You are welcome to my Text Cash Network (TCN) Review. Is Text Cash Network legit or a scam? Can you make money with Text Cash Network?
I am sure you are here to investigate how you can make money with Text Cash Network.
It is good you are doing your research on TCN; this is how to discover authentic online programs and avoid online scams.
Please know that I am not a promoter of Text Cash Network, nor do I earn from this article.
Therefore expect an unbiased Text Cash Network (TCN) review from me.
NOTE: As at the time of updating this Text Cash Network (TCN) review. The URL ”” is not going through. I think they have transform to another related business.
The alternative company name to Text Cash Network (TCN) is TCN Processing Center (according to BBB website).
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Text Cash Network at a Glance

Name: Text Cash Network
Type of Business: Paid Text Advertising
Price: Free
Founders: The Johnson Group
Rating: 10%
Recommended: No { Check Out My #1 Recommended }
Summary Review of Text Cash Network (TCN)
Text Cash Network (TCN) by Phil Piccolo, Brent Hudson, and the Johnson brothers is an ads network that uses direct sales or MLM model to promote and sell ads via testing to members.
But is Text Cash Network (TCN) legit or a scam pyramid scheme? Can you ever make money with Text Cash Network (TCN)?
I am sure that the Text Cash Network will not make you money in the 21st century.
MLM model always rewards the people at the top of the scheme. It is not a good idea to join any MLM business.
It has been discovered that 99.7% of every person that join MLM will lose their money.
Mr. Jon M Taylor did 20 years of research on over 600 direct sales and MLM companies in the United States and the rest of the world and discovered that 99.7% of people who join MLM companies would lose their money.
Please read up on Mr. Jon Taylor’s book titled “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.” The book is free to download, and it is going to change your perspective about MLM companies.
It implies that it is only 0.3% of people will make money in any MLM company. The 0.3% are the company owners, the special investors, and those at the top of the compensation plan.
Are the Text Cash Network (TCN) distributors making money? Is Text Cash Network (TCN) shut down?
There is no income disclosure statement for Text Cash Network (TCN), and it appears that the Text Cash Network (TCN) has been close or shut down.
The URL of the website is not going through again.
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What do you think of my Text Cash Network (TCN) review? Is Text Cash Network legit or a scam?
Can you make money with Text Cash Network?
What is Text Cash Network?
Text Cash Network, also known as TCN was founded by Florida based company, the Johnson Group, an establishment with a core interest in the tech and advertising field.
The president of the company, Brett Hudson, has over a decade of experience in the computer technology field, running a Dot Com firm for two years and increasing its valuation in that period to tens of millions of dollars.
The company basically deals with the dispensing of ads via the text medium.
If you wish to partner with TCN, all you have to do is agree to receive a stipulated amount of ads on a daily basis and receive an agreed commission after the commitment has been fulfilled.
Since it is an MLM centered venture, you are also able to refer new members to the company, and once they agree to receive daily text ads from TCN, you will get a percentage commission on each referred member.
The main feature of Text Cash Network is the free subscription it offers, which means you will only be devoting your time to the scheme.
The company is also run using a business model that is similar to the coupon sharing giant, Groupon.
But while the latter compensates its users with discount codes and coupon codes, Text Cash Network pays cash to those that choose to partner with the company.
The major benefit attached to partnering with TCN is that it presents you with the opportunity to attain 10 different referral levels and also earn a collective sum from all referrals across the board, and you can achieve all these by subscribing to the free package.
Text Cash Network is available to all prospective partners that wish to join the program and earn a sizeable chunk of money on a consistent basis.
What do you think of my Text Cash Network (TCN) review? Is Text Cash Network legit or another scam? Can you make money with Text Cash Network?
Do I Recommend Text Cash Network?
Multi-Level Marketing scheme has proven time and time again to be a money-making venture that can consistently earn you a good income if handled with a certain degree of tactfulness.
Text Cash Network is another MLM-themed venture that operates the same model as most other MLM businesses, relying on referrals to thrive.
It is perhaps the most obvious representation of an MLM venture, as the main objective of each newly registered member of the company is to refer new members to the program who also must hunt for new referrals.
Since the core of the company’s business deals with receiving text ads from advertising agencies, it is less cumbersome to promote even as the network marketing aspect becomes more obvious.
If you’re used to participating in MLM ventures then you can definitely give this a try especially since it comes at no cost at all.
What Does Text Cash Network Sell or Promote?
The company basically functions as an ads dispenser that delivers multiple ads to the phones of would-be buyers subscribed to its program.
In essence, TCN is paying you with the hope that you’ll purchase any of the advertised products.
The Costs/Price of Text Cash Network
It is free to join the TCN referral program though there is a paid subscription option as well.
BBB Review of Text Cash Network (TCN) is “F”
The Better Business Bureau rating of Text Cash Network is “F.”
The F rating is the worst BBB rating, and it implies that this MLM company does not take care of customer complaints and resolutions.
BBB ratings are a measure of how fast a company resolves its customer disputes.
Also, Text Cash Network is not yet accredited.
Accreditation is when a company has put together resources and tools to ensure that every customer issues and disputes are resolves as when due.
What do you think of my Text Cash Network review? Is Text Cash Network legit or a scam pyramid scheme?
Can you make money with Text Cash Network MLM jobs?
Text Cash Network – TCN Contact Details & Location
Below is the contact address and information of Text Cash Network (TCN) as extracted from the BBB website:
The address and location of Text Cash Network (TCN) is: 2255 Glades Rd., #324 Boca Raton, FL 33431-8571
Phone Contact: (855) 553-3985
Alternate Business Name
TCN Processing Center.
Is Text Cash Network (TCN) Legit Or a Scam Pyramid Scheme?
Text Cash network is legit and not a pyramid scheme scam.
But it will not make you the money you desire.
As a typical MLM platform, Text Cash Network certainly has one of the best working arrangements available.
Since you don’t have to deal with the charade of pretending to market a product, you can go straight to the point and recruit personnel for the referral program.
It seems that Text Cash Network has finally transform into a company call TCN Call Center solution. There original website and URL is no more going through.
What do you think of my Text Cash Network – TCN review? Is Text Cash Network – TCN legit, or a scam pyramid scheme?
Can you still make money with Text Cash Network – TCN MLM jobs?
What is Good About Text Cash Network – TCN
It is a typical MLM business that doesn’t hide behind the mask of product sales or service delivery
Its matrix compensation system is one of the best in the MLM field
It is free to subscribe to the company’s referral program
Issues with Text Cash Network (TCN)
You will have to actually make purchases from time to time to earn a substantial sum of money
The security of the company’s site can’t be vouched for.
The prices of the products being advertised are usually unknown
Another major thing I dislike about this product is that there is no real value addition to members.
Who is the Text Cash Network (TCN) for?
This company is for the ardent MLM participant looking for a new avenue to milk.
It is available to anyone located anywhere in the world as long as there is a reliable internet presence.
How to Make Money with Text Cash Network (TCN)
Step 1
Subscribe to the company’s referral program and receive up to 5 text ads.
Step 2
Refer as many people as you can and get them to receive the mandatory numbers of text ads
Step 3
The cascade of referrals continue until it reaches the tenth level where you get paid the maximum compensation amount
An Alternative to Text Cash Network (TCN)
Text cash is perhaps the best option available for MLM enthusiasts looking to earn a quick buck.
Most others usually have a product attached to the referral scheme, which only slows down the process.
Online Opinion of Text Cash Network (TCN)
The general consensus is clear on what TCN brings to the table.
Now, while principled entrepreneurs may not like the mode of the company’s operations, MLM experts who partner with the company only have reversing opinions about the company.
Is Text Cash Network (TCN) worth It?
What do you think of my Text Cash Network (TCN) Review? Can you make money with Text Cash Network TCN? Is Text Cash Network – TCN legit or a scam and pyramid scheme?
As at the time of writing this Text Cash Network (TCN) review, the company URL is no more going through. It is like they have transform to another business.
This is no for me for now. Please do away with Text Cash Network (TCN) as at this time.
At this moment and in this age of making money online revolution Text Cash Network cannot help you and I can assure you that you may be frustrated at the end of the day.
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Is it truly possible for Text Cash Network to compensate members for just receiving a stipulated number of ads? Do they really oblige their members to click the ads and do the needful? Perhaps purchase or do what the ad demands.
Dear Martins,
For you to really earn substantial income via Text Cash Network you are required to make a purchase of the adds received on your device. This is one major area why I dislike this MLM product. There is no real value addition to members.
Can you imagine purchasing an ads just to earn income even if the product you purchased will not add value to you?
This is why I am recommend my #1 Recommended Online business. You will be impacting value to your audience while you are making real money online.
Kindly take a good look at that link or menu.
I really appreciate your visiting my website.
Hmm… I’m not sure I’d be making enough purchases to earn a substantial sum of money. Do you most people are purchasing products advertised to them? I rarely spend money, so these doesn’t sound like the best fit for me. What are some alternative programs? I really like the idea of Text Cash Network though.
Dear Sam,
I agree with you. It doesn’t make ends to me Too purchasing an ads just because you want to earn from the platform that is advertising it; even if the product or program you are buying is not going to add value to you.
Though some how you may see ads of what you really like, and when you purchase such an Item via the platform you will earn income as a member of But Text Cash Network.
Member can earn more if this program is into advertisement of various house hold items. That will actually help me ever to see what to buy and purchase on a daily basis.
But then, it is not the best ways to make real money online; compare to my #1 Recommended Online business. You can’t even compare them.
How does Text Cash Network work? How does TCN work? Is Text Cash Network a scam? Has anyone been paid? I’ve plenty of queries when it comes to MLM…Because there have thousands of MLM Company worldwide. Most of them work as scam. I read this blog fully…and I got some extent that referral works well…What is the principle product of Text Cash Network? Thanks for sharing this informative piece.
Dear William,
The working of Text Cash Network is based on Multi-Level Marketing. The amount of money you can earn depends on the number of referral you can earn for your self. You earn more money if you can make a purchase(s) from the advert received on your mobile.
The implication is that you may not like what you are buying and still earn from it; but why would you purchase what you don’t need just to earn commission?
Text Cash Network (TCN) is not a scam, because they always deliver what they promised. I am sure though that it will not make you enough money. I hope you are okay with my answer?
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