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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » SeneGence MLM Jobs Reviews: Can You Really Make Money?

SeneGence MLM Jobs Reviews: Can You Really Make Money?

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You are welcome to my SeneGence International careers jobs reviews. Can you make money with SeneGence MLM Compensation plan? Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

It is good you are here to find out if you can make money as a SeneGence distributor. 


The best way to discover legitimate online business and avoid scams online is to do what you are doing right now, i.e., an online research program. 

While researching an online program, I discovered how to turn my passion and skills into blogging.

Please know that I am not in any way affiliated with SeneGence International; expect an unbiased reviews of SeneGence International career jobs from me.

Please keep reading.

Must-Read Article:

SeneGence MLM at a Glance

SeneGence International careers jobs reviews

Product Name: SeneGence International
Industry: Multi-Level Marketing
Year Founded: 1999
Headquarters: Foothill Ranch, CA
Products: Personal Care and Cosmetics Products
Founder: Joni Rae Rogers-Kante
Price: $55 plus an optional distributor pack ranging between $1,195 and $75
Rating: 20%
Recommended: No { Check Out My #1 Recommendation }

Summary of SeneGence MLM Careers Jobs Reviews

SeneGence International is a direct sales and network marketing company that is into the production and sales of personal care products. The company sells its products through SeneGence’s independent sales network and distributors. 

But Is SeneGence safe, sound, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme? Can you make money with Make money with SeneGence MLM Compensation Plan?

Please know that SeneGence is legit, safe, good, and not a pyramid scheme scam direct sales company.

It will be complicated for any newbie to make money with SeneGence MLM careers jobs as a distributor.

Why is that? SeneGence is a direct sales company, and it uses MLM and a direct sales business model for the distribution and sales of its products via its distributor network.

Why do I come to this conclusion about SeneGence MLM careers jobs?

No, it has nothing to do with SeneGence International MLM as a company. But everything to do with the MLM and direct sales as a whole.

Why It Is Very Difficult to Make Money with MLM 

Mr. Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., the founder of the Consumer Awareness Institute of South Bountiful, UT, USA, did 20 years of research on over 600 MLM companies in the USA and across the world.

He came to this conclusion after its findings and research that 99.7% of people that join direct sales and MLM companies will lose their money (i.e., implying that only 0.3% of those people that join MLM will make money).

You can say that it is just a man and his research. You have to read his books where you see how they came about to such a conclusion.

Mr. Jon M. Taylor’s books include “The Case For And Against MLM” and “MLM Unmasked.”

Also, the AARP foundation-sponsored research about the profiling of people in MLM and their experience. They also published their findings in a book titled “AARP Study of Multilevel Marketing.”

The above three books are FREE to download. If in case you couldn’t download via this link here. Please search for them online. 

Please share those books with your friends and relatives; you will save many people from losing their hard-earned money. 

But is all the above applies to SeneGence International MLM careers jobs? 

SeneGence Average Annual Income Disclosure Statement

You have only one way to find out. 

Look for the latest Average Annual Income Disclosure Statement. You can not see it online because it is not good. 

The SeneGence income disclosure statement is supposed to be a public document in a public domain to help people join. Why is the company hiding its income disclosure from the public?

What you will see are many false income claims, as reported by Truth in Advertising here.

99.7% of any MLM distributor will not make money, no matter how good the company’s product or services may be. The percentage of distributors making money in any MLM company is as few as less than 0.3%. 

You can only make money with an MLM company if you join early, you are an investor, and you are the owner of such a company. 

It is always tricky scaling through complicated compensation plans.

Note: SeneGence International is legit, safe, good, and not a pyramid scheme scam. You can try out their products. It will be tough for you to make money with this company as a distributor and sales rep. 

My Recommendations

Do you want to make money?

Start an online business. You can transform anything you have a passion for into an online business. It is the 21st century. 

You can turn and transform any business demand in your local environment into a vast full-time income for you. 

It is not the age to be running after people selling MLM products. You can only make money by providing what people are looking for.

People are looking for stuff through searching Google (that is how you landed here).

Do you want to partner with big eCommerce stores like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, etc., or? You can be making over $3,000 monthly after six to seven months of putting your online business in proper shape. 

You can also transform any local business idea into gold via local business marketing online.

Check out this training. Level -1 of ten lessons are FREE to start. There is no need for your credit card to join. Learn more here

What do you think of my SeneGence International careers jobs reviews?

Can you make money with the SeneGence MLM compensation plan? Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

make money with SeneGence MLM Compensation plan?

What is SeneGence?

SeneGence International, Inc (also called SGII, Inc) abbreviated as SeneGence MLM is a private Multi-Level marketing company that is into distribution and sales of skincare and makeup products.

SeneGence’s main product is its LipSense product line.

SeneGence was founded by Joni Rogers-Kante in 1999, who is now the CEO and chairman of the company.

The company headquartered is in Lake Forest (Foothill Ranch), California, USA. SeneGence International also has its facilities in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

SeneGence has been accused of multi marketing manipulation via its distributor’s deceptive advertising. Read more about SeneGence International Company on Wikipedia. Can you Make Money with SeneGence

SeneGence Product Line

A wide variety of skincare products make up the SeneGence line. Of these unique items, Lipsense is the bestselling product. Below are different coverage of  SeneGence Product Lines:

  • Skin Care
  • Anti-Aging
  • SeneDerm Solutions
  • SeneGence For Men
  • Face
  • Eyes
  • Lips
  • Body
  • Spa
  • Hair
  • Abundance Parfums

While Lipsense is a brand of lip color that has remained popular with ladies over the years.

This has become synonymous enough with the company to become the second name of the company, SeneGence MLM has a long list of anti-aging serums, body creams, facial moisturizers, and cleansers for good personal care.

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Apart from the famous Lipsense, anti-aging cream for the eyes, SeneGence Eye Crème, has become a favorite among ladies because of the unique properties that allow it to generate a silky coating when applied, as it melts instantly at skin temperature.

This coating negates the drag felt during makeup, filling the lines and wrinkles on the body to give off the image of smooth skin.

There’s also SeneSerum-C, an anti-aging defensive formula for ‘urbanization’ that repairs skin cells that have been damaged and strengthens them to avoid extensive damage.

SeneGence MLM aims to monopolize the personal care market, and they’ve made some interesting claims to that effect.

is senegence legit, or scam pyramid scheme

Of those claims, SeneGence maintains that they’ve never used by-products from animals for their products, or partaken in animal cruelty by testing their products on animals.

While the grading system is not a recognized one, SeneGence declares that its products are created in “Pharmaceutical Grade” rated production facilities and that the ingredients used in making the products are naturally occurring, and subsequently FDA approved.

Can you make money with SeneGence MLM Compensation plan? What do you think of my SeneGence careers jobs reviews?

Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

How to Make Money with SeneGence MLM Careers Jobs

As a SeneGence independent distributor (i.e., the SeneSisters), you have to work with the MLM business model run by SeneSisters International to make money with the company.

Your title and the kind of money you can make is only based on the sales numbers and your rankings.

Your earnings and income are calculated and derived from SeneGence product sales and commission you made from wholesale product purchases by those independent distributors that are your downlines.

For you to qualify to earn any commission, you must spend a minimum of $200 monthly on the purchase of SeneGence products of your choice.

There are many accusations of the company making the independent distributors get involved in front-loading of SeneGence products, mainly in preparedness for product shortage against the busy season.

The “The Outline” accused the company of using its complicated compensation structure to impact on its distributors negatively.

See the step by step process you can make money with the SeneGence compensation plan in the next paragraph below.

Before you decide to make money with SeneGence MLM, it is better you go through the SeneGence International Distributor Policies and Procedures Guide.

Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

Can you make money with SeneGence MLM jobs and compensation plan?

SeneGence Compensation Plan

SeneGence follow the basic MLM sales company template by necessitating product purchase every month before a distributor is qualified for commissions.

Also, the distributor needs to have gathered 300 Personal Volume (PV) points from the purchase of products to earn access to any of the following types of commissions.

Residual Commissions

This involves the enrolment process that truly defines a multi-level marketing strategy. In SeneGence, the distributors are paid commissions for the expanse and impact of their uni-level compensation structure.

However, the uni-level structure at SeneGence culminates at the fifth level beneath every distributor that first purchases the required 100 PV points.

The commissions of the distributors are concerned, compared to other MLMs where the distributors place pairs of recruits under themselves and reap the commissions on each tier as it extends towards infinity.

Also, the only thing that improves the value of residual commissions is the number of products purchased within that month.

That also means that if you don’t have a certain level of personal volume, you might not get earnings from all your recruited five levels.

200PV entitles you to commissions from the five, and just 100 PV points give you access to earn from only three of the levels.

Retail Commissions

Distributors allied with SeneGence also get commissions on the products they sell to retail customers.

Interestingly, the personal volume also has a significant role to play with the profit that can be gained from retail sales.

If a distributor amasses up to 750PV points in a month, half of the retail commission goes to the distributor, and if you choose to buy products for use that month and can’t meet up to the 750PV target, then you’ll be left with earning just 20% of the retail commission.

In all, there are two secrets to the retail commission.

The first is that you get more earnings with more points gathered from purchases. Also, 50% of the price you give the product to your customers is the sales commission.

So, that in mind, before you ignore your commissions, the wealth in SeneGence is in Retail Sales.

==>SeneGence Compensation Plan PDF Download

How Much Does It Cost to Join SeneGence MLM as a Distributor?

You can join in two ways:

As a Customer

You can easily join and quickly have access to several products of SeneGence International that includes cosmetics and anti-aging skincare products.

You just need to locate any SeneGence distributor near you to start ordering for the product of your desire.

As an Independent SeneGence Distributor

You can choose to be an independent SeneGence Distributor and have a great career with SeneGence.

You can join SeneGence with just $55 investment that will allow you to start ordering for products between 20 to 50% off the retail price, and you can earn bonuses, commission with other rewards.

The following are other SeneGence Distributor pack options you have as an independent distributor of SeneGence:

New SeneGence Distributor Kit (NDK) / Application Fee: $55

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Fast Start Pack = $1,195 (You will save 65%, the actual value is $3,500)

  • Significant SeneSeller PACK = $795 (You will save 55%, the actual values is $1,830 value)

Qualified SeneGence Distributor PACK = $345 ( You will save 50%, the actual value is $830)

  • Glamour Demo PACK = $295 ($1,000 retail value )
SeneGence International careers jobs reviews
  • LIPS PACK = $75 (Value at $200)
senegence international independent distributor reviews

Who Is SeneGence Distributor Jobs for?

Even the most experienced heads Multi-level marketing might balk under the pressure of selling beauty products if they cannot convince the targets of the superiority of the brand.

Fortunately, LipSense is a popular product, but the maximum benefits will go to someone with a good grasp of beauty products and has the right words to pass skin and personal care products to other interested parties with ease.

Do you think you can Make Money with SeneGence MLM?

How Much Money Can You Make with SeneGence MLM Jobs?

We can not measure or know precisely how much the SeneGence independent distributors are making because of the SeneGence International has not made its Income Disclosure Statement public.

We usually know how much you can make by the past performance of the company profitability wise and the way the earnings and income were shared.

I have reviewed over 300 MLM companies. From my various reviews, over 88% of distributors will not make money with any MLM companies.

If you join any MLM company as a distributor and newbie, you will only be working for your upline and the owners of the company. You may never make money.

Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

SeneGence Customer Service

SeneGence has a Support Help Desk you can reach here, or you can call 850-524-5477 for support.

What is Good About SeneGence Careers Jobs?

  • More Than Two Decades of Experience

SeneGence has been around for long enough to establish itself as a strong tower of job security if your choice is to invest in them.

It’s not guaranteed that you’ll get profits, but you’ll keep yourself busy with product sales and recruitment, and SeneGence will not mysteriously vanish as con companies do.

You need the experience to Make Money with SeneGence MLM.

  • Profit Margins are level with retail standards

Looking at the figures surrounding wholesale for SeneGence products, the discount rates between 20% and 50% are satisfactory, at least.

If the compensation plan is anything to go by, SeneGence Distributor will gain a net profit of 5% for each product sold, and that’s as good as it gets in the retail industry.

  • Top Shelf Products

SeneGence has dominated rivals like Clinique in the skincare niche for decades now.

That conversion has been down solely to the quality of the products in comparison to other skincare products.

Even if there is no clarity on the ingredients used in making it, there is no denying the fact that SeneGence Products are active.

SeneGence MLM Jobs Complaints

  • No Transparency

It is fair if SeneGence refuses to reveal the formula used in making their products, revealing trade secrets would ruin them somehow.

However, it’s something else if SeneGence refuses to disclose what SeneGence Distributor in the company earns.

Income Disclosure Statements serve the purpose of letting people know if they would be satisfied with their earning potential beforehand.

Most companies use the IDS to get people interested in the company, but not SeneGence.

The company failed to produce an Income Disclosure Statement to the public domain raises eyebrows about their confidence in the worth of their compensation plans and the benefit for SeneGence Distributor.

  • Expensive Initial and Maintenance Costs

Even for an MLM, paying close to $1,000 for a sign-up fee is on the high side; and there’s the issue of the monthly fees that you have to pay to qualify for commissions.

Even in the sphere of MLM companies, few companies cost as much as SeneGence.

  • Recruitment Frustration

SeneGence demands downlines from its SeneGence Distributor, limiting people that are not as adept at recruitment.

The huge role recruitment plays in the success of distributors means making a record number of sales is not enough to make maximum profit.

The frustrating thing about the situation is that even experienced marketers cannot enjoy maximum benefits from recruitment either, not when the commissions that can be earned from downlines are just limited to 5 tiers.

Online Complaints About SeneGence MLM Jobs

Information leaked about marketing operations recently implied that SeneGence intentionally makes the products unavailable occasionally to heat the demand for the products, especially since the SeneGence distributor must meet specific targets to qualify for residual commissions.

Many SeneGence distributors have attested to this foul play, and how it affects their ability to get a good enough profit margin since they are never sure

For SeneGence and its distributors, stocks of their products are always the primary concern.

A company’s ability to give you a decent profit margin on their product is useless if they cannot consistently give you the number of stocks that YOU NEED to earn money.

SeneGence BBB Reviews Rating Is ” A+”

The Better Business Bureau SeneGence International reviews rating is A+.

The accreditation of SeneGence International is not yet in place.

SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme

Source: Better Business Bureau Website

The “A” SeneGence Reviews BBB rating shows that this company has a great customer service policy.

It implies that they are handling customer complaint as at when due.

What do you think? Does that mean that SeneGence is safe, good, legit, and not a scam pyramid scheme?

Can you now make money with SeneGence MLM jobs and compensation plan? Also, SeneGence International careers jobs reviews?

SeneGence Lawsuits

The SeneGence founder, Joni Rogers-Kante faced a lawsuit in 2018, for claims that she took sides in a marital dispute concerning a SeneGence Distributor.

In response, Joni refuted any knowledge of the allegations and denied that there was truth in the claims.

A year earlier, SeneGence had been investigated by an audit team sponsored by Truth in Advertising.

That audit team uncovered some strange, false, and unsubstantiated revenue statements that SeneGence has not convincingly dealt with ever since.

What do you think of the SeneGence International lawsuit reviews?

Is SeneGence a Pyramid Scheme?

No SeneGence is safe, good, legit, and not a scam pyramid scheme?

SeneGence International is a legitimate company that is into the distribution and sales of skincare and makeup products.

The only problem with SeneGence International is that they adopt the MLM business model, which is not illegal.
MLM business model is legal, but the pyramid scheme is not.

Why is SeneGence International not a Pyramid scheme?

SeneGence is not a pyramid scheme because you have to sell a product.

A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money that involves the continuous recruitment of investors.

People are getting paid only for recruiting people, while people that are referred will only earn when they recruit without sales or distribution of products or services.

This is why SeneGence is not a pyramid scheme because independent distributors are selling skincare products.

What do you think of my SeneGence MLM careers jobs and compensation plan reviews?

Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

Is SeneGence Safe, Legit, or a Scam?

SeneGence is safe, legit, good, and not a pyramid scheme scam.

So far, it is selling real products; there can be no denying that SeneGence provides a real business opportunity, regardless of how poorly it pays.

Christina Aguilera, and so many famous makeup artists in Broadway, use and recommend products from SeneGence.

In that sense, it is farther from being a scam than many other businesses are.

Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme? What do you think of my Is SeneGence MLM careers jobs reviews?

Is SeneGence worth It?

Thanks for reading my SeneGence International MLM careers jobs reviews? Do you know anyone making money with SeneGence MLM jobs and compensation plan?

Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

In my personal opinion, SeneGence International is a legitimate company. The problem with the business model is the employment of the MLM business structure.

In all mlm business model run companies, it is only a few people at the top of the management that make money.

The Independent distributors that join the company in the early day of starting the company and the owners are the ones that most.

This is why SeneGence International has refused to release its Income Disclosure Statement to the public.

99.7% of independent distributors will likely lose their money in any MLM business because it is always difficult to scale the complicated compensation plan they provided.

What is your take? Is SeneGence safe, good, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?

Can you make money with SeneGence MLM Compensation plan? What do you think of my SeneGence International careers jobs reviews?

SeneGence MLM Jobs and Compensation Plan

==>SeneGence Compensation Plan PDF Download

14 thoughts on “SeneGence MLM Jobs Reviews: Can You Really Make Money?”

  1. I certainly have doubts about dealing with this make-up company after reading about your experiences.  Even though there was one popular product it seems to have been difficult to use their system to earn a good income.  You gave a considerable  history of struggles.  Thank you for hte information.  

    I am wondering if you have found your feet yet with a company that enables you to create a business and make a reasonable income from all your hard work.  If so you could give your readers access to such a company and earn an income that way.  

    1. Thanks for your opinion and for reading my article on how to make money SeneGence.

      Really appreciate.



  2. This is a very good article that shows what a typical MLM is really all about. The vast majority of these, as far as I’m concerned, are almost like a pyramid scheme where the people at the top are the only ones that really make the money. Worse still, people have to buy in to these programs to sell the products. It should be the other way around but of course it is not. Whether this is or isn’t a pyramid scheme I’m not sure. The author thinks its not but it could be. If a person is going to get involved in something like this, they must do their homework before they become involved or else suffer a negative result.

    1. Most MLM is like a Pyramid scheme. But, SeneGence is not a Pyramid scheme and I am not recommending it to my audience because It is only the people at the top that always make money with MLM companies.

      Instead, I am only recommending Affiliate marketing and have your own business online. 

      Thanks again for reading my review of SeneGence.

  3. Hello there! That an awesome review you got there!

    I love this review because he gave me so much information on  “SeneGence product” and the company as well. 

    From your review I think it is a legit company with good products but difficult to make money from it unless you joined at the beginning!

    Thanks so much for sharing, I really appreciate!

    1. Thanks for reading my  SeneGence International review. 

      It is all about how to Make Money with SeneGence.

      I appreciate your comment.



  4. Thanks for sharing this and i am glad i came across your website. I always like to browse searching for an online business or an affiliate program that will help me increase my financial status. You have just made me know about one SeneGence and I am happy to know that it is not a scam and it is legit.

    I would love to sign up right away and become part of it. My passion for affiliate marketing increases everyday and i am happy i landed to this article of yours and learn about SeneGence.

    Their products seems very interesting as they are beauty products as well. I love beauty and keeping my body young is like a hobby. Thanks for sharing and I wish to share this with my social media platform.

    1. Dear Jeff,

      Thanks for reading my SeneGence International review.

      The article is all about how to make money with SeneGence. I am glad you like it.



  5. Hi John. Good article about SeneGence. I am familiar with many MLM s and I understand the concern with people having this persona that all MLM s are a scam of some sort. It actually blows my mind that people are too stubborn to acknowledge the business model that MLM s are using. This is a business model that several of the biggest companies have used for years and they have never been ridiculed for it so why is it that others get such negative feed back? At any rate, I enjoyed your article and I will pass it along to my sister on social media and she will share with her friends as well. Good luck!

    1. Dear Paul,

      Thanks for reading my SeneGence International review.

      It is all about how to Make Money with SeneGence.



  6. Hi John.

    Great article on another MLM scheme where generally the only people that are going to make decent money are the ones at or near the very top.

    I have seen many MLM business models and this one is really no exception. I would stay clear of this mess and instead take your very good advice and join Wealthy Affiliate.

    I am personally in the program and I have already learned a lot. Thanks for bringing this MLM fiasco to our attention!

  7. Thank you John for this detailed review. My beloved life partner and I are both involved in the affiliate business. I have tried MLM before and It didn’t worked well for me. On the other hand, we are successful with affiliate marketing and I should say it’s a safer way to exercise control and growth over your business. That being said, thank you for investigating the SeneGence program and revealing its true nature. I have found your article very informative and eye opening.

    1. Dear Olivier,

      I have tried MLM before too. I failed terribly at it.

      But, I am doing great with Affiliate Marketing.

      Really appreciate. 



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