You are welcome to my New U Life review. Can you still make money with New U Life MLM jobs? Is New U Life legit or a scam pyramid scheme? Do you want to know about the New U Life Products (Somaderm) Lawsuits?
I am sure you are investigating how to make money with the New U Life Compensation Plan.
Through online research, I discovered the best affiliate marketing certification training that is now making me a full-time income with this website.
I am happy you landed on my page. Please know that I am not in any way a distributor of New U Life Products; therefore, expect an unbiased review of NewULife jobs from me.
Please read on.
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NewULife Corporation at a Glance

Product Name: NewULife
Founder: Alexy Goldstein
Headquarters: Pleasant Hill, California, United States
Year Founded: November 2017
Industry: Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology/Multi-Level Marketing
Products: Health and Wellness (Homeopathic Gel)
BBB Rating: A+
Price: Ordinary Pack ($199); Pro Pack ($559);Executive Pack ($999)
Rating: 30%
Recommended: No (Check Out My #1 Recommendation)
Summary of New U Life MLM Review
New U Life Corporation is a direct sales company that is into the production and marketing of wellness and healthcare products.
Therefore, NewULife is employing a Multi-Level Marketing business model to sell and distribute its various products.
The company claimed to have created its flagship product called “Somaderm Gel,” a Homeopathic Human Growth Hormone.
Is New U Life legit or a pyramid scheme scam?
Can you make money with New U Life MLM jobs?
Are the New U Life Distributors Making Money?
Is NewULife worth joining as a distributor?
It is the essence of this article, and this is a summary review of New U Life and my take.
New U Life is legit and not a pyramid scheme scam.
Only selected people are making money with New U Life MLM jobs. Who are they?
Why New U Life Distributors Are Not Making Money
The number of reasons why you will not make money as a New U Life distributor and the member is the business model that the company has adopted.
MLM is designed to reward the company‘s owners, the early and significant investors, and the people at the top of the scheme.
Mr. Jon M Taylor also confirmed this in his book “Multi-level-Marketing-Unmasked.“
He concluded that 99.7% of MLM members in any direct sales company would lose their money. He did 20 years of investigation about 600 MLM companies to arrive at this conclusion.
What does that imply?
It means that if you are just joining now, you will not make money with New U Life MLM jobs as a distributor.
It also implies that less than 0.3% of distributors of MLM are making money.
How do we know that this is also true for the New U Life MLM job opportunity?
We will look at the latest New U Life income disclosure statement.
It shows the breakdown of the amount made by each Distributor of New U Life MLM jobs.
See the full write-up about the New U Life compensation plan and the income disclosure statement in the article’s body below.
New U Life Income Disclosure Statement for 2019

Source: 2019 New U Life Income Disclosure Statement
My Recommendation
The annual income disclosure statement of New U Life for 2019 shows that 98.8% of the distributors made average yearly earnings of $494.35 each.
If you deduct the $494.35 from the starter pack cost (ranges between $199, $559, and $999), each Distributor must be paid to join New U Life MLM jobs.
What are their profits considering the other operational cost of marketing and social media ads?
Do you think you can still make money with New U Life MLM jobs as a distributor?
Please note that this does not make New U Life a scam and pyramid scheme. New U Life is legit MLM Jobs.
The problem is with the MLM business model adopted by this company. And this applies to all MLM companies.
Do you like to be free of MLM companies?
You can still make money with New U Life MLM as an affiliate marketer.
You will need to have your website. No, not the New U Life websites (branded).
With your website, you can achieve the following:
No need to run after family and friends for conversion
You can partner with thousands of other companies to promote their products or services.
You can sell your website at 10X the amount you invested on the website.
With your website, you can now make money while you are sleeping.
You will be able to provide content that will help your audience in your niche.
Also, you can now direct traffic from your website to any other company-branded website line New U Life website.
You can learn the art of making money with your website via affiliate marketing certification training. Level-1 of ten lessons is FREE to join. Learn more here.
What do you think of my New U Life review? Can you now see how to make money with New U Life MLM jobs with your website?
Do you still think New U Life is legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What Is New U Life?
New U Life (NUL), also written as NewULife, is a direct sales company that produces and distributes health and wellness products.
New U Life corporation is a new multi-level marketing company offering you anti-aging health and wellness products with an important substance called a homeopathic human growth hormone.
The New U Life distributors focus on people age above 35 years plus because this is the age bracket of people who need to shape their growth hormone with Somaderm gel.
The founder and CEO of New U Life corporation are Alexy Goldstein. He founded the company on the 25th of April 2017 with its headquarters in 2623 Pleasant Hill Road.
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, California, USA.
Mr. Alexy Goldstein’s corporate bio stated that he is a certified homeopath, respected iridologist, an herbalist, a nutritional consultant, and a creator of many dietary formulas.
He is known to have taken over his family business in the public space at the early age of 18. Please read more about Alexy Goldstein, the founder of New U Life corporation, on its LinkedIn page.
New U Life Products Line
The New U Life Products will empower you to be young again (at least that is what this company promised).
New U Life Corporation and products believe that transformational health, immune support, and hormone support are part of your body and good health.
Below are different lines of New U Life Products:
SomaDerm Transdermal Gel

SomaDerm Gel is the flagship of NewULife products. They claimed that it is a beautiful transdermal blend that contains homeopathic and nutraceuticals ingredients.
They also claimed that SomaDerm had been shown in third-party and independent trials that volunteers to have improved the natural hormone growth.
New U Life New U Life Corporation promised that SomaDerm would help you grow your hormone naturally that will help you to become younger again.
NeuraVie is another NewULife products that are designed to boost your cognitive health that will help you in the following area:

- Focus,
- Memory,
- Learning,
- Accuracy,
- Concentration, and
- Reasoning.
NeuraVie New U Life products are comprehensive blends that allow you to optimize your performance and mental strength.

The fortress is another New U Life product that is a supplement created to provide the substances that support your body’s protective function when you need it most.
It helps your body produce what you need and when your body needs it. It helps support your body’s immune system.
This supplement helps protect and defend your immune system when you need it most.
Other Transformation Products Includes:
KetoDay and KetoNight
Tonight is another unique New U Life product that is like MCT oil.
This supplement is designed to support and give your body healthy throughout the day.
The KetoNight blend aids your body’s ability to help maintain ketosis during the nighttime.
Today and TonightTonight formula of New U Life products were created to ensure you are doing great and functioning at your peak both night and daytime.
This supplement gives you a total body lifting that gives ketone production that will boost your system’s ability to regulate ketosis that helps you burn fat in your body.

KG4 is another New U Life product that is a supplement, and a natural ketone drink like that claims to be the most accurate and complete ketone supplement ever made.
It is another Ketone drink New U Life product that is created that claimed to be the complete ketone supplement in the market.
The New U Life Compensation Plan
To become a New U Life distributor and make money with New U Life MLM jobs, you must play by the Compensation Plan.
The first thing to do is to join the New U Life Compensation Plan online or complete the distributor application form.
As a distributor, you will be rewarded for selling products to retail customers via your New U Life website and also recruits new New U Life distributors.
There are Seven ranks for distributors in this New U Life compensation plan. Below is a description of each with the qualification criteria:

Five Ways to Make Money with New U Life
The core way to earn a commission is via Compensation Plan and Retail Commissions.
These are five ways to make money with New U Life jobs.
The Retail Commissions
These are commissions earned as a New U Life distributor based on your New U Life websites’ products order.
As a distributor, you must be active in making money with this New U Life Compensation Plan.
Team Acquisition Bonus (TAB)
The Team Acquisition Bonus of the New U Life Compensation Plan is also paid weekly. You have to convert a distributor that purchases an enrollment pack personally.
Also, you will make money with New U Life MLM jobs through the Team Acquisition Bonus.
You need to be active to qualify for this bonus.
Team Commissions
Team Commissions will pay you on cycles. To get this commission on cycle, you must meet the following requirements:
- Get 400GV (Group Volume) in your lesser Volume Leg, and600GV in your Greater Volume leg.
- The company will determine your commission amount per cycle according to the New U Life Distributors Rank.
- You can only cycle for a maximum period of 334 cycles as a distributor.
Your other process that is not paid during thy cycle period will be move over to the next bonus period, and you will work on your LVL, i.e., Lesser Volume Leg.
Coaching Bonus Commission
The Coaching Bonus Commission is paid weekly.
You will earn commission as a Coach and New U Life Distributors in your entire personal legs on every recruitment of Associates and New U Life Distributor you get either directly or indirectly sponsored by you.
The amount of the Coaching Bonus you earn is determined weekly by those qualified positions within your sponsored line.
The payment is made weekly, and the amount you get is based on your qualified position in the New U Life Compensation plan.
Matching Bonus
This commission is also paid every week.
Every Qualified Coordinator and above will get this commission based on team commission earned by every personally recruited Distributor into the seven-level deep in this New U Life Compensation plan.
A level is created in every recruited line whenever a New U Life Distributor qualifies as a Coordinator or a higher position.
How Much does it Cost to Join New U Life Inc?
So, how do you join NewULife?
Know that you can either join to become a customer or a New U Life Distributor.
You will pay an annual fee of $59 (no products attached) to join and become a New U Life Distributor.
Below are various benefits for paying $59:
- You will get low price benefits for every New U Life products purchased.
- You will get a personalized New U Life website.
- Earn commission when you share and get a New U Life distributor as a referral
- Qualification to attend special events.
But how much does it cost to join and get a starter pack?
What does each content pack of NewULife contain?
You can join and choose three enrolment packages and choose from, and according to your budget and needs.
New U Pack ($199)
It contains 1 HGH Gel, One-year membership, and a New U Life website for a year. You can learn more about HGH on Wikipedia.
Pro Pack ($559)
The Pro packs’ content is 4 HGH Gels, a year subscription for the New U Life website, and membership.
Executive Pack ($999)
The content of the Executive Pack is 8 HGH Gels, a year subscription to New U Life website, and membership.
Who Is New U Life MLM Jobs Good For?
New U Life MLM jobs are for people who love marketing health and wellness products, and you have to know how to work with the New U Life compensation plan.
You must also be 18 years and above to join, though maturity and legality of age limit will span from country countries.
The New U Life products themselves are recommended for you.
The United States and Hong Kong residents can instantly enroll as a New U Life Distributor while other European countries can join the waiting list.
The company recently announce New Taiwan Market as the regional hub for China. Also, the following countries are coming soon: Australia, Canada, Japan.
How Much Can You Make with New U Life MLM Jobs?
You have to know how much the current New U Life Distributors are making to understand how much money you can make with New U Life MLM jobs.
Also, you need the New U Life income disclosure to know the amount the current members of this MLM company are making.
From the table above, Over 98.8% (made average annual earnings of $500) of the distributors did not make any money in 2019.
Those making money are the people at the top of the scheme, the owners, and the New U Life compensation plan’s investors with the highest ranks (0.4% of the distributors).
The income disclosure statement of NewULife shows that the findings of Mr. Jon M Taylors are real and authentic for MLM companies.
He stated that it is only 0.3% of MLM members in any company that is making money.
It is why I am not recommending you to join the New U Life MLM job opportunity.
Why is that?
The reason is that you will not make money with NewULife.
Can you imagine making just $500 in a whole year? After the deduction of the annual fees of $59 and the starter packs ($199, $559, and $999).
I can confirm to you that you will make nothing.
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Source: New U Life Corporation Income Disclosure Statement of 2019
New U Life Income Disclosure Statement of 2019
New U Life Corporation has done well to have allowed its Income disclosure Statement in the public domain. Many MLM companies will not do that.
The first thing to request when joining any MLM company is the Income disclosure statement.
You can observe each rank’s average annual income from the 2019 New U Life income disclosure statement.
There are seven ranks for the New U Life compensation plan. The first two lowest ranks and the last three top ranks of the New U Life compensation plan show that:
- 93.7% of the distributors are Associate ranks; they made average earnings of $7.58 each that year
- 5.1% of the distributors are Promoter rank; they made average earnings of $494.35 in 2019.
- Summing up the above, you can see that the first two lowest ranks are 98.8% of the distributors, and they made average earnings of $494.35 in 2019.
While the top three ranks together made huge average annual earnings for 2019.
See the breakdown below:
- The most three top ranks, i.e., Diamond Ambassador, Ambassador, and Life Coach, are 0.4% of the total distributors, and they made average annual earnings of $245,696.6 each in 2019.
- That reflects the above statement of Mr. Jon M Taylor that only 0.3% of distributors of any MLM companies will make money.
- The lowest rank of distributors of the New U Life compensation plan made $494.35 each in 2019. That is, they are 98.8% of the total distributors.
- Don’t forget the cost of the starter packs that must be paid by each New U Life distributors before joining the compensation plan, i.e., Ordinary Pack ($199); Pro Pack ($559); Executive Pack ($999)
New U Life Customer Service and Support
Do you wish to return your products? Do you have an issue or complaint as a New U Life Distributor?
You can contact the New U Life Customer Service on these phone numbers: (844)510-6398.
You can also email the New U Life Corporation and support at to resolve any complaints.
Below is the social media contact of New U Life Corporation:
Customer Service Contact
- Phone: (925) 274-5000
- Email:
Location and Address
- 2623 Pleasant Hill Rd
- Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Social Media Contact
Working Hours
6:00 AM to 5:30 PM (PST) Monday – Friday
New U Life Website Vs. Personal Website
New U Life Website is a company-branded website for the promotion of NewULife products online.
The one way you make money with NewULife is to keep sending your audience that love is buying these products to this website, as they buy from your New U Life website.
The company will ship the products to the buyers.
But can you make money with New U Life Website?
Yes, but you will be limiting your capacities.
You need a personal website that will help you partner with thousands of other companies and brands worldwide.
You can only promote these company products with the New U Life Website (branded); with your website, you will be able to encourage thousands of other companies services and products.
The reasons you need your website are:
- You can be restricted from the New U Life Website when you have issues with the company.
- Your website is yours forever, but the New U Life Website is not.
- You can sell your website at 10X your investment, while you cannot sell the New U Life Website because it is not yours.
- You can easily use your website to direct traffics to the New U Life Website.
I am sure you can see why you need a personal site. It is straightforward to create a website now in the 21st century. Create your website in less than 30 seconds here.
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New U Life Lawsuit
NewULife Vs. Patti Sinclair
It is one New U Life Lawsuit that is strange and bold by this company. They sue one of their distributors for libel, defamation, and contract breach.
The CEO Goldstein and New U Life Corporation are seeking over $100,000 in damages from Patti Sinclair.
What leads to this New U Life Lawsuit?
The Lawsuit suit was filed against Patti Sinclair, a formal New U Life distributor, for her comments on another MLM review website in November 2018, i.e., behind MLM.
See the screenshot of one of the comments below:
NewULife Vs. Georgia Hargett
This New U Life Lawsuit was because of Facebook messages between New U Life distributors, i.e., Georgia Hargett, and others within their private Facebook page.
This New U Life Lawsuit also saw that the distributors breached the contract they executed before joining New U Life MLM.
Both the New U Life Lawsuits against their distributors are currently pending in the state of California court.
ERSP Vs. NewULife
Please note that this is not another New U Life Lawsuit.
This case came up due to an anonymous whistleblower that contacted the Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSP), instructing it to examine some of the New U Life Corporation ads claims about its flagship product “Somaderm.”
They claimed that “the only transdermal product containing Homeopathic human growth hormone,” with other so many other claims.
ERSP investigated and came up with a decisive conclusion; they observed that New U Life health claims are not convincing enough.
They conclude that Somaderm Gel marketers must not make health benefits claims that imply that the Somaderm Gel products are somehow FDA approved.
Somaderm (i.e., New U Life Inc) decided to discontinue some specific claims after the ads’ ERSP investigation. Read the whole story of the ERSP investigation here.
Please know that the case of ERSP review is NOT another New U Life lawsuit.
FDA/FTC Vs. NewULife
Note that this is not another New U Life Lawsuit but a case of caution to the company regarding its flagship products “New U Life Somaderm.”
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tested New U Life Somaderm and observed that it does not contain the HGH and any drug claimed by the company.
Federal Trade Commission also sent a letter {titled “Re: Natural Life Foods Corp. d/b/a Strike First Nutrition, FTC File No. 192-3065 “} to Natural Life Foods Corp; another company own by Alexy Goldstein (New U Life Inc CEO).
The summary of the FTC letter’s content was to point out that Strike First Nutrition was dishonestly marketing the product called Testall Gel.
Other Non “New U Life Lawsuit” Issues
Distributors contract that binds them to the company to many restrictive provisions; just check out the company’s Returns & Cancellations and the following;
- Privacy Policy,
- Terms & Conditions
- Distributor Policies and Procedures,
- New U Life’s Car Bonus Program Rules & Regulations
Such restrictive provision that can result in New U Life Lawsuit includes:
Gag Order
You cannot make any negative comments about the company; it is a sin and can land you in trouble as a New U Life Inc Distributor.
New U Life Inc has sued two distributors that went against this.
Credit Check
New U Life Inc may decide to collect your personal information (includes credit-related) to check your eligibility as a distributor.
Binding Arbitration
If your purchase or use New U Life Somaderm or any of their products, you have voluntarily given up your right to resolve any claims via binding arbitration in Utah.
New U Life Inc Is Authorize to Use Your Info
As soon as you join New U Life Inc MLM jobs, you are made to sign those documents that authorize them to use your personal information in the advertisement, testimonial, your photograph, and your story.
You automatically waive all claims for compensation for such use. This prevents members from engaging in any New U Life Lawsuit in the future.
Refunds Are within 60 days of purchase.
Your request for any refund when you return any of the products must be within 60 days of purchase.
As soon as they deliver the good and confirm that it is in good condition, you will get back the 90% of the net cost.
The company will not refund the cost of shipping and handling, and also the New U Life Inc will charge a restocking fee of 25% on every order of two or more bottles.
NOTE: There are many other issues about this company that has nothing to do with the New U Life Lawsuit that may lead to one in the future.
Does New U life Really Work?
The New U Life Somaderm is known to be used to Combating the aging process in the human system. Many users and distributors claimed that the product works.
But the problem lies with when you stop using the products.
Some people concluded that the aging process could reverse as soon as you stop using New U Life Somaderm; since the hormones will control.
Review of New U Life BBB Is “A+”
As of this article, the New U Life Inc review Better Business Bureau ratings are A+.
What does this imply?
It implies that the company’s rate of responding to customer complaints and issues and resolution is top-notch.
The company is not accredited by BBB yet.
Does this mean that New U Life is a scam and pyramid scheme?
No New U Life is legit. But they are yet to submit and ready for accreditations.
BBB accreditation will require any company to put the resources and tools for customer resolution in place. Individual fees must be paid for inspection by the Better Business Bureau ratings.
What do you think about my New U Life review? Is New U Life legit or a scam pyramid scheme? Can you make money with New U Life MLM jobs?
Is New U Life a Pyramid Scheme?
No, New U Life is legit and not a pyramid scheme scam.
Most MLM companies are taken to be a Pyramid scheme because of the nature of the business model.
What is a Pyramid Scheme?
A pyramid scheme is when a business is set up to recruit others to earn a commission.
The commission you will earn is a percentage of a fee that will be payable by people you will referrer to join.
Your referrer will also have to recruit others to earn a percentage of the commission from the fee paid.
In any Pyramid Scheme business, recruited continues, and one point that a Pyramid Scheme is in place is “NO” Products or services.
New U Life is not a scam or Pyramid scheme because there is a product in place, i.e., “New U Life Somaderm. “
What do you think about my review of New U Life? Can you make money with New U Life MLM jobs? Do you still believe that New U Life is legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Is New U Life Legit or Scam?
No, New U Life is legit and not a Pyramid scheme scam.
Why is that?
It is my opinion about New U Life Inc MLM jobs.
The most complaint about this company is its distributors and users of their flagship products, “New U Life Somaderm.”
There are so many complaints about the company’s product claims and fake testimonials.
But does this make New U Life Legit or a scam?
New U Life is legit and not a scam because the company owner is known, and the product in question, “New U Life Somaderm,” is also well known.
Do you agree with my New U Life review? Can you make money with New U Life MLM jobs? Do you agree with me that New U Life is legit and not a scam MLM company?
What are the benefits of New U Life?
Many benefits are knowing with NewULife, but the most pronounced one is that it’s a significant claim as an anti-aging supplement. The company claims that the New U Life Somaderm works to create human growth hormone, i.e., HGH, in your body system.
Who is the CEO of New U life?
The CEO of NewULife is Goldstein.
Is New U Life FDA Approved?
NewULife SOMADERM gel was the only registered transdermal hormone product registered by the FDA without a prescription.
But, know that the same FDA announced to the public that it is not approved products.
There is a difference between registering a supplement and approving it. See the details in the body of this article.
How do I cancel my New U Life account?
To cancel your subscriptions as a member and distributor of New U Life, you will submit a request with the New U Life customer service and support using this email address:
You can also follow up with this phone number: (925) 274-5000.
Your distributorship will be canceled by New U Life customer service, and you will get an email confirmation to that effect.
How Long does it take for SomaDerm to Work?
Most distributors and users of New U Life Somaderm gel confirmed that it takes two weeks for the anti-aging effect in your body.
Is New U Life MLM Jobs Worth It?
I appreciate you for reading my New U Life review. Can you now make money with New U Life MLM jobs?
Do you agree with me that the New U Life is legit and not a scam pyramid scheme?
Are the New U Life distributors making money?
I have taken a look at the income disclosure statement of the 2019 New U Life MLM job.
You can see that over 98% of the distributors did not make money.
Many of them lose their money after the deduction of the cost of marketing and starter packs.
Do you know how I make money?
I am an affiliate marketer. I make money via this website from many big companies such as Wealthy Affiliate, Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction, etc.
Probably I am sleeping why you are reading this article. That is to tell you that I also make money even while I am sleeping.
MLM generally will not make you money. You will just be working for those companies’ owners and earning big why they pay you a penny.
I suggest you try this affiliate marketing training to help you set up your online business within days. You can be making over $5,000 within over a year.
Check out the training here.
What do you think of my New U Life review? Can you make money with New U Life jobs? Is New U Life legit or another scam pyramid scheme?
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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
I am so mesmerized on how this NewULife company is still around (where is the FTC?) when their product is basically a placebo and their pay is horrible. The Somaderm Gel in my opinion is way too pricey, my friend tried to sell it to me. With that money, I am better off going to the dermatologist. That is horrible that only .3% make money, that is not even a percent. Thanks for your amazing review, I am going to share your post.
Thanks for reading my review of New U Life Corporation. It is all about how to make money with New U Life MLM Jobs. I am glad that you like it.
Really appreciate your time and the comment.
Thanks for clarifying about this business and about MLM in general.
A person who has just learnt about pyramid schemes will wonder when you say, “MLM is designed to reward the company’s owners, the early and significant investors, and the people at the top of the scheme.” They would say, ‘but isn’t that exactly what a pyramid scheme is 🤔?’
Can you clarify the issue further please?
You can not make money with MLM companies as a newbie. MLM business model is a structure to rewards the owners. That was what the Income disclosure statement of New U Life Corporation Illustrated.
Thanks for your comment.
Hey John
You really like your post, it is very informative and it has answered all my questions on New U Life. I knew about their products but not much about the company or the business opportunity.
Now, after reading your post, I think I will still continue using their products. But the business opportunity is not quite profitable for me. I find that it is a lot of work for little pay.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading my New U Life Corporation MLM jobs.
I am glad you like the article and that it answers your questions
Really appreciate the comment.
The article is all about how to make money with New U Life Corporation.
Pyramid schemes are definitely bad news and they are illegal as all the focus is on taking money from people who join the company or invest in it, rather than from selling products or services to the public. It’s good to hear that New U Life is not a pyramid scheme, but it seems there are still issues with its business model. The average annual earnings figures are so low, and there are many other legitimate online business models that will pay more.
Thanks for your review and comment about my New U Life Corporation.
I am glad you loved it.
The article is all about how to make money with New U Life Corporation
Comments are closed.