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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » Younique Compensation Plan Reviews: Can You Really Make Money?

Younique Compensation Plan Reviews: Can You Really Make Money?

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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » Younique Compensation Plan Reviews: Can You Really Make Money?

You are welcome to my Younique MLM jobs Reviews. I am happy you are here to research how to make money with the Younique MLM Compensation plan selling products? How much do Younique presenters make?

how much do you make as a younique presenter

But how much money can you make with the Younique MLM Compensation plan?


Yes, you can make money with the Younique Compensation plan? Only 0.3% of Younique distributors are making money. They are the company owners, particular investors, and those at the top of the compensation plan. Because of the MLM business model, 99.7% of people that join will lose their money.

You will know why it is difficult to make money with Younique MLM as a newbie and why MLM business is not for me.

Estimated reading time: 16 minutes

Summary Review of Younique Makeup

Younique is a Multi-Level Marketing and direct sales company selling makeup beauty products.

Can you make money with the Younique compensation plan?

The problem with Younique is the MLM business model that the company has adopted. 

It will be very difficult for any distributor to make money with Younique MLM jobs. 

Mr. Jon M Taylor investigated over 600 direct sales companies in the United States and across the world for 20 years. 

He concluded that 99.7% of people that join MLM companies would lose their money. 

You can read up his full report in his book titled “ Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.” The PDF is free for your read. 

It implies that only 0.3% of people that are doing business with MLM companies will make money. 

The 0.3% of these people include the company owners, the investors, and those at the top of the compensation plan. 

2016 Younique SEC filings show that 95% of people that join this MLM company lose their money. 

You can see that the percentage of Younique distributors (presenters) making money is very few. 

Can you imagine less than 180 Younique presenters out of over 400 000 making good money?

Yes, you will make money with Younique makeup. But it is going to be peanut! This is not for everyone to venture into.

This review will reveal to you why many people are dumping this business.

What do you think of my Younique MLM reviews?

Can you make money selling Younique MLM products? What do you think? 

How Much Does It Cost to Become a Younique Presenter?

To become an independent presenter with Younique, you have to pay a one-time signup fee of $99.

Who is Younique MLM for?

 Younique’s affiliate program is best suited for those who have connections on social media or already established affiliate marketers for other beauty products. 

Requirements to Become Younique MLM Presenter

For you to become a Younique Presenter, you must:

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  • Be a minimum age of 18 years or mature age, as it is required in your country.
  • Reside in a country or region where the Younique presenter operates.
  • Have a valid tax identification number for reporting your taxes as required in your country of domiciliation.
  • Must purchase the Younique starter kit
  • You must be ready to read and complied with the term and condition as stated in the Younique Independent Presenter Agreement

How to Make Money with Younique MLM Compensation Plan

To join Younique as a new seller or presenter. You must buy the starter kit for $99 if you are in the US or £69 if you are in the UK.

As a distributor of Younique makeup beauty products, you are required to continue to purchase these products to maintain your rank status.

And you are also to recruit other people to become a presenter or distributor.

You will earn 20% on each of your sales. Your commission increases to 25% as soon as your sales get to $1,000.

You will also receive more commission if you recruit other people as sellers, to earn from each of their purchases.

Younique offers the typical cosmetic products you would expect: eye, lip, and face products; the price range is generally from $19 to $65.

There are also cosmetic tools ranging from $7.50 to $32 apiece.

There are color levels that signify your earning potentials.

How Much Do Younique Presenters Make?

This question is very vital for the intending members of Younique Makeup or cosmetics distributors refer to as Younique Presenters. Are the Younique presenters getting discounts?

Therefore, how much money can you make selling Younique products as a presenter?

An average Younique presenter or distributors earn an average commission of $9 in 2016.

This figure is gotten from Younique independent audited annual report of 2016 filled with SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).

The report stated that $87,349,881 was paid out in respect of ‘Presenter incentives’ in 2016.

The underline notes of the audited report states as following:

I quote Presenter incentives include cash payments made under the Company’s global sales compensation plan.

Presenters earn incentives by arranging or facilitating a sale of the commissionable product, with the ability to earn additional incentives for reaching volume objectives and other achievements.”

As at the time of writing and posting this article together, as shown on their website

Younique has about 1.4 million Presenters or distributors of their products.

As of 2016 (time of this report) if we assume and put the total number of presenters to be 800,000 (this is very generous of me); and considering the earnings of the presenter of $87,349,881.

The average amount each presenter took home was $109.18, which is equivalent to $9.09 monthly.

Many of the presenters will earn far less, and some will earn more.

But If you take the cost of the starter kit at $99 into consideration, most of the Younique Presenters are making a loss.

Also, from the Younique financial and audited report of 2016, Younique Presenter Incentives represent 22% of the total earnings of Younique as seen below:

Source: Younique Consolidated Financial Statement (SEC Filings)

But what happened to the Younique Income Disclosure statement that they offer a compensation plan of up to 48% in commission?

The 2016 audited report does not reflect that assertion, except if 99% of the Younique presenters are at the lowest level of compensation plan of 20% commission.

If the above is true, that implies that it is the fewer people at the top of the pyramid that earn the most of this money.

The $9 monthly earning achieve in 2016 could have been the best Younique can offer ts Presenters because their profitability has drastically declined yearly.

What do you think of my Younique MLM reviews and compensation plan? Can you make money selling Younique MLM products?

Why It Is Tough to Make Money with Younique MLM Jobs

Many factors contributed to Younique members that are preventing them from making money with Younique Makeup products.

I will discuss two major reasons why you cannot make money with Younique Makeup

You are a Customer and Not a Business Partner to Younique

The multi-level marketing business models the company is practicing is faulty.

The MLM is a model that is created in favor of the company to help them make maximum profits, and it is not designed to help you as a Younique presenter or distributor of the products.

If you join Younique, you can only be a customer to them and not their distributors.

Presenters Not Practicing 21st Century Marketing Strategies

Most Younique presenters are indeed using social media. This won’t take them anywhere.

The presenters have websites with many duplicated contents that cannot rank on page one of Google and other search engines.

I am 100% certain you came to this website because you search for something that you want, and you find this article on my site.

This is because this content was written with the focus to drag people that are interested in the full review of Younique from anywhere in the world.

This is an art that you can NOT get anywhere but via solid training.

Check out how to become a full-time blogger making huge money online promoting any product of your choice. What do you think of my Younique Compensation plan and MLM reviews?

Younique Compensation Plan

How much do Younique presenters make? Will you make money as Younique presenters and distributors? The answer is YES!

Younique claims to have one of the best compensations and royalty plan ever.

But you must understand how to take advantage of the Younique Compensation Plan PDF.

This is how to get paid to sell and to promote Younique makeup products.

Firstly, below are the explanations of keywords that will help you understand Younique compensation and ROYALTIES Chart:

younique products reviews

PRS – Personal Retail Sales

This is is the total sum of the retail sales of your commissionable products in the month under consideration.

CWS – Company Wholesale Sales

This is the amount of Younique makeup products that your entire downline sells in a given month.
Company Wholesale Sales is 75% of the personal retail volume of all commission sales.

Your Younique back office will automatically show how much you earn monthly via the Royalties chart.

Qualified First-Level Presenters

A Qualified first Level Presenters is a presenter that rolled up to your first level because of their personal sponsored is dormant or inactive (in activities).

$125 in Personal Retail Sales (PRS) is the amount that you need to qualify as first-level presenters.

Note: this amount “$125” is different from the Rolling Three Months.

This is the amount that must be sold in Personal Retail Sales (PRS) in your three previous months.

This is needed to continue to be active as a presenter.

Circle Wholesale Sales 

This is the amount needed by any of your team to qualify for the Green levels and above rank.
Circle sales are the amount remaining after the break off of your Green level into generations.

First Generation Elites

Your first presenter in a giving leg that attain Green Level Status (either personally enrolled or enrolled by your downline).

Your Younique Status Badge Explained

There are two status badges “Recognized status” badge and “Paid As” status.

The recognized status badge is the badge located and closes to your name at the back end of the

Younique website. It signals your highest achievement.

While the “Paid As” status changes monthly. It states the monthly qualification of presenters.

Below are full details of Younique Compensation plan:

Younique compensation plan reviews
  • Entry Presenter

Level White

As a new presenter, you start at level white, where you earn a 20% commission on your sales.

When you register, your signup fee of $99 covers the purchase of a starter kit.

You will have to sell at least $125 worth of products within the next three months to remain a presenter.

To achieve this, you can buy the $125 products for yourself or sell these products through virtual parties on your social media pages.

Level Yellow

When you reach the milestone of sales worth at least $1,000 worth of products, you are eligible to move up to yellow status where you earn a 25% commission on your purchases. 

  • Exemplary Presenter

 Level Pink

This is where you have at least one recruit selling under you.

You will need to sell at least $250 worth of product personally, and your referral (or circle) needs to sell at least $2,000 for you to maintain this status.

You also earn 25% of your sales as commission and 3% in circle royalties. 

Level Blue

At this level, you have two recruits under you.

You will need to sell at least $250 worth of product personally, and the downlines (or circle) need to sell at least $4,000 for you to maintain this status.

You also earn 25% of your sales as commission and 4% in circle royalties.

  • Elite Presenter

Level Green

At this level, you have three recruits under you.

You will need to sell at least $500 worth of product personally, and your convert (or circle) needs to sell at least $10,000 for you to maintain this status.

You also earn 25% of your sales as commission and 5% in circle royalties, and 3% in first-generation fees.

Level Orange

At this level, you have three recruits under you.

You will need to sell at least $500 worth of product personally, and your downlines (or circle) need to sell at least $20,000 for you to maintain this status.

You also earn 30% of your sales as commission and 5% in circle royalties, 3% in first-generation fees, and 4% in second-generation royalties. 

  • Exclusive Presenter

Level Purple

At this level, you have three recruits under you.

You will need to sell at least $500 worth of product personally, and referral (or circle) needs to sell at least $40,000 for you to maintain this status.

You also earn 30% of your sales as commission and 6% in circle royalties, 3% in first-generation fees, and 4% in second-generation royalties.

Level Black

At this level, you have three recruits under you.

You will need to sell at least $500 worth of product personally, and your downlines (or circle) need to sell at least $10,000 for you to maintain this status.

You also earn 30% of your sales as commission and 6% in circle royalties, 3% in first-generation royalties, and 4% in second-generation royalties, and 5% in third-generation royalties. 

Can you make money selling Younique MLM products with this compensation plan? What do you think of my Younique MLM reviews?

Note: ==>Younique Compensation Plan PDF Download

Cost to Become a Younique Presenter?

The sign-up fee for you to become a Younique Presenter and distributor of Younique makeup products is $99 US, $129 AUS, $139 NZ, and $119 CA.

It is the cost of your Younique start-up kit, which includes:

  • 30 eye pigments,
  • Six concealers,
  • Five blushers,
  • 3D Fiber Lash mascara,
  • Eye brushes (set of 3),
  • A charm, and
  • You also have a free Younique website.

The values are all equivalent to US dollars; it all depends on your country of domiciliation.

Is There an Additional Cost for Auto-Ship?

No extra cost. You are not expected to keep an inventory of Younique makeup products.

Requirements for Younique Presenter To Stay Active 

You must sell a minimum of $125 every three months to stay active with Younique.

Is Younique Presenter Home Party a Must?

Younique home party is all about inviting family, friends, and relatives over to your home dining and wining and showing casing and playing with Younique products.

It is not compulsory to do a home party.

The best alternative to the home party is your online social media engagement. Get involved in Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Pinterest, and Twitter to make sales.

Are Younique Products Safe?

There are so many questions about the safety of using Younique Products makeup products. 

The issues include: Is Younique’s makeup products natural? Are they organic? Are the products gluten-free?

Younique uses a natural healthy ingredient; they do not hide what constitutes the products, i.e., components. 

The products are not organically made, and it is a mineral cosmetic. They claim that the products are 100% naturally made and they are free of chemicals.

Can you make money selling Younique MLM products? What do you think of my reviews of Younique MLM and compensation plan?

What is Younique Car Bonus all About?

Every Younique presenter with between White Status level and Orange Status earns a car bonus status monthly. The requirement to receive a car bonus is:

  • 500 Personal Retail Sales
  • 50 Fast Start First Level Wholesale Sales
  • A Personal Wholesale Sales Plus a First Level Wholesale Sales worth $2,500.

When and if you qualify, you will be paid a $900 allowance regarding your car payment.

You will also earn one time and a final payment of a $3,000 bonus. There is no limit to the number of times you can make your car bonus monthly.

You are expected to receive your car bonus pay a month after it is earned. Younique will pay the bonus to your PayQuicker account along with your commission for that month.

But are the Younique presenters making money selling the products? How much is the Younique presenter making? What do you think of my Younique MLM reviews?

How Do You Track Your Performance and Progress?

You will have access to your performance and progress as a Younique presenter via your back office in my Royalties section.

Where Are Younique Makeup Products Made?

Younique products are made majorly in the United States of America, though some products are produced in-country such as Italy, Germany, and Canada. The country where the products are manufactured will increase as Younique expands to other countries.

The UK currently bans over 1,300 cosmetic and skincare chemicals/ingredients products.

Do Younique Makeup Products Contain the Sun Protection Factor (SPF)?

SPF is a measure of how quick ultraviolet radiation will burn or damage your skin when it is not protected, compare to how fast it will take to burn when it is exposed to sunscreen.

Higher SPF products will block out the sun’s rays than the lower SPF products.

Younique claimed that none of its makeup products contain an SPF rating.

Do Younique Presenters Get a Discount?

So, how much of a discount do Younique Presenters get? The Younique Presenters always get a 25% discount.

Do this discount help in selling and making money with Younique MLM products?

What Is Younique Return Policy?

You can return any of the Younique makeup products for a full refund. The product will not be exchanging your money; instead will be refunded.

You are expected to contact Younique Customer Care with the Order ID within seven days of the delivery of the package.

Customer Care will then provide you with a special RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number needed to process your refund.

Contact Customer Care at +1-844-821-8151 (Between 5 am to 4 pm; Monday to Friday)

The returned product(s) must contain your completed RMA form and the package you are returning.

Download the summary version of the Younique Compensation Plan PDF format.

How Do Presenter Commissions Get Paid?

Younique pays its Presenter and distributors via a company called PayQuicker.

You will get your payment in your PayQuicker account daily.

Your first sale of Younique makeup products will prompt a mail to your mailbox from Younique informing you to create your PayQuicker account.

You can transfer your commission from your PayQuicker account to any of your chosen bank accounts as a direct deposit.

do presenter make money selling Younique MLM products

As soon as your earning reaches $50 mark, PayQuicker will process your debit card and mail to your destination.

The card is linked to your PayQuicker account such that you can have access to your account via the debit card.

It is crucial to note that you will be charged some fees you get your card decline, mostly if you use the card as a debit card. You should always use the card as a credit card to avoid unnecessary fees.

Also, never use the card at any gas pump (it will be declined). This card is for US-based Younique Presenters only. But do you make money selling Younique MLM products?

How much are you making as a Younique presenter?

Do Younique Presenters Make Money Selling Products?

Thanks for reading my Younique Presenters reviews and how they make money selling products. Can you now make money with the Younique compensation plan?

Only a fraction of Younique Presenters (i.e., 0.3%) is making money selling products and recruiting more presenters (i.e., the owners, investors, and those at the top of Younique compensation plan). Over 99.7% of MLM distributors will lose their money due to the MLM business model favoring very few people.

It is the nature of the MLM business generally and has nothing to do with the company. The MLM and direct sales business model is a scheme to reward those at the top of the compensations plan.

Therefore, if you are a newbie Younique Presenters, you will be working for the people at the top of the scheme, and you are now likely to make money.

What do you think of my Younique Presenters and compensation plan reviews? 

Do you still want to make money with Younique as a Presenters selling products?

What is your take?

Younique Compensation Plan – Do Younique Presenters Make Money

Note: ==>Younique Compensation Plan PDF Download