You are welcome to my updated MemberSpring review. Is MemberSpring legit or a scam and worth it? Can you make money with MemberSpring by Gary Ambrose?
I am certain that you are here because you are thinking of joining MemberSpring.
It is great you are making your research about MemberSpring, this is how I discovered how to make a full-time income with my skills, passion, and hobbies.
These and many other questions will be tackled in this review.
It is vital to note that MemberSpring may not be active again.
Please read on.
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MemberSpring at a Glance

Name: MemberSpring
Price: $297 One-off Plus $97 Monthly
Owner: Gary Ambrose
Rating: 2%
Recommended: Hell No
Summary Review of MemberSpring
MemberSpring by Gary Ambrose was an outdated method of running an online business.
Years before 2010, MemberSpring is a hot cake that also works.
But, it is not going to work for you in the 21st Century. MemberSpring is a preloaded and duplicated websites that were embedded with the top niche.
Each site you buy then has 30 articles preloaded with duplicated content. Such a website will not get index because of the Google algorithm.
MemberSpring is worthless and will not rank your websites in any search engine today. Please don’t waste your money and resource.
The Good news is that MemberSpring products are close and shut down because the site is even not secure anymore.
A member confirmed that his complaint ticket was not responded to by the help desk of MemberSpring before they shut down; he was writing Gary Ambrose the MemberSpring product owner inside the Warrior forum.
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What do you think of my MemberSpring by Gary Ambrose? Can you make money with MemberSpring by Gary Ambrose? Is MemberSpring legit or a scam and worth it?
What is MemberSpring?
Founded by Gary Ambrose just a few years ago, the company offers a service that looks quite desirable on paper, after all, who wouldn’t want few ready-made websites with articles and other web content added to them.
A major feature of this product is access to five pre-designed websites that belong to well-known niches.
Each of the websites also comes with 30 articles, with 3 or 4 readily available after gaining access to the sites and the rest are scheduled to be posted subsequently.
The product provides a backend that can be edited with the WordPress platform, which also allows you to customize the design and add more important features.
Obviously, the main benefit of using MemberSpring is the five websites it makes readily available upon subscription, coupled with the web content that is infused into them.
This means you do not have to worry about hiring a content writer or a video expert after completing the web building phase of the website, unlike the traditional web building process.
The product is available to users in all countries as long as access to the internet can be guaranteed.
Do I Recommend MemberSpring?
If you’re an ardent internet user or a digital marketing expert that wishes to own a couple of niche websites for the purpose of consistently releasing quality content to the vast audience available on the internet, then MemberSpring is one of the options to consider.
The MemberSpring product, however, has a lot of flaws that rule it out as a viable solution for your web design needs, especially considering the fact that lots of highly competent platforms exist that provide a similar service at an affordable price.
If you aren’t too particular about the website you want then perhaps you can settle for the array of web platforms.
MemberSpring is able to conjure up but if you want a decent website that contains quality content then it’s best you find other options.
Can you make money with MemberSpring? Is MemberSpring legit or a scam? What do you think of my MemberSpring review?
Is MemberSpring worth it?
What MemberSpring Will Offer You
MemberSpring’s principal business involves web design as well as content creation.
The company also provides web hosting services to clients interested in the solutions they offer.
Below are what you will be getting when you subscribe to MemberSpring Premium Package:
- MemberSpring Recurring Revenue System and the Automated Drip-Feed
- Completed MemberSpring systems in your profitable niche choice (done for you)
- A Bonus of a click to customize system and setup
- Access to a step by step Online training.
The Costs/Price of MemberSpring
The cost of subscribing to MemberSpring’s services is $297, though the company at times does offer a discount rate of $97.
Below is a breakdown of the pricing of MemberSpring packages:
- Hosting package = $30 Monthly
- Premium Package = $30 Monthly
- Package to Access Both Tools and Training = $97 (Upsell up to $197)
- Average User package to get Started = $297 One-off + $97 Monthly.
What is Good About MemberSpring?
Unlike most businesses offering similar products, these are what is somehow okay with MemberSpring:
- MemberSpring provides an intensive program that is available as written and video content.
- The training puts you through the whole process of designing the websites and unlocking the content as well as setting up the sites’ auto-responder and email retrieving tools.
- It is a decent website solution for newbies that do not know the basics of web design yet want a web platform for themselves or their businesses.
Issues with MemberSpring?
These are what I dislike about MemberSpring program:
- It is quite expensive when compared to the various alternatives around.
- It is definitely not good value for money considering the quality of the websites and content that is made available.
- A major issue that MemberSpring also has is the duplication of content incorporated into its sites, which basically renders them useless.
- Since search engine giants, Google, vehemently frowns on the re-use of content, making use of any of the articles in the MemberSpring sites will only result in a penalty that ruins the ranking of your sites.
Who is the MemberSpring for?
The ideal group for MemberSpring is novices who do not know one single thing about web design and content making.
How to Make Money with MemberSpring?
MemberSpring isn’t a money-making scheme. It can be seen, however, as a tool that facilitates digital marketing strategies, which in turn rakes in lots of revenue from the marketing campaign.
As a digital marketing tool, MemberSpring is barely useful since the websites it offers aren’t customized and its content is duplicated.
Alternative to MemberSpring
There are definitely lots of better options out there with regards to web design and web hosting solutions that provide true value for money.
Companies like Hostgator, GoDaddy; and Bluehost have very affordable packages that allow you to run multiple websites at the same time while freelance platforms like UpWork and Fiverr provide an avenue to create quality content for your sites.
Is MemberSpring still worth It?
Online Opinion of MemberSpring
Generally, MemberSpring is seen as an unreliable web solution since the websites and content one is getting at the stipulated price aren’t original but duplicated.
Is MemberSpring Legit or a Scam?
MemberSpring is legit and not a scam.
It is not a scam because if and when you subscribe to this product, you will get what you are paying for. You will not be scammed of your money. You get scam when you can’t get value for what you purchase.
MemberSpring was a provider of niche sites, but these are sites with duplicated content that are useless to anyone.
It was right then; it is not going to work for any buyers in the 21st century.
What do you think of my MemberSpring review? Is MemberSpring legit or a scam? can you make money with MemberSpring?
Is MemberSpring worth it?
Is MemberSpring Worth It?
Thanks for reading my MemberSpring review. Is MemberSpring legit or a scam? Do you think you can still make money with MemberSpring today?
Is MemberSpring Worth The Money?
Okay, my conclusion is this. MemberSpring is not worth your money today. Embracing such a platform as MemberSpring is a waste of time and resources in today’s online business.
Any site with duplicated content will not rank in Google or any search engine for that matter.
It is also vital to also know that MemberSpring is not a scam, just because they are delivering what they promise.
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Were you a member of MemberSpring then. As of 2009 to 2010, MemberSpring was still running.
What do you think of my MemberSpring review? Is MemberSpring legit or a scam?
Is MemberSpring really worth it? Can you make money with MemberSpring?
My audience will like to know via my comment session.
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Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your guide on Memberspring and find it very useful for everyone. While reading Membersping I know its method are outdated to run an online business. I also know that each site we buy has 30 article preloaded with duplicated content. Such website will not index in search engine due to google algorithm update. Now I am working with updated guide form wealthy affiliate and getting awesome results.
Thanks for reading my article on how to make money with MemberSpring. Do you seriously think that MemberSpring Worth it?
Thanks for the comments about MemberSpring.
Hi John, I’m so glad I ran into WA and not the one in your article.
Member Spring seems a lot like WA only they got caught cheating by the Google algorithm. You don’t want to work with a system possessing an element of cheating in its foundation.
How did you find this site? Were you ever with them?
What confused me a bit was how each time you roasted and burned them, you would then say something nice about them. I was convinced after the first roast that I would have nothing to do with them, so I skipped to the end.
I think you could have gotten to the punch line a lot quicker. Did I miss something – I’ll check again.
I clicked on the early links which both led to you. A cunning plan but I think your articles are too long and those two links got me confused, so that in the end I wasn’t sure about you, although I too am a member of WA. The links caused me to lose all trust, especially after reading about dodgy Member Spring.
So, just get rid of the links, and make your article shorter.
Thanks for reading my Memberspring review.
I really appreciate your comments.
On checking your recommended platform – wealthy affiliate – I see reasons why you will not recommend MemberSpring. Wealthy Affiliate is a very robust platform, the training is exceptional and the community is a ready to help plat form. Top of it all is the hosting services, I have used this platformfor some while now and I recommend it too.
Thanks fir reading my MemberSpring review.
The article was focused on how to make money with MemberSpring.
I appreciate your comments.
Hey, John
What wonderful article it is! Many thanks for this kind of educative article from where many learners can learn new things about online business. I am a new freelancer online. Truly I always try to find out the new area where I can earn more money. But it is a difficult task. Because we often think is it a legal area of income or illegal.
Memberspring is a nice way to income money from online. So it is useful for freelancers for passive income. Thank you again for showing us a nice path of income.
Thanks fir reading my membership review
Really appreciate your comments.
Thanks for your great review of this program, very helpful to people who may be looking to add another income stream to their online business. I must admit I am always on the lookout but I have yet to find anything that has high moral values and doesn’t require a significant commitment of time. I belong to the program that you are sending people on your website to as an alternative to Memberspring, and I can highly endorse it as being ethically strong, full of great learning and tools and encompassing a great community of helpful people.
Thanks for your comments about my MemberSpring review.
Really appreciate
Hello there, Hi..Im happy everytime I read articles like yours, including remarks, reviews etc..against scams. Like others, I like to have a homebased income..but within my years of searching till now, I have not tried even so scared, specially after using google..whew!! so scary, but thanks you are such an honest person. Could you recommend some of the jobs you know online, I like simpler procedures. Thank you
Thanks for your comment and mostly for reading my review about MemberSpring.
I appreciate
Hi John,
You might be aware that I become your site’s regular visitor and every single time I read an article of yours I learn so much new and helpful information!
The pricing is quite expensive $1461 for one year is a lot of money to spend (taking advantage of the discount still it’s $1261). Not everyone can afford it and on top of that, there are many red flags.
I am not a fan of these Done For You systems because we will learn nothing and it will not develop our skills either. Indeed, those duplicate content won’t get us any organic traffic and actually it’s going to affect our website and brand. This post is saving people time and money.
Thanks Paul for your comment. I really appreciate.
We will get to the promise land.
One rule of thumb that I follow is that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Whether MemberSpring has any potential or not, it seems to make the claim that you can earn money without doing much work. Automated content sounds really sketchy to me and also useless if it’s going to be duplicate content.
I’m glad you reviewed this platform because there are a lot of platforms like it out there. But no matter how you slice it, there’s no guaranteed way to make easy money. I’ve almost fallen for a few scams that were selling “easy riches,” but a business takes time and hard work to build.
MemberSpring seems like it has some potential, but something about it makes me very cynical. Anyways, this was great article. It was both informative and concise.
Dear Isaac,
Thanks for reading my member spring review.
I appreciate your visit to my website.
This is a fantastic article! I am currently seeking options about making money online, and quite frankly I am exhausted from all the research.
It is so difficult to tell what is a scam and what is not a scam. You, however, have written a straightforward, factual and unbiased review which I must say is very refreshing.
I am not technically inclined at all, so I am not sure if MemberSpring would be worth the money for me at this stage.
I will, however, certainly been bookmarking your website to my favorites to keep track of what i should be looking out for.
Ok, my question, Is member spring the same as memberspring?
And what do you think, Is member spring a scam?
Thanks again,
Dear love,
thanks for reading my Is member spring review. I am glad you visit.
Yes, the two names imply the same. ” member spring ” is the same as “memberspring” are the same.
I am not sure I would get my money’s worth with this service. I think this is best for people with revenue streams at their disposal, right? As a beginner, I imagine I would probably want get some experience before investing time and money into something like this. Could be promising with more experience!
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