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Home » Affiliate Marketing » The eCom Profit Sniper Review: Can You Still Make Money?

The eCom Profit Sniper Review: Can You Still Make Money?

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Home » Affiliate Marketing » The eCom Profit Sniper Review: Can You Still Make Money?

You are welcome to my eCom Profit Sniper review. Can you make money with eCom Profit Sniper? Is eCom Profit Sniper legit or another scam?

 But the big question that this article will help you answer with proof is this, will it ever make you money


This review is based on my research and personal opinion, and you should know that I am not affiliated with this program.

This is an impartial and precise account of the quality and the genuineness of this program.

I will show you detail and thorough research about this product and why it may not be as profitable as the sales video asserted.

You will read the pros and cons of the eCom Profit Sniper training program.

This article will cover the following

Estimated reading time: 16 minutes

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eCom Profit Sniper at a Glance

is ecom profit sniper scam

Product Name: eCom Profit Sniper
Founder: Robin Mac and Tom Parker
Price: $37
Rating: 13%.
Recommended: No

eCom Profit Sniper Summary Review

eCom Profit Sniper is a dropshipping course that teaches you how to make money through eCommerce.

The product claims to show you how to buy products at a reasonable price from E-commerce websites like Alibaba and then resell these products on Facebook.

However, this product is shallow in quality, overhyped, and entirely misleading drop shipping training.

It only shows the rudimentary training on how to make money online drop shipping.

You will learn nothing, most importantly on how to drive traffic to your eCommerce site.

You will not make any money if you depend on this product for your eCommerce business. What do you think of my eCom Profit Sniper reviews?

Can you make money with eCom Profit Sniper? Is eCom Profit Sniper legit or a scam?

What is eCom Profit Sniper?

eCom Profit Sniper is a low-end course that sells itself on the claim that it can help you rake in tens of thousands through dropshipping on Shopify.

The term “drop shipping” might be new to a lot of people so I will digress a bit in explaining what it is.

According to Wikipedia, Dropshipping is a process of managing a supply chain such that the retailer does not keep goods directly.

Instead, he delegated the customer shipment and orders to the supplier or manufacturer of the product who later ships the product directly to the customer.

As a drop shipper, you are in simple terms a retailer for a particular product without owning or keeping any stock with you.

Your role is to market and sell the product on your Shopify online store, while the supplier of the product will ship the goods directly to customers that purchased through your website.

You make money by setting the price of the product higher than the amount your supplier offered it to you.

How Much Does eCom Profit Sniper Cost?

eCom Profit Sniper comes at $37. But this is not the only investment that you need to start an eCommerce business.

You will incur another cost to put your eCom Profit Sniper training to work.

This program is based on the usage of the Shopify platform.

It has a 14 days free trial with a monthly recurring fee if you decide to continue using their tools and resources. See below:

what is ecom profit sniperabout a scam

Other eCommerce related cost includes the purchase of domain name, yearly hosting fee, social media Ads cost and cost of needed tools to secure and make your eCommerce functional.

Before you can be making serious money with an eCommerce store, you need to do a lot of paid Ads.

This is where you will spend a lot of money. What do you think of my eCom Profit Sniper reviews? Is eCom Profit Sniper legit or a scam? Can you make money with eCom Profit Sniper?

How Does eCom Profit Sniper Work?

After you’ve purchased eCom Profit Sniper, you’ll gain access to their member’s area.

The platform is split into different levels called modules; each module contains different lessons.

#Level-1 — Introduction

This level will take you through the basics of how dropshipping works and how to set up your account with Shopify.

  • Lesson-1: Shopify Setup
  • 2: Image Hunting
  • 3: Settings Note Slides
  • 4: Shopify Settings in Action
  • 5: Theme Note Slides
  • 6: Theme Settings in Action

Here is a video teaching how dropshipping works.

#Level-2 — Categories & Products

This level will teach you how to choose and come up with your niche and the unique and specific product you plan to sell on your website.

  • Lesson-1: Category Selection Slide
  • Lesson-2: Product Finding

Generally, product selection is one of the essential steps in dropshipping as it takes a lot of trial and error before a newbie can eventually find his or her “winning product” and start scooping buckets of profits.

Sadly the concepts covered in training with eCom Profit Sniper are too basic which can be easily found online absolutely FREE.

#Level-3 — Adding Collections & Products

After choosing your product(s), it’s time to import the product to your online store.

This is the right time to learn how to use AliExpress as well as Oberlo.

This is where eCom Profit Sniper comes; you will learn how to incorporate both Oberlo and AliExpress in your online store (at least that is the purpose of eCom Profit Sniper ).

This module is split into four lessons, i.e., Lesson 1 to 4

  • Lesson-1: Adding Oberlo Extension
  • 2:AliPay & Oberlo
  • 3: Collection Creation
  • 4: Adding Products

#Level-4 — Facebook

This is where you will learn the process of driving traffic via Facebook.

eCom Profit Sniper recommended Facebook as one of the best social media to get traffics to your eCommerce store.

  • Lesson -1: Facebook Page
  • 2: Facebook Post
  • 3: Facebook Pixel

Who is the eCom Profit Sniper for?

The aim and objective of this program are to help people most especially the newbie build their eCommerce business.

The problem is that the quality of the training provided by eCom Profit Sniper is inferior.

You can even find a better eCommerce training by searching online.

If you are new to the business of drop shipping, trust me this product is not for you; because you can access such training on free online.

Is eCom Profit Sniper Good for Newbie/Beginner?

My answer is no, it is not suited for any newbie.

The training will only show you how to set up your Shopify store account, a Facebook page, post, and pixel.

The Facebook training coverage is of low quality and cannot help any beginner.

Though, some other basic training on proper maintenance of your eCommerce website was covered such as how to get images and keyword research for organic rankings.

But this coverage is poorly presented and will not help you compete with a more stable eCommerce store in your niche.

How Ali Express and Alipay were also explained in this training; but the training only mentions the rudimentary of how things work and not the details.

So, how eCom Profit Sniper training impact the newbies and help the beginners on how to start making money online?

The training was centered on how to set up your Shopify store, and this is where many get lost because the most important things were not taught in the program.

The detail on how to achieve the following are not shown to you in this training:

  • You can not maintain and run your online store, e.g. working with Plugins and website design.
  • How to optimize and ensure your content and pages are ranks organically in search engines
  • No idea of how to write and come up with a quality blog post in your niche
  • How to generate quality traffics with paid traffics as a newbie via Facebook and other media

Other related articles that I have done on how to make money through drop shipping includes:

eCom Profit Sniper Complaints

#Useful to Complete Beginners

Nothing is particularly useful about the training provided by eCom Profit Sniper, but for clear instructions on how to set up the basics of Shopify.

A complete beginner in drop shipping may find the training helpful in the beginning, but he or she will eventually hit a roadblock because the training is too basic.

It’s impossible for any beginner to make any money by just following the training provided.

#60-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Well, I guess I would want my money back if I bought this sack of baloney too.

The 60-day refund policy is the only one of two good things I love about eCom Profit Sniper.

eCom Profit Sniper is sold on ClickBank; therefore it could be tough to get your refund from ClickBank except you can give them reliable and valid reasons for them to refund your money.

This is not good; a refund should be a refund; the bad news is that you may never get your money back.

Issues with eCom Profit Sniper

Information About the Real Owner Not Provided

The real owners of eCom Profits Sniper are Robin Mac and Tom Parker, but their information is not provided.

Tom Parker is the name used to promote this product, and he also narrated the sales video.

Similar scams products use a fictitious character, and the owner hides behind his or her laptop — not cool dude.

So, the program even adopted any character and used a stock image to represent the owner.

When the owners refuse to match themselves with the product and program, they are promoting, that is a big red flag you should notice immediately.

You should not be comfortable purchasing such a product or program.

Many Inconsistency & Fake Promises ($44k Is Not a Profit)

A lot of things don’t just add up. The screenshot testimonials on the website just threw a bunch of numbers that do not add up around.

None of the math would make sense to even a walrus.

The sales page claims that the owner “Tom” makes $44,000 in one month!

is eCom Profit Sniper legit or a scam

If you are very familiar with online business, there is a difference between revenue and income. And it is not as easy as the sales page stated.

Otherwise, the disclaimer page won’t indicate the below:

make money with eCom Profit Sniper

Source: eCom Profit Sniper Disclaimer Page

The cost of buying the product, shipping the customer’s order via the supplier, cost of Ads, cost of tools, etc.

All must be considered before starting your income. And in real-world eCommerce is not as easy to start making money as indicated on the sales page.

Many Hidden Cost

The initial cost of $37 is not the only cost you will be contending with to start with the eCom Profit Sniper business. There are other four levels of costs involved as well.

Shopify has a 14-day FREE Trial; the problem is that you must part with a monthly recurring fee to continue to use your Shopify platform ( See the previous Shopify pricing above)

In addition to that, you still incur the website domain cost, paid ads cost, and miscellaneous costs on other tools.

20 Minutes Daily For $500,000 Is a Fluke

The sales page makes many scamming promises; such a statement is a RED flag to tell you that this is another scamming way of losing your money.

Making money online is tough and difficult. We have thousands of eCommerce websites online with a lot of competition.

You must know your onions combine with working consistently doing the right thing to be making money through your eCommerce system.

Twenty minutes of work daily won’t earn you a dime online in 2019. I am writing from three years’ experience in making money online.

Training is a Rip-off

Every lesson taught in eCom Profit Sniper is just too basic. Other than that, everything on the platform can be found online and on the public domain for free and at no cost to you.

Just Google it. You can also get many of this information on Yahoo, Bing, and YouTube.

Sales Page Show Nothing About the Product

The demonstration of the sales page is full of screenshots of many fake promises that show nothing of how the product or program will help you make money.

Those screenshots were done on a PowerPoint slide with the intention of luring you to make a purchase.

This is another red flag; if you need to part with your money before you know what is in a program or product online, then it is probably a scam.

Traffic Is Key For eCommerce Business

eCom Profit Sniper only stated how to have your Facebook page, post, and the pixel in place but, how to get and work out the Facebook traffic was not taught.

You will need how to use Facebook Ads to get traffic to your eCommerce site; if you don’t know how you will lose your money, because getting to your online store is not automatic.

There is so many sources of eCommerce traffic both organic and paid Ads such as Instagram, Twitter, Quora. But none of these was started in training nor taught.

Without traffics, there is no making money online.

eCom Profit Sniper Customer Service and Support

There is no service support team available for this product. The only indication of support is this email address on the sales page:

There is no Facebook page, Instagram, or Forum for eCom Profit Sniper members. This is another major red flag that you may not be safe purchasing this program?

Because you may not get the support you needed if you run into any issue with the program. This is common to many online programs that aim to scam their audience.

I have reviewed over 500 programs that claim to help people make money online, and they all lack such support:

Online Opinion of eCom Sniper Profit

Dropshipping is an exciting way of making money; however, someone expressed doubts about the integrity of the product since it lacked a founder but promised high returns.

Another person suggested that one of the most important factors for succeeding in the Shopify store is to get traffic.

She claims that eCom Profit Sniper doesn’t teach you about traffic; there is no real value provided on traffic generation.

eCom Profit Sniper reviews

Extracted From Another Great Blogger: Philip Borrowman

Is eCom Profit Sniper Legit or a Scam?

eCom Profit Sniper is legit and not a scam, but it is an outdated program, and it will be very difficult for you to make money.

While I believe building an eCommerce store works if you learn how to get traffic as relating to your niche, and this is not new as presented by this program.

The method is legitimate, but the training is nothing because it is of shallow quality that can be Google for FREE. This is one reason anyone must avoid this program because it will not help you realize your goal of having a quality eCommerce business online.

Therefore, eCom Profit Sniper is not a scam, technically! But it will not help you make money with your eCommerce website.

Instead of focusing on proper and quality training, the sales page is full of many over-hyped and misleading information that can easily lure any newbie into purchasing this program.

Many webmasters classified this program as a scam because of the following:
  • The statement that the owner “Tom Parker” makes $44,000 in a month, which is a lie and misleading.
  • Not showing up on the sales page, if the program is legitimate why not having a Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. To interact with the members.

It is only a well-known and established Commerce brand that can make such claims. It is uncommon for anyone with little or no experience to be making such an excessive amount.

Please take my word for it. It is practically impossible for you to make money with eCom Profit Sniper. All the programs will teach you is how to set up your profile on Shopify, Facebook Page/Post, and Facebook Pixel.

Can you make money with eCom Profit Sniper? Is eCom Profit Sniper legit or a scam?

What do you think of my review eCom Profit Sniper?

 Alternative to eCom Profit Sniper

My best alternative is Wealthy Affiliate training. This is the best training in the world. The level one of ten courses are free. This training is mind-blowing.

You will learn how to build your profitable online business that you have a passion for. You will be taught how to transform any ideas into a passion-driven business. Many are making over $10,000 after two good years of working on your business.

You will start making money while you are learning from one level to another level. Since I came across Wealthy Affiliate my life has changed for the better. I don’t see why I should go for online stores why I can make more money and become an authority in my niche business.

But you still want to build an online store? The best way to learn and discover an alternative to this program is to read more about eCommerce online, which can be found freely everywhere.

Shopify and Oberlo have a lot of materials and resource on how to come up with a quality and profitable e-commerce store.

Just search for how to create an online store via drop shipping both Google, YouTube, Yahoo, and Bing platform will help you achieve this.

Is eCom Profit Sniper Worth It?

Thanks for reading my eCom Profit Sniper Review? Can you make money with eCom Profit Sniper? Is eCom Profit Sniper legit or another scam?

The program is made up of poorly acted and fake testimonials filled with loads of empty, many false claims. This is why I do not recommend eCom Profit Sniper.

Maybe the train that is put up to set up your store is legitimate, but it is of inferior quality because you can get them in the public domain.

Why will you be paying for something you can Google for free?

Also, there is no fast and easy money-making scheme anywhere online. It is just a technique employed by the expert scammers to make you purchase those low-quality packages.

It is not worth your investment.

However, I will like to introduce you to a product from which I have personally created a four-figure passive income every month; it is called Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is an Internet Marketing Training that will enable you to learn not just how to make money alone but also equip you with the latest techniques of affiliate marketing — interested in gaining financial freedom? Then check out my recommendation here.

What do you think of my eCom Profit Sniper reviews? Can you make money with eCom Profit Sniper? Is eCom Profit Sniper legit or a scam?

Have you tried out the eCom Profit Sniper before? Kindly drop your thoughts in the comments section below. I will love to read what you think. 

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8 thoughts on “The eCom Profit Sniper Review: Can You Still Make Money?”

  1. Dear John,

    Sounds like an interesting story; however, one thing that I am concerned about is the fact that there are so many similar programs to this.

    It seems that there are a ton of dropshipping courses online, which makes it somewhat hard to tell which one is the best.

    What dropshipping course would you recommend?


    I am Todd

    1. Dear Todd,

      Thanks for visiting my site to read my eCom Profit Sniper Review. I also appreciate you for taken time to drop your comment.

      Yes, you are right. There are many drop shipping training online. But there are also so many scams too.

      Many pieces of training are just junk. You can easily learn the art of drop shipping online and free at no cost to you. But, I believe in real learning. Most especially if you are going full time.

      Then, it is good to spend so many to really know the actual things by doing the proper course from the reputable names in the industry

      The training you will get on Free online via Google or YouTube is better than training such as The eCom Profit Sniper. So don’t waste your money chasing the shadow.

      You can check on this short course on Dropshipping. You can also search for more of such after sign up free. It is the best training platform in the world.

      Do you have any other questions? Please revert and drop your comment.



  2. Hi John,

    You’ve just saved me a lot of money because I was thinking of joining this but since I’m a complete newbie I need learning material and this doesn’t have it.

    Can you tell me more about Wealthy Affiliate?

    How soon did you start seeing results after joining?



    1. Dear Omar,

      Thanks for visiting my website to read The eCom Profit Sniper Review. I am sure you want to know if The eCom Profit Sniper is a scam or legit.

      I am sure you can make up your mind now.

      You what to know about Wealthy Affiliate? Wealthy Affiliate is all about how to make money affecting life and helping people online.

      If you really want to help people with what you are best at. Turning your passion and hobbies into a thriving business online. Wealthy Affiliate will help you achieve that.

      I am sure you got to this site by searching for something? Many people are searching for that topic you are good at. Yes, do you love reading books? Or, do you like playing video games?

      What is it that you love doing? You can use that to make money online. Wealthy affiliate will help train you to choose a niche or call it a market space or targeted market that suit your niche or audience as relating to your hobbies.

      You must start helping your audience. The more you help the more they trust you to spend their money on your site. If you are reading this, I am helping you make a decision about why The eCom Profit Sniper is not a good dropping shipping training you need.

      Please read more about Wealthy Affiliate here. It will change your life if you can try to go for it.

      I hope I can help with this response to your comment?



  3. I hadn’t been aware of what drop shipping was, but it sounds like it could be a nice way to make some cash.

    Does the Wealthy Affiliate program go in-depth into the subject?

    1. Dear Mari,

      Dropping shipping is great and you can make good money if done and well.

      Wealthy Affiliate is everything about how to make money online and this includes drop shipping.

      At Wealthy Affiliate, there are various training on how effective drop shipping. You are just to search and pick which of the training that is relevant to your needs.

      I hope we are good?

      Thanks for reading The eCom Profit Sniper Review.



  4. Dear John,

    This is the first time I’m hearing or reading about eCom Profit Sniper.

    I think Shopify is the best option to use when it comes to drop-shipping



    1. Hi Rosie,

      You are right. Shopify is great. You learn everything about how to make money online via Wealthy Affiliate too.

      It is about everything on how to excel online which includes drop shipping.

      You just need to know what you are doing, otherwise, it is becoming a crowded environment.



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