You are welcome to my Kannaway MLM review. Can you make money with Kannaway MLM jobs? Is Kannaway MLM legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
I used the term exciting to describe this product review as Kannaway is paving a path in an industry that has received backlash for some years, i.e., the Cannabis industry.
It is safe that you do some research before buying a product, and I am glad you are taking the time to do that. This is the only way to avoid scams and discover a legitimate way to make a full-time income online.
Please be clear that I am, however, not in any way affiliated with Kannaway. Therefore expect an objective review from me.
Will selling CBD-based products via Kannaway MLM jobs make you a steady income? You will find out as you continue reading
Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

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Kanaway MLM at a Glance
Founders: Christopher Hussey and Jeff Rogers
Price: $54.98 annual membership fee
Rating: 30%
Recommended: No
Summary Review of Kanaway MLM
Kannaway is a multi-level marketing company that focuses on selling hemp-based products. The company has high ratings, and its oil-based products have five stars rating from CBD Oil Review.
But can you make money with the Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plan? Is Kannaway MLM legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
The challenge with Kannaway MLM is that the company has employed a direct sales business model.
Therefore, it will be exceedingly difficult for anyone to make money with Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plans?
Why do I make that statement?
Mr. Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., the President, Consumer Awareness Institute, and Advisor, investigated over 600 MLM and direct sales companies in the USA and the rest of the world for 20 years.
He concluded his investigation with this statement “99.7% of people that join MLM company will lose their money.”
You can read up his findings in his book titled “Multi-level Marketing Unmasked.” You can download and read the FREE PDF copy.
What is the implication of MR Jon M Taylor’s findings?
His findings imply that 0.3% of people that join MLM and direct sales companies will make money.
The 0.3% are the company owners, the particular interest and investors, and the people at the top of the MLM compensation plan.
Is this true for Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plans?
The only way to know is to investigate the current earnings of Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plan?
Are the Kannaway Distributors Making Money?
You can know this if you have access to the current Kannaway MLM income disclosure statement.
The problem is that you can not find the Kannaway MLM jobs income disclosure statement in the public space.
It is a yearly financial statement that states the amount of money made by each distributor categorized according to compensation levels compared to the distributors’ number.
From reviews of hundreds of MLM and direct sales companies, I can confirm that 99.7% of people who join direct sales as a distributor will lose their money.
I am trying to collaborate with what Mr. Jon M Taylor discovered in his book.
Therefore, if you are joining Kannaway MLM jobs now as a newbie, you are 99.999% sure of losing your money.
Why is that? Because you will be working for those at the top of the scheme, and you will make nothing.
My Recommendation
I suggest you start your profitable online business right now.
Starting a successful business online will require you to have your website. That is what makes the company your own.
You can then partner with hundreds of brands like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Home Depot, Wayfair, Target, etc.
Also, you can become an affiliate marketer selling products and services of your choice through their websites.
You can also partner with Kannaway to start selling Kannaway CBD products while you earn a commission.
It is called affiliate marketing. You make money selling other people or company products and services while you earn a commission.
You can learn all about affiliate marketing via Wealthy Affiliate marketing certification training.
The level-1 with ten lessons is FREE to join. There is no need for your credit card. Please learn more here.
What do you think of my Kannaway MLM jobs review?
Can you still make money with the Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plan?
Is Kannaway MLM legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What is Kannaway?
Kannaway is the combination of Multi-Level Marking (MLM) and Marijuana, and it’s perfectly legal.
Kannaway is a multi-level marketing company founded by Christopher Hussey and Jeff Rogers in 2014.
The company is the biggest explorer of the uncharted waters of medicinal Marijuana or hemp and generates an estimated $14 million in revenue annually.
Hemp is a term for the wide growth of varieties of the Cannabis plant and its products, which include fiber, oil, and seed.
Hemp can also be refined into products such as hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper, and fuel.
It is essential to know that hemp does not get you high; these products are used to manage pain and restore health.
Kannaway is one of the subsidiaries of Medical Marijuana Inc, a company that makes and sells a range of hemp-based products.
The company started in 2009 when a company called Club Vivanet bought another company from Bruce Perlowin.
Similar to a CFTO, a product we have reviewed earlier, Kannaway is charting a path through providing the benefits of CBD to people through its products.
What do you think of my Kannaway MLM jobs review?
Can you make money with Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plan? Is Kannaway MLM legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?
Kannaway Products Line
Kannaway’s Product line features products ranging from edibles to headwear. The following are the products featured in Kannaway;

CBD Products- This includes Slaves, liquids, capsules, edibles, and the likes.
This contains CBD-based food supplements such as Super Greens and Power Protein.
This includes CBD-based skincare and makeup products including, face serum, anti-aging cream, and face cleanser.
Essential Oil
These include CBD based essential oils whose prices range from $42.99 to $113.99
Kannaway also has products for pets, and they include hemp oil, Bake Chews for dogs and cats, and Eco Chew ropes for your pets.
This is a clothing line that features head wears with prices ranging from $25.20 to $44
Kannaway also has a nonprofit charity arm where it receives donations for connecting families and children with special needs sickness.
ECHO helps create education as well as collaboration between doctors and patients.
To achieve its goals, ECHO sells the donation from a price ranging from $5 to $100.
The Cost to Join Kannaway
To make money with Kannaway MLM jobs, you need to purchase the Kannaway Starter Pack, which costs $262.50.

Besides, there is a $54.98 annual membership fee. The Brand Ambassador fee covers:
- Replicated Kannaway Websites
- Kannaway Secure Back Office
- Kannaway Training and Support Tools
- Administrative Support
Requirements to Become Kannaway Brand Ambassador
Firstly, it is perfectly legal to purchase and own hemp in the United States, the stigma that surrounds dealing with the product.
If you have no trouble with marketing and selling Hemp-infused products, then Kannaway might be for you.
For you to join Kannaway and become an Independent Distributor called Kannaway Brand Ambassador. You must be:
- Eighteen years of age to enroll.
- A resident of 50 of the United States and other countries that are officially opened to Kannaway
- You are to submit your Kannaway Brand Ambassador application and agreement
- A valid Tax Id Number or your Social Security number
You must first enroll online and pay the Brand Ambassador fee/cost of €47.80 or $54.98. This amount is also deducted on an annual basis.
You can see the benefits that come with you becoming a member, as stated above, under the cost of joining Kannaway.
Also, you must maintain the minimum personal volume (PV) as relating to your rank monthly; this can be achieved via individual order or customer sales.
Every Independent Distributor (Brand Ambassador) will only earn commission only if you achieve and satisfy the minimum personal sales requirement order according to your rank.
Learn all about the Kannaway Compensation Plan here.
How to Make Money with Kannaway MLM Jobs
You can start making money with Kannaway by purchasing the starter pack. Kannaway has a wide range of products.
The company sells CBD-based products, including tinctures, skincare, essential oils, clothing, and accessories.
However, some of the well-known Kannaway CBD-based products include:
- Premium Hemp Oil Caps
- Premium Hemp Oil Oral Applicator
- Pure CBD Premium Capsules
- Kannaway Pure CBD
- Chocolate Energy Chews
- Salve Travel
- Kannaway Salve
Your first purchase as a Kannaway Ambassador is a starter pack. Kannaway’s Starter pack comes at a jaw-slacking price of $262.50.
- The products included in this pack are:
- Chocolate Energy Chews
- Premium Full Spectrum Caps
- Revive AM
- Revive PM 500 mg
Can you make money with Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plans? Is Kannaway MLM legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
What do you think of my Kannaway MLM jobs review?
Kannaway Compensation Plan
According to Kannayway’s compensation plan, there are eight ranks.
You must maintain the minimum Personal Volume (PV) required for your level each month, either through customer sales or personal orders.
The company only pays commissions from the sale of products and not from the recruitment of other brand ambassadors.
This means commission comes from the volume of items sold by your downline and not from their recruitment fee.
In other words, you earn by purchasing and reselling Kannaway products in person or allowing customers to order through your replicated website link.
Also, there includes:
Direct Sales Bonus
The Brand Ambassador gets a 30% commission on purchases from his or her downline for selling or personal use.
Here, the amount of bonus ranges from $20 – $150 and depends on the value pack purchased.
Triple Direct Sales Bonus
Brand Ambassadors earn direct sales commissions paid on all Kannaway Value Packs at triple the rate
Here, the amount of bonus ranges from $15 – $390 and depends on the value pack purchased.
3. 50% DSC Check Match
Brand Ambassadors get paid the DSC Matching Bonus at a 50% check match on all direct sales bonuses and is paid out to the entire team.
You can access the full Kannaway Compensation Plan here
But how much can you make with the Kannaway compensation plan? Is Kannaway legit or a pyramid scheme scam?
What do you think of my review of Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plan?
Support /Customer Service
Kannaway has listed on its website, a phone number (+1 858 500 3144) and an email ( as well as its social media handles.
What is Good About Kannaway MLM?
BBB rating
The Kannaway review BBB has an excellent Better Business Bureau rating of A+.

For a company that has just been around for a while, an A+ rating is a good sign that they can be trusted.
Distinctive Hemp Products
This company is the only MLM that offers natural CDD oil products.
Kannaway has its CBD products available in all the 50 states in the US, and the company has the plan to expand to other countries where CBD oil is allowed and regulated.
Some of the company rear CBD products include:
- Kannaway Hemp Vape e-cigarette pen
- Kannakick Energy Chews, and
- Cannabis Beauty Defined
Kannaway products are legal and regulated within the Federal Controlled Substance act.
Ease of Becoming a Brand Ambassadors
Even though the company has low-income potential, an annual signup fee of $54.98 makes it an attractive venture compared to other MLMs.
The main trouble, however, is the high price tag on its starter pack.
As soon as you become brand ambassadors, you will have access to such support that will help you drive your sales in compliance with the term and conditions of Kannaway.
Such support includes:
- Promotional Material
- A Website for product promotion
- Your Back Office
- Kannaway Quick Start Manual
- Training: Kway University training plus Multi-Level marketing training
Great Incentive and Enticing Bonuses
All independent Distributors (Brand Ambassador) have the opportunity to access and earn Kannaway products for free through the enrollment of three preferred customers
You have nine ways to make money with Kannaway MLM jobs.
One such is provision is matching check bonuses; another one is a one-time car bonus of $75,000.
Brand Ambassadors can make money from the following:
- Earn commission via direct sales
- First-order bonus,
- First-order team bonus,
- Team override bonus,
- Coded infinity bonus,
- Differential infinity bonus,
- Bonus pools.
- Get three and Yours is Free
- Car Program
The CBD products are strictly regulated and are legal under the Controlled Substance Act.
Kannaway only uses natural (non-GMO) plants and incorporates stringent quality-control checkpoints in its production process.
Hence, these products are available to the consumer only after plenty of testing and purity checks.
Many Kannaway MLM Jobs Complaints? (Red Flags)
So, what are the Kannaway complaints?
Seriously, there is no significant complaint about Kannaway products and its Independent Distributor referred to as Brand Ambassador.
There are more positive saying about Kannaway rather than complaints.
But, below are observed issues I am having with Kannaway and many of the disadvantages of making money with this hemp oil company:
You only Earn Commissions on Sales Made
Usually, in addition to the commission, earned, MLM companies pay you for recruiting other people (downline), but Kannaway will not.
By using this method, brand ambassadors have to work together by focusing solely on increasing sales. This is a big plus to Kannaway.
It is the full concentration on recruitment to make money in MLM jobs programs that transform most MLM programs into a Pyramid scheme.
Expensive Products
The products are bloody out of their way. The starter pack alone costs $262.50.
Other products in their catalog cost an average of $180, with some as high as $440.
No doubt, the products target the wealthy, and unless you have a network of these cash cows, I’ll advise you to stay away.
It is Difficult to Earn
I can’t find their income disclosure statement on the website or online, so I can’t say for sure how much an average ambassador makes in a month, but let’s do simple math.
Kannaway offers ambassadors 30% commissions.
Since the average price is $180, 30% of that is $54.
But considering the expensive price tag, if you manage to sell three packs in a month, which is $162 per month.
Since success depends on your marketing skills, I’d rate the program as having low-income potential.
Marijuana Stigma
Since there is a confusion of hemp with Marijuana, there is this stigma that that is known with hemp.
There will be a need to educate potential customers and convince them that the products are 100% safe and legal.
Many people will not be okay with the idea of selling Marijuana to the public. If it were you won’t, you worry about your public image?
Many Restrictions
Have you tried to read the company term and conditions? There are so many restrictions on what and what must not be done by the distributors call the Brand ambassadors.
You can not promote nor sell Kannaway products at the company events
You can be a multi-level marketer for other companies, but it must be in another industry.
As a Brand Ambassadors, none of your relatives can join and become a distributor to Kannaway.
Only one member of a household can become a distributor at a given time.
Hidden Income Disclosure Statement
Many of the Multi-Level Marketing companies do not want their income disclosure statement to display in the public domain.
This is just because they won’t like you to know that their distributors are not making money.
As at this time, there is no Income Disclosure Statement for Kannaway online in the public domain. Please, if you discover any, kindly drop a hint in my comment session.
Online Opinion of Kannaway MLM Jobs
While a lot of users are full of glowing reviews of Kannaway products with many claiming, it has produced them relief from ailments ranging from Arthritis to insomnia and headaches.
However, others think that the pricing of Kannaway’s product is on the high side.
One user even suggested that since CBD based products were doing the same thing, there should be at least uniformity in the prices.
Some Kannaway Lawsuits
The importance of considering how many lawsuits an MLM company has before you start making sales for them is vital.
It will tell you if you will have a great future with them or otherwise.
If you invest in a company with much litigation and such a company decides to be taken over by losing some of the cases, your investment may go under.
So, how many Kannaway Lawsuits could I get online? Because fact matters.
Firstly, note that Kannaway is a subsidiary of Medical Marijuana, Inc. that sells its CBD and hemp products. Any Lawsuits against this company is technical a lawsuit against Kannaway
Douglas Horn V. Medical Marijuana
It is believed that the lawsuit is still pending in the Western District of New York.
Mr. Douglas Horn, a truck driver file a lawsuit of “false advertising and deceptive business practices statutes.” Mr. Douglas is said to lose his job after using a CBD oil that was claimed to be THC free.
Further investigation and testing observed that CBD oil contains some elements of THC and not free of the substance as claimed by the Kannaway advertisement.
Mr. Horn’s job was terminated, and he is now seeking redress in the law court.
Medical Marijuana, Inc. V.
In 2914 Medical Marijuana, Inc filed a lawsuit against Project CBD and Stewart Environmental Labs.
It is a case to dispute the reported high toxic solvents level in the hemp oil offered by their subsidiary Kannaway.
The good news is that Stewart Environmental settle this case with Medical Marijuana, while Project CBD set a motion for an anti- SLAPP trial in May 2015.
Project CBD was defeated off the Anti-SLAPP Motion and also the motion to reconsider the $100 Million False Claims Lawsuit.
With all the Kannaway lawsuits, what do you think of my Kannaway MLM jobs review?
Do you think that Kannaway MLM jobs are legit or a scam pyramid scheme? Can you make money with Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plans?
Is Kannayway Legit or a Scam?
Kannayway is legit, and not a scam pyramid scheme.
The company is a legitimate business promoting cannabidiol (CBD) for health benefits.
However, the cost and nature of the product line could be an issue for those that are trying to sell this product.
This CBD company is known to be the only MLM company that is promoting natural hemp products.
Kannaway appears to be legitimate, but you can not make money as a sales distributor because you only depend on making money from commission earn and not from recruitment.
It is difficult to make sales because the CBD products are too expensive and there is so much competition.
What do you think of my review of Kannaway MLM? Can you now make money with Kannaway MLM jobs? Or, do you think Kannaway MLM is legit or a pyramid scheme scam?
Is Kannaway a Pyramid Scheme?
Yes, Kannaway is not a pyramid scheme scam because of the products involved. Many people will call it out as a pyramid scheme.
But, if you read at the surface of the Kannaway compensation plan. You will not see this company running a pyramid scheme business model.
There is a repeat of this statement everywhere “Kannaway will only pay commissions on the commissionable product sold but not from recruitment of Brand Ambassadors.”
But what is a pyramid scheme model?
A Pyramid scheme is when a company runs a business structure that recruits members are intending to profit from recruitment via payment of commission or rewards for recruiting others into the same business.
But, why is Kannaway a pyramid scheme?
- The largest commission goes to brand Ambassadors with the most active Team members.
- The more active people you recruit in Kannaway, the more money you will earn in commission.
Every multi-level marketing model has this problem; only a few people at the top of the pyramid scheme will be making money. Over 99% will be making money for the 1% at the top of the system.
What do you think of my Kannaway MLM job review? Is Kannaway legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Can you make money with Kannaway MLM jobs and compensation plans?
How I Make Money Online
I am making money with this website with a business model called Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is a process of helping other people and companies sell their products.
How does that happen?
Start affiliate marketing now; you will not only be able to promote Kannaway, but you also have the opportunity to encourage millions of other products.
Don’t have to limit yourself to just one MLM products with your website in place.
Having your online business will allow you to reach out to millions of people online.
You won’t get a starter pack, no physical recruitment, no chasing of your friends, and family to join your downline.
You will work once and start making money, even why you are sleeping.
I don’t know where you are from, and you don’t know where I am now, but I am making money as you are currently on this site.
Start this affiliate marketing training now. Level- of ten lessons are free to join. Learn more here.
Is Kannaway MLM Jobs Worth It?
Thanks for reading my Kannaway MLM jobs review? Do you think Kannaway is legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Can you now make money with Kannaway MLM Jobs?
Kannaway is paving a way in the cannabis industr0y by providing CBD-based beauty products.
However, despite the perks involved in being a Kannaway salesperson, it still isn’t an easy task to sell hemp products.
However, I will like to recommend an alternative to direct selling, and it is a product that has enabled me to gain financial liberty while earning six figures monthly.
Wealthy Affiliate has helped me to learn the perks of Affiliate marking while making at the same time.
Are you looking for an alternative to direct selling? Then Wealthy Affiliate is for you. To find out more about Wealthy Affiliate, you can read more here.
Let me have your feedback on what you think about my Kannaway review.
can you now make money with Kannaway MLM jobs? Is Kannaway MLM jobs legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Kindly drop your thoughts in the comment section below. I will love to hear what you think.
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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
Thank you for your review of Kannaway. It’s nice to know that Kannaway isn’t a scam, however,
I’ve never been a fan of MLM companies as I tried one a long time ago that had a similar structure to Kannaway.
You had to have a membership and order a certain amount of products each month. I do like though that Kannaway does sell CBD products and they do have great benefit to a lot of people.
I am curious though, do they offer any kind of refund or 30 day back money guarantee if you’re even unsatisfied with the products or decide trying to make money through them is not worth it?
Dear Brian,
Thanks for reading my Kannaway Pure CBD review.
Really appreciate your comment.
Thank you for presenting Kannaway so thoroughly and honestly. I use hemp seeds as such or husked. But in no case would I buy from Kannaway because they are very expensive. And in no case I would not go into business with them, because I am not good at sales from man to man.
Thanks for the comment about the Kannaway CBD oil review.
Hello there,thanks alot for this unbiased review on kannaway MLM as I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.i must tell the truth I have been look for good reviews on this particular platform although I have seen many but they were all undetialed unlike this one,I can now see that this platform is a fairly nice one and is worth tryimg out.thanks once more.
Thanks for reading my kannaway salve reviews
Hi John, you have really down well for bringing up this kind of review concerning the Kannaway brand, I have stumbled on some articles online as regards this brand but I have always been doubting the authenticity of the business, but with your detailed and objective review you have been able to clear my doubt about it.
So many people fall victims of various sort of scams online due to proper and accurate research on what they are venturing into.
I think I am interested in the CBD oil because I keep some pets in my home.
Dear Carol,
Thanks for reading my kannaway products review.
I also appreciate the commendations.
kannaway has great CBD products, but they are very expensive. If you have enough cash, it is great to go for them. But, do you think you can make money with it?
I mean like becoming a kannaway CBD oil products distributors?
I can’t wait to read your reply.
I think the fact that you have discussed so many red flags with Kannaway tells you that it isn’t a company to invest your time in. I am sure affiliate marketing as no complaints as it is a legitimate model and doesn’t require a hefty investment to get involved.
My sister’s boyfriend Gavin signed up to MLM’s just like this one and was constantly out of pocket because of the fees and the money you have to constantly have to invest in order to get anything. That’s why MLM’s, in general, are not sustainable unless you are at the top.
What put me off with this company is the start-up cost of $262.50 thats a lot of money. When you compare to affiliate marketing that only requires like $10 to get started, not only that but you are in control and there are no upsells.
For anyone reading this I would check out your recommendation and keep your wallet in your pocket.
Appreciate the review, John,
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for reading my kannaway MLM Review.
The objective of my write up is to explain how best to make money with kannaway products online and how distributors can leverage many of kannaway products such as kannaway salve, kannaway CBD oil, kannaway pure gold.
Despite many negativity of kannaway, many of kannaway distributors are making good money.
thanks again.
So I get the whole reason behind you not recommending Kannaway as a money-making opportunity we should venture into and I totally agree with you.
Although this MLM company is reputable, the chances that we’d make money from it is low considering the fact that the products are expensive.
It wouldn’t be easy to sell those expensive Products and even if we manage to sell any, the commission rate is not lucrative enough.
Thank you for giving us your take on this MLM opportunity.
Hi MrBiizy,
thanks for reading my review of kannaway.
Yes, the kannaway products are expensive, but it is not the only problem that is associated with kannaway
There is a major challenge for me is their many lawsuits.
If kannaway can manage those lawsuits; it will go a long way to helping the distributors and kannaway representatives.
Thanks again for reading my review of how to make money with kannaway.
Hello John. I have to say that this was the most comprehensive review of any company or product I’ve ever read.
Thank you for putting this together and sharing this important information. I’m an affiliate for multiple Cannabis companies that produce CBD products for pets but none of them are involved in MLM.
You mentioned that one of the by-products of Hemp is chew ropes for dogs.
This is the first time I heard of this and I will research it further. It sounds like an interesting product to market. Thanks again
Dear Sonny,
Thanks for reading my kannaway mlm review.
The Kannaway Hemp Rope Toy is to tame and treat pets that are used to chewing up and destroying toys in matters of days. Yes, they do exist.
I am happy you love my review.
Thanks again for reading my article on how to make money with kannaway mlm products.
Kannaway does have some exciting and interesting features to their business model.
The thing I like very much about the company is that their products are actually solving a problem and providing relief to countless people.
However, like you pointed out, their products tend to be on the very high end. Not everybody can afford it and as such, it becomes a huge challenge to effectively sell it and make your commissions.
I just think the product are good for consumers.
Thanks for sharing.
Dear Rhain,
Thanks for reading my kannaway CBD oil review. Yes, kannaway CBD oil is very costly and it is not for poor people.
Thanks again for reading my kannaway mlm review.
Comments are closed.