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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » Vasayo MLM Jobs Review: Can You Really Make Money?

Vasayo MLM Jobs Review: Can You Really Make Money?

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You are welcome to my Vasayo Review. Can you make money with Vasayo MLM Jobs? Or, is Vasayo legit or, a scam pyramid scheme?

Losing weight is a big deal for a lot of people, and having an incentive for it makes it a great idea.


This is why products such as Vasayo, which would compensate you for recruiting, using, or selling their products are quite popular.

It’s essential to research before buying into such a money-making program, that is how you can discover a legitimate online program.

I will like to inform you that I am in no way affiliated with Vasayo, so expect an unbiased review.

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

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Vasayo MLM Jobs at a Glance

How much is Vasayo worth

Product Name: Vasayo
Founder: Dallin and Karree Larsen
Price: $329 for starters
Rating: 30%
Recommended: No

Summary of Vasayo MLM Jobs Review

Vasayo is a company that offers nutritional supplements using the MLM marketing format.

Without a doubt, the health industry is an excellent place to invest; every day, people sort after better health.

Hence, Vasayo allows you to be a member of its company through its multi-level marketing scheme. As a member, you will be marketing different health supplements.

The founder of this company was a formal owner of a company by the name MonaVie, which is now taken over by Jeunesse. 

The formal CEO of MonaVie was with Jeunesse to manage that same product but left to form Vasayo. 

But can you make money with Vasayo MLM jobs? Is Vasayo legit, or, a scam pyramid scheme?

Vasayo’s business model is direct sales that most people rename as MLM. If you join any MLM company, your chance of making money is near zero.

And why is that?

Research done by Mr. Jon M Taylor concluded that only 0.3% of members of any MLM company will make money and that 99.7% of people of any direct sales company will later not make money.

You can read that research in his book with the title “The Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

From over 150 MLM companies’ reviews that I have done, the above analysis seems okay. 99.9% of all MLM companies will only reward the people at the top of the scheme and the company owners.

You can not sight the Income Disclosure Statement of Vasayo in the public domain, and that is evidence that the company is hiding the truth from its members and the public.

My Recommendation

I recommend you start your own business online. It is straightforward. You can achieve the following in no time:

  • You will be able to promote and make money with any MLM company of choice
  • No company can revoke your access or membership because you own your own business
  • Decide to work once and earn money for a long time with your website
  • You will now be able to get leads and sales from people that need each of the products you are promoting.
  • Render real value because people that come to your website are those that need your help
  • You don’t need to start chasing your friends and family again
  • Now, you can sell any product you are promoting to your global customers because they will access your site via the internet.

That is how I am making a full-time income online.

Start this affiliate marketing training now, level one with ten lessons is FREE. You won’t need your credit card to start this training. You will thank me later.

What do you think of my Vasayo MLM jobs review? Is Vasayo legit or a scam pyramid scheme?

Can you make money with Vasayo MLM jobs?

What is Vasayo?

Can You Make Money Selling Vasayo

Vasayo is the initiative of Dallin and Karree Larsen, who are not new to multi-level marketing schemes.

Before Vasayo, they had been part of the infamous MonaVie, also an MLM company.

Vasayo was introduced in 2016 just after MonaVie was taken over by Jeunesse, which seems very suspicious.

The headquarter is in Utah, the United States, and an overseas head office is in Hong Kong.

Vasayo deals in the distribution of health products to the public through its distributors — Vasayo products center on weight loss, mental functioning, and sound sleep.

Don’t get excited at the prospect of earning from Vasayo.

This is because many MLM companies also offer and market health and wellness niches. So, the competition out there is fierce. Also,

Vasayo products are costly, so getting a neutral buyer for the long term is almost impossible.

According to the company, their products are made from Coconut juice powder, Maca, Green tea, and an Adaptogenic herb blend.

There are also traces of Guarana, Huperzine A, and Citicoline in Vasayo’s products.

The company also claims that its products are natural. Its supplements use liposomes to help transfer nutrients to the body.

According to the company’s claims, liposomes will help move nutrients without the digestive system breaks them down.

What do you think of my Vasayo MLM jobs review?  Is Vasayo legit or another pyramid scheme scam? Can you make money with Vasayo MLM jobs?

How Much Does It Cost to Join Vasayo MLM Jobs?

To become a partner with Vasayo, you will have to part with some dollars. There are three primary partnerships. They are;

  • Foundation Partners

This cost $329, and you get 2 Sample Packs products for both Energy and Sleep with each pack containing five individual pouches.

  • Premium Partner

This costs $699, and you get 2 of each essential product and other packages.

  • Executive Partner

This costs $949, and you get three essential products each, and 2 of the other products.

  • Ambassador Partner

This costs $1399.

Here, you have four essential products each and 6 Energy and 6 Sleep sample packs along with a free ticket to the Vasayo convention.

There is also a limited founders package that costs about $1,495.

Vasayo products are costly, so if you are buying them for personal use, you have to be earning a fat cheque. Below is the price range of some of its products:

  • Vasayo Product Prices

  1. Neuro sells at $67.95
  2. V-Tox sells at $64.95
  3. V-Slim retails at $123.95
  4. Core Complete sells at $72.95
  5. Eternal sells at $109.95
  6. V3 sells at $65.95
  7. Sleep Micro mist sells at $62.95
  8. Renew Microgel sells at $62.95

Who is Vasayo MLM Jobs for?

Just like every other MLM company, Vasayo is beneficial to two categories of people, first the consumer of the product, and second, the distributors.

Vasayo markets health and wellness products, these are essential to everybody.

This means no matter your age or gender, there is a Vasayo product for you.

If you are looking for a way to earn money through MLM, you can give Vasayo a try, although its credibility is not yet verified.

How to Make Money with Vasayo MLM Compensation Plan

As a distributor, you can earn commissions based on sales.

However, Vasayo claim that there are eight ways distributors can make money from their platform, but in reality, there’s only one way, and that’s a referral.

The eight ways to make money with Vasayo are:

  • Customer Sales Bonus (CSB)

Earning here is direct; it is just like the regular buying low and selling high.

You can buy cheaply as a brand partner and sell at customer price.

  • Product Introduction Bonus (PIB)

Forever referral that enrolls, you earn 20% PV weekly.

Within the month, If your reference gets 500CV, you receive a $50 bonus while 1000 CV makes $150.

  • Team Commission (TC)

The bigger your team, the more commission you earn.

All you need to do is ensure that your organization achieves the weekly circle.

You can earn as much as $28000.

  • Team Commission Matching Bonus (TCM)

This allows you to earn commissions from your down lines.

From your first generation, you get 30%, 10% from the second generation, and 5% from the third generation.

  • Rank Advancement Bonus (RAB)

This is to encourage people to grow in rank, as you advance, you will earn a bonus.

Reaching the Black Diamond Status earns you $100,000.

  • Global Leadership Bonus (GLB)

Achieving the gold rank gives you a 3% bonus for every CV paid.

  • Lifestyle Trip (LT)

The bonus gives you a memorable experience. Like breathtaking holiday adventures.

  • Multiple Business Centers (MBC)

When you reach the peak of your rankings, you will get independent numerous business centers.

How Much Money Can You Make With Vasayo MLM Jobs?

You will make 20% of every sale of Vasayo products. Your package subscription will determine the amount you can make. Below are how much you can make for every of your Vasayo package:

  • The cost of the pack for Foundation Partners is $329; you will earn $65.8
  • The cost of the pack for Premium Partner is $699; you will make $139.8
  • The cost of the package for Executive Partner is $949; you will receive $189.8
  • The cost of the pack for Ambassador Partner is $1,399; you will earn $ 279.8
  • The cost of a pack for limited founders package is $1,495; you will make $299

You will also earn more money if you can recruit and get more Vasayo members in your downline under your “Team Commission.”

According to Vasayo’s compensation plan, the amount of money you can make depends on the performance of your team. You will earn $28 per cycle per week.

Your earning is based on your commission values (CV); the compensation plan claimed that you could make a maximum of $28,000 weekly!

But you will need to create and build a competent team, and you’ll be on your way to financial freedom.

However, getting that many referrals are almost impossible, and it is not a reliable source of income.

MLM generally relies on recruits; once there are no more recruits to finance the scheme, the whole company would crumble.

Nevertheless, you can earn as much as you can, a classic example of “strike while the iron is hot.” What do you think of my Vasayo MLM jobs review? Can you make money with Vasayo’s compensation plan now? 

Is Vasayo legit or another pyramid scheme scam?

Vasayo Support and Customer Service

Despite the general skepticism towards Vasayo, its customer service team is responsive.

You can reach them at their head offices in the United States or the branches in Hong Kong, Thailand, and Taiwan.

Or send a mail to:

 Email Addresses:,,

You will get feedback within 24 hours.

Do you want an instant response, you can call their customer care during working hours:

Vasayo Customer Care  Phone: +852 3758 2510, +852 3758 2510, +886-2-2701-9987 or (02) 2701-9987.

What is Good About Vasayo

  • It offers quality health and wellness products.
  • It allows users to earn.
  • With a reliable team, you’ll be doing fewer jobs.

Issues With Vasayo

  • The founders of Vasayo have a shady past.
  • The products are expensive.
  • It centers around referral referral referral.

Online Opinion about Vasayo

Vasayo suffers negative review no thanks to Dallin and Karree Larsen, their failures with previous MLM has branded Vasayo a scam.

However, few optimists believe this is a redemption project for the founders. It has managed to survive for three years.

Despite mixed feelings about its MLM structure, Vasayo products have received many positive reviews, except, of course, the high price.

Is Vasayo legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?

Is Vasayo Legit or a Scam?

Vasayo is legit and technically not a scam and pyramid scheme. It has a legitimate product it produces.

Also, the ingredients used in its products are accredited.

However, its business model leaves a bitter pill in the mouth. It is very difficult to make money with any MLM jobs

This is why many people call MLM out as a scam and pyramid scheme.

The fact that you have to spend up to thousands to become a partner and also stock up products while still recruiting makes it a challenging program to earn an income.

What do you think? Is Vasayo legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?

Is Vasayo MLM Jobs worth It?

Thanks for reading my Vasayo MLM jobs review? Is Vasayo a legit or a scam pyramid scheme? Can you make money with Vasayo’s compensation plan?

The market is heavily saturated with weight loss programs and products.

For a product to make headway, then it has to do something different besides selling supplements.

Are you tired of stocking up products and direct selling business models? Then, I have an alternative for you.

Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing program that teaches the intricacies of affiliate marketing.

The program is structured in such a way that while learning how affiliate marking works, you can earn at the same time.

What do you think of my Vasayo MLM jobs review?  Can you make money with Vasayo’s compensation plan? Or is Vasayo legit or a pyramid scheme scam?

I have been able to make six figures monthly with Wealthy Affiliate. Click my link here to find out how I did it.

Have you met a Vasayo partner before? Please state your experience in the comment section below.

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Vasayo MLM Jobs Reviews – Video

16 thoughts on “Vasayo MLM Jobs Review: Can You Really Make Money?”

  1. Hi John,I must say this is a very nice and informative review on vasayo…I know I would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me I know vasayo is no a scam because I have used their products and the have really worked for me and some others I know…so I don’t if one came money with this I think it’s what given a trial.

  2. Hello John, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I heard about Vasayo and I would like to promote this kind of product. I am a little suspicious but do you think I can try it as I have a big following on Instagram? Thank you in advance for your response.

  3. Thank you so much for reviewing Vasayo for us! I am one of those people who really needs to lose some weight, and I used to fall for anything that claimed it could help. My finances are also in serious need of improvement. A program such as Vasayo would have had me shelling out more money than I could possibly ever make. Only slightly facetious here, but I might just lose weight spending all my food money on the product and trying to convince others to buy it. Not good. I learned the hard way to not trust an MLM. If I want to lose weight I’ll use the treadmill. For money, I shall utilize Wealthy Affiliate.

  4. Hi there are countless MLM companies out there  and most of them are pretty similar in terms of incentives and income.

    what people don’t realize is that its still a business that costs money . It really depends on the individual to be able to prospect, present, and close.

    sense most people cant do those things very well and are unwilling to do the work  they don’t last in MLM.  

  5. Hello John,

    Vasayo Is not a scam. It’s company products are made of Coconut Juice powder, Maca, Green tea and Adaptogenic herb blend. Its products are good in quality. It is not a realiable income source it depends on referral. Customer support is OK. I also found many negative review of Vasayo on internet. 

    I just found wealthy affiliate from your recommendation page. I will give it a try.

    Thank you


  6. I was in a few MLMs myself,  Amway, Melaleuca and Mona Vie.   

    Vasayo Vitamins are way too expensive for the average Joe

    One thing I learned in MLM, your program MUST be reproducible or duplicatable

    If people cannot afford the products, they will NOT join or buy them, period

    Sixty bucks for a bottle of Vitamins?  wow!

    I would be interested in knowing how you are making a six-figure MONTHLY income though, is it thru Wealthy Affiliate John?

    1. Hi Phil, 

      thanks for reading my Vasayo review. 

      On how I am making money online, Wealthy Affiliate is the snown ball that propelled my earnings. I have multiple businesses online. 

      This is just a site out of many. I don’t also have to put all my eggs in one basket. I distributed my risks in terms of the asset. 

      It is Wealthy Affiliate that turns me into an SEO consultant, Amazon product affiliate and social media plus Local business lead providers to many companies in my country and region. 

      The good news about Wealthy Affiliateis that you don’t have to promote the boot camp to make money with Wealthy Affiliate. 

      Just absorb the training and set up your own business. 

      thank you. 


  7. $329 for starters!? What in the world is this?

    Who is paying this much money to get in?

    Haven’t people realized many of these are scams?

    Don’t they know that you can find lots of good business ideas for free or by paying a small monthly fee?

    Please clarify this, Is Vasayo a pyramid scheme? It will be worst if Vasayo happens to be a Pyramid scheme.

    Can you make money with Vasayo if it is a pyramid scheme?


    1. Thanks for reading my article about how to make money with Vasayo.
      Let answer your first question i.e. “ Is Vasayo a pyramid scheme? “
      Just to be blunt, No Vasayo is not a scam, but it is an MLM structured program.

      It is important to note that most MLM program has elements of a Pyramid scheme embed in their compensation plan.
      Therefore, you can only make money with Vasayo via both the selling of retail Vasayo products and you must recruit people to the program as a distributor of Vsasayo.

      This is why many people think that Vasayo is a Pyramid scheme because as a distributor you can not make money unless you you concentrated in recruit more people to the program.
      Selling Vasayo retail products can only earn you 20% of the commission. Though Vasay has many great and wonderful products, it required products to be sold to earn a commission.

  8. Referrals, down lines, percentages, up-front costs…..All of these are why I’m always a bit wary of affiliate marketing strategies. It looks like the amount I’d have to pay up-front is pretty hefty, and then I’d be stuck trying to sell products that most of my friends and family cannot afford (or at least would rather not). This may be a quality product, but it sounds like it’s meant for people who already have a healthy income and don’t “need” to make more money.

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