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Google Sniper By George Brown Review: Can You Still Make Money?

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You are welcome to my Google Sniper 3.0 Review By George Brown review. Can you make money with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training? Is George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training legit or another scam?

Google Sniper 3.0 is an online affiliate marketing training program that employs step-by-step PDF training.


The training is focused on helping you build micro niche sites referred to as sniper sites.

Please read on to see why this is no for me.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

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Google Sniper 3.0 at a Glance

Product Name: Google Sniper 3.0
Founder: George Brown
Price: $47 ($1) + $67, $97, $187/month
Rating: 30%
Recommended: No

 What Is Google Sniper 3.0?

Google Sniper 3.0 is principally an online training program to help you build what George (Owner) refers to as “Sniper sites” to make money.

It helps you build website mini niches around specific keywords or products, rank in Google so as to make sales online, the training is video and text-based; this is how to get  Google to verify your business and start making money online.

Google Sniper 3.0 paid much attention to purchasing domain names with a suitable keyword as relating to your niche for a ranking purpose, but this is no more important in today’s online business get your website rank in any search engine.

Before now, people focus on low competition keywords and high search volume domains; this is in fact what Google Sniper 3.0 promotes.

But it won’t work for you today.

What matters in today the online business is what you bring to the table, the help, solution, and problem you are ready to solve for your audience are what will help rank your website.

No matter what the nature of your niche is or choice of your website name it is how helpful and engaging your site is to your audience is what matters to Google and other search engines (this is one major reason why Google Sniper 3.0 is a minus for me).

Google Sniper 3.0 training is not focusing on excellent customer experience but outdated SEO (search engine optimization) strategies.

What do you think of my George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training review? Can you still make money with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training in the 21st century?

Is George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training legit or a scam?

How Much Can You Make with Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training?

Google Sniper 3.0 is a PDF document training by George Brown that illustrates how to make money online via affiliate marketing by creating a small website and a mini affiliate website.

But, how much can you make with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training? Can you still make money with Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training in the 21st century?

Is Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training legit or another click bank product scam?

Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training is not a scam but a legit online training program by another affiliate legend.
The problem with Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training is that it works then but will not work for you today.

This is affiliate marketing in the 21st century!
Affiliate marketing is very complex, and you need real video training for any beginner to be successful.

A PDF training can not do it for you today. You can not just rank with a mini affiliate site in today’s affiliate marketing.

You need full detailed training with a complete affiliate website.
A niche affiliate site that ranks must follow the game’s rule; otherwise, it will just be another website in the ocean of web pages.

Many people struggle with video of step-by-step training, i.e., watching by the shoulder; how will you ever cope with a Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training?

This kind of training was to leverage the innocent minds of people who want to make money online but know nothing about affiliate marketing.

You can still get the Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training on Amazon right now at less than $5.

But it won’t make any impact on your online business.

The truth is that you can get better and free training in the public domain online. Just search for it on Google, YouTube. Yahoo or Bing.

You don’t need to waste your money and time on a resource worth nothing in today’s affiliate marketing relevancy.

Your article will rank on Google if you follow that training because there have been many Google updates after the Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training was launched years ago by George Brown.

I recommend affiliate marketing training by Wealthy Affiliate. It is a step-by-step video training.
The level -1 of the training with ten lessons is FREE.

There is no need for your credit card. Learn more here.

What do you think of my Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training by George Brown review?

Can you still make money with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training? Is Google Sniper 3.0 PDF training legit or another scam?

Is Google Sniper For Real?

A lot of hype by the owner to make you purchase this program and the impression that this will earn you a lot of money with virtually no work.

The early version of this product {Google Sniper 2.0} was horribly done but it has been redone with a higher version called Google sniper 3.0.

From my findings, the marketing strategy used in this program is very untidy and but it will be great for a newbie in the online marketing world.

The owner also did not specifically state that there are a lot of re-billed for this program

What is Good About Google Sniper 3.0

  • Getting a refund is timely. Google Sniper 3.0 is a click bank product.
  • The training is straightforward and very simple to navigate.

Issues With Google Sniper 3.0

  • Unethical and deceptive subscription method
  • Less information on how to make money with Google Sniper 3.0
  • Some of the training in the PDF is outdated and de-rank your website in google ranking
  • The practice is complicated for a newbie
  • Google Sniper 3.0 employs a lot of social media marketing to promote the product
  • Lack of proper support for members of Google Sniper 3.0
  • Google Sniper 3.0 training lack quality and the training video is full of hypes

Is Google Sniper Legit or a Scam?

No, it is not a scam but a legit program but it is not free either. It is an affiliate marketing training that will cost you $47 monthly to join with lots of upselling.

This program has been around a long while and has been upgraded from an early version of 2.0 to 3.0. For Google sniper to be allowed on the platform of Click Bank is to assure you that it is very legit.

The question is does it work; yes it works through some strategies that are outdated with daily changes of Google algorithm structure; you have to work and put a lot of energy to make it work for you.

Most and all credible making money online programs will only work for you if you work at them. Forget all the hype here and there, there is no free money anywhere, you must work to earn every dollar.

George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training Vs Wealthy Affiliate

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate, WA is a far better affiliate training program that offers everything that will make you an authority in your niche.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches a modern method of how to make money online with your hobbies or otherwise and it is an industry focus program.

The training modules in Wealthy Affiliate change as the trend changes, it is not a stagnant program.

What would you see in Wealthy Affiliate? WA has more than 100 videos with texts of steps by step process of how to choose a profitable niche to develop your websites. You can come up with your website in under 30 seconds, you don’t need to know how to code.

Wealthy Affiliate has a community affiliate that will help you along the way of building your website, you can ask questions at any time and someone among the affiliates will respond within minutes.

You also have direct access to the owner either to ask a director private question and he will respond to you in good time.

What do you think about Google Sniper? Do you have an alternative to this program, what about Wealthy Affiliate?

The best-making money online training program. Check out Wealthy Affiliate and see for yourself today.

What do you think of George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training? Can you make money with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training?

Is George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF TrainingWorth It?

Thanks for reading my Google Sniper 3.0 Review By George Brown review? Do you think you can still make money with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training?

Is George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training legit or another scam again?

Google Sniper 3.0 is a legit training program that is promoted by Click Bank; It is a training program to become an affiliate marketer.

Using low keywords develop niche websites so as to promote products and start making money online.

In this age, most of the strategies still work but continuous manipulation of the Google algorithm has changed the ways things work.

Such sites may not rank well in Google to make sales as fast as it is acclaimed by the product owner.

You will need to do a lot of extra work to have success with this program.

That said if you are really interested you could check out Google Sniper 3.0. It will work for you if you work at it.

What do you think of my George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training review? Is George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training legit or a scam?

Can you make money with George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training?

George Brown’s Google Sniper 3.0 PDF Training

7 thoughts on “Google Sniper By George Brown Review: Can You Still Make Money?”

  1. I have heard alt of people talk about this Google sniper and how the latest version is a blast. I feel i should give it a try, but this this your review wealthy affiliate seems like a better option

  2. Dear John,

    The thought of making little microsites to get affiliate sales is somewhat outdated.

    Although, there still is money to be made by creating authoritative websites which push links to affiliate products.

    I’m not sure if this program helps you achieve that type of setup though.



  3. Making money online is always hard work. There is no freebies in life. Sniper3.0 sounds like it needs another update to keep up with Google.

  4. Dear John,

    Like you said there is no free money anywhere and this is just another stupid program that promises the moon but fails to deliver.

    I am very wary of anyone saying you can make large amounts of money quickly and with little work.

    Everything I got in life was with hard work.



    1. Thanks for reading my Google Sniper 3.0 Review By George Brown and how you can make money?

      The Google Sniper 3.0 may not be a scam but the question is this; can you still make money with Google Sniper 3.0 today? The training is outdated and most of the strategies cannot work into today online world.

      The sign on a process of Google Sniper 3.0 is also scamming. Like tricking you to become a premium member. I hope you watch the embedded YouTube Video of Google Sniper 3.0 Review By George Brown? It is just not professionally done.

      That is my opinion though.



  5. I heard about Google Sniper 2.0 and was curious about the new version. Does not sounds too promising.

    Does it have a free trial so you can test it out before joining, or do you have to pay before you know what you are getting?

    Also, just a small comment Click Bank. That it is promoted through Click Bank is not in itself a sign that it is a legit program. I have unfortunately seen many scams that you can promote through Click Bank. But I am glad to hear that Google Sniper is not one of them.


    1. The new version of Google Sniper i.e. Google Sniper 3.0 is a far better one and more robust with detail and incorporation of new marketing strategies and technologies. 

      There is no free faction of Google Sniper; you have option to ask for your money to be paid back if you are not satisfied. Clickbank is a great marketplace to make money; most especially if you are promoting digital product.ClickBank even has an affiliate marketing  training department called Click Bank University; see how you can make money with ClickBank University Here

      You can even make money with Clickbank without websites; there are lot of opportunities to be explore with clickbank. 

      Thank you for visiting Amazing Profits Online. 


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