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Home » Affiliate Marketing » Referral Key Review: Can You Really Make Money?

Referral Key Review: Can You Really Make Money?

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You are welcome to my Referral Key Review. Can you make money with Referral Key? Is Referralkey legit or a scam? But what is Referralkey? How do you avoid Referral Key Spam?

It is good you are doing your findings of Referal Key.


Doing your research online is the best way to discover legitimate online businesses and avoid online scams.

Please know that I am not promoting Referral Key Inc; therefore, expect complete details and an unbiased review of Referral Key.

You will know if you can make money with Referral Key at the end of this review.

Please read on.

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

make money with referral key scam or legit

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Referral Key At A Glance

Name: Referral Key
Industry: Internet
Location: Boston
Year Founded: 2007
Owners: Lewis Weinstein
Price: Free
Overall Rank: 15%
Recommended: No {Check Out My #1 Recommendation}

Summary of Referral Key Review

Referralkey is a business network that will help you take advantage of your various business networks to develop a significant lead. 

The platform allows you to enlarge your professional networks of friends.  

How does Referralkey works?

As soon as your friends accept the invites to exchange referrals on the Referralkey platform, you will automatically have access to their contacts and leads.

Can you ask for a referral on LinkedIn? Yes, you can.

As soon as your colleagues’ invitation to LinkedIn, you will automatically have access to all their contacts and leads. 

Therefore, Referral Key is a platform for the exchange of leads.

But can you make money with the Referral Key platform? Are Referral Key associates and members making money? 

Do I recommend Referral Key Inc? Is Referralkey legit or a scam?

The truth is that Referralkey is not a scam but a legit platform.

But Referralkey is not a recommended way to get real leads that will convert.

The best way to get leads in the 21st century is to create a high-quality business that will add value to your audience. Any great value-added business will always attract leads.

The solution to getting leads and making sales is to create a business that solves real-life problems with quality content both in the form of articles, videos, or podcasts.

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What is Referral Key?

Referral Key is a company that provides networking services for experts, helping them to find work they desperately need.

The Management of Refer. Com, Inc announced the acquisition of Referral Key, Inc on January 23rd, 2018.

Refer is a worldwide leader that is well known in referral marketing. They assist businesses and professional marketers generate more sales via their technology, training, and modern tools.

The CEO of Refer. Com (Tom Gay) describes this new acquisition as an ample opportunity since Referrals are the source of new leads for millions of small businesses worldwide.

Look at it as Referralkey LinkedIn running on the referral model.

The business was founded way back in 2007 by Lewis Weinstein and principally operates on a model whereby users refer new people to a job opening.

New users are sent emails from already registered users who refer them to a prospective job.

The new user can then decide to accept the responsibility or forward it to another person who may be better suited for it.

The main benefit of using Referral Key is, of course, the opportunity it provides to find work.

Apart from that, its compensation fee for each successful referral may also appeal to you.

The company starts you up with a $75 compensation for your first successful referral. It also claims that you can earn up to $1000 depending on the job.

Referral Key can be accessed anywhere globally, though your chances of actually being offered work increases if you’re located in the US or Europe.

Learn more about what Referralkey is on the Quora platform.

Do I Recommend Referral Key?

But first thing first, what is Referral Key?

The MLM referral model is quite an unconventional marketing strategy that is used by various businesses today.

Despite the flaws that are apparent in this model and its continuous association with unscrupulous practices, it remains a viable marketing route for firms with ambitious goals and weak financial might.

Referral Key is another of the group of favorite online businesses that use referrals as their principal marketing tool.

In fact, the whole operation of the company is based on the reference of one user by another.

It is mostly used to help people find jobs by directly linking a job seeker to a user or an employer that is hiring.

If you’re desperately in need of a job or can provide some service, Referral Key may be a platform you want to consider for marketing purposes.

It is wise you do not make the company your first option as there are more reliable platforms on the internet that deliver the same services with higher efficiency e.g., LinkedIn.

How Does Referral Key Work?

So, how do you use the referral key platform?

As soon as you subscribe and log in to your referal key profile page, you start getting leads from friends and colleagues.

Then, the following happens:

Stage of Getting Referrals from Friends

As soon as an individual gets leads or persons who can use your services; or are suitable for your business. 

The person will forward the Referral and supply the contact information on your profile.

The system will be notified you instantly of the new Referral that could need your service on the Referral Key platform. 

You have to contact your new leads and conclude the transaction.

Opportunity to Sell Your Business 

You have a massive opportunity to make a sales pitch to millions of ReferralKey members and associates. 

Any time you write an article and post on the Referral Key platform. 

Thousands of people will see it on the Referal Key home page, where millions of people can read it.

It is an opportunity to share information about your business and the new services or promotion you are getting into.

Opportunity for New Leads in Your Region

A lot of people are taken advantage of Referralkey every day.  

Many people are looking for the kind of solution your offer professionally in your niche. 

Referral Key Inc members will locate your profile page on the Referralkey platform and input their contact information and the client they are referring to you.

Your duty will be to conclude and close the sales for that referred individual.  

What Products Does Referral Key Sell and Promote?

Referral Key is a cloud-based software application that will help you build your business network.

Referral Key mainly provides job opportunities for unemployed professionals and freelance experts.

It also gives referral bonuses to users who can refer people to the platform.

Referralkey will allow you to advertise your business via the exchange of information about your new leads.

As a business owner, you will get to track and manage your leads, new referral partners.

You will be able to build a professional relationship via your contacts.

The above were many promises of Referral Key Inc.

The Costs/Price of Referral Key

Registering on the Referral Key platform is entirely free.

You can either go directly to the site to set up an account or be referred by an existing user.

What is Good about Referral Key?

It helps active job seekers to find work through referrals quickly.

You can use the referal key platform as a supplementary income source thanks to its lucrative referral bonuses.

The system helps you integrate the platform with the LinkedIn platform for easy export of contacts for your use; you can then connect to a massive list of references and turn your connections into leads.

There are many referral partners on Referralkey; you get a massive list of contact and connections as soon as you sign up.

Issues With Referral Key

Despite the tempting promise of employment and financial rewards, Referral Key hasn’t proven to be reliable

Referrals are often sent as spammy messages that may be unconvincing to new and prospective users.

Referral Key also engages in the unscrupulous practice of sending spammy referral messages to your contacts if you register on the platform

It isn’t a reliable way to earn consistent revenue since your earnings are tied to the number of referrals you successfully make.

Who is the Referral Key for?

This platform is principally for professionals who are looking for a job or want to network with employers. It can also be used by entrepreneurs to build their customer base and improve revenue.

If you are also an expert in referral marketing, then it provides you with the avenue to earn some nice referral bonuses.

Referral Key is available to users across the globe

How to Make Money with Referral Key

Step 1
Go to the website to register an account or directly receive a referral from a contact
Step 2
Act on the reference if you’re interested in the job being offered
Step 3
Send referrals to people on your contact list who may be interested in the offer
Step 4

Earn a referral bonus for each contact that signs up for an account

How Referral Key Pay You And The Payment Methods?

You are paid for each successful referral you make. The amount can be dependent on the nature of the job in question.

Payment is usually through any of the conventional online payment channels.

List the Alternatives of Referral Key

LinkedIn is the most popular alternative to Referal Key. It offers the same services but with much higher efficiency.

It also doesn’t require users to refer people to job openings, unlike Referral Key.

Public/Online Complaint of Referral Key

Like with every online business that runs the referral model of operation, Referral Key isn’t by internet users.

Referral Key Spam Invitation Email Sent to Me

what is referralkey

Many are quick to dismiss it as a reliable networking service or money-making venture. 

Still, no one has reported the company for carrying out fraudulent practices.

Also, there are many complaints about Referral Key Spam.

The main complaint about the Referral Key Spam is the email that keeps coming when you join. It is uncontrollable.

The platform cannot limit and control the emails that emanate from new subscribers.

Many members also complain of the Referal Key customer service help desk’s lack of empathy.

Can you make money with Referral Key? 

Is Referralkey scam real or legit? What do you think of my Referral Key review?

Referral Key Invitation Spam

The aim and objective of the Referal key are to help you leverage your network of business so that you can create and come up with high-quality leads.

There are many complaints about Referral Key Spam mails and the business model to attract leads to the platform.

This is what happens as soon as you sign up for Referral Key Inc. 

To add a new contact, you have to connect and link your profile within the referal key to another third party (i.e., your targeted social media network).

Instead of you being able to select your list of contact you like to invite from other social media to Referal key, their network protocol will not allow you to make that choice of selection.

what is referralkey

Not only that, as soon as the importation of contact is auto-complete, their system will push an email invitation Referral Key Spam to all the newly imported contact inviting them to the Referal key platform.

Is this a Referralkey scam? No, it is not a scam but a Referral Key Spam.

This looks honest and legitimate referral business service, ReferralKey is NOT spam and scam. 

What is spammy is the model they adopt in building leads to the network; the protocol they create will scrape your information force send email invites to all your connection with prior warning. 

See a sample of the complaint below:

referal key

Therefore, Referral Key Spam is known everywhere online and has created a bad name for the network.

What do you think of my Referral Key Spam review? Is Referralkey legit or a scam? Can you make money with the Referral Key business model? 

Is Referralkey Legit or Scam?

Referralkey is not a scam but a legit platform.

But, can you make money with Referral Key? Can you stand the many Referral Key Spams?

Do I recommend this platform for your lead business? No

Why is that?

If you are familiar with online marketing’s referral model, then this may be up your alley.

There are so many complaints online about Referral Key Spam, with many Referral Key associate not making money.

Do you want to get legitimate leads to your business? 

Then provide a real value-adding business and let the 

audience in that niche knows about your program.

People will subscribe to a program that solves real-life problems if you support your plans with high-quality content, both written and videos.

What do you think of my Referral Key review? Is ReferralKey a scam or legit platform? 

Can you make money with Referral Key?

Is Referal Key Worth It?

Thanks for reading my Referral Key Review? Can you make money with Referralkey?

What do you think of Referral Key Spam and Referralkey scam?

Generally, it is safe to regard Referal Key as a legitimate business since there hasn’t been any notable complaint about fraud.

The company, however, is notorious for sending spammy referral emails to new users and can also do so to all of your contacts without your permission.

Referal Key may not be a good business model for you, because not everybody will be able to use Referral Key to making money online.

I am having a better recommendation, try my best work at home business, instead.  It is tried and tested.

What do you think of my Referral Key review? Are you making money already with Referralkey? Is Referralkey legit or a scam? What do you think of Referral Key Spam complaints by members?

Do you have any contributions? Are you making money using Referral Key?

Kindly drop your thought in my comment area below? I will be glad to respond to you.

Referralkey Review – Video

12 thoughts on “Referral Key Review: Can You Really Make Money?”

  1. i have recently joined referral key and from my experience so far, it has had positive impact on my online business and i think it is a great way to get your business seen with limited money. I think the comparison you make about LinkedIn is spot on, as i think referral key has similar benefits. 

    1. Thanks for reading my Referral Key review.

      The article is all about how to make money with Referralkey. 

      Please know that Referralkey is not a scam but a legit online business. 

      But at do you think of the many Referral Key Spam complaints? 

      Thanks a lot for your comments



  2. As a 20+ year vetern of the computer security industry, I would call the email I received from ReferalKey today spearphishing. Definately illegal spam. I’ve already shared the email I got from them with one company that does filtering for enterprises. ReferralKey went from a business with a good website reputation to a dangerous spam site in a matter of about 30 minutes. I would expect to have many antimalware companies classifying them as spam or phishing in the next few days.

  3. Sir, don’t you think Referral Key requires a lot of time and gives peanuts? I stopped using it months ago because it is nothing but a chaotic platform which will flood your inbox with referral links and promotional emails. I am very happy that you didn’t support it much.

    1. Dear Erna,

      Yes, I am not in support of Referral Key ( It is a waste of time and energy. I am proposing a Wealthy Affiliate instead. it is my #1 Recommended Online Business.

      It is helping me to earn over four-figure monthly. It is the best affiliate program in the world in my opinion.

      Thanks, Erna for visiting my webpage.



  4. Wow! Referral Key revealed! Sounds interesting, but it looks like a herculean task. How about I get a referral, and I feel qualified for the job, will the employees truly accept me? How does it feel sending job offers nobody might accept? Apparently, one might stay for so long before earning a referral bonus.

    1. Dear Joe,

      Referral Key ( won’t make you money. There is one important online secret that many don’t know and that is there is no platform online that can help you earn consistent money online;

      Twitter will not help you, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Quora cannot help you earn you consistent money online. Those websites can wake up one day and ban or revoke you from their site. You won’t have access to everything you have built.

      There is nothing like your own website. Having your own website is the key. This is why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It is just the best.

      Even if you decide you can not go premium they offer you two free websites to start making money online.

      Thanks again for visiting my web page.



  5. Referall Key sounds like a great service. How much can the usual person expect to make from using it, and how long have you used it? I am curious if it’s worth putting my time towards. I imagine it takes awhile to build up a significant referall network, no?

    1. Dear Sam,

      I will not advise you to even consider using Referral Key ( No forum or platform in the world can help you make money online like your own platform (Your website). This is why Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 Recommended Online business.

      It is better you channel your effort on building your own business online rather than wasting your effort, money, and resource on a third party website that can revoke your access tomorrow.



  6. I believe, it is a detailed guide about ReferralKey. Though, it is a legitimate business but I will not sign up for it. I take your recommendations very seriously because you are an authority on such kind of affiliate websites. Anyhow, thank you very much for writing such an informative article for us again.

    1. Dear Ramon,

      Yes, you are right. Referral Key ( is legit and not a scam. But it will not make you money. Consider my #1 Recommended online business. This will help you build your own business online considering your passion/Ideas/hobbies.

      The top secrets many people did not know about online business is this. No platform online, this includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Quora etc. Non can make you money like your own website.

      You can easily be banned or revoke at any time irrespective of what effort you must put into your page on any platforms.

      Thanks for visiting my website.


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