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Home » Affiliate Marketing » Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam: Can You Really Make Money?

Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam: Can You Really Make Money?

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Home » Affiliate Marketing » Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam: Can You Really Make Money?

You are welcome to my Copy Paste Commissions review. Can you make money with Copy Paste Commissions? Is Copy Paste Commissions legit, safe, or scam?

In this insightful review, I shall be uncovering the following:

  • What is Copy Paste Commissions about?
  • How much does Copy Paste Commissions cost?
  • Who is CPC for?
  • How to make money with CPC and how much, really can you earn with CPC?
  • Is Copy Paste Commissions Customer friendly?
  • Advantages of using CPC.
  • Disadvantages of using CPC
  • My final opinion on Copy Paste Commissions

I believe that CopyPaste Commissions is best for internet marketers who have quite a lot of experience and know-how to take advantage of the online business quite efficiently.

Why? Find out more about this product review.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

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Copy Paste Commissions at a Glance

copy paste commissions review

Product Name: Copy Paste Commissions
Founder: Omar Martin and Michael Cheney
Price: $19.95 +Upsells
Rating: 59/100
Best for Professional Internet Marketers
Recommended: No

What Is Copy Paste Commissions?

Copy Paste Commissions is a product packaged with unique and unusual marketing strategies for making money online, and getting the most rewarding Affiliate commissions.

It consists of a downloadable eBook, audio, and video files.

In this pack, you’ll get access to hardly known, new-generation affiliate marketing methods that the founders applied to their businesses and had a fruitful result.

It was founded by Michael Cheney and Omar Martin, super affiliate marketers who have been in the business for about twenty-three years combined.

In this product, they provide specific information, individually ‘copy-paste’ strategies to making money in commissions as affiliates.

They claim to have made $4,770,167.62 using these strategies online, but the question is can it work for you as a complete beginner or as an experienced marketer?

Keep reading this product review to find out.

What do you think of my Copy Paste Commissions review? Can you still make money with Copy Paste Commissions?

Is Copy Paste Commissions safe, legit or another click bank product scam?

How Much Does Copy Paste Commissions Cost?

Just $19.95

Unbelievable right?

Now, you would wonder, such an intensive package with one of a kind, unusual methods of getting desirable results and better commissions for just nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents? Too good to be true.

Indeed, it is.

Now while I’m not entirely ruling out the product they’re selling as ingenuine, you should be informed that some of the methods and courses in this product are inaccessible unless you’re ready to pay even more to unlock them.

That’s right, upsells. More than three upsells in the product with prices double the original cost of the product.

You can go ahead and purchase this product but be ready to spend more than you bargained for.

How to Make Money With Copy-Paste Commissions

You can make money by copying and pasting their $4,770,167.62 strategies directly into your business. But the question is what exactly does this strategy entail?

The strategies taught include The crush campaign, the fence shaker strategy, the traffic strategy, the bonus strategy, and the email strategy.

Most of the information there is useful when it comes to mailing strategies, and traffic strategies used to generate both paid and free targeted traffic from Facebook.

But the product is incomplete when it comes to other areas because they tell you what to do but don’t show you how to do it.

Also, their strategy for list building is quite poor as they advise you to encourage your subscribers to convince their friends and family members to subscribe to do the same.

This is ill-fated and will end up in you losing more subscribers than you gained.

Also, the methods for sending emails to your subscribers during a particular period is complicated as they didn’t fully take into consideration the effect of time zones or expound on how to maneuver this challenge.

So really, Copy Paste Commissions can make you money but only if you have experience already in the area of marketing, seeing as the course is quite complicated, sparse, and restricted to a few unique methods, complicated tricks, and some recycled knowledge.

Can you make money with Copy Paste Commissions? Is Copy Paste Commissions safe, legit, or another scam product?

Copy Paste Commissions Customer Service

The training provides adequate support, it is easy to get help, and the practice is up to date.

Also, the information they provide is valuable and sincere with no form of unrealistic hype or fake promises.

The product is not a scam.

What Is Good About Copy Paste Commissions

  • Valuable and Useful information. The product contains relevant and workable information that you can apply to your online business and receive a positive result.
  • Great and honest content. Unlike some other scams, this product is not fake or empty. It is real and factual.
  • No overhype. Another thing I like is that the founders of this product did not make any unrealistic claims of making you millions overnight or you becoming rich without having to work for it. What they advertised was what they sold.
  • Applicable in the modern world. The product is not archaic or old and is up to date with today’s features including social media.
  • Creative ideas and professional strategies, marketable in several niches, from email marketing to social and blog posts
  • Good reputation. I’m not the only one attesting to the honesty of these products. There a quite a few other reviews and opinions out there containing positivity about Copy Paste Commissions.
  •  Great for professionals and experienced bloggers.
    Economic and quite cheap. The product price itself is reasonable for the value it entails. It is a money-saving and affordable.

Issue With Copy Paste Commissions

  • Not Advisable for Beginners. Due to the trickiness and complications of some of the content in this course, it is not advised for newbies as they will have a hard time trying to understand some of the methods suggested.
  • Also, not all strategies can be used in any niche. Some of the purposes stated there are not applicable in some areas of expertise.
  • An absence of Step by step videos and detailed tutorials.
    Ill-advised methods such as list building
  • Upsells. Some of the content is inaccessible unless paid for and these upsells are recurring with prices double the original bargain. You’ll get frustrated by the number of upsells and advertising links of other products.
  • Recycled Information. In my opinion, the founders just reused some of the information in their other products in this one spoiling the effect of ingenuity.

Is Copy Paste Commissions Legit, Safe, or a Scam?

Copy Paste Commissions is safe, legit, and not a scam.

But I am not recommending this program.

Why is that? Because you find everything, it covers in the public domain.

It is a program that focuses on taking advantage of the newbies that know nothing about how to make money online.

There are better resources on the free domain, such as Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Just search for whatever you want.

There is nothing special about Copy Paste Commissions that worth your money.

Though, Copy Paste Commissions is legit, safe, and not a scam. But, you can not make money with Copy Paste Commissions In the 21st century.

What do you think of my Copy Paste Commissions review? Do you agree with me?

Is Copy Paste Commissions Worth It? 

Thanks for reading my Copy Paste Commissions review. Can you make money with Copy Paste Commissions?

Is Copy Paste Commissions legit, safe, or another scam?

I wouldn’t recommend using this product because it isn’t entirely effective and lacks a lot of necessary information.

It is not a scam, but it is not the best option there is in learning affiliate marketing.

You can learn all about affiliate marketing via Wealthy affiliate certification training. The first level of the training has ten lessons that are FREE to join. Please learn more here.

I hope you enjoyed this product review of Copy paste commissions.

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4 thoughts on “Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam: Can You Really Make Money?”

  1. Wow! I am an internet marketer and I was not aware of this money earning side hustle specifically for professional internet marketers! I will definitely give it a try to see how this works. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dear Rosiee,

      Thanks for reading my Copy aste commission review.

      If you read this article very, you will know that this product was not recommended by me. And why is that?

      You use this old strategies to make money today again. Google will not allow this in today, s SEO.

      Search engine will not rank duplicated pages. This is why copy and paste content will not work today.

      The essence of Google monitoor search engines for great content that adds value to people is to ensure that contents coming out remain valuable to the readers.

      Thanks again for checking on my site and for tras-


  2. Tiffany Stafford

    Maybe there’s a way to make money from this?? But it just seems to complicate to me.

    As someone who works from home, I know the frustration of not being able to simply walk into my boss’s office to ask a question.

    All the convolution of this program sounds really confusing, with no way to directly contact someone for help.

    I don’t think I would like that. Plus, they use terms like “affiliate marketing” to sound legit, but I’m really not so sure…

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