This article is all about how to secure your Email And Facebook From Hackers.
When your Facebook or email accounts get hacked, your life becomes momentarily confusing.
Some people spend their entire lives online, and an account infringement can have awful effects on their personal lives.
My website was once hacked before, and I now know how to protect my website from hackers, I regretted not knowing much about all these black-hat manipulations before now.
It is also essential to know how to spot an online scam; this will help you avoid an unnecessary headache and prevent you from losing your valuable asset online.
Please read on to learn how to protect yourself.
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

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Type Of Email And Facebook Scam
There are different types of criminal activities online; you need to identify them with necessary placatory measures.
These are some commonly identified types of Facebook and email attacks online.
Profile/Email Account Seizure For Ransom – Ransom-ware
This is called “Ransomware” in the tech world; this is a form of malware, which can also be referred to as malicious software.
You get exposed to such when you open attachment to an email, download applications or software online. Such email appears very legitimate; it can deceive anyone online.
A typical example of this is CryptoLocker Ransomware. Below is a news flash from BBC on a ransom paid by a University to get freed from hackers. You can check it out.
Such an attack seeks out essential files (documents) like videos, photos, business records, excel or spreadsheet of account information, or the organization’s profile details.
It will lock those files and documents and such that you won’t be able to access them. Cyber-criminals demand a ransom to release such records.

Other forms of ransom attack involve the hijacking of your Facebook or email account, after they must have gained access, your password will be changed, and they now have full access to your account or your whole computer.
They will later communicate to you for the ransom payment.
Your account or computer will be released after the payment is made. This is a new wave of fraud and online crime. This is one great way to secure your email and Facebook from hackers.
Who View/Log In Your Email/Facebook Scam
This is a standard email scam that is thrown into your mailbox.
You will receive an official fake email; it could be from Hotmail/Yahoo/Gmail or your office mail.
The mail will state that someone just attempted to log in your post in another country, you will be advised to change your password to prevent such unauthorized user from hijacking your mail profile through a link that will be sent to you.
If you make the mistake of clicking the link and change your password, your original password would be collected at the back-end, it will be used to log into your profile, and your account would be taken over.
If you must change your password, don’t use the link, go to the official website to change your password instead. You must learn all these tricks to secure your email and Facebook from hackers.
==>Protect Yourself With VPN ( Virtual Private Network)
Fake Business Opportunity Through Email And Facebook Pages
We have several of these headlines on a Facebook page, and it also comes through the mail into your inbox.
They promise you a bogus amount of money like invest $20 and make $1,000 in a week!
There is no NEW business online that will earn you this without previous groundwork. Don’t get deceived by this set of scammers.
Please don’t get me wrong; there is good legitimate business online, but you must be sure that such business is adding value to earn any income.
Any business must be able to ADD VALUE to other people before any earnings online.
I am heavily involved in affiliate marketing; I learned this through Wealthy Affiliate; they will help you turn your passion into a thriving online business.
Facebook Like Farming Scam
Have you ever seen a post on Facebook that states that if you like Jesus, click like and say ” AMEN”?
This is called “Like Farming Scam” We have them everywhere. It is one way to secure your email and Facebook from hackers.
There objective is to harvest as many as possible. I have been a victim of several.
Why is it a scam? The objective of such a fraudulent individual is to sell off such a page or group after they must have amassed a great number of likes.
A lot of companies and individuals are looking for a finished job i.e.; they are looking for a heavily Liked page for business outreach. When you sight such on Facebook, please stay off!
Facebook Data Theft And Your Personal Privacy
You must limit the type and nature of your information on Facebook.
If you can’t limit them to ensure they are secure by adjusting your setting to Only You View option.
A lot of people have invited armed robbers and kidnappers to there homes without knowing.
Some have their street address, pictures of everybody including children, an address of their place of work, the name of the children’s schools, pictures of every corner of their homes, etc.
So when armed robbers decide to visit, they know there way around.
Shifting Scams
This type of scam often uses WhatApps and Instagram and recently Facebook chat messenger.
Your supposed friend, mostly your new friend on Facebook, will chat you up that she wanted to chat with you.
In the chat, you will sell a product through a link that will be sent to you as you are chatting.
These scammers aim to persuade you to download what we call PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).
The link can eventually request your details like phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account details.
Mostly such details collected will be used immediately to charge you for things you did not buy online.
Note that this is different from when you are searching online to purchase something you want. The scammer will approach you first and throw their link at you.
Email Scam From Major Companies Or Countries
Listed below are various types of email scams that mimic emails coming from various companies for their customers.
And other fraudulent emails that are identified with countries where they usually emanated from. Some of them are listed below:
- Credit Card Email Scam
- Payday Loan Email Scams
- FedEx Delivery Email Scam
- Raspberry Ultra Drops Email Scam
- Nigerian Email Scam Paper
- Russian Scammers Email Addresses
- AOL Email Scams
- Email Scam Malaysia
- Romance Email Scams
- Craigslist Email Scams
- HMRC Email Scam
- Death Threat Email Scams
- Paypal Email Scam
- Amazon Email Scam
Facebook Protection From Hackers
Do does not use your Facebook password to log in elsewhere online other than FB.
Never share your password and avoid using common names to create a password. Use special symbols and numbers.
Be Careful Before Accepting Friends
It is my policy never to accept any person as a friend when they are newly joined, maybe within a month or less and they are unknown to you.
Before you accept anyone, take a look at the number and type of friends they have. Are her friends from the same countries from where she claimed to be from?
Most scammers look for great and very pretty woman pictures from his preferred countries for impersonation.
They pretend to be a pretty woman also claiming other countries, while they are a male individual. Always check this detail before you accept anyone on Facebook.
Security Checkup
If you use shared computers, ensure to log out after every session. Run anti-virus software regularly on your computer to improve the overall security.
Log out of idle browsers and applications. Check the login alerts that notify you if somebody tried logging into your account from a new computer or phone.
Note that this aspect is only available to people signed up on Facebook.
Facebook hackers use insecure accounts to create fake accounts and ask you to log in using your email address and password.
Check the website’s URL before logging in or type into your
browser to access the secure Facebook web page.
Remember to log out of Facebook after each session on shared computers, if you forget, there’s the ‘log out remotely’ option.
Don’t accept Facebook friend requests from strangers.
Scammers do a hack in your Facebook and create counterfeit accounts to friend your contacts and spam your Timeline with extreme content or tag you in posts containing nasty messages.
Never open suspicious links on Facebook. This includes posts on Facebook or in emails.
If you come across suspicious links that can potentially hack into your Facebook, report the issue to the FB admin.
Use FB’s extra security features on a computer to review your security settings.
You can change your current password at the top right corner of a Facebook page by clicking on Settings>Password>Type your current>type your new passwords>Save Changes.
How to Protect Your Email From Hackers
The biggest mistake you can make is to have a single password for multiple email accounts.
Email hacker software companies find it easy to access your details with secure passwords.
Get into the habit of updating your browser page versions and antivirus software.
Never use one password across different email accounts, especially for your online banking services.
Use Common Sense
When you receive an email in your inbox, informing you that you just won a big sum of money.
Promising you a large sum of money for doing nothing or informing you to join in a plot to claim unknown funds in another far country, funds belonging to someone you have never heard of in your life.
You should know that it is a fraud, why would it take another person to invite you from South Africa to come and claim someone else money?
It takes hard work to earn good money. Otherwise, you will be scammed.
All unsolicited email to your mailbox should be deleted, please don’t trust them. This is a way out of email scams.
You will know and remember whenever you subscribed to any email list otherwise delete every other unwanted mail. See a scam sample mail sent to me today!

Use Complex Passwords
Create long complicated passwords for your email accounts. They should at least have ten characters with a mixture of upper/lower case characters, numbers, and symbols.
Do not use the usual name, birthday, or anniversary dates.
Make it secure and hard to guess. Create Complex usernames that do not give away your immediate identity. Ensure that you make them as intricate as your passwords.
Updated Anti-Virus And Malware Software
Do not store vital information on your computers or online. Avoid sending secure information over the internet, using your email.
Avoid saving your email passwords on your devices as they are easy to access.
Have an updated version of the latest anti-virus program like Norton Antivirus to scan for malware and other dangerous bugs that your computer may be susceptible to.
Get automatic updates for extra security to prevent email hacker software theft.
Always update every update alert of your operating system, a lot of people sight this alert, and they close and say ” later”. NOT Later DO IT NOW. UPDATE YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM ALWAYS.
Latest Browser Versions
Use the most recent browsing software programs for added security. Browsers like Chrome, Torch, Firefox, or Opera are well known secure sites from which to open all your emails or Facebook accounts.
Also, don’t ignore update requests as some of them are crucial.
Public Wi-Fi
Free cafe Internet connections are quite enticing and easy to use.
But this is the most dangerous platform for email hacker software scammers to access your devices effortlessly.
This is because scammers can easily steal your email passwords using browser plugins.
It is advisable to always use a VPN whenever you are out in open using the Internet, you must know the importance of a VPN (Virtual Private Network). It will help you avoid scammers online.
Monitor Your Logged On Sites
At the bottom of your email account, a small text always indicates “Last account activity” showing you the login details, including where your account was last logged in from so keep an eye and monitor unfamiliar IPs.
Change Your Passwords Regularly
If your email account has been breached, change all the email passwords from a secure PC network. Remember to modify the security questions on your accounts as well.
With today’s modern life where almost everyone must have access to his or her email or Facebook accounts, online security is paramount. Use the above-mentioned tips to protect them from hackers.
This is another way to Secure Your Email And Facebook From Hackers
Can You Really Secure Your Email and Facebook from Hackers?
You now know how to secure your Email and Facebook account from hackers.
Many scammers will hate me for coming up with this article; it is your duty and mine to ensure that we expose a lot of email hackers online and start sharing this article with friends and family members.
Information is critical, what you don’t know, you don’t know! There are business process email scams, and Facebook fraud scams everywhere online.
They can not stop you and me from shopping online. No. Just shop on a well-identified website or get directed from a well-identified website to the site where you will eventually shop online.
Make sure you employed the SSL site whenever you are purchasing anything online. As soon as you are about using your card, make sure you look for https:// {the ” s” indicates the site to be secure}.
Do I miss anything out? Is there any new email and Facebook scam that you are aware of? How do you currently protect your email and Facebook from hackers?
Please drop a comment for me down below. I am eager to read your comment and suggestions.
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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
An elaborate analysis, much appreciated. It happened to me once when me and my friend were staying in the same hotel during our travels. We both used hotels wi-fi and in the morning I noticed we’re connecting to different ones, I asked at the register and they said the one I’m connecting to is not theirs, though looks similar and even had the same password! I googled and it’s called a FakeWAP attack, fortunately, I didn’t use any banking or other valuable information, just changed passwords of social sites I used.
Then for a while, I’ve been using a free VPN version, but they’re terminating it and I was looking for a new VPN and found five top VPN online.
Maybe it will be of any use to some of you, I can just warn once more, be extra careful when connecting to public wi-fi. Check That link, you can pick any one of those top five VPN.
Dear Robert,
Thank you for visiting my website. Thanks for coming by. I hope you will be here again.
A very good article, I am glad you mentioned insecure networks, I used one on holiday once and got my PayPal account hacked, they used it to buy goods in the USA for $500, PayPal were great and I got the money refunded.
I once read an article that advised using a phrase or something that is memorable to you as your password, like Mary Had A Little Lamb you might use the first letter of each word, MHAL if you have two letters the same use a symbol, there are 2 l’s in the phrase you might you this for the other L /, to make the password longer you could add letters for the site you are creating the password for, and not forgetting to put capitals and numbers in.
Dear Bill,
Email and Facebook Security is very critical now because of the daily fraudulent hack experienced by many. You have to be ahead of them always otherwise they will get you hacked.
I recently made a comment of roughly how much I earn online in a forum, before you know It I started getting several mail notifications to download one thing or the other.
The new and latest scam is that of LINKEDIN. I was contacted by a so called lady that she loves my profile and that I fitted the kind of Job profile they are looking for. She instructed me to download an attachment to see her proposal.
It was just because of my alertness, I thought that this could a malware in attachment so that the supposed lady can take over my system. So don’t ever download any attachment you are not sure of the source.
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