You are welcome to my Kyani Compensation Plan review. I am sure you are thinking of starting with Kyani. But Is it worth it? Can you make money with Kyani and with this compensation plan?
This document is the illustration of how Kyani Independent Business Partner is being compensated.
It is the full details of how you will be compensated for your time, energy, money, and hard work.
The Kyani compensation plan will help you to optimize your time and resource to achieve more success and earnings for yourself so that you can leave the best life you have ever dream of.
You can also read the complete review of Kyani here.
Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
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Kyani Complicated Compensation Plans
All MLM have compensation plans, but the Kyani compensation plan is the most complex and difficult compensation to understand.
Kyani claimed to have the best compensation plan ever, and you can only make it work by doing the following:
- You will promote and sell the product
- You will also get others to promote and sell the product.
There are also several other bonuses for every Business Partners that promote and sell the products and also recruit others to market and promote the products.
You can attain different ranks with corresponding pay increases, bonuses for your team members, an opportunity to win a car in the Kyani car payment program.
Kyani Compensation Plan Qualification Requirements (CV & QV)
There are requirements for qualification for commissions and bonuses in Kyani Compensation Plan.
Different products have different values in terms of the commission you are earning and the bonuses that go with it.
• CV means Commissionable Volume (It determines the rewards and bonuses you can earn)
• QV means Qualifying Volume (This is what qualified and help you maintain your rank as an independent Business Partners
You need to have a minimum of 150QV monthly. The higher your QV, the higher your rank in Kyani.
There is a value (a label) attached to each of Kyani products for CV and QV; you must log in as a distributor to see this.
Acquiring 100QV in a month with qualified you to become a distributor and you will be eligible for all bonuses and compensation.
150QV is required for the rank of Jade, and qualification is needed monthly.
For you to qualify you can either get your QV from the customer you refer to that purchase product or from the product purchase by yourself or via both ways.
==>Click Here to Read Full Review of Kyani
Kyani Ranks and Bonus
Rank is allotted based on the QV secure by Business Partners from the placement of Tree. You will need 100QV to qualify as a distributor.
The table below illustrates the number of QV, MQV, and GQV required to attain the stated ranks.
- GQV = Group Qualifying Volume
- MQV = Member Qualifying Volume

Source: Kyani Compensation Plan
Kyani Ranks Bonuses
Kyani has so many bonuses in their compensation structures. It makes the whole compensation plan more confusing.
But I will try to simplify the list of the bonuses as it affects distributor and sales of Kyani products.
Personal Customer Bonuses
Retail Profit Bonus
You will often need to sell products to your customers as an Independent Business Partner. Any time you sell a product to a registered customer.
You will make the difference between the wholesale price and the selling price. That difference you make refers to as Retail Profit Bonus.
You will get paid together with the weekly bonuses.
The condition to earn this bonus is your having a Paid-As Rank of Distributor.
Prime Bonus
If the customer, you refer to Kyani subscribed to a Prime membership; you will earn the prime bonus. This will happen only for the first time and no bonus payment for subsequent renewal.

Customer Builder Bonus
Whenever the customers you refer to have a combined volume of 750, 2,500, or 5,000. You will be paid a Customer Builder Bonus, as shown below. You can only earn such a bonus once a month.

Independent Business Partner Bonuses
Team Bonus
Whenever any of your downlines enrolls a new team member, you will earn what is called Differential Team Bonus.
This is calculated with the aid of Sponsor Tree. It is paid as a result of the starter packed purchased.
Fast Start Bonus
You get rewarded with Fast Start Bonus when you attain rank faster. If you get to the rank of Jade in your first 31 days, you will earn a Fast Start Bonus of $200.
If you secure the rank of Pearl and above in your first 31 days, you will receive a $500 bonus. You can only receive one of the Fast Start Bonus for one level. You cannot earn for both Jade and Pearl.
If you attain this rank of Sapphire or any of the above within your first 31 days and you can maintain Sapphire in the month that follows.
You will be awarded a bonus of $500 for Pearl, and you will be qualified for a down payment of $1,000 for the Sapphire Car Program.
Power Play Bonus
To be rewarded with a Power Play bonus you must have three personally sponsored Independent Business Partners each having 100QV; you also need to have enrolled three personally sponsored customers with a total combined minimum of 150QV in a month.
Qualifying for Power Play bonus will earn you $100, and your sponsor will also make $50.
Your sponsor must have attained a rank of Qualified Distributor and above. Each Customer or Business Partners that help you earn a Power Play can only be used once and cannot be used to earn Power play in the future.
Only customers and Business Partners that enrolled after January 1st, 2018 can earn a Power play bonus.
Kyani PayGate Accumulator
The monthly CV you generated in the Placement Tree is employed in calculating the Kyani PayGate Accumulator.

The residual income is calculated monthly by starting from the bottom-most of the Placement Tree while the accumulating volume flows upward until it reaches a Business Partner with the qualified PayGates where the earned commission was paid out.
Generation Check Match Bonus
This is one of the best bonuses you can run within the Kyani business opportunity.
The reason is that you can make money from a percentage of every PayGate payout to an Independent Business Partners that you sponsor (within your sponsor tree) and in your downline to your nine Generations deep.
A Generation in Kyani compensation plan includes a Business Partner with a minimum Rank of Sapphire Rank or higher, including the next Independent Business Partner with a rank that is equal to or more than Sapphire.
You will earn a percentage from your downline ‘s PayGate earnings, the amount you receive depends on your Rank.
The table below shows generation and the percentage you can earn.

Kyani Rank
Rank Bonus help you make money whenever you make a certain rank.
If you maintain that rank for the minimum number of months for that Rank, you will earn a bonus for that Rank.
Emerald Rank
If you attain Emerald Rank for two months, you will earn a Rank Bonus of $5,000.
Blue Diamond
Maintaining Blue Diamond Rank for three months will earn you Rank Bonus amount $25,0000
Purple Diamond
Achieving a Purple Diamond Rank and maintaining it for three months you will receive $100,000
Double Red Diamond
Attaining Double Red Diamond Rank and retaining it for three months will help you earn Rank Bonus worth $500,000.
Double Black Diamond
Getting to Double Black Diamond Rank and sustaining it for three months you will receive $1,000,000 Rank Bonus.

Leadership Bonuses: Kyani Compensation Plan
Diamond Pool
Kyani injects a 1.5% contribution of Global CV monthly into Diamond Pool.
This pool is calculated and paid to every qualified Independent Business Partners every month, but delay for 60 days.
For instance, if you earn a Diamond Pool in January, the payment will be delayed for 60 days, and you then be paid by March.
To qualified for Diamond Pool, you must have attained a rank of Diamond or above in your current month, and once in the last two months.
You receive a share based on your rank as an Independent Business Partner as display below:
- Diamond 1 Share
- Blue Diamond – 2 Shares
- Green Diamond – 4 Shares
- Purple Diamond – Shares
- Red Diamond – 8 Shares
- Double Red Diamond – 8 Shares
- Black Diamond – 8 Shares
- Double Black Diamond – 8 Shares
Red Diamond Pool
Kyani contributes 0.5% of Global CV monthly to fund Red Diamond Pool. This pool is also calculated and paid every month with a 60 days delay period.
You must have attained a rank of Red Diamond Rank and above in that month and once in the previous two months.
You are also paid according to your rank as follows:
- Red Diamond – 1 Share
- Double Red Diamond – 2 Shares
- Black Diamond – 2 Shares
- Double Black Diamond – 2 Shares
Infinity Bonus
An Independent Business Partner with a rank of Black Diamond or Double Black Diamond enjoys 1% of all the CV of their sponsor downline.
If Black Diamond or Double Black Diamond ranked, Business Partner has in his or her downline another Black Diamond Ranked Business Partner.
The Infinity Bonus that will be paid will be 1.5% of all the CV of their sponsored downline.
With the addition of new Black Diamond in your Sponsor downline, your payout will not end, but it will be reduced by 1.5%.
You must be of a Business Partner with a rank of Black Diamond and above to qualify for Infinity Bonus.
Kyani Dream Car Program Bonus
Attaining the Rank of Sapphire as an Independent Business Partners in Kyani business opportunity can earn you your dream car in Kyani Dream Car Program
We have five tiers that can earn you a monthly payment of $10,000 inform of contribution towards your dream car in Kyani business opportunity, they are:
- Sapphire,
- Diamond,
- Green Diamond,
- Red Diamond, and
- Black Diamond.
You only qualify for the Sapphire tier if you attain Sapphire rank for two separate months.
To qualify for other tiers, you must attain the specified rank and maintain those rank for three months.
Read more about the Kyäni Dream Car Program rules documentation in the back office of the Kyani (Your back office is your profile page in Kyani)
Kyani Trips Bonus
There is an excellent incentive for an independent Business Partner that is growing his or her business with Kyani.
You can view the incentive trip you are qualified for in your back office.
Kyani Bonus Payment Schedule
Weekly Commissions and Bonuses
These are bonuses paid by Kyani Multi-Level Marketing every week as illustrated by the Kyani compensation plan.
- Team Bonus
- Retail Profit Bonus
- Fast Start Bonus
- Prime Bonus
Bonuses earned by each Independent Business Partners in the previous week and they are calculated as such i.e., from last Monday to Sunday according to your local time in the country of which you registered.
Bonuses and Commission of the previous week are:
- Posted in the back office every Tuesdays,
- Checks are mailed on Tuesdays,
- Bank transfers are treated every Thursdays and,
- Payoneer payment is also Upload on Thursdays.
Monthly Commissions and Bonuses
Below is a list of bonuses and commissions paid monthly as stated by the Kyani compensation plan.
- Kyani Paygate Accumulator
- Generation Check Match
- Customer Builder Bonus
- Power Play
The actual date payment is processed:
- The pay processes and posted to your back office on the 7th of every month
- Check is mailed to every Business Partners 10th of every month
- Bank transfers are made to different accounts on 13th monthly and,
- Payoneer payment upload is done 13th of every month.
Leadership Commissions Bonuses
Leadership commissions and bonuses are:
- Diamond Pool
- Red Diamond Pool
- Infinity Bonus
- Rank Bonuses
The payment is treated as:
- Posted in your back office as an Independent Business Partner on the 7th of every month.
- Check is mailed to every Independent Business Partners on 25th of every month
- Bank transfers are made on 25th of every month to the various bank account of Business Partners
- Payoneer payment upload is also treated on the 25th of every month.
The payment of Diamond and Red Diamond Pools bonuses are treated every second month after they were earned, I.e., December Leadership Pools bonus will not be paid until February 25th of the next year.
It is vital to note that, if the payment date of any bonus falls on a holiday or a weekend, such Payout will be treated in the next business day.
How I Make Money Online. . .
I am making money online as an affiliate marketer.
What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate Marketing is a process of selling products and services for people and companies online, while you earn a commission on every sale.
As an affiliate marketer, you don’t need to pitch and chase people around, no.
How it works is this. You have millions of people searching for how to solve their problems every day online.
All you need to do is to identify a problem that you like to solve; there are so many problems in the world.
For example, maybe you love to write and talk about challenges people.
Start writing about the problem they face every day, like how difficult it is for them to move around with their chairs in many cities where provision is not available to the challenge people.
In the process, you can start displaying the latest Electric Wheelchair for disabled people.
Anyone that clicks your affiliate links and takes your readers to the website where to buy. If they later purchase anything, you will get a commission like 10% or even more or less on any sales.
This is how affiliate marketing works, but you can learn it, and you can start the training FREE. Level-1 with Ten lessons is FREE. You don’t need a credit card to start. Learn more here.
Is Kyani Compensation Plan Worth It
The Kyani Compensation plan is the most complicated compensation plan I have ever seen and read in my life as a blogger (I have reviewed over 50 MLM programs).
It is difficult to understand, with many bonuses and commissions options.
If and when you incorporate all the bonuses and commissions discussed in this review, the Kyani Compensation plan may be the one with the most worthwhile compensation plan ever.
But, are the bonuses and commissions worth it? Are people making money with Kyani and earning with the compensation plan?
My personal opinion is this; it will be so challenging to make money with this compensation plan.
What do you think about Kyani ranks?
The only Kyani members that are making money are the people at the top of the MLM scheme. This also reflects what is in the Income Disclosure Statement of 2018. Read more about Kyani Here.
Download Kyan Compensation Plan PDF Format
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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
As always, appreciate your thorough MLM reviews. I hadn’t heard of Kyani. I think I will spend my time building my own business instead of MLM 🙂
Thanks for reading my kyan Review.
Before writing this article my plan was to write a detail Kyan review that you can call the Kyan Wikipedia.
Thanks again
Thanks for your great work.
How can one then make money when it is so difficult to even understand the compensation plan?
Great write up.
Dear Mike,
Thanks for reading my Kyani Compensation Plan review. I also appreciate you for taken time to drop your comment.
Answer to your question is straight forward, you need to go through the Kyani Compensation plan in order to be s successful Independent Business Partner with Kayni.
You have to read and understand every aspect of this compensation plan otherwise you will fail woefully in your marketing exploit as relate to Kyani.
But, you should know that I am not recommending Kayni. Read why here.
But, check out my #1 recommendation on how to effectively earn a full-time income online. There is an affiliate marketing certification training that will change yourself. You will learn how to start selling other people’s product online.
You can be making over $10,000 monthly within two years.
This is what I do for a living.
What do you think? Kindly drop your question if you have anyone.
Thanks for helping me to make up. My mind about Kyani. What a complex and complicated compensation plans.
What is your suggestion on where one can start from to be well compensated as Kani distributor and Business Partner?
I await your reply please.
Dear Moses,
Thanks for reading my review about Khani Compensation plan. I want o specially appreciate you fir been one of my readers. Also, thank you for taken time to drop your comment. I really appreciate you.
Ok, to your question on how to be well compensated with this complicated Khani compensation plan.
My answer is straight forward. Start recruiting team members. Take it a step at a time. Then you will find yourself meeting and qualifying for each of the many compensations.
But, do you really want to make money. The best way to make money is to impact value to people and your audience. What do you love doing or what do you have a passion for?
You can easily turn that into a thriving online business. This is what Wealthy Affiliate will offer you. The offering also include hosting of your website (they will help you host 50 website at a premium price).
I knew many people in WA making over $5k monthly after they have run their business according to the training provided for over 12 months.
I wish you well in your search for wealth.
Dear Moses,
Kyani compensation plan seems complicated but you can make a great income. I am one of the qualified distributors of Kyani. I may help you to get into Kyani if you are still interested in.
You are welcome to my Kyani USA and Canada Compensation Plan.
Thanks for visiting my website. As a qualified Kyani distributor. Which is the preffered nusness idea business model for you, is it MLM business model or making money online?
Please revert. I will love to read from you.
Hi John,
This is the first ever detailed Kyani Compensation plan online. You did a great job.
Just as you early said, the compensation plan is so complicated that If I become a distributor which one would I start chasing? To even read and understand them is work itself.
Which of the plan is more profitable for distributor
Dear James,
Thanks for reading my article about Kyani Compensation Plan. Thanks for the commendation on how detailed the Kyani Compensation plan is.
Firstly, you should know that it will be good to target all the plans so as to really get the dividend of your hard work. As soon as you start with Kyani, as you move up to the top of the scheme; you will be observed that they are all interconnected wh=ith each other.
My advice to you is that if you are going to be an Independent Business Partner with Kyani. Just focus on being successful and you will start enjoying each of the plans as you get to those stages.
You can not just jump to any of the compensation plans and decide on which one you love to work with. The only thing you can do is to strategies only when you have enough downlines so as to manipulate the Kyani compensation plan.
What do you think?
Kindly let me know if you need more answer to questions as relating to Kyani compensation plan.
Hi John,
This is the first ever detailed Kyani Compensation plan online. You did a great job.
Just as you early said, the compensation plan is so complicated that If I become a distributor which one would I start chasing? To even read and understand them is work itself.
Which of the plan is more profitable for distributor
Dear James,
thanks for reading my Kyani Compensation Plan review. Thank you for commending my review.
the best of the Kyani Compensation Plan for me is the Generation Check Match Bonus. This compensationplan will help you earn a percentage from all PayGate payout. I wrote a detail explanation about it in this article.
You are right that it could be difficult to understand the Kyani Compensation plan because it is too complicated (at least it seems so).
I am not a Fan of any MLM program. I suggest you take a look at my number one recommendation on how you can make a full-time income online. It is a training that is so simple to understand.
what do you think? Is There any other question you want to have an answer for?
thanks for dropping the comment again.
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