You are welcome to my Yoonla review. I am sure you are here because you want to make money with Yoonla Evolve. Is Yoonla a Scam? Or do you think Yoonla is legit?
You can see that Yoonla has gone down since August 1st, 2019. It stated that ” Yoonla Platform is discontinued “. Does Yoonla just discontinue or gone down?
This is a complete and thorough review of Yoonla program; you will get the answer to all your questions as regards Yoonla.
I will be covering the following:
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Yoonla at a Glance

Product Name: Yoonla
Founder: Reno Van Boven
Price: $25-$199 for a beginner.
Recommended: N
What is Yoonla?
Yoonla is a great platform for all those who wish to make a good amount of money online with simple tricks of CPA – Cost Per Action Affiliate Program.
The reason why it is becoming so popular is that it is a legitimate way of earning decent money without having to do much.
Your curiosity to acquire skills is the ladder to your success in affiliate marketing.
Apart from that, the best part is that you get to enjoy a lot of other perks and bonuses which include digital products to be given to the subscribers, lead capture pages and the list is much longer than you can think of.
You don’t need to burn a hole in your pocket to avail of these benefits as you enjoy all this for absolutely no cost. It doesn’t come with any hidden charges and you enjoy it all for free.
This review will be taken you through what Yoonla is about and how you can make money online through Yoonla. Read more about affiliate marketing on Wikipedia.
What do you think of my Yoonla review? Is Yoonla legit or a scam?
How to Make Money with Yoonla
You only make money with Yoonla through every qualified lead that signs up via your affiliate link.
Yoonla is a CPA (Cost Per Action Affiliate Program); the implication is that you get paid for every member you refer and such referral sign up.
Yoonla pays ranges from $2 to $4 for every free referral that joins through your referral link (The amount you get paid scales from countries to countries)
You will earn $4 for any referral or lead from the following countries: UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New New Zealand.
While the referral from any other country will earn you $2; apart from the following countries that you will get $0 for any member referred, the countries are: Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Zambia, Nigeria, Uganda, Niger
This does not imply that people from the above countries cannot join. No, they can join Yoonla. When they join Yoonla and upgrade to Elite through your affiliate link, you will earn commission instantly.
Subsequently, when your leads upgrade from Elite, you earn a one-time commission of $60. And you also make a $30 commission on every upgrade to Elite by your sub-affiliate (when an affiliate of your affiliate upgrades).
How to Make Money with Yoonla Evolve
What is Yoonla Evolve? Is Yoonla Evolve a scam?
Can you still make money with Yoonla Evolve? These are many questions people are asking on Quora about Yoonla Evolve.
Yoonla Evolve is a re-launched and also an improved faction of the Yoonla Affiliate marketing program.
Many people are referring to Yoonla Evolve as Yoonla phase 2.
Yoonla Evolve is a two-phase CPA based product such that; you make money when your referral takes any one of these two actions:
- If anyone signs up for via your Yoonla Evolve affiliate link, you will earn between $2- $4 commission for every lead and
- Your referral upgrades to the VIP membership plan, you will make an additional Commission of $60.
If and when you join Yoonla, you will have the following benefits:
- You will get unlimited access to Yoonla Foundation system
- Access to a done for you info products (you can also share your affiliate links for extra Commission)
- You will also have access to integrate digital marketing systems with the Yoonla affiliate program that can help you make as little as $5 for every lead.
- Also, have free access to the VIP marketers’ group on Yoonla Facebook to give you the ability to relate with other Yoonla members.
- Have access to the Yoonla Foundation software installed on your personalized domain.
Is Yoonla Legit?
Yes, Yoonla Evolve is legitimate and not a scam program.
Yoonla Evolve is a real company, and the owner “Reno” is real. The company does pay.
If you think that Yoonla Evolve is a scam for the above reasons, you are very wrong. The Yoonla has other issues
that makes people think that it is a scam program.
Many people on Quora thinks Yoonla Evolve is a scam for the following reasons:
Yoonla Will Not Make You Rich Instantly.
Yoonla Evolve and Yoonla as an online program are oversold. The program makes you believe that you will start earning without doing anything.
Making money online is a callous business to venture into; this is one; it is only 1% of people that persistent that make a lot of money online. There are so many fake and scamming claims about Yoonla and how it can make you over $10,000 monthly without doing much.
That statement makes people sign-on, and they won’t be able to make money or wait to build the business. It is important to know that Yoonla can make you money, but don’t expect to get rich while you do nothing.
Claims that Yoonla Don’t Pay Commission
There are a lot of these claims online. If an affiliate program refuses to pay its affiliates, then there is a problem.
Yoonla pays low Commission between $2 to $4 per leads to compare to my best affiliate program i.e., Wealthy Affiliate that pays $22 per point.
Many people have classified Yoonla as a scam because there is a claim that they slash your Commission or do not pay at all. What do you think about Yoonla review? is yoonla legit?
Who Started Yoonla
Yoonla was created by Reno Van Boven, an Internet businessman from New Zealand.
He begins his internet business career in 2006. Before then, he created Yoonla. Yoonla is a huge success to date.
Cost to Join Yoonla
To join and Get started with Yoonla and the training is free? But to maximize your earnings, you must incur some cost (This is a big minus to Yoonla), and you must bear this cost through Yoonla affiliate link (Big up-sell).
The following are the major up-sell that you must pay for:
- Web hosting through Yahoo Small Business ($7 per Month) = $84 Yearly
- Domain = $15 Yearly
- Auto Responder (Via GetResponse $15 Monthly. Minimum) = $180 Yearly
Total Cost Per Year = $279
Note: Yoonla makes it a must to get a domain through Yahoo Small Business and Autoresponder through GetResponse. This is a big MINUS for Yoonla for me.
What I Like In Yoonla
CPA is a lucrative form of marketing that allows you to make a good amount of money without even selling anything.
You simply get to make a few bucks without having to spend a single penny.
- Firstly it is a legit way of making money and you just need to know the trick of using the right tools and recommend those to others so that you get a good commission when others purchase those tools through his links.
- So, basically, you just need to recommend quality services and products to as many people as you can. Secondly, these reasonably priced tools can help you become an online business dealer with little investment of your time.
- Thirdly, you simply need to promote Yoonla to enjoy extra benefits as a member.
Becoming a member is not a pain in the ass as the process is quite easy to follow. Thus, its whole workings are really user-friendly and you won’t find any problem in dealing with it
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What I Dislike In Yoonla
- Firstly, though the signing up process for Yoonla is free, you need to make some investments in order to yield maximum results after you become a member. Thus, though it is free you should be prepared to spend a bit of your money if you want to make really good profits in this online affiliate marketing business.
- Secondly, Yoonla is currently paying its members only through PayPal which is also a sort of discouragement to people who don’t want to work through PayPal. Other payment options are currently out of question thus PayPal is the only option that is left to the users.
- Thirdly, Yoonla Program at no point guarantees your making of easy money. But, if you are really willing to promote Yoonla and learn all the hacks of affiliate marketing then it won’t let you down either.
- The big minus is that Yoonla makes it a must to buy your domain from Yahoo Small Business and Auto Responder must be Getresponse.
You just need to be patient in order to see appropriate results. You cannot expect to make money overnight without investing your precious time and doing the rightful things.
Who is Yoonla For?
Yoonla is for all those promising entrepreneurs who are willing to learn and spend their time and money on something which can be extremely profitable in the near future.
All its members will definitely be benefited through its products and with a good amount of incentives at your disposal, you can experiment with different things related to affiliate marketing which can benefit you.
Yoonla Tools and Training
You get access to quality training sessions without having to spend a single penny.
Yes, you heard it right. Yoonla offers you absolutely free training sessions that are worth your time and give you a peep into the workings of affiliate marketing.
If you are a great and fast learner, then you cannot think of not trying Yoonla once. Those training can help you promote other products as well.
Thus, it can go a long way with you in your career as an affiliate marketer.
Also, its tools are indeed useful and easy to use. You don’t need to rack your brains before you start using them on your own.
Videos are there to help you out if you face any problems. But, is Yoonla legit or scam? What do you think of my Yoonla review?
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Support at Yoonla
It is a sort of community wherein members benefit by promoting Yoonla and earning their share of profits.
Also, its owner directly supports the member and thus you can be assured that it is a legit program.
Price And Cost Of Joining Yoonla
If you are a beginner and just experimenting with your luck in affiliate marketing then you need to start with a mere amount ranging from$25 to $199.
But, you would realize that you are earning more than you are investing once you give it a shot. What do you think of my yoonla review? is Yoonla legit or Scam?
Yoonla Payment Method
The only payment method employ by Yoonla is through Paypal. No other payment method is entertained.
Yoonla Vs. Wealthy Affiliate
Is Yoonla Realy Worth It?
Thanks for reading my Yoonla review? Or, do you think Yoonla is a scam?
But, is yoonla legit?
What do you think about making money with Yoonla now? Yoonla has stopped operation and the site has discontinued the affiliate program.
The challenge I am having with Yoonla is the cost and amount of money you are investing to make good money can even earn you more money if you set-up a proper business with such amount of money.
What do you think about what Yoonla is about?
Yoonla is definitely a legit program that helps you learn the intricacies of affiliate marketing and you definitely shouldn’t regret investing your time and money into something useful.
Keep in mind that the more you earn, the better for you. Also, don’t lose your heart if things don’t work in your favor initially.
You may be able to make money with Yoonla but you can make money easily with Wealthy Affiliate, which is my #1 recommended online business so far.
Learning is a gradual process and you would need to gear yourself to face challenges to be able to make a good amount of money.
Thus, patience is your key to success if you want to earn leaps and bounds through Yoonla Program.
Also, the referral program can come to your rescue in case you are not satisfied with the amount of money you are making.
So, what do you think about my Yoonla review? Are you making money with Yoonla Evolve already? Is is yoonla legit?
Are you making money with Yoonla? Please drop your thought in my comment area below. I will be glad to get back to you ASAP.
==>Why Affiliate Marketing Remains a Goldmine
Yoonla Review – Video
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It is great to meet you finally. John is my name, and I’m the owner of Amazing Profits Online. I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, a community that teaches anyone to earn a full-time income online with their own passion-driven online business. No Credit Card Is Needed. It is FREE to Join. You can also Click here to get to know more about me.
Hi John! After reading your review I’m not very convinced about joining Yoonla. I like that it’s a legit site and that it has a lot of years in business. But having only PayPal listed for payouts is a bit discouraging. I’ll check out this other site you also mentioned. Thank you very much for this honest review.
Thanks for reading my Yoonla review.
Yes, you are right. The one mistake many online program make is the only payout via PayPal. Where there are many PayPal Alternatives.
Thanks again for checking on my page.
Thanks for this information! I already have a home-based business which gives me a few hundred a month, nothing more. I was looking into Yoonla, but was irritated by the website, which does not offer ANY information, just an offer to sign up. I want to join an affiliate program with products that are suited to my own (homemade) products and want to be able to set my own prices, etc. I want to sell only high-quality goods, and I am definitely not interested in get-rich-quick schemes! I think I ought to check out Wealthy Affiliates, but first I hope to find out what products I can sell though them.
Hi Tabea,
Thanks for reading my Yoonla Review and on how to make money with it. Please check out wealthy affiliate. It is one of the best affiliate marketing certification training I can recommend for you.
You can imagine Yoonla Vs Wealthy Affiliate? What would the result be? They weigh far apart in term of value addition and productivities.
Thanks for reading the review again on whether Yoonla is a scam or not.
Hi John
Does yoonla pay money for free sign up (Basic signup) of my referral?
or my referral should buy something?
Thank you
Dear Mohsen,
Thanks for visiting my site and reading about my Yoonla Review.
Yes, Yoonla will pay for your free sign up. But it depends on the country your sign up is coming from.
Their payment ranges between $2 to $4 for very of your referral. You will make $4 if your referral is from the following countries: UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New New Zealand.
While you will only get paid $2 if they are from any other country aside from these countries that will earn you zero or Nil payment: Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Zambia, Nigeria, Uganda, Niger
Therefore, you should focus your target and conversion on those countries that pays aside the third world countries.
I suggest you look at my #1 recommendation that will earn you a full-time income online.
You can be making over $10,000 monthly as an affiliate.
The good news is that all your referral will be a business person like you and you will be making money from them as long as they alive and they are doing business.
Yoonla will only earn your pennies. It won’t get you anywhere.
thanks for taken time to drop your comment. I am glad you came.
Do you have any other questions? Please revert.
Your review is so great,
Though I have heard about yoonla before, but I don’t know deeply about it. Your review has made me gain knowledge about it.
What a great review with a lot of enlightenment
It is good, but there is something that I need you to explain to you I will like to know when I will start earning on yoonla if I start now.
Dear Bolfuns,
Thanks for reading my Yoonla Review;I doubt if you can Really Make Money With Yoonla? I am recommending Wealthy Affiliate instead.
It is the best Afiliate Marketing training in the world in my opinion.
Just like you said, Yoonla seems very expensive and there aren’t any real guarantees I’m going to make money with it.
Wealthy affiliate keeps looking better and better to means I’ve already read other positive reviews for them.
I may give them a try shortly.
I am Ralph
Dear Ralph,
Thanks for reading my review about Yoonla and how You can make Money With it. Yoonla can make you money but it is not a site you can really on and you will only earn peanut. Will you refer to be making $500 or $20,000 monthly after working on a program for over two years?
This what Wealthy Affiliate will offer you. Yes, you can be making over $20,000 monthly if you can put over 8 hours daily for two years and you follow the training. See how you can start this training FREE. Check out the link above.
Never heard of Yoonla, besides I see no reason i should pay an affiliate program to help them get leads.
i have been working with Max Bounty and many others.
I dont think i will try this anyways.
Dear Margaret,
Thanks for reading my article on how to make money with Yoonla.
Every business online need leads. You are either can the leads aor you call it audience organically or you pay for them.
Providing lead fir money is nit a scam and it is a legitimate pontine business.
My problem with Yoonla is that the business structure as relate to members on Yoonla platform is what I don’t like.
This is why I will always go for Waelthy Affiliate Training Program. It is an affiliate program that will help transform your idea/passion/hobbies into making money online.
The good news is that you can try it out for free. Level-1 with ten Courses is FREE to join. You don’t need credit Card or PayPal to try it out.
I hope you will check it out using the link in this comment.
I’d never even heard of Yoonla so this is interesting. It seems like it might be a good investment but I think I’d rather invest in Wealthy Affiliate since it seems like it would help me make money in a more reliable way.
Yoonla is brand that offers an affiliate program.
If I refer a new person to sign up, does the person still need to pay for sign up?
I like Cost Per Action systems that really pay, and I can’t wait to refer my friends.
Thanks for great review.
You can call me People.
Dear People,
Thanks for reading my Yoonla review. Reading appreciate you for dropping yiur comment.
Yes, anyone you refer will have to pay for membership fee before they can be admitted at Yoonla.
That is how Yoonla affiliate members are making money.
I hope you will come again.
Dear John,
I can see that you are promoting Wealthy Affiliate. How is wealthy Affiliate better than Yoonla? How long will it take for me to start making money if i decide to join WWealthy Affiliate?
Kindly revert please
Dear Princess,
Thanks for visiting my website. Wealthy Affiliate is far better than Yoonla in many ways. Where would I start from?
Yoonla will not help you set up your own business online, it is just a CPA (Click Per Action) website while Wealthy Affiliate will help you develop your online business with your own platform (website).
Wealthy Affiliate will help you host 50 websites; secure it, provide support and also continuous training with the same fees. It is just unbelievable what the Wealthy Affiliate is doing.
This is why they have been in business for over 13 years now while Yoonla is just less than 2 years and they have currently suspended their current program. they claimed they are working on a new project.
you can compare the two. Wealthy Affiliate is just the best in the world training you and help you turn your hobbies, passion or ideas into making money online.
I hope I could answer your question? Please check that link out.
Thanks for this review!
I am wondering why there are tiers to the levels of referral money and how as a user you can make sure that we get the most amount of money possible. Overall, do you think that programs like these are a good alternative to having a job, or at they more meant to just be added income for people who already have jobs?
Dear Bidget,
Yoonla will make you money and it is not a scam. My challenge with this program is that you can not run your business online.
Rather it is a referral based program. The focus should be on how to have your own business online. Running your own choosing business in your own niche independent of the product owners.
This is why I preferred Wealthy Affiliate; It is my #1 Recommended online business in the world. In the case of Yoonla; if anything happens to Yoonla and it goes down; all members will go down with it.
To answer your question, online business is better than your day jobs if you are with a good program like my Wealthy Affiliate. Because you will have a lot of leverages. You can work from anywhere in the world. You can work on your bed, from your farm, and from any country.
And most especially you will be in control of your life. You will be your own boss.
thanks for coming, I hope you will visit again.
Thanks for this article! I had never heard of yoonla before but this helped me to get a good background. I’m wondering, what is your sugggestion on how to get the most referrals or is it like a traditional system where you rely on family and friends who you already have connections with?
Dear Lauren,
For me, I will not recommend Yoonla. It has a lot of upselling. Yoonla is not a scam but it has a waste of time and resources. I rather recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It is the best way to start making money online.
It is not only legit but it has a lot of free offerings. You can easily join the Free program where you we have two free websites plus hosting for life.
The training is one of the best ever in the world right now.
Thanks for visiting my website.
Hi there.
I think I’ll have to look into this Yoonla program.
Although the video is a bit outdated I think a relatively new program can give the chance to make some commission.
I know, it is not a lot, $2-4, maybe 5 for a referral but the good news is, you get paid even there is no premium upgrade.
I would use a review on my website built at Wealthy Affiliate, also my preferred program, and try to make a side income with commissions.
Thanks for the review.
I have been considering yoonla for a good deal of time now and was prepared to take the plunge until I saw that you can’t do much or earn anything substantial if you don’t invest into it.
I thought they had said you get to join for free, which I perceived as getting started with everything for free. Turns out I was wrong.
But I feel it should have been better to tell potential members everything upfront so that they get ready with the money. Don’t you think?
Hi Dave,
You are right. This is why we are making available to you a review so that you can search online and know the details about every program that will really add value to you.
If you really want to have a business online that you can call your own, i suggest you consider WA. You can be making well over $20k after good two years of hardwork and proper input to your online business.
Good article.
Keep sharing with us.
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