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Home » Multi-Level Marketing » Lifebrook Review: Can You Really Make Money with Lifebrook?

Lifebrook Review: Can You Really Make Money with Lifebrook?

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You are welcome to my Lifebrook review. Can you make money with Lifebrook MLM Jobs? Is Lifebrook legit or another pyramid scheme scam?

It is great to do research online about this kind of company and product; this is how to discover a legitimate online program that can make you a full-time income online.


The thrill of taking a supplement that claims to cure all ailments should be wearing off by now.

Many such products with claims to do amazing things to your health keep springing up.

Lifebrook is one of such products as it claims to have a super fruit ingredient. We have one question we seek to get an answer to.

I am not affiliated with this company in any way, be rest assure to read an unbiased opinion of my Lifebrook review.

You will know if you can make money with the Lifebrook MLM business opportunity at the end of this article.

Please keep reading to see why Lifebrook MLM jobs are no for me.

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

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Lifebrook at a Glance

lifebook MLM jobs review scam

Product Name: Lifebrook
Founder: Tony and Jennifer Heisterkamp (supposed owners)
Price: $49.95
Rating: 15%
Recommended: NO

Summary Lifebrook of Review

Lifebrook is a health and wellness company selling dietary supplements and offering people an opportunity to make money from its Multi-Level Marketing business model.

But, can you make money with Lifebrook MLM job opportunities? Is Lifebrook legit or another pyramid scheme scam? 

My take is this.

The problem with Lifebrook MLM jobs is the company’s business model, i.e., direct sales.

Lifebrook is a legitimate network marketing company in the health niche.

The Lifebrook products are excellent; in fact, the antioxidants in the berries are of good quality.

And another good news for you is that you will earn commission only from sales of the products and not from direct referrers of additional advocates and distributors. 

But, Lifebrook is not offering anything different from other companies in the market. 

Many existing companies are offering similar products with the same benefits.

Why You Can Not Make Money with Lifebrook MLM Job

People are not making money with MLM companies. Because of this company’s multi-level business model, you can not make money with the Lifebrook MLM job. 

Why is that?

An investigation of 600 MLM companies shows that over 99.7% of any direct sales company members will lose their money. 

It implies that only 0.3% of the members in any MLM company that will make good money. Other members will either lose their money or cause a loss. 

The people making money with MLM companies are the owners, the early investors, and the MLM members at the top of the scheme.

You can detect if the existing distributors are making money with the Lifebrook MLM job by requesting the Lifebrook income disclosure statement.

The MLM companies will most often not put distributors’ annual income disclosure statements into the public domain. 

That is the document that shows the amount made by each distributor along with their ranks and level. 

From hundreds of reviews of MLM companies, the people who are usually making money are the top-ranking members, while the lower-level members make pennies. 

My Recommendation

Do you want to make money with a dietary supplement? If your answer is yes, then you can achieve that without MLM companies.

Yes, you can. 

  • You will have your website in the health niche about dietary supplements. 
  • Your website will help you make money with big brands like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart. 
  • You will work once and earn for a long time with your website. 
  • You will make money even while you are sleeping.
  • There is no need to run after your friends, neighbors, and family members to make sales. 

How will you make money then?

You will provide contents inform of articles, videos, or podcasts about the problem the supplement you are selling is going to solve. 

Your audience will visit your site to read about it, and you can then sell it to them.

You can learn the art of making money with your website. 

Start this affiliate marketing training now. The first level with ten lessons is FREE. Learn more about it here. 

make money with lifebrook mlm jobs

What is Lifebrook?

The story of Lifebrook begins with Tony Heisterkamp. Lifebrook started in 2015 and was founded by a couple, Tony and Jenifer Heisterkamp.

The company is based in Vermillion, SD, in the United States, and its name was initially Eden Valley Apple Orchard & Farm.

You see, the Heisterkamps had an apple and Aronia berry farm. While growing Aronia berries, they discovered the benefits of the fruit.

It was used in different natural remedies to soothe joint pain and other ailments.

The couple began to liaise with other farmers to grow the superfruit (Aronia berry), and eventually, Lifebrook was born.

Officially, Lifebrook launched its MLM model in 2017.

The company unveiled itself as a health and wellness company and has independent consultants that help in spreading the word about their products.

The main ingredients in Lifebrook’s products are the Aronia berry.

This fruit, which is native to the midwestern parts of the United States, is also known as the Chokeberry.

In addition to being a superfood, Aronia berry is also full of Antioxidants.

Lifebrook’s products even have claims of boosting the immune system, memory, joint and muscle support, and so on. What do you think of my Lifebrook review?

Lifebrook Product Line

lifebrook legit, pyramid scheme scam

Under its product line, Lifebrook has just three products available.

  • Puronia

This product is an infusion of pure Aronia juice and lemon. It comes in 3 different packs;

  1. Four packs,
  2. Eight packs, and
  3. 12 packs.

You can get the four-pack for about $80.

  • Puronia CP

This is a crystallized powder form of Puronia that can be dissolved in water.

They are available in easy-to-use single packets.

  • Vitronia

Multivitamins are also part of the Lifebrook product line.

Vitronia combines all the essential minerals you can find in the Aronia berry and makes it into powder form.

This product costs about $40 for 60 tablets.

How Much Does Lifebrook Aronia Cost?

You can purchase Lifebrook’s products for as low as $40 and as high as $60.

30 servings of the Puronia multivitamins cost $39.95, while the Vitronia crystalized powder costs $59.95 for 20 servings.

The Puronia juice, on the other hand, costs $32 for the four-pack, which is just 24.5 fl Oz.

If you want to become a Lifebrook consultant, you will have to buy a physical or electronic business kit for $59.95 or $39.95, respectively.

This earns you a replicated website where all your sales go through.

When your customers use this website to make a purchase, you earn a 20% commission.

Who Is Lifebrook MLM Job For?

Life rook employs the direct selling model, and this means you have to have excellent selling skills and time to become a consultant.

If you lack these skills, there is a likelihood you’d be stuck with products you do not need.

How to Make Money with Lifebrook MLM Job

After registering with Lifebrook as a sales consultant for $39.95 or $59.95, you get to earn a 20% commission for all the sales that go through you.

Also, people who sign up for auto-ship get a 20% discount if they do so through you, you get a 10% commission.

The bonus you earn is dependent on the number of people you enroll in the program.

With the non-availability of Lifebrook Income disclosure, what do you think of the Lifebrook review? Can you make money?

Lifebrook Compensation Plan

To understand how to earn with Lifebrook, you have to understand its compensation plan first. The commission you get on Lifebrook is dependent on your Volume.

So, to earn commissions, you need to acquire 105 PV per month.

Firstly, you must know that Lifebrook utilizes a unilevel compensation structure.

Also, Lifebrook has eight ranks, and each of them is dependent on the sales volume.

  • Independent Advocate Rank

All you need to get commissions is 105 PV per month.

  • Business Builder Rank

Maintain the monthly 105 PV and personally refer and maintain three affiliate members.

  • Team Builder Rank

Maintain 105 PV, a minimum of 4 commission qualified affiliates (including 1 Business Builder ranked member), and a Group Volume (GV) of at least $4000.

  • Team Leader Rank

Maintain the 105 PV, refer a minimum of 5 affiliates (1 Team Builder and one Business Builder ranked member inclusive), and a minimum GV of $8000.

  • Director Rank

Maintain the 105 PV, refer five personally recruited affiliates (including 1 Team Leader and 1 Team Builder), and a minimum GV of at least $20,000.

  • Executive Director Rank

In addition to the qualifications the Director rank, you need at least 1 of your unilevel legs and a minimum GV of $50,000.

You also need your initial PV of 105 PV

  • Senior Executive Rank

In addition to maintaining the qualifications of your Executive Director rank, you need your first PV of 105, have an Executive Director ranked member in 1 of your unilevel legs, and a minimum GV of $100,000.

  • National Executive Rank

This compensation includes your105 PV, your Senior Executive rank, a Senior Executive member in one of your unilevel legs, and a minimum GV of $200,000.

One of the problems with Lifebrook’s model is that once you hit a rank, you have to maintain it. Also, the required GV is ridiculously high, and it might be challenging to manage.

How Much Can You Make with Lifebrook MLM Job?

Despite having a list of percentage commissions its consultants can earn, there is not much information about the exact amount you can make.

However, you get to make 25% on your first order. For some reason, it is calculated at 50% of the usual PV amount for the month.

This is projected at $500, and it is not known why.

The exact amount you can make from Lifebrook is not known, but it is dependent on the sales and downlines you have.

Lifebrook MLM Support /Customer Service

The Lifebrook customer support includes a phone number (1-888-758-2705); they can also be reached by email (

You can get through to their customer care services from Monday to Friday and even visit or write to their headquarters on 1322 E Cherry St Vermillion, SD 57069.

What is Good About Lifebrook MLM Jobs?

From all my research, I do not have any advantage of Lifebrook I want to share.

There are a series of supplements out there, and this is just one of them.

Why not just eat the Aronia and apples instead of getting crystalized powder?

Issues With Lifebrook MLM Jobs

  • Not FDA Approved: Lifebrook’s main ingredient Aronia does not have FDA approval. This is because Aronia is a naturally growing fruit. However, the company has Juice and powder form, and these need approval too.
  • No BBB Accreditation: The LifeBrook company is not listed on the Better Business Bureau.
  • For a company that is not FDA approved, Lifebrook has recommended dosages, and this is worrisome.
  • Too hard to make an income: you have to maintain your rank continually, or else you will not make any income. Also, to qualify for commissions, you have to keep a PV of $105 every month.

Public and Online Opinions of this Lifebrook MLM Jobs

Lifebrook has some testimonials on its website from users claiming it has brought them relief from joint pains to general health well-being.

One advocate on Facebook claims that it improved their eyesight.

These claims are yet to be verified, though. Have you seen any Lifebrook reviews online? What are the Lifebrook distributors saying?

Is Lifebrook a Pyramid Scheme?

Lifebrook is not a pyramid scheme, but a company that distributes and sell Aronia dietary supplement.

Lifebrook MLM uses a direct sales business model. Most people mistakes MLM and pyramid scheme.

What is a pyramid scheme then?

A pyramid scheme is a scam and a business model based on the recruitment of people for business opportunities without any product or services.

Pyramid scheme business opportunity will make you earn a commission for recruiting other people. You will get paid a commission from the fees paid by people that join.

The new referer must also recruit to get paid commission from their referer. In a Pyramid scheme, recruitment is unending.

But Lifebrook has a product, and you only earn a commission from products sold by your referer.

In Lifebrook, there are products and services compare to a pyramid scheme without any.

What do you think of my review of the Lifebrook MLM job? Is Lifebrook legit or another scam pyramid scheme? What do you think?

Is Lifebrook Legit or a Scam?

Lifebrook is legit and not a Scam.

However, its product claims might be a little exaggerated.

For a product that is not FDA certified, its medical claims need to be verified.

Lifebrook yet has a well-detailed compensation plan; you have to work extra hard to get it.

Focusing on selling and promoting  Lifebrook alone will not make you money.

Selling multi-level marketing products, disturbing and chasing your friends, family, and co-workers about a product and service that makes no meaning to them will not take you far in this age.

This is not how to make money in the 21st century.

You can be making money while helping your audience without running after them

Learn how to make your audience come looking after you. Start this digital marketing training today.

Level one with ten lessons is FREE. You have nothing to lose, and no credit card is needed to join, click here to learn more.

What do you think of my Lifebrook MLM job review? Can you make money with Lifebrook MLM? Is Lifebrook legit or another pyramid scheme scam?

Is Lifebrook MLM Jobs worth It

Thanks for reading my Lifebrook review? Can you make money with the Lifebrook MLM job?

Or, do you think Lifebrook is legit or another Pyramid scheme and scam?

The market is already saturated with MLM-based health and wellness products. What differentiates Lifebrook from the rest?

You might end up with products and no buyers as the only way to earn is to maintain a constant PV every month.

However, if you are tired of forcing family members and friends to buy MLM-based products from you, then you would try Affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliates allow me to earn from the comfort of my home without having to pile goods in stock.

Making a full-time income online is possible for you and earning four figures monthly, then you should check out my story here.

Have you used Lifebrook’s products? Is Lifebrook legit or another pyramid scam? Can you make money with Lifebrook MLM jobs?

What do you think of my Lifebrook review? You can read more about Lifebrook on LinkedIn.

7 thoughts on “Lifebrook Review: Can You Really Make Money with Lifebrook?”

  1. Good afternoon John,

    I have been with 5 different MLM companies in my life. Some were no good, some medium and then there is one of the oldest companies Forever Living Products of America. It was founded in 1978. Their products are really good and as I am a fan of Aloe Vera I still buy the products now and then.

    I stopped working as a distributor as it was a lot of running around but at the end of the day, I did not make a living. Those were not the time of having a website, you had to go places and talk to people.

    Nowadays the market is flooded with companies in the health niche. Could it be that people have become more conscious? Looking around I actually see the opposite.

    As you say the products of Lifebrook are good but not spectacular and as the competition is fierce it will be difficult to convince people to buy your products.

    Personally I am not a fan of the FDA as they have approved things to come on the market that were harmful. I always prefer to go the natural way if they approve it or not.

    Reading all the details about Lifebrook I agree, it is not different from other MLM models. I will certainly not join.

    Thank you for this good review, it is always good to be up to date on what is happening in the MLM world.

    Regards, Taetske

  2. Hi John

    The biggest problem is when any claim from any superfoods is that they need to be substantiated. The claims are made but they need to be backed up with experiment research. The aronia berries may have  health benefits then yet again it may be over egged in promoting healthy a product that does very little. The jury is still out.

    The selling price seems to be very high and wondering who would by it. It seems to have a hefty price for those who have health issues in the hope of getting better. What is the unique selling point of the product as I cannot see one. I cannot imagine people will make money from it, as it is one of many products on the market. 

    I am generally not fond of MLMs as I feel that they are not worth the paper they are written on. 

    I am glad you brought this to my attention.



  3. Thank you so much for your review in Lifebrook. I think Lifebrook touches our weak spot that we can eat junk and just take these supplements, we will be healthy. I am too want to live that fantasy but I know later in life that in order to obtain a good health, you have to put some effort into it. I am not a big fan of MLM model. I think that there are good companies with this business model out there but if the products aren’t good it is hard to be successful in it. At least it is not a scam but I do not think that I will invest my time and money in it.

  4. Hi John

    Thanks for the review of LifeBrook. I am not in the market to start up with an MLM, but if I was, i feel that I could come to your sight and find out the ones that work.

    Your article is well written and articulates the main parts of the business. You go into great detail about the money making structure, and I feel this comes from your vast knowledge in this area.

    I assume that there are MLMs that you would recommend. Are they on your site?

    I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go. They offer the support and compensation structure that will work for any person in any niche.

    Thanks again for such an in depth article.

    Have a great day!


  5. I was just wondering, how are they staying out of trouble if they don’t have FDA approval? I mean, is that not against the law? I’m not really sure how laws in America are on this matter, but something like that would never pass in Europe.

    Regarding the MLM scheme – yea, I’ll keep away from that, thank you. 🙂

  6. What a great review, personally I never knew about the Lifebrook, but of now I believe I know everything about it, I think it’s not that bad for someone with the appropriate skills, the fact that it’s not a scam makes it an option, on my own I don’t like when I am give products to sell because I fear failing to sell, I may end up with unwanted products, I really appreciate you for sharing such a wonderful article to the public I believe it will be of great help to many people out there.

    Thank you.

  7. Hi John, 

    Thank you for providing us with this thorough review of Lifebrook. It’s good that you mentioned that you need a certain level of expertise if you want to make money selling their products. This immediately made it clear that Lifebrook isn’t for me, because I am by no means a salesman. 

    Wealthy Affiliate on the other hand, is my go to “online money making” program. Not only does it teach you how to, well, become an affiliate in any niche, but it shows you how to build your own online business. 

    Keep up the great work! 

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