You are welcome to my Duotrope Submission and Subscription review. Is the Duotrope cost worth it for writers, or is it exploitation? Is Duotrope’s free trial okay for writers?
I am certain you are here to learn everything about Duotrope submission services for writers.
It is good you are doing your research about Duotrope; this is how to identify the legitimate online program and avoid scams simultaneously.
But is Duotrope legit, safe, and worth the money for writers?
Are there sites like Duotrope?
Can you make money via submission and publishing of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual artwork in the 21st?
Please know that I am not associate with Duotrope in any way; this is an unbiased review of this submission service from me.
Please read on.
Estimated reading time: 16 minutes

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Summary Review of Duotrope
Duotrope, previously referred to as “Duotrope Digest,” is a submission service and an excellent resource for writers.
It has features such as an embedded database searchable for short story submissions, latest visual art publishing projects, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, upcoming event and calendar, and project submission trackers (both for a group and individual writers).
This site uses free for writers, but it now costs $5 monthly or $50 yearly.
Is the Duotrope cost worth it, or do you have sites like Duotrope?
What about the Duotrope free trial? Will it serve you?
My take is this.
This site is an excellent platform for writers that want to excel. Yes, sites like Duotrope cost less (see them in this article’s body).
But, how much of your submission will you get approved as a writer on the this platform?
Are writers making money submitting a short story and other publishing works?
Do you know that most writers make little or no money (Most depend on day jobs)?
Very few vibrant and brilliant writers are making $2,000 monthly, and this is with a lot of work and effort.
Do you know you can make more money as a writer and from side hustling?
What makes money in the 21st century is how you utilize your ideas, passion, and hobbies.
It is easy to transform your skills and business demands into a thriving online business.
You have a huge advantage as a writer in the 21st century.
My Recommendations
Do you have any ideas or skills? Is writing your passion? What problem can you solve with your skills set?
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What do you think of my Duotrope review? Is the Duotrope cost worth the money?
What Is Duotrope?
Duotrope is currently a subscription-based submission services website for artists and writers that was established in 2005.
You can refer to the website as a publisher listing service.
The website was formally named Duotrope Digest before the name was changed by the company some years ago.
It catalogs fiction markets as they relate to Magazines, Publishers, and Anthologie. It offers a database that is searchable for the current event in:
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Nonfiction,
- Submission tracker
- Visual art markets,
- Dates of upcoming deadlines and events
- Helpful statistics from various submission services and magazines
Who owns and runs Duotrope? What is Duotrope about?
The word “Duotrope” is a combination of two made-up words i.e., from “duo” Latin meaning “two” and “trope” is from Greek, meaning “to turn.”
The word “Duotrope” is a registered trademark of Duotrope LLC.
Duotrope LLC is the owner of Duotrope. The company is registered in New Mexico in the Southwestern region of the United States of America.
It comprises a small team of former editors and published writers. They refer to themselves as “the Duotroopers.”
The website is a popular and award-winning subscription-based service for artists and writers.
The mission of the site is to help writers and artists source for publishers and agents for their work seamlessly.
The platform has current and most active listings of publishers, anthologies, magazines, and literary journals.
Other services offered for the writers, artist, and authors can access includes:
- Submission trackers
- Custom searches
- Deadline calendars
- Statistical reports
- Extensive interviews
- Useful statistics gathered from publishers.
- A searchable database of current fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and various art projects
What do you think of my Duotrope review? What is Duotrope means to you?
Do you think the Duotrope cost worth it? You can learn more about writers and poetry submission subscription on Wikipedia.
Please read on to learn more about submission services for writers and artists, you can also login into Duotrope here.
Why Duotrope is a Good submission Service for Writers
In my opinion, the website is worth your consideration as either a writer, author, and artist.
At least you can consider the Duotrope free trial to test-run the platform for the following reasons:
- Duotrope currently has over 7,443 markets that accept poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and agents and visual art publishers that are listed.
- The site has been around since 2005 (the company was referred to as Duotrope Digest then), with years of experience In submission services, writing, publishing, and art.
- The site claimed to have a set of professionally trained staff handling your various submissions and request.
- The platform claimed to have vast resources and data of publishers compared to no other submission services platform.
- They have a list of publishers from over 40 countries in the English language.
- Also, they employed proprietary algorithms that ensure accurate statistical reports that help writers and artists make an informed decision about the right submission services to use.
- They have subscribers in the USA and over 70 regions and countries of the world.
- The platform is ads-free, hence clean of distractions for subscribers.
- They claimed that the site could not be influenced to list or get involved in promoting any project. Only publishing projects that meet requirements are listed.
- The site has a well-customized search engine that helps writers and artists focus on a specific search as they required.
- The website has up-to-date submission services and resources for its subscribers; they often purge and update their listings to ensure they engage users with active listings.

How Much does Duotrope Cost?
How much does Duotrope cost?
The Duotrope subscription cost is $5 monthly or $50 annually (i.e., a discount of $10). The yearly payment is like you are paying for ten months.
There is seven days one-time Duotrope free trial, after which you are expected to go premium.
Other essential features of the Duotrope subscription includes:
The site has subscriptions in other currencies such as NZD, EUR, AUD, CAD, EUR, and GBP.

You will see the pricing and conversion by clicking the payment link according to your choice.
You can also make payments via various gift certificates.
There are options for group memberships as regards departmental, campus, and libraries.
Also, there is a simple wizard that will take you through your membership choice step-by-step process.
The Duotrope free trial that decides not to go premium can stay a non-subscriber.
The non-subscriber can subscribe to the monthly email summary. You can also follow the website on various social media.
But does the Duotrope cost of subscription worth it? What do you think of my Duotrope review? Are there better sites like Duotrope?
Why Duotrope Became a Paid Service
Many people are curious to know why Duotrope used to be free is now a paid membership submission service for writers.
Initially, the website depends on writers and artist donation to foot their bills.
But the company claims that the donation that is coming in is not meeting the needs of the company.
Hence they decide to yank the free services and instruct all interested writers to either pay or find your levels.
Many writers believe that Duotrope took advantage of their subscribers by forcing them to pay or exit the platform.
After some years of starting the paid subscription, how has the site done so far?
Have many subscribers left to another platform as threatened?
The button line is that the website is worth the cost and has the necessary features to help any writer and artist get submission services.
What do you think of my review of Duotrope? Do you mind the Duotrope free trial?
How to Cut Your Cost with Duotrope Subscriptions
I just discovered one way to save your Duotrope cost and subscription.
One monthly subscription is good enough time to do all you need to do with Duotrope.
It is a lot of time for you to search through the listings that fit your work.
You can bookmark your choice listing and save the link in a spreadsheet.
You don’t need to subscribe to Duotrope to receive emails from publishers of your choice.
They will do a direct email to your mailbox.
Also, since you make a mass submission of your works to various publishers, you don’t need to monitor responses or rejection via the Duotrope dashboard. Those who accept your work will eventually get back to you via your mail.
It is how you save Duotrope cost and your subscription.
Just subscribe once and do all you need to do on the platform while waiting for them to contact you.
And you can fall back to the listings of publishers you save on your spreadsheet for a subsequent subscription.
Do you know any other ways of reducing your Duotrope cost? What is your take on my Duotrope review? Is Duotrope worth it?
How to Use Duotrope
This section is about a guide on how to find Publishers and agents with the Duotrope platform.
How do you identify and make your submission to thousands of journals and magazines that are best for your type of work?
Yes, there are sites like Duotrope that help with the best journals and magazines listings such as:
- The annual Writer’s Market guides that are published by Penguin, and
- The Poets & Writers magazine.
The two above listings are tremendous and dependable in their own right, but they are not still comparable to Duotrope submission services for writers. Because they rarely get updated.
How do you use Duotrope to your advantage?
Below are the step-by-step ways of using the Duotrope submission service:
The first step is to write and ensure that your poem and work of fiction are excellent, and according to the various publishers’ acceptable standards.
You will need to enter your work’s details, such as (subject, genre, length, etc.. ) in the Duotrope search form on the home page.
See-through the search result for markets and publishers that are fit for your work.
You can entirely detail your career descriptions to limit the search result to get a direct publisher.
After you might have decided on the publication that interests you, visit their websites to see the magazines’ submission procedures and requirements.
You can then use the Duotrope features “Report Submission” to upload and submit your work and track your work with the “Submissions Tracker” features.
You will need to update the “Submissions Tracker” for the response received, and if it is an acceptance of reaction, you will lookout for the reprint of your work and the publications.
Still, if your work is a rejection one, you will repeat the submission process as stated above.
What do you think about how to use Duotrope?
Do you know of any sites like Duotrope that is better in term of process of usage?
Do you think the Duotrope cost or the free trial worth it?
How to Increase Acceptance Rate with Duotrope Submission
This is how to use Duotrope submission services to get acceptance and get publication faster.
If you follow this process and procedure, you will get enough acceptance from various publishers of your work in no time.
These tips will not guarantee your success with Duotrope Submission, but it will limit your frustrations and probably make the editors go through your work seamlessly.
They are:
- Ensure you come up will extensively work that worth reading.
- Be professional when dealing with the editors by been polite and employing every courtesy, you know.
- Use Duotrope to identify the appropriate market for your work, avoid sending your career to the wrong editor to improve the chance of getting published faster.
- Follow the requirements and guidelines of submission for each of your selected markets or publishers to avoid rejections.
- Ensure you keep track of your work
- Employ standard formatting of your work, unless instructed otherwise. Some publishers will assume your work is already published is sighted in the public domain.
- Avoid making payment to make your submission or enter the contest in any form; unless you are sure of the authenticity of such publication or you wish to gift them money.
- The above criteria can help you have quick success with your Duotrope submission and listing of your work to appropriate publishers for publications.
Type of Market Listed on Duotrope Platform
Duotrope Platform has a list of over 7,449 current agents and publishers listed on the platform for writing this article.
They are listed in various categories such as Visual Art, Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction and by types such as Magazines, Journals, Presses, Contests, and Agents.
The various list is as stated below:
- All Markets in the Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction, and Visual Art Category
- Anthologies and Anthology Series
- Press Series, Book Publishers, and Imprints,
- Competitions, Prizes, and Contests,
- Magazines, Online Publications, and Journals,
- Literary Agents
Benefits of Using Duotrope Submission Service
Below are a few of the benefits and advantages of using Duotrope for your submission services as a writer:
- Duotrope is the site to submit to publishers and new markets that pay.
- It is one of the best sites to submit erotic, multi-genre, horror, comic books, and fabulous short stories.
- Duotrope helps you to send out multiple stories to multiple Magazines and publishers.
- The site has excellent tracking tools that help track your submissions.
- They have useful statistics that will help you to know the acceptance rate and response times of your submission.
- Duotrope gives you the capability to sort out the markets and publishers’ listings by the length of story accepted, payment, genre, and other categories.
- The Duotrope will log all the markets and publishers you have submitted to and give you a rating of your chance of getting accepted, i.e., it shows both the magazine and journal’s rejection rate.
- You can easily search your targeted genres and categories of both new markets and current active publishers that pay.
- You get to know the upcoming deadlines via the Duotrope calendar.
- The calendar shows upcoming deadlines and themes, and there is a handy tracker for your outgoing submissions.
Issues with Duotrope
I will not recommend Duotrope if you are aiming for only short stories to be published.
The Duotrope response times do get delayed and more protracted in recent times.
If your focus is to self-publish a novel, then Duotrope is not for you, or you will be wasting money.
The functionality of the submission tracker is very tedious.
Duosuma (The Duotrope’s Submission Manager Platform)
Duosuma is the Submission Manager platform for Duotrope submission service for writers and authors.
What does that imply?
It implies that Duotrope is not a direct submission service, nor is it a publisher.
The website simplifies the submission process such that you can manage and find the publishers that suit your work by yourself.
Duosuma is the submitter you can use to process and submit your work to various publishers, editors, magazines, and journals.
Duosuma is a free submitter platform for both paid and non-paid subscribers of Duotrope.
The requirement to use this submitter platform is that you must be a member of Duotrope in one way or the other.
On the other hand, both agents and publishers must pay to use Duosuma.
The cost estimators will calculate the charges for both the publishers and the agent.
The cost accrue to both the agent and publisher will be determined by the submission numbers they receive via the Duosuma submission platform.
What do you think of my Duotrope review? What can you do with the Duotrope free trial?
Available Report on Duotrope Platform
Below are various reports that you can access on this platform as a paid subscriber and writer.
These are a few of the many reports about editors, publishers, and agent response to writers’ submissions and inquiries:
- Fiction/ Poetry/ Nonfiction Publications Report
- Response Statistics of Publishers/Editors and Agents
- Slowest, Fastest, Challenging, Publishers and Agents
- Publishers and Agent Slowest to Respond
- Agents and Publishers that are Fastest to Respond
- Publishers and Agent with High Rejection Rate
- Most Non-Responsive Agent and Publishers
- Agent and Publishers with the highest acceptance rates
- Editors and Publishers that are likely to respond personally
- List of Agent/Editors/Publishers Likely not to respond etc.
List of Sites Like Duotrope
Below is a list of Sites Like Duotrope.
You can use most of these sites for free submission service:
- Places for writers
- Aerogramme Writers’ Studio.
- Agent Query
- Book Marketing and Promotion
- Erika Dreifus
- Jane Friedman
- Literary Hub
- Manuscript Wish List
- New Pages
- New Pages
- Poets & Writers
- Poets & Writers
- Pub Crawl
- Publishers Weekly
- Query Shark
- Query Tracker
- Reedsy
- Reporters
- Savvy Writers
- Submittable
- Susan Dennard
- The Grinder
- The Passive Voice
- The Review Review. …
- The Writer
- Who Pays Writers
- Who Pays Writers?
- Women Writers, Women’s Books
- Writer’s Digest
- Writers of Color
- Writing World
There are many sites like Duotrope online that are not even on this list.
The implication is that you now options, and you are not bound to subject yourself to Duotrope subscription cost anymore.
What do you think of my Duotrope review? Is Duotrope subscription cost worth it?
What do you think of the Duotrope free trial?
Is Duotrope Worth It?
Thanks for reading my Duotrope review. What are you take about the cost of Duotrope? Do you prefer the Duotrope free trial to the paid plan?
There are so many questions about Duotrope from writers.
It is why this article is a detailed one. I was trying to answer all questions.
There are many questions about this submission services website for writers that remain unanswered.
You now know the cost of Duotrope subscriptions, but is it worth the price?
It is good to know that some sites like Duotrope; some are a better alternative to this platform.
This is my take about Duotrope.
The paltform is a great platform that is subscription-based and offers submission services for writers and artist that comprises a searchable database of current publications that includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art markets.
The platforms also feature other services that aid writers submission of their work, such as a calendar for upcoming events and deadlines, a compilation of useful statistics, and a submission tracker.
In my opinion the Duotrope cost worth your money.
But how much can you make as a writer? What is the acceptance and approval rate?
You can make more money with your online business helping your audience as a writer than chasing the submission of poetry work.
You can be making over $5,000 monthly with your platform and website.
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Start this affiliate marketing training now. Level-1 with ten lessons is a free one.
You can then decide if it is what you want after the training. Check out the free training here.
Thanks for reading my Duotrope review. What do you think of the Duotrope cost compare to the free trial?
Do you think Duotrope worth the money?
Let me read your take below.
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Is Duotrope Worth It – Video
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Great review of Duotrope submission services for writers. I like other sites like Duotrope.
Thanks for reading my Duotrope review.
Really apreciate your time for the comment and for appreciating my site.
The aim of the article is to help writers know that they have options for other sites like Duotrope (i.e. alternatives to Duotrope).
And also writers can set up their online business instead of waiting on submission of work on a daily basis for magazine publications. Any writer that turns to an affiliate marketer can easily make over $3k monthly with a year.
Thanks again for reading my article about alternatives to the Duotrope submission platform for writers.
I had never heard of Duotrope previously, but after reading this review I now know more about it. I learned that one of the problems is the Duotrope login.
As it is unknown to me anyway, I would be unsure of taking a subscription, though the review on it is pretty comprehensive in its terms and it seems like it might be the modern-day equivalent of Ezine Articles, which may still be around.
However reading the review, it seems that it can give you the traction you want, but I would like to know what type of sites the traction is coming from, but overall for someone looking to gain traction for early writing, then this could be the place
Also, why are people complaining of the cost of the Duotrope submission when they can exploit the many alternatives to Duotrope (sites like Duotrope).
I saw the many lists of sites like Duotrope you gave here; it will help many people to avoid the Duotrope login issue and the cost.
Great Duotrope review
Thanks for reading my Duotrope review. The article is a way to show writers how to avoid the Duotrope cost which is a reason many like to avoid login into Duotrope.
People also need to know that there is a free trial for Duotrope and also many sites like Duotrope.
There are many options to submit your work as a writer for publications.
Though many people think that the Duotrope cost does not worth it; but i think otherwise.
Thanks again for reading my article about Duotrope submission services for writers.
Great review of Duotrope login,
I would really love to have a tool like this in my inventory. After reading this article I am interested in signing up for it and use it in my own business.
It looks like a great and useful tool to have at your side, especially if you are doing affiliate marketing which is my main focus. thanks for this information.
How can one get the Duotrope promo code?
You did a great job on Duotrope submissions.
Well done.
Thanks for reading the review of my Duotrope submission. It is all about how to help writers use Duotrope poetry tools.
The problem with the platform is the cost and the Duotrope login issue.
Many writers complain that the Duotrope cost does not worth it.
But in my opinion, the Duotrope login platform is excellent with one of the best tools ever for writers.
If you can not cope with the cost you can exploit many other sites like Duotrope (or alternatives to Duotrope).
Thanks for reading my Duotrope review.
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