenue. As well as operations in all continents in the World.
Such growth further elevated WorldVentures and its founders to heights, like when Wayne Nugent was honored as the entrepreneur of the year in the year 2010 by Ernst & Young.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long before WorldVentures succumbed to trials of their own like YTB international before them.
Couple with the unnatural turnover rates attracting unnecessary attention that started with WorldVenturesbeing outrightly declared a pyramid scheme by the Norwegian Government and sued until it was driven out of the country in 2014.
Two years later, the company’s top earners followed suit by claiming the company had diverted their commissions to executive members and terminated their contracts to cover it up.
A year later, there were rumors that Nugent had gotten his hands dirty to settle a tax evasion charge and a lawsuit acting against the company.
These lawsuits continued to rear their heads, which culminated in co-founder Mike Azcue losing his seat as the CEO to Josh Paine.
What do you think about my review of World Venture MLM jobs? Is World Venture legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Is it worth it to make money with World Venture compensation plan?
Learn more about WorldVentures according to Wikipedia.
How Does World Ventures Work?
World Ventures is a membership and subscription MLM company. You will subscribe to your initial sign up fee, and it has a monthly payment fee.
Every of your monthly payment will get DreamTrips points. The DreamTrips points are like discount coupons that secure your options on the traveling deals you want.
Apart from various travel packages, you also have access to occasional DreamTrips events that include:
- free transportation,
- upgraded accommodations,
- fun excursions,
- the hottest destinations,
- and even more.
You get more points via the referral program where you “ share your membership”; you will get more DreamTrips points for every one of your new referrals and sign up.
This is actually how World Ventures works for Representatives.
What do you think of my World Venture MLM jobs review? Is it worth it to make money with World Venture compensation plan?
Is World Venture legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
World Ventures Product Line
WorldVentures has just one product, a membership that allows the owners to have ‘unmatchable’ deals on the prices for car rentals, trips, cruises, and accommodation that will empower them to travel the World.
The membership is exploited through a website that must be kept active by a monthly subscription fee.
The travel packages are set up to cover travel to several dream destinations from Kenya and South Africa to Thailand, at a discount. The travel opportunities also include some peculiar packages like:
Dream Break
Accommodation in hotels is paid for, although you must still pay the airfare to a place like Florianopolis in Brazil.
There are no set activities, so you just try to have as much fun as you can in the coastal city.
Cultural Landmarks Tours
A 12-hour excursion around cities like the Charming Chiang Mai of Thailand, with the chosen model of transportation, a local one, a tuk-tuk (Thai Rickshaw) in this case.
You will not be paying airfares, but your accommodation expenses are covered, as well as the provision of a host to guide to secure you and airport transfers.
Dream Day
24-hour experience with a lot of food samples to give an authentic taste of the local culture and a guide provided to guide you throughout the day.
WorldVentures has a Foundation that also affords travelers a chance to give back to societies through the Voluntourism program.
This was aimed to provide a less selfish reason to travel the World, rather than just sightsee and relax on exotic beaches, why not volunteer to help the local community you visit?
Instances like camping in the trees of Mexico, spending time with orphaned children in Seoul, and the likes have made the news in the past few years from the feats of the WorldVentures Foundation.
Is World Venture legit or another scam pyramid scheme? Are the World Venture representatives making money?
World Ventures Compensation Plan
There is no document anywhere that stipulates exactly how much any member of the WorldVentures company stands to gain in commissions or bonuses or useful formula to get a rough idea.
Getting commissions, and bonuses largely depend on the number and activity of the recruits that someone can gather into their downlines.
And also your number of sales of the products that can be made.
WorldVentures say that successfully selling the idea of joining the company guarantees the members some points that can be exchanged for travel packages and remarkable discounts.
In reality, there are some unmentioned clauses.
Like the fact that you must have been an active member of WorldVentures for a year before you can use those reward points.
Your destination choices then must be in line with the available packages and locations at the time you request for it, or you can forget about it.
The most annoying bit is that the company decides the limit of your spending power when it comes to points.
Don’t even think about a huge trip to Tibet or Dubai, depending on where you are.
==> Complete and Revised the World Ventures Compensation plan in pdf format here.
How Do I Join World Ventures?
This section is about how to sign up for World Ventures
Signing up for MLMs has never been the hardest thing, and WorldVentures doesn’t buck that trend.
Simply visit the website and fill the required fields until you are required to choose your level.
There are several levels, ranging from the Standard level to Gold and Platinum membership levels.
Different initial prices for memberships and monthly expenses to keep the membership active.
What do you think about my review of World Venture MLM jobs? Can you make money with the World Venture compensation plan?
Is World Venture legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?
How Much Money Does it Cost to Join World Ventures?
There are different levels in the membership hierarchy of World Ventures. Each level with a different cost.
So, world venture membership cost is:
- Standard registration prices are just about $99.99 and a further $24.99 to be paid every month.
- Gold-level members choose to pay $199.99 and an additional $49.99 monthly fee, while
- Platinum memberships go for a massive initial outlay of $299.99 and a monthly $99 remittance to keep the account active.
It is only after these monthly fees have been paid for a full year that the member can exploit the amassed points.
Is the cost of joining World Venture worth it? Can you make your money back from World Venture MLM jobs and compensation plan?
Who Is World Ventures for?
To start with, being passionate about traveling is a terrible reason to join WorldVentures if that’s all you have in your arsenal.
To succeed, someone must have the ability, and the confidence in it, to quickly sell memberships and DreamTrips’ products.
If your marketing abilities are up to scratch, then you stand a chance of making it to a class above your financial status, if not, you will sink.
Also, the venture is a considerable risk that is not worth the stability of your job.
It is a shady version of entrepreneurship that has ruined many for failing to apply themselves properly.
If you have the chance to keep WorldVentures as a passive income source, even though it demands you to travel as much as possible, then go right ahead.
If you don’t have the chance to travel, then reconsider the whole thing, especially since getting the maximum benefits requires a monthly commitment.
You don’t want to be just giving your hard-earned money away, now, do you? Is World Venture worth it? Can you make money with World Venture compensation plan?
Is World Venture legit or a scam MLM jobs? What do you think of my World Venture review?
How to Make Money with World Ventures?
WorldVenture works just like every other Multi-level marketing business. You can earn from WorldVentures Marketing only in two ways:
By selling the tourist and vacation packages on offer from WorldVentures Holdings, and
By recruiting members to join your downlines an increase your points and earnings
The above is how World Ventures Work and help Representative to make money.
How Much Can You Make with World Ventures?
Looking at the World Venture Income Disclosure Statement of July 2018 – June 2019, 80.29% of World Venture representative made less than $500 Average Annual Commission. While 8.05% made between $500 to $1,500.
See the Income Disclosure Statement above; you will observe that 0.07% of the World Venture representative made over $500,000 in the period under review while 0.06% earned between $250,000 and $500,000.
According to the disclosure statement, only 14.6% of all Representatives earn a commission/bonus and 85.4% of World Ventures Representatives earn nothing.
It is important to note that the average annual commission/bonus of the total Representatives (both members that did not earn commission/bonus) was $354.31
So much money can you make with World Ventures as a new representative? You will earn roughly $354.31 in a year as a World Ventures Representative.
If you deduct your yearly subscription of $200 (It is even more), it remains $155 for twelve months. That is $13 monthly roughly and $0.4 Daily!
So, Is World Ventures worth your money?
Don’t forget that you pay subscription fees of over $200. Deduct that from the amount people are earning what is going to be your profits.
Do you think that World Venture is a scam pyramid scheme or legit MLM jobs?
What do you think of my review of World Venture and the income disclosure statement?
WorldVentures Support /Customer Service
WorldVentures, C/O Gout International Damsterdiep 299,
9713 EG Groningen, Netherlands
Customer Support Fax: +31 50 549-3092
Email Address:
North America Customer Service/Support
5360 Legacy Drive #300,
Plano, TX 75024
United States
Customer Service Phone: (972) 805-5100
Customer Service Email Address:
Social Media Contact
Time/Hours of Operation
- Monday / Wednesday / Friday – 8:00AM-6:00PM
- Tuesday / Thursday – 8:00 AM-8:00PM
- Weekends: No Work

What is Good About WorldVentures?
Community Service
Voluntourism has been a big hit among travel-enthusiasts all over the World, at the very least, because it provides a more satisfying activity to their schedules when they leave their comfort zones.
The branches of WorldVentures often organize events to support their local communities, like when the office in South Africa did a program to enlighten on topics concerning safety, health, and development.
WorldVentures have also been noble to partner with bodies like Tourismcares to protect natural parks and the wild.
Big Price for Luxury
The attraction to selling WorldVentures is how luxurious the products are.
Nobody will die from not traveling, but that it’s an optional luxury adds to the cost of an exotic experience, which means more revenue for investors in WorldVentures.
This is true, even though it claims the lowest prices among travel search engines through its unique booking engine, Rovia.
Earning Opportunity
Some reward bonuses can fetch members of WorldVentures’ spare change when they are successful with sales.
For instance, WorldVentures members can score $100 by selling three expensive trips within a month, and $150 more if they can sell another three within that same time frame.
Members can also receive up to $75 after seller the cheaper trips.
The more appreciated news is the waived monthly fees after you reach a certain level after sponsoring the required number of customers.
Alternatively, members that have been elevated to the Senior Representative level by getting 30 customers on two legs can choose to have at least $8 commissions on their sales.
Clever Recruitment Drive
Traditional MLMs have a general audience for their sales – moms with little children that can market the products to other moms.
WorldVentures have set up trends on social media and other marketing boards to target a different and more dynamic demographic – young people looking to travel.
To this end, WorldVentures has become synonymous with tags like ‘You should be here,’ “work less…vacation more” and “work from anywhere!”.
Telling those people that they can travel, and even make money from it. Talk about cake.
Issues with WorldVentures
Two Monthly Fees
You’re not told, but members must pay a Representative Monthly Business System fee every month or lose the right to earn for that month.
This fee is aside from the regular monthly fees, and though newcomers pay a one-time $100 fee, it is still quite expensive to maintain.
Absurdly Expensive
MLM affiliates rarely make $500 in their first year, the first-year average is south of that, by a considerable margin, and that’s why it’s surprising that the initial cost of membership for WorldVentures can run up to a thousand buck with the lowest startup fee at $200.
Aside from that weight, there are monthly costs to pay up to keep the account active.
Complicated Compensation Plan
There’s a limit to setting considerable challenges to get rewards, and the compensation plans of WorldVentures indeed cross that line.
If not, how can it be expected that a new member must recruit 30 new people before they are allowed to get commissions?
There are many rules like this that make World Ventures rough terrain to handle.
Earning Potential Is Low on Average
The reports for earnings on WorldVentures are terrible, simple as that.
Before 2016, their IDS reported a total loss on the part of the investors, as a massive 70% of the representatives failed to earn anything for different reasons.
With such a high probability of failure, making it out of that bracket should be rewarding, only, it’s not.
Is the World Venture earning worth it? What do you think of my review of World Venture MLM jobs?
No Free Training
There’s the conferences that cost hundreds of dollars, and the monthly $30 for mailing training materials that you must also buy every month.
World Ventures is meant to make you more productive, right?
Online Complaints About WorldVentures
Firstly, there are too many complaints about the weight of the monthly payments, considering how tough it is to meet the requirements of the compensation plan.
In contrast, many more-established members speak of owed bonuses and commissions.
Also, there have been many voices condemning the effect of Voluntourism.
Many articles have been written about the negative impact of the volunteer program organized by World Ventures; there must be a better way to spend all those earnings from the luxurious trips.
World Ventures BBB Review Is “C+”
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has lengthy complaints from various members of World Ventures that are yet to be attended to.
Most of the complaints sighted that the company has failed to deliver on promises of refunds; others go straight to the point of accusing WorldVentures of deceptive advertisement of the product.
They also stated that the customer service is too hard to reach for getting help on booking packages.
The C+ rating is due to insincerity and vagueness about the worth of the product.
World Ventures Lawsuit
The most massive legal issue that World Ventures has faced so far is probably the Norwegian Government’s exile of the company.
In 2014, World Ventures was labeled an illegal pyramid scheme in Norway, something that was repeated three years later, as a RICO-class action lawsuit was tabled against World Ventures for being a pyramid scheme.
There have been numerous legal complaints from members of World Ventures itself, especially in the case of unpaid commissions.
Dennis Bay, for example, was owed a sum of $243,057.00 in 2018, Which he claimed was due payment after four months when his monthly compensation of $60,164 was not accorded to him.
Even though he was an influential partner of World Ventures in Asia; instrumental in having achieved a lot in the Asia market; they claim that he was helpful to convert 7 out of 10 down lines for World Ventures in Asia.
That case was reportedly and settled out of court since nobody attended the hearings, and Bay has long since continued his work for World Ventures.
The same type of case had happened earlier, in 2016, when top earners at World Ventures Myron Wick and Virginia Walker, attacked World Ventures for failing to pay up their salaries and compensation.
World Ventures have sued its members too; Carlos Rogers and Abboud Barakat have faced the court order for stealing trade secrets; with the latter accused of smuggling clients’ private information as well to create a new MLM called MaVie.
How to Cancel World Venture Membership
To cancel your World Venture membership, you will need to contact the customer service team.
- Use this email address:
- Write to instruct them to cancel your membership.
You can also Manually Cancel Your World Ventures Membership.
Follow the steps below unsubscribe your membership:
Address the mail to
Let the subject of your mail be “ Your Name (72xxxxx) Cancellation.”
Compose your mail and state reason for your cancellations and state your detail and information such as:
- Name,
- Rep ID (72xxxxx),
- Phone Number: 892793936…,
- Product(s): DreamTrips Platinum
- Your Representative Business System Websites:
- Sponsor ID:
You will soon receive a mail from Eventum@localhost informing you that your cancellation of membership mail is received.
After about two to three days, you will receive another mail to inform you that the cancellation of your World Ventures membership is approved.
You can also treat the cancellation over the phone by contacting the customer service team and support
World Ventures customer service phone number and email contact are:
- Phone Number: 972-805-5100
- Email:
Is World Ventures a Pyramid Scheme?
No World Ventures is a legit Multi-Level Marketing company and not a scam pyramid scheme.
What is a Pyramid Scheme?
Pyramid Scheme is illegal, and it will waste your time and make you lose your hard-earned money.
This Scheme is base on the recruitment of new representatives to bring in subscription fees (money).
Pyramid Scheme does not have products and services as a selling point.
Though Multi-Level Marketing activities are almost like pyramid schemes, still because such that it involves tangible products and services.
This is why World Ventures is NOT a Pyramid scheme but a legitimate MLM company.
World Ventures sells travel memberships/packages; this is not a scam because they deliver on their promises.
The problem with World Ventures is that the company is banned in some countries because they claim that the company rewards its Representative more on recruitment than on sales of travel products.
Source: NewTimes News Paper
Countries like Norway, Rwanda already warns the general public about the Pyramid scheme nature of World Venture, while the South Africa government via National the state Consumer Commission (NCC) is currently investigating them.
The reason they gave was that the Rep focuses on recruitment than sales of travel packages so they can avoid the payment of monthly fees.
I recommend my audience to stay away from World Ventures not because it is a pyramid scheme or scam (no, it is none of that), but because you will not make money.
The essence of doing business is to help people and make money.
In this case, the representatives that are currently doing this are not making money.
You can see the proof in the opening of my write up and from the company’s Income Disclosure Statement for 2018/2019.
what do you think of my World Venture MLM jobs review? Do you think you can still make money with World Venture compensation plan?
Is World Venture legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Is World Ventures Legit Or Scam?
World Venture is legit, and not a scam pyramid scheme.
World Ventures is a legitimate business, except in Norway, where it’s labeled as a pyramid scheme.
The company has been recognized among the top 20 U. S. Companies, ranking 12th, as well as first and second in the list of Top U.S. Mid-Market Companies and the $100 Million Growth Club, respectively.
That’s not to say that there have been no issues with their fidelity.
The records of World Ventures is marred with lawsuits from unpaid commissions and misleading advertisement.
Can you make money with World Venture MLM jobs? Is World Venture legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What do you think of my review of World Venture MLM jobs?
Is World Ventures Worth It?
Thanks for reading my World Ventures reviews? Do you think you can make money with World Ventures’ compensation plan?
Do you think that World Ventures is legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
To answer the question directly, no World Ventures does not worth it.
The purpose of joining World Ventures is to have access to the DreamTrips service.
You can’t window shop the deals you’re getting until you sign up, and you must have paid the sign-up fees, and the monthly payments are painful; especially since the compensation plans are so complex and challenging to execute.
For those that know all these and are driven to join still, the rewards at the top are worth it, but the trip to get there is no joke.
This is why you will do great because you are reading my review. I suggest you consider my £1 recommendation on how to make money from home.
You can turn your passion, hobbies, and skills into a full-time income online. Check this out; it can turn your life around.
Are you with World Venture MLM?
What do you think of my World Venture review? Are you making money with the World Venture MLM jobs and compensation plan?
Do you think it is a scam pyramid scheme or legitimate MLM jobs?
Please use my comment area below for your opinion.
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WorldVenture Scam Review – Video
It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
I always wondered if the travel MLM’s could survive the explosion of online booking sites over the last 10 years, I think the answer will probably be NO! This is a great analysis John! I have been a part of a few MLM’s and have always made money but not from recruitment but selling the products. The fact that almost all of the participants make under $500 a year just shows that the effort will not pay off and the product itself is probably not that unique. At least the product MLM’s are unique to their respective MLM’s. Your site is a place to go for these in-depth analysis!
Dear Robert,
Thanks for reading my world ventures scam review. I really appreciate your comments.
I was actually apart of world trip adventures a few years back for I was referred to them by a co worker. I love going on trips, but it has been halted for now due to having a kid and of course this epidemic. I was a platinum member and I was raking points to be one. They claim to have the cheapest travel, but I am also a member of travel sites like expedia, trivago and so forth and I found them to be cheaper there since I am a member and its free. So, once I found this out I quit. I knew it was a MLM, but I just loved to travel so it wasn’t a big deal to me, but again once I can find cheaper prices someone else that loyalty is gone sorry to say.
Dear Brittany,
Thanks for reading my world ventures scam review.
You should consider an affiliate travel website of your own.
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Thanks for reading my world ventures scam review.
It article is all about how to make money with World Ventures. Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for sharing this indepth review of World Ventures. The purpose of wanting to join this MLM company is to make money so I really appreciate you breaking down the earnings and arriving at an average earning of 40 cents per day. I bet this is not the kind of business I’d want to invest my precious time and money into.
Thanks for the visit and for reading my review about world ventures dream trips.
Considering all I have read here in this post and how you have broken this post down for me, I really like this review. Thank you so much for sharing this here. I am more than sure that there is a need to share this out with my friends too. Thanks for sharing this out here, trust me, I will surely avoid this company at all cost
Thanks for reading my World ventures’ dream trips review.
I appreciate your comments.
Thanks for this thorough article uncovering so much about WorldVentures. I think, like nearly all MLM outfits, the income structure reflects its pyramid structure, with a tiny proportion of people making something that could be called an income and the vast majority making absolutely nothing or losing money. That was certainly my experience of MLM and I applaud you for doing this research and discouraging people from signing up.
Thanks for reading my review on how to make money with World Ventures.
I am happy you liked it.
Hi John,
great article. Thanks for revealing such information. this is very helpful, especially to those of us that are in to internet marketing. you have clearly shown all we need to know about world ventures.
Very precise and accurate information. I cross-checked the information stated in your article and they are all correctly represented.
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Which are the countries that you know that World Ventures are currently operating?
Thanks for reading my review about world ventures scam reviews.
I am aware of World Ventures Rwanda, World Ventures South Africa , World Ventures Norway;
World Ventures USA ( all the states in the US).
Thanks for reading my World Ventures review.
Really appreciate.
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Thanks for reading my World Ventures reviews.
The article is to investigate all about World Ventures and examining if World Venture is a Pyramid scheme or not.
Thanks for your time and for the comments.
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Thanks for reading my world ventures pyramid scheme review.
I aim to write a review on how to make money with world ventures.
Thank you
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