This article is all about how to make money with Qnet MLM jobs. How much can you make with the Qnet compensation plan? How does Qnet make money?
I am sure you are here to learn how to make money with Qnet MLM. It is good to make your findings; it is how to discover legitimate business online and avoid many scams.
Please know that I am not a member of QNet MLM jobs.
Therefore expect an unbiased article on how to make good money with the Qnet compensation plan.
Please read on.
Estimated reading time: 15 minutes
Must-Read Articles
- How to Build Your Profitable Online Business – FREE Training
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- Is Qnet Safe, Legit, or a Real MLM Scam

Summary of QNet MLM Review
QNet is an eCommerce direct selling company that employs multi-level marketing and network marketing models to run its business.
Sincerely, I will not refer to QNet as a scam because they have meaningful and exclusive products in different varieties of markets.
QNet refers to its networkers as Independent Representatives (IR).
Why would you join a multi-level network marketing company to have access to an eCommerce product that is everywhere online?
You will be made to lose trust and confidence of your friends, family members, and relatives when you made them join, and they later fail as a QNet Independent Representatives.
This is because they could not achieve their pipe dream of financial freedom that they have been promised.
MLM business model is tough to succeed in; in fact, 99% of the people fail.
The reason is this, instead of focusing on selling the retail products; they focus on recruiting more people to build their downline for money.
Multi-level marketing will only make you a slave, and you will keep serving the people at the top and making them productive daily with your effort.
This is why I can not recommend QNet because it uses MLM to structure its business and they have been got red-handed in India.
Check out my #1 Recommendation to earn a full-time income online. You don’t need to talk to people for the referral. Instead, people will come to you.
How Qnet Works
In QNet, the networkers are the Independent Representatives (IRs).
They provide varieties of products and services on their robust and secure online platform that can be accessed across the world.
Below are how QNet MLM works:
- You will register as a QNet Independent Representative (IR) and buy your first product (Another IR must introduce you with his or her IR code)
- Subscriber must make a firm commitment to continue to be making such purchase monthly
- And start referring QNet products and IR opportunities to your family, friends, and relatives, and anyone you come across.
- You must be active to meet the requirement for both commission and various bonuses.
As an Independent Representative, you must first qualify your Tracking Centre before your activation.
The meaning of qualification of your tracking center is that you must look for two direct Independent Representatives (IRs) that will be placed on your right and left side (downline).
The two IRs that are directly placed on both your left and right are called your Tracking Centers (TCs).
Your next job is to train your downline to duplicate what you are doing.
You two IRs downline will also have to look for two Independent Representatives (IRs) that will be placed under them both.
It is essential to work with your team.
Both your right and left TCs match the product transaction that is in the unit Volume (UVs) to qualify you and your team for the commission.
Further referral by you will be at the level below your first level.
Such spillover is an additional benefit since you only need to sponsor just two to make the compensation plan.
You must know that only qualified and activated TCs will be entitled to step commissions and bonuses aside from the retail purchase profits.
Usually, QNet mostly doesn’t have retail sales. People that buy products for retail sales are the same IRs. This is one main problem with QNets.
It is essential you know that you will earn RSP points from every sale or personal purchase of any QNet products.
You will also earn from all repeat sales to your downline up to your nine levels below within your network. How do you make Good Money with the Qnet compensation plan? How does Qnet MLM make money?
Qnet Compensation Plan Explained
QNet claimed to have a robust and one of the best compensation plans in the multi-level marketing world.
The Q10 Compensation Plan is referred to as the super hybrid QNet that rewards the Independent Representatives via ten great ways to make money through the QNet compensation plan.
Below are the ten ways to earn a commission with QNet are:
***Retail Profit***
An Independent Representative (IR) enrolled to make money in QNet MLM through the Q10 compensation Plan.
An IR’s job is to build his business by promoting QNet, selling products, and mainly referring other people to join and become an IR.
You must be of legal age in your country to qualify to enroll as an IR.
Retail Profits help you earn 10% of every purchase made by all your Retail Customers. No qualification is a requirement to get Retail Profits.
A simple formula for earning via Retail Profit:
Retail Profit = Retail Price – IR Price
A Retail Customer is an individual who is not a registered member of QNet (i.e., Not an IR) and also not qualify or eligible for commission.
***Early Payout***
This is an advance and partial payment out of your commission. It is a Step 1 of the Commission Cycle1.
Your first 1,000 GBV (Group Business Volume) will earn you $50, and the second 1,000 will help you make another $50 on your lower level leg within your primary Tracking Center (TC).
As an IR, you must qualify, activated, and got your minimum GBV in any of your Lower Volume Leg of your Primary Tracking Center.
***Step Commission***
This is the commission that will be paid to the qualifies and already activated Independent Representative (IR) for every 3,000 GBV on any of the IR Lower Volume Leg.
The payout per Step Commission varies with the rank of the IR and the commission level. I.e.
The monetary value will be the payout from step 1 to step 5; while the payout at level 6 will be by eVouchers (which is equivalent to 10 eVoucher Points (EP).
Note: eVoucher Points (EP) are for redeeming those special products in QNet Redemption eStores.
See the Commission Payout Table below:
An IR can only start earning the Step Commission when he/she is qualified, activated, and the minimum GBV is achieved in any of the LVL (Lower Volume Leg).
Note: Lower Volume Leg is the GBV (Group Business Volume) that its Step Commission.
The ten eVoucher Points (EP) reward on every 6th Commission Step of every commission cycle is used in redeeming QNet products in QNet Redemption eStore.
***Repeat Sales Commission***
Repeat Sales Commission (RSC) is the commission earned from the conversion of Repeat Sales Points (RSP) to cash.
Repeat Sales Points implies the points attached to each QNet products that every active IR can earn.
This is starting from ten Pay Level that is automatically converted weekly.
Note: Pay Level referred to a particular stage in Repeat Sales Points Plan genealogy at which every active IR is qualified to start earning RSP.
For any IR to qualify to start earning RSP, he/she must be active and must achieve minimum RSP required in that rank and for that month from either personal purchase or retail sales of any QNet products.
For any IR to earn from his/her downline, such IR must meet the minimum Monthly RSP required for his/her current rank.
It is good to know that an IR the Monthly RSP required twelve months in advance in the RSP plan.
Any extra RSP will not be taken into considerations for the following year.
Also, like an IR, you can earn an RSP from your downlines within your network or your referral line from up to nine Pay Levels below. It all depends on your current rank.
***Compression Policy***
QNet Compression Policy states that if an IR could not meet the minimum monthly RSP Maintenance requirement that is required for the current rank.
Such IR will be disabled from earning from his/her downlines until such IR becomes active again.
If you could not purchase any QNet product and you also fail to achieve the monthly RSP maintenance.
You will be temporarily compressed, and you will not be able to earn any RSP from the purchase of your downlines.
Can you make money with QNet MLM jobs and compensation plan?
You can learn more about how Qnet works on Wikipedia here.
***RSP Rank Advancement Bonus***
QNet has five RSP ranks within the RSP plan.
Before you can start earning as an RSP Bronze Star, you must achieve a monthly Personal Purchases or a retail sale of QNet products with 50 RSP
Condition for An RSP Bronze Star IR to Advance to An RSP Silver Star IR
An RSP Bronze Star can advance to RSP Silver Start IR in the RSP plan in two major ways:
- Option 1
You either have Personal Purchase or a retail Sales of products that worth 100 RSP and have a minimum of four new direct referrals that must be active as an RSP Bronze Star.
- Option 2
You need to have Personal Purchase or a retail Sales of products of 100 RSP and also help two of your direct and active RSP Bronze Star with two new active RSP Bronze Star Direct referrals.
Condition to Advance/Maintain an RSP Gold Star IR Rank
- You must be qualified and activated in the RSP plan; this is a one-off requirement.
- Have a Personal Purchase or a Retail Sales of products worth 150 RSP
- You must have a minimum of four new or existing Direct Referrals that move to RSP Silver Star rank and two Direct Referrals that are active as RSP Bronze Stars Monthly
- You must accumulate 10,000 RSP from either Purchase of your downlines within his/her network or a Retail Sales monthly.
Condition to Advance/Maintain an RSP Platinum Star IR Rank
- You must be qualified and also activated in the RSP plan; this is a one-time requirement.
- Have a Personal Purchase or a Retail Sales of products worth 200 RSP
- You must have four existing or new Direct Referrals that move to RSP Gold rank and four new or existing Direct Referrals that move to RSP Silver Star rank monthly
- You must also have accumulated 120,000 RSP from your Personal Purchase or Retail Sales of your downlines within that IR network or referral line monthly.
Condition to Advance/Maintain an RSP Diamond Star IR Rank
- You must be activated and qualified in the RSP main plan; this is a one-time requirement.
- A Personal Purchase or a Retail Sales of products worth 250 RSP
- Have a minimum of four Direct Referrals that move to RSP Platinum Star rank, four Direct Referrals who move to RSP Gold Start rank, and two Direct Referrals that move to RSP Silver Star rank monthly.
- You also need to have accumulated 750,000 RSP from your either Personal Purchase or Retail Sales of your downlines within that IR referral line or network monthly.
An IR will only be rewarded with a cash bonus for rank Advancement from RSP Gold Star level and above, as shown below:
Any RSP Gold Start that is demoted to RSP Silver Star Rank but re-achieve back the RSP Gold Star rank back the following month will not be eligible for an RSP rank advancement bonus.
Also, any IR that maintains his/her RSP rank from Gold Star and above for six months consecutively will be qualified to earn a cash bonus.
***Demotion Policy***
QNet Demotion Policy state that an Independent Representative (IR) that fails to meet the minimum maintenance requirements of his or her current rank will retain the current title rank.
Also, they will be paid the lower rank that corresponds to his or her achievement in the current month.
This policy applies to both Q10 Repeat Sales Points (RSP) Plan and Main Plan. Do you think you can make money with QNet MLM?
***New Programme Bonus***
This program is implemented in specific regional markets to assist Independent Representative (IR) fund a purchase of a brand-new car.
This car will carry the logo of QNet and name that will help such IR conduct his/her business in the best possible ways.
This incentive is used to boost the feasibility of QNet in such urban markets.
***Year-Round Incentives***
These are QNet incentives that are in offering for the IRs periodically.
This applies to QNet worldwide and locally which helps to meet the needs of the IRs.
==>Full QNet Compensation Plan Here (PDF Format)
Features of QNet MLM
QNet is a direct selling company which concentrates on selling their products online. It has a long list of diverse types of products. Below is a list of some products we deal with at QNet.
- Health and wellness
- Personal Care and Beauty
- Watches and Jewelry
- Education
- Holidays and
- Technology
QNet has typical MLM products as well. These products include Water purifiers, Essential Oils, Nutrition supplements, and many other beauty products.
These products can be bought from their eCommerce, and one always needs a referrer unless you are a representative yourself.
How to Get Money From QNet
All commission and bonuses earned by IR are credited to their Q Account or Commission Payable Accounts (CPA) every week. i.e., Every Tuesdays.
Each Representative can also instruct the QNet to transfer out of their Q Account through cheque issuance, demand draft, or direct deposit.
This is subject to an administrative fee that is determined by QNet from time to time.
All cheque and commission must be claimed within six months from the date of issuance. All checks not claimed within the six months will be void.
After voiding a cheque and an IR is willing to request for re-issuance.
QNet will charge a processing fee that will be deducted from the owner to the Representative. Can you make money with QNet MLM jobs?
How to Claim QNet Refund
You will not be able to return the product you purchase after 30 days.
Otherwise, you will not qualify for commission for that purchase.
QNet permits sellers to return un-opened and un-used products to get a refund.
Please follow the following tip to get your money refunds:
- The refund request should be placed within 30 days after the product or services is delivered (this may differ from country to country because of time zone)
- You will need an Independent Representative (IR) ID, and your business registered email address (the email you use to register with QNet).
- You will need to forward (via email) these two to the QNet Customer Service Support Center.
- As soon as the verification is carried out, QNet will email to informing you of the successful cancellation
- Then your money will be refunded via your IR account.
QNet Product Buy-Back Policy
This has to do with any defective product produced by any company and discovered after purchase by IR or QNet customers
QNet allows the return of products sold by any company to IR or Customer even after the termination of that company.
The following process must be followed:
- The product must be within the sell-by date
- It must be intact, packaged, stamps, and must be under a product warranty.
- The product return request must be placed within 45 days of taken delivery of the product
- The return for the product must be completed properly.
- The product must have its purchase invoice intact and attached
As soon as the company receives the product from IR/Customer.
If the product defectiveness is as a result of production, such a product will be changed for an equivalent one and delivered to the IR/Customer involved.
Buy Back Products by Customer (Even After Termination or resignation of the IR)
This has to do with the product sold to the customer by an Independent Representative (IR)
The customer is entitled to complain about the quality of the product directly to the company where the good was produced.
They can also request that company change or buy back the products if the product warrant is still within the validity period.
The customer can then request a change of product to an equivalent one. Can you make money with QNet MLM jobs?
The company that produces the product will do the following:
- The company can refund the cost of the product via cash payment or make a transfer to the customer account.
- The refund will be less of a 10% Administrative Fee.
- The company can then contact the IR that sold the product to the customer to claim back their expenses.
- They will also claim back all commission already earned by the IR and all of his or her Upline from the sales of such product (s)
How to Make Money with QNet MLM
An Independent Representative (I.R) earns money from commissions paid for the job done.
There are majorly seven different categories of commissions paid on the QNet compensation plan. These include:
This is the difference between the IR discounted Price and the retail price of the product. This is awarded to the Independent Representative who sells the product to a retail customer.
#Step Commission
This is paid to the IR depending on BV accumulated from the sales or purchases made under their account.
#Early Payout Option (“EPO”)
This is only applicable to newly qualified and activated Independent Representatives who have achieved the set Lower Volume Team.
#Repeat Sales Point (RSP)
This is also known as the Repeat Sales Commission.
Earned RSP has converted to cash automatically and paid weekly depending on the underlying conversion rates of USD.
#Bonuses and Change of Commissions
The company determines this.
However, they give enough time for prior notice to Independent Representatives by publishing these changes on its official website.
#Rank Maintenance
This varies every depending on the rank of the IR is in.
If the IR doesn’t maintain their level, they are paid according to the position they qualify for.
#Year-Round Incentives
IR’s hard work also determines this throughout the year. The company sets it.
Other QNet Ranks for Growth
It is also important to understand that the IR has seven ranks they can advance in with different compensation level. These ranks are listed below:
- Bronze Star
- Silver Star
- Gold Star
- Sapphire Star
- Platinum Star
- Diamond Star
- Blue Diamond Star
- Alternatives to QNet
***Other Ways to Make Money with QNet MLM***
- Retail Profit
- Step Commission
- Early Payout
- Main Plan Rank Advancement
- Repeat Sales Commission
- RSP Rank Advancement Bonus
- Year-Round Incentives
- RSP Rank Maintenance Bonus
- Main Plan Rank Maintenance
- New Programme Bonus
Other Alternatives to QNet.
Below are the most common ones:
Wealthy Affiliate
It has become more common due to its specific step-by-step training that has taught thousands of people how to make good money through online marketing.
This is how I am making money via this website. You won’t need to look for a downline or upline. They will search you out, just as you visited this site.
You will be taught how your audience in your field will search for you and get your product and services.
Forever Living
This is much better than QNet because it is open to its clients and has nothing hidden about its operations.
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