You are welcome to my LuLaRoe MLM jobs Review. Can you make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan? Is LuLaRoe MLM legit or a scam and pyramid scheme? What about LuLaRoe’s many lawsuits?
Do you like the idea of making money with LuLaRoe MLM jobs and parties from your home and that of your friends and family?
I am glad you are here to research how you can make money as a LuLaRoe consultant.
Please know that I am in no way affiliated with this company, and I will be giving you a detailed review devoid of prejudice.
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LuLaRoe at a Glance

Product Name: LuLaRoe
Founders: Deanne Brady and Mark Stidham
Year Founded: 2012
Price: Up to $10,000.
Rating: 15%
Head Office: Corona, California, United States
Area Covered: United States
Nature of Business: Privately held company
Recommended: No. { Check Out My #1 Recommendation}
Summary Review of LuLaRoe
LuLaRoe is a fashion/clothing company whose business model is reliant on Multi-Level Marketing or direct selling.
The company recruits people as fashion consultants who would sell the company’s products for commissions and profits in return.
But can you make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
Is LuLaRoe MLM jobs legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
My take is this.
LuLaRoe MLM jobs are legit and not a scam pyramid scheme. But it will be tough for you to make money with LuLaRoe MLM and compensation plan.
Why is that?
Because LuLaRoe MLM is a direct sales company.
Why You May Not Make Money with LuLaRoe MLM Jobs
Mr. Jon M. Taylor, the founder of the Consumer Awareness Institute, did 20 years of research on over 600 direct sales companies.
He concluded that 99.7% of people that join direct sales companies would lose their money.
He narrated the details in his book “Multi-level Marketing Unmasked.” He also did another book, “The Case (for and) against Multi-level Marketing. “
You will be shocked to learn what he discovered about MLM and direct sales companies.
See more why MLM and direct sales business if NO for me.
Please read a book sponsored by the AARP Foundation, “AARP Study of Multilevel Marketing.” They also concluded that it would be tough for you to make money with any direct sales company.
What is the implication of all this? It implies that only 0.3% of the member of any MLM company that will make money.
The 0.3% are the company owners, the notable investors, and those at the top of the compensation plan.
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What do you think of my LuLaRoe MLM jobs review? Can you make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
Is LuLaRoe MLM legit or a scam pyramid scheme? What about many LuLaRoe lawsuits?
What is LuLaRoe?

LuLaRoe was founded by Deanne Brady and her husband Mark Stidham in 2012; the company is based in Corona, California.
The company, whose name was coined from the names of Brady’s granddaughters, grew from a small family-run business initially focused on marketing maxi skirts to ten employees, 145 distributors, and three million dollars in revenue within a year of starting.
That is remarkable growth in my opinion.
In the four years that followed, LuLaRoe introduced its main product – a line of leggings – and had grown to a humongous 80,000 distributors and over one billion dollars in revenue.
The company deals majorly with female wear, but they do have a few for men.
Their first clothing line was maxi skirts before they diversified into all kinds of patterned leggings, shirts, and dresses.
You can click here to check out their full clothing collection.
Well, early in 2017, a large number of distributors sued the company.
The plaintiffs complained that the company’s software incorrectly calculated sales tax rates on domestic sales – especially in states that sales taxes do not apply.
In addition to this, there were several complaints of the poor quality of the company’s clothing, tax evasion by founders and unfair business practices were among the mountain of charges.
Can You Make Money with LuLaRoe’s compensation plan? Is LuLaRoe MLM Jobs legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What do you think of my review of LuLaRoe MLM? What about the LuLaRoe many lawsuits?
How to Make Money with LuLaRoe Compensation Plan
LuLaRoe’s leadership involved five significant ranks. There are requirements to qualify for each of the stages. Each is explained in turn below:
The Requirement for Consultant Rank
When you join LuLaRoe, you automatically become a consultant for the company, but you still have a long way to go to make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan.
You must purchase a minim of 33 pieces monthly directly from LuLaRoe to maintain and retain your consultancy rank with the company.
The Requirement for Sponsor Rank
To attain the Sponsor rank with LuLaRoe, you must generate $10,000 in retail sales and complete 10 Pop-Up boutiques with a minimum referrer of one Independent Fashion Retailer.
If you are an aspiring Sponsor, you can add an individual to the queue pending when you meet the requirement above.
Compensation Requirement for Sponsor Rank
For you to receive your LuLaRoe compensation as a Sponsor Rank and to be able to earn a 5% bonus on the wholesale value of every sale made by your personally sponsored Independent Fashion retailer; you must achieve the following:
- Each Sponsor Rank must qualify for each month
- You must have a personal retail sale of 65 pieces of clothing with a minimum retail purchase of $1,950.
- The average retail sales of a piece of cloth must be $30
The Requirement for Trainer Rank
For you to become a trainer and make money with this LuLaRoe compensation and rank, you must have sponsored three Independent Fashion Retailers, and you must also have ten people in your downlines.
Your team must be a graduated leader.
Compensation Requirements for Trainer Rank
For you to secure your compensation monthly as a trainer. You must be qualified regularly.
The requirement for a Trainer to qualify for monthly compensation are:
- A Trainer must have a personal retail sale of 125 pieces of clothes with a minimum retail purchase of $3,750 monthly.
- A trainer must have a minimum retail team sale totaling 650 pieces with a minimum team retail sale of $19,500.
- Qualification with a Trainer Rank will qualify you to participate in the leadership Pool.
- You will also continue to enjoy the 5% bonus on the wholesale value of the sales of your downlines or Personally Sponsored Independent Fashion Retailers.
- Every one of your downlines that become a Trainer will graduates and will allow you to concentrate on other downlines yet to be Trainer.
Your 3% on every dollar of your group volume will be replaced by 1% of every dollar amount of your group volume plus one point of the leadership pool.
Your Trainer Volume will count for your Group Volume; while their Group Volume will not count towards your group volume.
It is critical to note that if any of your Trainers produce another trainer(s); you will not earn any bonus from such downlines.
The Requirement for Coach Rank
For you to attain a coach as a rank, you must have three personally sponsored Independent Fashion Retailers with a total of ten people on your downlines (this does not include graduated leaders).
You must also have three first-level leaders. Your volume of your first-level leader will be counted for your Group volume.
Compensation Requirements for Coach Rank
To receive monthly compensation as a person with the Coach Rank; the requirement is:
- Your rank must qualify every month.
- You must have a total personal retail sale of 150 pieces of clothing with minimum retail sales of $4,500.
- Your team retail sales must be a minimum of 850 pieces of clothes with a minimum value of $25,500.
- You must have for your personal and team per piece of cloth sales must be at least $30 in retail sales.
As a coach, you will earn 1% of every wholesale value of second-level leaders’ s group sales.
You will also earn 2 points of the leadership pool plus 1 point each of your first level leader and 2 points for every second level leader of your team.
The Requirement for Mentor Rank
For you to attain a mentor rank, It is a must first to meet the requirement of a Coach.
You must have a minimum of three leadership lines with Coaches and above plus three additional leadership lines.
Compensation Requirements for Mentor Rank
With a Mentor rank, you must meet the requirement of a Coach and have a minimum of six leadership legs.
You will have access to the Coach bonus and are also available for 1% wholesales value of any 3rd level leadership of the group retail sales.
Fast Start Program
***90 Day Fast Start Bonus***
If you started your business after April 2017 as an Independent Fashion Retailer, then this fast start program is for you.
For you as a new Retailer to be eligible for this one-time bonus; you must market and sell 175 pieces of clothing in a given month with a minimum Sales of $5,250. This must happen for their first three months.
Such a Fashion retailer will get a free 50-piece order; your sponsor will get a one-time bonus payment of $500.
***Cruise Fast Start Bonus***
This bonus is up for crap by any Independent Fashion Retailer who started with Lularoe after the 1st of December 2016.
You must cruise qualify each of your first six months as an Independent Fashion Retailer. You will be rewarded with a $2,000 cruise cash bonus when you attend the cruise of which you qualify.
Your sponsor will also be rewarded with a $1,000 Cruise Cash Bonus ( This is for each Independent Fashion Retailer that cruise qualified).
All Independent Fashion Retailers will have to cruise qualify for the first six consecutive months; without it, you and your sponsor will lose this incentive.
Can you make money with LuLaRoe MLM Jobs and the compensation plan? Is LuLaRoe MLM Jobs legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What do you think of my LuLaRoe MLM review?
What Is Leadership Pool
The leadership pool is computed using a point system. The lake consists of 2% of all Retail Sales transacted but using wholesale value.
The summation of the amount gathered in the pool will be divided by the total point earned; this will result in real dollar value for the point made.
Bonus can then be shared amount the participant based on points earned.
You can read and download the recently released 2018 LuLaRoe Leadership Bonus and Compensation Plan in PDF format.
How Much Are Can You Make with LuLaRoe MLM Jobs
Do you like to know how much you can be earning LuLaRoe? An income disclosure statement is usually the document that can avail of such information.
The problem is this; the current LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statement is not available in the public domain. We will have to do with the 2016 LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statement.
From the 2016 income disclosure statement I observed the following:
- 99.96% of LuLaRoe Consultants could not make a full-time income, they earn less than $250 monthly
- Only the top people are at the top of the ladder earn the most money
- Adding up the percentage of the eligible consultants; the math is not making up (every percentage should be on %)
- You will be working for the people at the top of the pyramid scheme.

See an extract of the income statement below:Source: Download the Income Disclosure Statement here.
What do you think of the LuLaRoe income disclosure review? Do you think you can make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
Is LuLaRoe legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
The Cost to Become a LuLaRoe Independent Consultant
Trust me unless you have struck it significantly elsewhere or have the cash to throw around, it costs a great deal (in fact an arm and a leg) to become a LuLaRoe distributor.
As a LuLaRoe distributor, you are required to purchase an initial inventory of clothing and marketing materials which cost between $4,925 and $9,000.
Subsequently, you will be “encouraged” (goaded) to have $20,000 worth of inventory on hand.
Who is LuLaRoe Independent Consultant Program For?
Most LuLaRoe distributors are stay-at-home moms, single women, and people with limited mobility who were attracted to the idea of running a business out of their homes.
However, I think the business is undoubtedly most suited for existing and established fashion distributors and anyone that is good at marketing MLM jobs.
This is because these people already have a pool of loyal customers who patronize them. As a newbie, you probably won’t make it with them.
This is because of the many controversies and lousy reputation surrounding the company.
You can see below that LuLaRoe has so many lawsuits that are dragging the company backward all the time.
Can you make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan? Is LuLaRoe MLM legit or a pyramid scheme scam?
What is your take about the LuLaRoe Income disclosure review above?
How to Make Money with LuLaRoe MLM Jobs
How much can you make as a LuLaRoe Independent Consultant? You must know that it is not worth the stress and your money.
According to the company’s income disclosure statement, the average annual commission earned from downline distributors is $85.
But if you are sure you can hack it with them, here is how it works.
LuLaRoe’s main produces limited quantities of brightly patterned women-oriented clothing including leggings, shirts, and dresses.
As a distributor, most of your marketing is done online mainly on social media – primarily Facebook.
On social media platforms, you set up your “pop-up boutique,” advertise on Facebook groups, or display your catalogs.
Its bonus system is not only tied to sales but mainly to the volume of sales by downlines brought into the company.
The way LuLaRoe works, there is no signup fee; all you need to do is purchase some of their products to become a fashion consultant.
How much money can you make with the LuLaRoe compensation plan? Is LuLaRoe MLM legit or a pyramid scheme scam?
What do you think of my LuLaRoe review?
How Does LuLaRoe MLM Jobs Work
Submit Your Application
First, you fill and submit an application form online.
Usually, there is a long wait to say 6-10 weeks before your application is approved.
Purchase Your Startup Inventory
After approval, you need to purchase your inventory and start selling. You will have to place an initial order of about 250 to 300 clothing pieces.
You might need about $5,000 to $10,000 as an initial investment into LuLaRoe.
Your inventory will include leggings, shirts, skirts, and dresses of which you cannot choose your designs.
Go For Your Monthly Order
Next, you will have to make a monthly order which is required to go up in rank.
The lowest rant is that of the consultant, and you need a minimum order of 33 pieces per month to enable you to have access to the commission.
Also on the rank of a Sponsor, you need a minimum order of 175 pieces and 1,750 pieces as a Trainer from both you and your downlines.
Wait For Your Commissions
Finally, it is time to start earning commissions, and what you can make depends on your rank.
Consultants earn retail commissions of 35-50% retail, while Sponsors earn an additional 5% override commission from their direct downline along with their retail commissions.
Finally, Trainers earn a 3% commission from the downlines of their downlines in addition to their retail commissions and override commissions.
This means that you will likely purchase more products to make sales which may likely lead to debts.
Also, to make good money as a LuLaRoe MLM and fashion consultant, you have to host parties.
You can host approximately 20 sales parties per month where you have an average of 20 items, and you make an average of $15 per item and $300 per month.
Is the LuLaRoe party legit or another scam and pyramid scheme of luring people? What is your take on how LuLaRoe works and reviews?
LuLaRoe Support /Customer Service
The Official Contact of LuLaRoe As listed On Their Website Are:
Home Office Address: 4160 Temescal Canyon Road, Suite 607.
Phone Number: (951) 737-7875 and
Email Address:
Note: Users also contact the company through its social media pages.
What is Good About LuLaRoe?
Honestly, in my honest opinion, the company has fallen from grace to mud.
There are no silver linings to be a LuLaRoe consultant. The following are a few identified good stuff about the LuLaRoe MLM program.
LuLaRoe Usage of Online Platform
Most Multi-Leve Marketing program depends entirely on the traditional ways of doing business. But LuLaRoe’s usage of an online platform for sales is a good thing any business venture should emulate.
The online and social media platform is the best place to drive sales and improve the conversation in today’s business.
It is a good thing to observe and see many LuLaRoe consultants on Facebook showing casing different types and sizes of clothing for sales.
It is important to note that LuLaRoe still depends on the traditional ways of promoting its MLM program, but they are now employing a new approach of ads on social media.
Six Month Warranty
LuLaRoe has a six-month warranty on its products.
If as a customer, you bought any goods and you detect defects or damages within these time frames.
The company promised to replace such goods for any customer.
It is important to note here that there is some complaint that customer also finds it difficult to claim this warrant (It is important to note this).
20 Days Happiness Policy
LuLaRoe also has what they called the happiness policy.
If a customer bought any clothing material and within the first 20 days, she decides that she is not happy with it for any reason.
Such a customer can claim a refund. Details can be found on their websites.
It is important to note that some customers have a complaint that they were unable to get a full refund despite these promises.
LuLaRoe Complaints
Excessive and Continuous House Parties (For Recruiting and Sales)
LuLaRoe consultant is expected to host this so call dress-up house party for the sales of clothes and recruitment of more members.
Aside from the movement of your stocks (clothing, hangers, and stands) around to where ever the party is taken place.
The extra cost involves will always bite into your expenses daily. This is one major LuLaRoe Complaints
LuLaRoe Operates Only In USA
This Multi-Level Marketing program is only for US residents, and it is not open to all regions or countries. The reason for this is not known.
Another major LuLaRoe Complaint online is that it is a USA-only program.
But if you are from any other country or region; then LuLaRoe is not meant for you.
You Can’t Just Quit
Being a LuLaRoe distributor means you have a load of clothing in your house or warehouse, so if you decide to leave at any time, a refund will probably not happen.
This is another LuLaRoe Complaint online. It is not easy to cancel and quit LuLaRoe.
Thousands of distributors who, in the face of the company’s mounting problems, decided to jump ship have found it hard.
One big-time distributor laments how she has a mountain of clothing that is useless to her – a huge loss.
Delay in Compensation and Refunds
Thousands of distributors who eventually jumped ship lament the fact that they have been waiting for months to get their refunds.
This is the kind of LuLaRoe Complaint you will find on the BBB website.
Some for over a year to get a refund of their checks.
LuLaRoe’s Many Pyramid Scheme Lawsuits
The significant number of class-action suits facing the company, bad debts, and lay-offs point to the fact that it is imploding and fast.
LuLaRoe has many lawsuits against it from both distributors, formal consultants, and consumers. You need to search online to see the number growing daily.
Many members of LuLaRoe Complaints about the many lawsuits against the company.
Major issues ranging from customer service complaints, the MLM business models, and most important the product quality.
LuLaRoe now has less than 25,000 distributors – from 80,000 as of 2017.
Screenshot of many report lawsuits against LuLaRoe in the news below, just by searching Google:

Unfair Practices
LuLaRoe top sellers and mentors encourage their downlines to take out loans, credit cards, and mortgages.
Read a formal LuLaRoe consultant complaining online below:
Poor Quality
The company’s products have increasingly lost market share because the clothing is easily damaged, patterns were becoming undesirable and ripped apart on washing.
High Competition in a Crowded Market
If you join LuLaRoe and you become a consultant.
Suppose you’re the order sent to you is what you like, and they are great and not a damaged one.
Another primary task you will be confronted with is how to make back your investment not to consider making profits.
The problem is that the LuLaRoe market is saturated and you will be made to compete in an extremely crowded environment.
We have many LuLaRoe consultants with no distinct geographical ownership, unlike other franchise companies’ practices.
You will be competing with another LuLaRoe consultant in your region or home town and thousands of them online selling virtually the same stuff.
An Overnight Return Policy Change
When the can of worms was opened in September 2017, in a bid to protect itself from unavoidable bankruptcy, the company had to change its 100% buyback policy.
Initially, the policy promised a 100% refund on unsold inventory for distributors who wanted to leave; this includes shipping and handling of goods.
Then the buyback inventory policy has no expiration date, and this includes clothing buys at any time.
Now, the buyback return policy is to refund 90% of our net cost of purchases made in the past 12 months only. This is subject to meeting the LuLaRoe requirement policy, and it is going to be less shipping.
This is the main reason it is difficult to make money with LuLaRoe.
Stock Pilling of Inventory
LuLaRoe required you to order various sizes and types of clothing at wholesale prices, and they must be warehoused in your house or a specific store you created as inventory.
This inventory and stockpiling is a major LuLaRoe Complaints
The company policy is required for every consultant to have a stockpile of clothes in his or her house. The problem with this kind of system is that unwanted, and unsold clothing will get buried in your home.
LuLaRoe does not practice drop shipping where there is no need to keep inventory. You can order goods sold directly from the manufacturers and send them directly to the buyers.
But you can’t do that with LuLaRoe. All your goods both wanted, and unwanted are imposed on you and when it cannot be sold; it becomes your liabilities.
This is another wrong practice when you are sent clothing you don’t like or do you love to sell to another human being.
Every sales consultant of LuLaRoe has one pile of clothing in his or her house. This is why most of them are not making money with LuLaRoe.
LuLaRoe Startup Cost Is on The Extreme
This is one of the most expensive MLM start-up cost ever. How can you pump between $5,000 to $10,000 to get started in an MLM cloth selling business?
The start-up cost is a major LuLaRoe Complaint and issue about LuLaRoe.
As a consultant, the initial cost of your order is not listed on their website. However, you must order 175 clothing materials to qualify for a commission monthly.
With the wholesale ranging from over $8 to $35; I can bet that you can never make money with this venture.
Don’t forget that pressure to inject more funds into your investment with LuLaRoe will always kick in from your sponsor.
It is a saying within this MLM that re-investment is the only way to be more profitable in this venture.
Is LuLaRoe Pyramid Scheme?
LuLaRoe is legit and not a pyramid scheme scam.
LuLaRoe is a direct sales MLM company.
People mistook direct sales and MLM companies as a pyramid scheme and scam because most people lose their money while working as distributors.
The truth is that pyramid scheme businesses do exist.
A pyramid scheme is a crime everywhere and in the United States and many countries.
Also, there are no products and services in any pyramid scheme business.
LuLaRoe MLM Jobs has products in the form of women’s clothing in different shapes and fashions.
The only problem with MLM jobs and companies is that it is tough to make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan, and you may lose your investment.
What do you think about my review of LuLaRoe MLM jobs?
Is LuLaRoe MLM jobs legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?
What about many LuLaRoe lawsuits? Can you make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
LuLaRoe BBB Review Rating Is “B”
The Better Business Bureau review rating of LuLaRoe MLM jobs is B.
It implies that LuLaRoe has a good customer service rating. It is also suggested that they are trying to resolve their various customer disputes as fast as possible.
B as a grade is not too bad.
But LuLaRoe is yet to be accredited by the BBB.
BBB accreditation implies that a company has put a structure in place such as tools, customer service to handle and resolve complaints by members.
The CEO filed the LuLaRoe BBB on the 16th of June 2014. And they listed Mr. Mark Stidham as the CEO of the company on the BBB website.
The address and location of LuLaRoe as stated on BBB is 830 E Parkridge Ave, Corona, CA 92879-6611
With phone number: (951) 737-7875
This makes LuLaRoe legitimate direct sales business opportunities.
But does this imply that you can make money with LuLaRoe MLM jobs?
No, it isn’t easy to make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan.
Is LuLaRoe MLM jobs legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What about many LuLaRoe lawsuits that are also sighted on BBB websites?
Is LuLaRoe Legit or a Scam?
LuLaRoe is legit and not a scam pyramid scheme.
Although LuLaRoe has received many official lawsuits for being a pyramid scheme and many other accusations (It is still a red flag); but, in my personal opinion, LuLaRoe is NOT a scam.
Some people also argue that they are not pyramid schemes because they are offering and selling real products and their various distributors’ incentives are not based on the number of conversions.
The consultant’s earnings are based on the sales of products, i.e., clothing, and they also derive from every transaction made by their downlines.
But, in my opinion, they are qualified to be operating pyramid schemes because their earnings still involve downlines conversions.
The implication is that very few people are earning massively from the direct efforts of many people that are at the bottom of the scheme.
Every consultant ought to be earnings from their efforts only and not because they join at the early stage.
Also, the cost of joining the program is too high, and there is always a need to re-invest back your earnings monthly to stock and purchase more clothing.
I will suggest you avoid LuLaRoe because of the high volume of complaints about the company. If you are considering multiple streams of income; there are many options better than LuLaRoe.
I highly recommend my #1 online business that will help you earn a full-time income online while you are helping people.
You render help once to your audience, and you will be earning forever. What do you think of my LuLaRoe MLM jobs review? Can you make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
Is LuLaRoe MLM legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?
Wealthy Affiliate Vs. LuLaRoe
The Wealthy Affiliate model is my #1 recommendation that can earn you a full-time income online while helping people.
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Suppose reading books is your passion or hobby. Wealthy Affiliate training will teach you how to help other people (your audience) that love to be reading books but do not like to.
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The first level of certification training is FREE to join. No credit card or PayPal is needed to sign in — just your email address. I can confirm to you that this training will change your life.
If you work smart and you are dedicated and go premium, you could be making over $5,000 within your one year and $10,000 within your two years.
You won’t need to promote Wealthy Affiliate to earn this full-time income online, that is the best part. Please check it out Now.
Is LuLaRoe Worth It?
Thanks for reading my LuLaRoe MLM jobs review? Can you now make money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
Is LuLaRoe legit or a scam and pyramid scheme company?
While it is easy to believe that retailing clothes will launch you into a steady stream of income, I do not buy into LuLaRoe’s business models.
Most often people who made money off LuLaRoe were those at the top of the pyramid. This is typical of all Ponzi schemes.
While the servants remain at the bottom struggling to makes, ends meet.
But, if you make a steady stream of income while helping people online or offline; I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate.
From this internet marketing training, I have personally created a steady monthly income of four figures.
To find out more about this affiliate marketing product that will enable you to earn and learn, you can click on my link here.
I need your feedback on my LuLaRoe Review. And you can also learn more about LuLaRoe inside Wikipedia.
What do you think about this LuLaRoe compensation plan review? Are LuLaRoe MLM jobs real, legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?
Do you know anyone that is making money with the LuLaRoe compensation plan?
Kindly grant me your feedback in the comment section below. It will be great to hear what you think.

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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
I really love clothing and fashion which is why I am looking into Lularoe as I have a huge fashion following on Pinterest. However after reading your blog post I am going to pass on this as it seems only the founders truly benefit. Moreover the thought of the startup cost and large inventory frightens me. Having said that I can attest to Wealthy Affiliate being a business model where everyone wins provided they are willing do put forth the effort.
Well, I must agree with you, this company looks like a good one to stay far, far away from.
If I had to spend that much money to get started in an online business, I believe I’d reconsider and buy a franchise. In the long run, you’d probably have less work and more of a chance to make money. This program is ridiculously expensive, and it seems to me to be a no-brainer to avoid.
MLM companies can be good — I belonged to one for 10 years that I still think is excellent — however, so many of them are bordering on a pyramid scam. It’s really hard to know which ones to trust. And as for compensation plans — the one you describe for LuLaRoe looks like a real nightmare. No, there are far more better ways to make money online than with this company, in my opinion. Thanks for showing us the truth about it.
Thanks one more time for highlighting LuLaRoe. I think this is some type of scam, but not direct.
I was thinking about the moment that they refund only 90% of unsold stock and there is no opportunity to try it for free requires you invest a lot.
I think it is too risky.
I think also that the owners just want to make money on ambitious people.
I want to know though, Has LuLaRoe gone out of business? they have so many lawsuit and many of the members are opting out.
Dear Liza,
Thanks for reading my LuLaRoe reviews.
You want to know if LuLaRoe is going out of business.
I won’t say they are going out of business, but there are many signs that many of its distributors are going bankrupt, and that is one significant sign that LuLaRoe may be going out of business.
If LuLaRoe distributors are filing for bankruptcy, that implies that the number of people distributing the company products is declining day by day. That means that the sales volume is also declining.
LuLaRoe is also lambasting with many lawsuits, just like as you stated in your comment.
This is sighted by many media houses, and it is public knowledge.
USA Today
Business Insider
Thanks for visting my website, I really apreciate.
Is LuLaRoe more like Oriflame cosmetics?
They also give the opportunity to females to become an agent and sell their cosmetics and earn a commission off each sale.
Bonuses are given when reaching a monthly sale target. Anyone else heard of Oriflame?
The only problem i have with LuLaroe is that of the many lawsuits that is hanging over it.
Why do you think is LuLaRoe being sued? Also, What does LuLaRoe stand for anyway? I love to know the meaning of the name “LuLaRoe”
Thank you for reading my LuLaRoe clothing reviews.
I also appreciate the time it takes for you to drop this comment.
Yes, I did a detailed review of Oriflame. You can please go through.
So, why is LuLaRoe being sued?
The Multi-Level Marketing company LuLaRoe was sued and being sued by the company many distributors that currently have a financial problem, which is a result of many over promised of earnings by LuLaRoe.
An article by Truth in Advertising also narated many lawsuits against LuLaRoe
The LuLaRoe distributors claimed that the company marketing material is full of many false and misleading income claims i.e., Claiming that joining LuLaRoe will bring anyone that financial freedom they needed.
The lawsuits assert that LuLaRoe is into an Illegal Pyramid Scheme and also claimed as the quoted below:
Distributors of LuLaRoe in 35 states in the US have filed for bankruptcy. With over 90 of these distributors filing for Chapter 7 and over 27 fillings for Chapter 13.
The following states have the most distributors filing for bankruptcy:
Washington state
New York, and
The company is also sued and accused of operating illegal hell companies to hide money from their creditors.
The above is why I think LuLaRoe is being sued.
The next question is about the meaning of LuLaRoe.
The name LuLaRoe was created and formed from Deanne’s three granddaughters Deanne Brady is the name of the founder.
Lu derived from Lucy, La derived from Lola while Roe formed from Monroe.
It is essential to know that all the apparel and clothing are named after family members of LuLaRoe.
What do you think now about LuLaRoe? Do you think that LuLaRoe is a pyramid scheme?
I hope i will read from you again?
I make money on clothes right after I make money on travel 🙂 That’s what I thought.
It’s all clear about travel, but what about the clothes? When I looked into the information on this matter, I came here, on this site.
An honest review from a person is absolutely not connected with this sphere, that is necessary!
This is the first time I’ve heard about LuLaRoe from this article. But you’ll probably say that I’m crazy, but I’m interested.
Although they have a lot of dangerous moments to earn, a lot of negativity…B
But I believe that you can earn there, though not easily, but really!
Please help answer these two questions:
How much do LuLaRoe consultants make? Do they really get paid? and Is LuLaRoe products are of good quality?
thank you.
Thanks for reading my LuLaRoe review
To start with the quality of LuLaRoe. LuLaRoe is known for making high and comfortable leggings materials. But this claim usually came from the consultant that is still with LuLaRoe.
Many LuLaRoe consultants that left claim otherwise.
They have quite a negative review only. The best way is to try to buy one online.
So, is LuLaRoe good quality? In my opinion, and base on my online review.
I will give them a 35% score on quality.
Okay, how much money are LuLaRoe sellers earning?
You need an initial investment of $5,500 for your LuLaRoe inventory to be considered to become a LuLaRoe consultant and seller.
That is just the cost to stock up your store.
But, based on my review of many LuLaRoe in many for an online. And this includes a discussion of LuLaRoe on Reddit and Quora.
You need an actual investment of $15,000 in inventory, and you have to sell at a markup of over 45% to make a profit; otherwise, you will make a loss.
Most of the LuLaRoe dresses fall within the price of around $25 to $70. It depends on what you want to buy.
In my candid opinion, LuLaRoe is too expensive to venture into.
So if you are one of those people that you are here to ask that usual question, “Is LuLaRoe expensive?”
Yes, LuLaRoe is expensive to venture into. You can get a lot of things done at $5,500.
I can build a niche site that will be making over $5,000 monthly within six months with $5,500.
Thanks again for visiting my page. Do you have any other questions about LuLaRoe? Is LuLaRoe worth your money?
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