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Home » Affiliate Marketing » 7 Best Google Tools for Small Business (Video): Great Google Tools

7 Best Google Tools for Small Business (Video): Great Google Tools

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You are welcome to my review of different Google Tools for Small businesses. They are free to Google tools for small and big businesses online.

Does Google have different tools that have revolutionized the online business world that has gone from being a simple internet tool to being an essential part of human existence?


It has become part and parcel of a crucial rational function and has been incorporated into the daily lives of every individual that has access to the internet.

Like food, water, and shelter, the search engine is now an essential resource that must be utilized on a daily basis to live a functional life.

The internet tech corporation; which started out as a primary search engine platform, has grown by leaps and bounds to become one of the biggest players in the tech world today.

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Google at a Glance

what is google for business

Name: Google
Industry: Internet, Cloud Computing, Software, Hardware, Artificial Intelligence & Advertising
Founded: September 4, 1998
Headquarters: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,
Mountain View, California. The U.S.A.
Founders: Larry Page and Sergey Brin

What is Google?

With revenues soaring towards $100 billion and total assets worth about $167 billion; the tech company; which is now a subsidiary of the parent company, Alphabet Inc., is regarded as one of the most valuable corporate entities in the world.

Founded by two Ph.D. students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin; at Stanford University.

The Google search engine concept was initiated as a research project with the motive of applying a theory that alluded to the possibility of a more efficient search engine system compared to the ones that were being used.

While the conventional search engines that were in place then ranked search results by counting the number of times the entered query appeared on the page.

The mechanism proposed by the duo’s research theory suggested a better approach that involved the analysis of the relationship among the sample websites.

The technology, which was referred to as PageRank; was able to determine the relevance of a website by just finding out the number of pages that were linked to the site and also the importance of the pages.

The final search engine product that was created by the two founders was nicknamed “BackRub”; just because of the mechanics involved in its function that included the checking of backlinks in assessing the importance of a website.

The name would, however; be changed to the globally recognized word used today to represent the execution of a search query.

The beginnings of the tech conglomerate were genuinely humble with the original website used for the search engine being under the Stanford University domain.

The company would, however; branch out by first procuring the domain name “Google” in 1997, before becoming incorporated a year later. Read all about Google on Wikipedia. 

What do you think of this free Google tools for small and big online and local businesses?

How Big Is Google?

Google is now extremely big.

From a hurriedly organized office space created in the garage of a fellow Stanford colleague.

The duo of Larry Page and Sergey Brin ran the early affairs of the company with just one employee; a fellow Stanford Ph.D. student.

After multiple investments from various tech specialists and innovators like Andy Bechtolsheim, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Ram Shriram.

The company proceeded on a tangent that would take it to the impressive heights it presently maintains.

Google has successfully carved a niche for itself in the tech world and is unmatched by any rival company providing search engine functions.

Its portfolio is also much broader with shares in various innovative web technologies like video streaming, mobile application, and hosting technology.

Best Google Tools for Small Business to Make Money (Video)

Importance of Google to Your Business

Google isn’t just an internet utility tool that assists web users in their day-to-day activities; it has become an essential component of the internet framework that controls and regulates online actions and tasks.

A world without an entity performing the functions of the search engine giant is merely unimaginable; as it is likely to create a disorganized digital space that is unregulated and open to indiscriminate interference from its constituent elements.

Google is a highly recommended tool that is utilized by web users seeking information about important subjects; which can cut across health, technology, education, fashion, entrepreneurship, sports, business and commerce, entertainment and history, etc.

It is also very useful in identifying and locating websites with URL addresses that aren’t very clear to online visitors.

From finding the lyrics to your favorite song to watching your favorite videos on the renowned video streaming site.

YouTube and Google ensure that you’re able to accomplish these minor goals without any stress by merely entering a relevant query into the search engine.

Regardless of what scope or field you specialize in.

Google ensures that you have at your fingertips, the answer to any professional question you may be struggling with; hence, helping to broaden your knowledge and increase your intelligence level.

Can You Really Make Money With Google?

Calling Google a money-making platform is belittling the magnitude of amazing things that can be achieved with the aid of the search engine tool.

Google search engine is a source of lead generation for all businesses now.

There perhaps isn’t one single web entrepreneur, who doesn’t attribute his or her success directly or indirectly to the search engine.

Google isn’t only capable of creating an avenue that can help you to make money consistently; it can build for you a platform that will transform you into a very successful web entrepreneur.

Almost every subsidiary of the tech company provides a lucrative opportunity for you to earn money on a consistent basis while applying the tools embedded within them.

Google has many sources whether it is through video streaming and social sharing within the community.

The advertising chains “Adwords” and “Adsense” that manage and regulate ads found on Google’s search engine platform; and affiliate websites, the Google variant of conventional Pay Per Click systems, or Google Plus, its social media equivalent to the much renowned Facebook.

Google has created multiple avenues that are not only utilized to earn a consistent income but they are also guaranteed wealth creation channels.

There are so many benefits to making and learning how to make money online.

Although the principal purpose of the search engine platform is to resolve challenges faced by internet users on a daily basis.

It has since transcended into a humongous business platform that is assisting every web user in taking the entrepreneurial route to success.

Google is the foundation responsible for the advancement of many web businesses either through its site ranking and traffic mobilization feature or its innovative marketing and advertising scheme.

Whatever internet venture it is you’re going into, only with Google do you stand a chance of achieving remarkable success?

By either subscribing to any of its marketing affiliate schemes or utilizing any of its advertising tools to boost traffic to your website or blog; you can earn a lot of money on a consistent basis.

Other avenues that can be used to rake in the desired income include the subscription to any of its famous subsidiaries like the video-sharing platform, YouTube.

Can you make money with these free Google tools for small businesses?

7 Top Google Tools and Products

Google has put in place many amazing tools that are not only useful in facilitating the growth of your business venture but are also vital to the accomplishment of simple corporate tasks.

These tools range from essential online apps that can help you complete simple jobs to well-heralded innovations that can increase your site’s traffic when utilized appropriately.

1. Google Drive

One of the challenges many web users and internet entrepreneurs face is the efficient storage of their files and documents.

With offline solutions liable to malfunctions and system errors, most have turned to online alternatives that can guarantee security and top performance.

Google Drive is one of the alternative storage platforms that are capable of storing multiple numbers of files and folders with relative ease.

From any document to varying sizes of pictures and even very heavy video files, Google Drive ensures that they are safely kept within its cloud-based system.

While the merits of this amazing innovation are boundless.

One of the important advantages of using this tool is its universal function that allows you to access saved documents and files anywhere in the world and on any device, as long as you have access to the internet.

It also allows files to be shared among multiple individuals.

This can be vital to the successful execution of group projects undertaken by work colleagues that are scattered across different locations.

What do you think of Google Drive as a free google tool for small businesses?

With over 800 million internet users actively utilizing the platform for a variety of tasks and projects.

It is safe to conclude that the tool isn’t just relevant but is vital to the execution of tasks and projects.

2. The Google Keyword Planner?

It is a tool that is quite valuable for individuals that deal with SEO marketing or web entrepreneurs that wish to fashion a plan that will help increase the flow of internet traffic to the pages of their websites.

Formerly known as Google Keyword Tool.

The innovative application helps you craft an SEO plan for your website by giving you all the necessary data that you need to come up with the right keywords for your site’s content.

It usually works together with another remarkable Google tool, Adwords, and contains many reliable features that play critical roles in the execution of tasks.

With this tool, you’re guaranteed access to invaluable resources that will help in your goal to achieve impressive SEO results.

3. Google Analytics?

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Another fantastic application from the stables of the search engine giant is the website analyzing tool Google Analytics.

One of the important tools a website or blog owner must possess to increase the chances of sustained growth in traffic is a specialized application that helps analyze the activities of a website or blog.

Without this tool, the website or blog won’t be able to know the amount of traffic the site is receiving, which can be detrimental to the growth of the site.

Google analytics, hence, provides you with detailed information about the performance of your website with regard to the number of web users that are being converted to daily visitors on your website.

The data made available by the analytical tool serves as both a diagnostics for your website and as a plan to correct any possible issue.

Information usually provided by Google Analytics includes:

  • The number of people visiting a site on different time frames,
  • The location of the visitors,
  • Websites that are exited before the site’s visits, and
  • The marketing strategy that is most effective in driving traffic to the site.

With these critical pieces of information; the website owner can generate a new marketing campaign that will hopefully drive more traffic to the website.

4. Google AdWords

This is one of the entities of Google’s marketing arm that its subscribers can effectively utilize to generate potent keywords.

These are applied to their marketing campaigns and are displayed in privileged locations on Google’s search engine result page.

This Google tool favored websites have been able to secure advantageous spots on the search engine platform by paying to acquire rights to specific keywords consistently used as queries on the search engine.

If you own a blog or a website and wish to draw more traffic to the pages on the site, then subscribing to Adwords may be the best option available for you.

It is particularly useful for websites that carry out E-commerce transactions since they can convert their increased traffic into revenue by selling products to visitors.

What is also impressive about this marketing tool is the fact that you do not have to pay until valid clicks on your web platform are confirmed, ensuring that you’re only making payment for a service rendered.

What do you think of Google AdWords as free google tools for small businesses?

5. Google Advertising

Google Advertising encompasses every marketing tool and advertising platform used by the internet tech company to facilitate web interaction and commercial activities.

This sector of the tech giant’s business setup contains entirely some lucrative entities including the much popular Adsense and Adwords.

While Adsense functions as a current marketing affiliate that helps web owners earn money from their web creations, Adwords is a tool that facilitates a surge in traffic to the pages of subscribing websites.

By utilizing any of the Google Advertising packages, you’re guaranteed to earn an impressive amount of money on a consistent basis.

6. Google Plus

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It is unsurprising that the tech giant finally immersed itself in the social web-space with this innovation, but it is saddened to know that the platform is shut down.

Known as Google’s answer to the much more famous Facebook, Google Plus is a brilliant social media platform that has helped transform the social media sphere.

Despite being late to the party, the company has managed to secure over 100 million active users.

With this Google Plus platform; you’re able to not only interact with those in your social circle but can also create brilliant marketing campaigns for your online business that will be seen by millions across the globe.

7. Google My Business

This is another excellent concept that allows you to create an internet profile for your business entity without much stress.

With the Google search engine being the principal tool used to locate websites and find answers to queries online.

Having an adequately defined business profile on the platform is undoubtedly an advantage that is certain to help you get more clients.

You’re able to not only create a business profile with this application but also manage your information, including how maps and searches of your business are viewed on the search engine platform.

Google My Business can be seen as a digital business card that can instantly garner the attention of interested people and direct them immediately to your web platform or office address.

Cost/Price of Google Tools

Most of the tools on the Google platform are free to use with payment only necessary for specific premium services on the platform.

Is Google a Good Platform for Business Opportunity?

Google itself isn’t a direct business opportunity that steadily earns you money; it, however, possesses several tools that can be applied in a variety of ways to regularly earn income.

The tech innovation; through its principal and affiliating tools has facilitated millions of businesses.

It has also helped many web entrepreneurs make a living by either assisting them to drive traffic to their various web platforms for commercial purposes or by paying them to be affiliate partners.

If you’re well versed in the workings of the search engine tool; you can also utilize its functions to identify money-making opportunities that are scattered across the internet.

Benefits of Free Google Tools for Small Business.

  • It is the most efficient search engine tool in the internet-tech industry.
  • Google is very reliable in helping web users find valuable websites and answers to important questions or queries
  • It helps to get your website, or blog quickly noticed
  • Google provides all the tools you need to carry out simple office tasks and gives you an online storage field to keep your valuable files and documents
  • It offers an electronic mailing service that is dependable and reliable

My Issues with Free Google Tools for Small Business

The only issue for me with Google is the regular updates of its algorithm that controls the search engine.

These regular updates alter the moneymaking abilities of various webmasters and bloggers.

Otherwise, there are no apparent flaws in the innovative technology although people who aren’t computer savvy may struggle to adapt to its functions.

Who is Different Google Tools For?

Google is basically for everyone since it is the go-to search engine when you want to enter a query and search for a website.

Regardless of the type or scope of your business, it will benefit a lot from being incorporated into the Google platform.

Google is also a valuable marketing channel available to business owners with online platforms as it is the most visited website in the entire world.

Is Free Google Tools for Small Business Worth It?

Google isn’t just a money-earning tool; it is an essential element that is vital to everyday life.

A world without the existence of this brilliant innovation just isn’t pleasant, and the prosperity of businesses on the internet sphere is only guaranteed if the platform remains functional.

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6 thoughts on “7 Best Google Tools for Small Business (Video): Great Google Tools”

  1. Hi everybody! It is amazing to see how much google have grown and what they are today. I think it’s a very complex topic to understand, specifically how the Adsense works. Surprised about the ammount of tools, some of them have even heard about, like AdWords. Definetly a business who wants to grow needs to go through this process and improve. Great article!

  2. Hi John,

    Thank you for your write up and for helping people to know more about many Google tools that can help various business online.

    Is it possible to be using all these tools?

    Which one of these tools are currently using and how are they impacting your business.

    Thanks again.


    1. Dear Prince,

      I am currently using Google drive, Google planner, Google webmaster tool. I will start using the Adsense in the near future.

      The Google tools you use will all depend on what you are doing and what you want to achieve online.

      You can just wake up and decide that you want to start using Good analytics when you don’t even have a website.



  3. Dear John,

    Wow, what a great write up, My knowledge on how Google works and it functionalities has been broadened.
    Now I know more of its functionalities and how it works thanks for the write-up.
    About the Adwords, I will like to know the lowest budget to start using it.
    And I will; like you t give me more enlightenment about it,



    1. Hi Deborah,

      Thanks for reading my article on 7 Top Google Tools And Products That Will Skyrocket Your Business. Indeed Google is an empire, and they have shaped the market.

      We all depend on Google majorly now for our daily bread because I need the search engine to bring my audience to my website.

      Thanks for visiting my page to learn about Top Google tools. Please visit again.



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