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Empower Network Reviews? What Happened to Empower Network?

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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » Empower Network Reviews? What Happened to Empower Network?

You are welcome to my Empower Network Review. Can you still make money with Empower Network? Is Empower Network legit or a scam and a Pyramid scheme? what happened to empower the network and does it really work?

I am sure you are here to make your findings of Empower Network; You are doing the right thing.


This was how I discover the best affiliate marketing education platform in the world that help me create a full-time income with this website.

Be rest assure that I am in no way affiliate nor connected to Empower Network; expect an unbiased Empower Network review from me.

Please read on.

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

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Empower Network at a Glance

empower network

Product Name: Empower Network
Product Owner: David (Sharpe & Wood ) Advertised
Price: $25/month Upsells: $19.99,$100, $500, $1,000,$3500
Rating: 5%
Recommended: No

Summary of Empower Network Review

Empower Network Make you join their platform to start blogging, they tell you that you will earn 100% commission when you use their platform for blogging.

It is just that you have to pay a fee to join the platform, and you have to continue to recruit people to the stage to earn more money.

You also have to pay a monthly fee of $25 to have access to the platform, and Empower Network has various upsells that can get you mad (i.e., $19.99, $100, $500, $1,000, $3500).

You have to go through to up-sell to earn more.

Empower Network must and should be avoided because of the following:

  • You are paying monthly $25 to have access.
  • When you are blogging, you are helping people by providing the content.
  • You are blogging on another company website.
  • Your access can be denied and revoked because it is not your own.

It is just like Quora, Reddit, Medium, etc; but no recruitment in these other great platforms.

Why would you be wasting your life away on a platform that is not yours? In the 21st century, it is easy to start your blog and website with ease.

In fact, at Wealthy Affiliate, you can claim a FREE website and complete certification training of level-1 with ten lessons.

It does not make sense to be blogging on another person platform where you have to continue to recruit to make money. Please avoid Empower Network.

What do you think of my Empower Network review? Do you think you can make money with Empower Network?

What is Empower Network?

Empower Network is an online marketing network founded by David Sharpe and David Wood.

It is an MLM blog forum-like platform where you pay a $25 fee for your monthly subscription to access the blog and make money.

They claim that they are making it possible for you to blog and make money on an optimized blog.

They provide and host a blogging community of online marketers, home-based, and start-ups.

The site claimed to provide suites of internet marketing education that help your online business grow.

The problem is that you make money via recruitment with many upsells. You have to promote the platform to earn more, though they claimed that it is not a must you promote the platform.

Incorporating multi-level marketing with affiliate marketing is a new scam scheme; I always take anything MLM to be a scam.

There are some issues with the owners of the company, I.e., David Sharpe and David Wood.

David Sharpe left the company to take care of its health, and the hell broke loose.

You will see soon why Empower Network can not help you in the 21st century.

How Empower Network Works

They provide a platform to educate and training internet marketers by providing them tools, resources, training, and support. They also offer you a blog within the platform to promote your products and services. You have to pay to become a member of the stage.

You have an option to become an affiliate. It will cost you $19.95 monthly to have access to the reselling right to be receiving 100% commission on every referral.

Your membership level determines the essential or inner circle ($25 and $100) will determine the kind of tools and resource and upsell commission you will have access to.

You have the opportunity to use the website’s high domain authority to outrank your competitor in your niche.

The problem with this practice is that the blog is not yours, and your access can be denied or revoked at any time.

If that happens, you will lose all you have done, including your content, money, effort, and referral to the company.

You can get all the training they offer via Google and YouTube, and you can also have access to a free website today. Claim your free website here.

Do you think you can still make money with Empower Network? What do you think of my Empower Network review?

Products Being Offered

The memberships and products being offered are quite the same. That said, we’d instead focus on how much it costs to be part of the network.

  • Blogging Platform costs $25 a month

With this kind of membership, you’ll be able to access a one-of-a-kind blogging platform known as the “blog beast.”

Aside from that, you’ll also gain access to basic training school materials, lead capture systems, and best of all, the “Monday Night Empower Hour.”

  • Inner Circle Membership costs $100 a month

This level gives the users access to a collection of audio files. Wherein these audio files are tutorials and speeches coming from the other members.

Buying this membership tier gives you the privilege of earning commissions by merely selling the membership tier to others.

  • Mastermind Intensive – $500 Single Payment

With this package, you’ll have access to video series made in Costa-Rica by David Wood.

In this video, he explains various concepts about gaining online leads, how to grow an audience, and the best marketing ideas to be implemented.

  • Team Building Formula – $1000 Single Payment

This system contains technical training that teaches the members how they can effectively showcase their products online.

Through this, you’ll also discover how to gain targeted leads and turn them into profit.

Aside from that, there are also preparation guides that will teach you how to develop your business online and enjoy long-lasting results.

  • Master’s Retreat – $3500

There are more than 40 individual training guides and workbooks at the master’s retreat level. It would teach you all the secrets to earn through online marketing.

  • Additional Fees and Information

The good thing about these tiers is that after a purchase, you’re allowed to sell it right away to new members and earn commissions through them.

Though, if you’re only paying $25 a month, and the person you referred decided to buy a higher package, the sad news is that you won’t be able to enjoy much commission from that sale.

That means it would be better to buy more top tiers if your purpose is to refer others and earn commissions from it.

Issues With Empower Network?

Although the program seems to be very promising, it’s not perfect either. That’s why you have to know these things first before joining the network.

  • The Possibility of Losing Money

Just like with any network marketing business, there’s always the risk of losing money if you’re not careful.

If you want to ensure a profit in Empower Network, you should be willing to exert a lot of effort into that. Is Empower Network legit or scam? What do you think?

  • Empower Networking Is An MLM

To make money in Empower Network, you must refer new members, any business that you do online that your income depends on people you invite and not on the actual value you are adding to people is not worth the money.

MLM only rewards the top level on the ladder, and it will be very tough for any beginner to make the right morning.

The lower-level people are always a slave to the top level one in the program of this nature, get more details on Why Multi-Level Marketing Is A Scam

Why Empower Network Shutdown

This all about what happened to Empower Network. What Happened to Empower Network? Is empower network still in business?

There is this rumor that the site has been shut down.

Below are different updates of the latest news about the Empower Network instability and current status.

Just Google “Empower Network Shutdown” Is this evidence of a scam? Is Empower Network legit or scam?

 See the result below: 

empower network shutdown

Update 2021: 

What Happened to Empower Network? Empower Network has gone bankrupt and has shut down finally and officially. David Wood appears to be pushing the company a floating with his funds. The implication is that if you an investor, you may never get a dine again.  If the owner of Empower Network is going bankrupt, it implies that there is no money to pay any investors. 

Update as @ 2019

Dave Sharp is no more with the Empower Network but now running its own business and with a new product called Legendary Marketer.

The Dave Sharp Legendary Marketer seems to be somehow legit with real training, but the program is too costly. You can see my complete review of the Legendary Marketer here.

Compare Legendary Marketer to the Empower Network; You can compare the two.

The Legendary Marketer is far worthwhile. But still, then I will not buy the training program because it is too costly.

Another fear is that what about you subscribe to Dave’s new product, Legendary Marketer, and Dave decide to run again?

Update As @ 2017

Empower Network is now shut down with the owners pushing other online programs.

The question you ask yourself is this: what happened to those work, content written by several members?

Will you subscribe to their new products?

Note: Empower Network is an MLM program; what happens when you use paul to pay peter, people run to hide their shame and start up somewhere again.

Don’t be full; you can not make money with any Multi-level Marketing products or programs. 97% of all MLM members lose their money within a short period.

Is Empower Network Legit, or a Scam and Pyramid Scheme?

Empower Network is legit and not a scam and pyramid scheme. Many people believe that Empower Network is a pyramid scheme and scam, but it is not.

Though it is shutdown down now, but it was not because of scam but because the company went bankrupt. The else partner is now running a new business called legendary marketer.

But what is a pyramid scheme?

The participant of a pyramid scheme tries to make money wholly from recruiting new members where the owners promised high returns in a short period.

There are usually no real products or services involved in a pyramid scheme transaction, and the main focus of the participants is on recruiting more people to the scheme.

It is essential to know that most time, the pyramid scheme always collapses, and most participants lose their money.

Jon M.Taylor confirms this in his book ” Multi-level Marketing Unmasked “; he stated that 99.7% of people that join MLM would lose their investments. 

From the above description of what a pyramid scheme is, I can deduce that Empower Network is a pyramid scheme for the following reasons:

There is no real products and services involve.

The scheme “Empower Network” later collapse, and eventually went bankrupt, and

Members lose their investments, i.e., all the affiliate members of the program later lose all their websites and every of the content they invest on the Empower Network platform.

The Empower Network bankruptcy swept everything away. Is Empower Network legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?

What do you think of my Empower Network Shutdown reviews? Will you do business with an else owner with a new Legendary Marketer business?

How I Make Money Online. . .

Have you heard of Wealthy Affiliate? It is the best money-making training program in the world. Wealthy

Affiliate will train you to start and nurture your own business. You will be helped to discover your niche and pursue it with passion.

Wealthy Affiliate is made up of more than 100 (videos + text) of step by step on how to make money online.

Do you know why I love Wealthy Affiliate? Because you can even start free. Try to check out Wealthy Affiliate and learn if you like it. Please let me know if you have any questions in my comment area.

Is Empower Network Worth It? 

Thanks for reading my Empower Network review? Can you still make money with Empower Network?

Is Empower Network legit, or a scam and Pyramid scheme? What do you think about Empower Network shutdown?

Overall, there’s no denying that the Empower Network is a unique marketing opportunity for those who would want to start a home-based business with little capital.

The blogging platform cost of $25 may be too much for a newbie, compare to a better offering of two free websites by Wealthy Affiliate, this implies that you can create a website for free compared to the offering by David Wood Empower.

However, you should also know that you won’t be able to make lots of money right away especially if you’re in the lowest tier.

You have to be in the top line and refer others to earn commissions. By working hard enough, you’ll be able to enjoy a substantial income and have an extensive network of members underneath you.

I do not endorse this scheme because it is too costly and mostly because it is MLM in nature. There is nothing like promoting your very own business.

What do you think of my Empower Network shutdown reviews?

Are you with Empower Network before the shutdown? Have you made money with the Empower Network before now?

Is Empower Network shutdown as a result of illegality? Is Empower Network legit or a scam and a pyramid scheme?

Any business that your profitability depends on people to come to work before you can make ends meet; such a company is not right for you. Please decide the rest for yourself.

Relevant Articles

Is Empower Network Bankrupt – Lessons (YouTube)

6 thoughts on “Empower Network Reviews? What Happened to Empower Network?”

  1. Hey nice review you have there about Empower Network. I have heard little about Empower Network from a friend. Having gone through this article, I now have a better perspective of its framework. With this review you have save more than a thousand from being a victim. Thanks for this red flags about Empower Network.

    1. Thanks for reading my Empower Network review.

      I hope you now know how to make money with Empower Network.

      Empower Network has a lot of issues and it is not recommended by me. 



  2. Reading through the review of empower network,  I can’t really see how theybare empowering people,  just like you said it is really dangerious to be blogging on someelse site and that you have to recruit peeple and pay a Subscription of $25 to continue using the platform?? The terms at just too much to bear,  thanks for reviewing this,  I hope this meet someone well

    1. Dear Jomata, 

      Thanks for reading my Empower Network review.

      The article is all about how to make money with Empower Network

      Thanks again for reading my review about Empower Network and for the comments.



  3. I haven’t heard much about Empower Network in awhile. I guess I thought they were eventually revealed for the waste of money that they really are. Thank you for providing so much insight into how it works and why it’s not a good investment for anyone in terms of time or money. I will make sure to keep my blogging on my own websites and Medium.

    1. Thanks for reading my Empower Network review.

      the article is all about how to make money with Empower Network and what happened to empower network afterward.

      Thanks for the comment. 



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