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Home » HOW TO MAKE MONEY » Zukul Ad Network Review: Can You Really Make Money with Zukul?

Zukul Ad Network Review: Can You Really Make Money with Zukul?

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You are welcome to my Zukul Ad Network Review.

I am sure you here to find out how to make money with Zukul Ad Network.


It is great you are doing your findings of Zukul Ad Network; Researching an online program is the best way to discover legitimate online businesses and help you avoid many scams.

Is Zukul Ad Network legit or a scam? Or, Is Zukul Ad Network a pyramid scheme?

Please be assured that I am not affiliated with Zukul Ad, i.e., I am not promoting Zukul Network.

I will ensure that my Zukul Ad review is unbiased, and you will be able to decide whether you want to make money with Zukul.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Zukul Ad Network at a Glance

Zukul Ad Network review

Product Name: Zukul Ad Network
Year Founded: June 2000
Founder: Frédéric-Charles Petit
Head Office: Jeremy Rush & Michael Bloom
Price: $1 – $250
Rating: 12%
Recommended: No { Check Out My #1 Recommended Online Business}

What is Zukul Ad Network?

My personal opinion classifies any such program as a Scam. This implies that you have to recruit or source subscribers. It means that you can make money, but you have a lot of limitations.

The Zukul Ad Network: ZAN affiliate program is an alternative source of passive income, which has been on the market for some time so that it may be saved for now and that they are unlikely to end their career shortly.

It makes it a site with some great earning potential and the possibility of a return on investment. The site is for small and medium investors who are looking to make a short-term income.

One of their options is a compensation plan, which comes in return for your investment.

Although this is an excellent solution if you are a four-digit investor, for the smaller ones, who are only looking to make a living, the compensation plan is not a jump-starting opportunity.

However, for these people, ZAN offers another solution.

The referral program of this network provides more earning potential, but this makes it prone to be classified as a scam program. See why all Multi-Level Marketing programs are a scam.

In this review, I will explain how the Zukul (ZAN) Ad packages work since they are intended for ordinary people struggling for extra income.

The Ad packs are usually advertising that you get 120 percent of the smallest invested amount of money.

However, this is not true. If you decide to invest one dollar, which makes you a level one investor, the return percentage is a minimum of 20%. It is not a significant percentage, but it is somewhat welcome.

But also don’t forget that all MLM programs are prone to be a scam.

Zukul Ad Network Compensation Plan

It is why Zukul is a unique program:

  • In only nine months since the site’s opening, the site has more visits than any other similar affiliate network.
  •  The Zukul Ad Network business venture looks and acts differently than any other Rev Share system. It might be because regular people looking for some extra income developed it.
  • Its clarifications as to how much you will earn are easy to understand, and they don’t have a double meaning, unlike some other affiliate networks.
  • ZAN is always avoiding third-party payment cooperation such as PayPal, Skrill, or Payoneer. It means that they have complete control as to how much income and outcome they have. It might not be so important to you, but it sure is for your investment stability and safe return.

Issues with Zukul Ad Network System

  • Although the numbers are good so far, this is a relatively new network, which can crash.
  • You have to solicit members that will be under you. It runs by levels, which determines how much you earn. This is a minus to this program because it indicates that it is a Ponzi scheme.
  • So far, there have been some technical glitches to the site, but the Customer Service of LAN has taken care of all customers, so there still aren’t cases, which reported deception or having their money lost.

Is Zukul Legit or Scam?

The site SEEMS LEGIT mainly because it doesn’t have one source of income, but three, so it is less likely for it to crash and take your money down the drain.

  •  Publishers are one part of the equation which is holding this venture stable. They are interested in working with Zukul Ad Network (ZAN) because they are getting affiliate income by publishing ads on their sites.
  • Advertisers are the second part, which is the main reason this network even exists. They will always be interested in working with Zukul Ad Network (ZAN) because they get impressions for their advertisements.
  • Ad packs participants – This could be you if you wish. They are ordinary people looking to invest a small amount of money and get a relatively average compensation for their trust.

Is Zukul Ad Network worth Your Money? 

So what do you think of my Zukul Ad Network By Jeremy Rush Review? Can you make good money with Zukul Ad Network?

To some degree, you now know what is Zukul is all about. Considering all the facts, this is going smoothly and appears legitimate system for now. Zukul Ad Network is not a scam program but has elements of scams.

Through its member seems to be earning some income and happy for now, and the more it is growing, the more stable it may get.

There are ten different packages you can choose from, and every one of them is taking you to the next level of earning with higher returns of investment.

The challenge is this Making money with Zukul Ad Network is not straightforward.

In my opinion, this program can go far, except that it has some elements of the MLM program. All MLM programs to me are scams.

The primary source of income is advertisements. What about if everybody decides not to advert through this medium again and you have parted with your funds?

Or new people decide not to subscribe again? Any program that requires you to refer to other people before you can start making money is a minus, and it is prone to be referred to as a scam.

Are you making money with Zukul Ad Network before now? What is your take on my Zukul Ad Network By Jeremy Rush Review?

Do you have a contribution, or are you a member of the Zukul? Would you please drop your comment or question in my comment area below?