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Home » Building Online Stores » What Is Drop Shipping? Can You Still Make Money?

What Is Drop Shipping? Can You Still Make Money?

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I am sure you are here because you want to know what drop shipping is all about and how dropshipping actually works.

Another question is will drop shipping still make you money today?


Drop-shipping is one of the fastest and cheapest ways of making money online, but many don’t even know how the drop-shipping process works.

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What Is Drop-Shipping?

what is drop ship

Dropshipping is a process of moving goods or products (usually physical products) from the producers directly to the retailer without going through the usual distribution routes.

Simply put, dropshipping is when you employ various companies to stock your goods and send them directly to your customers via your instructions.

Dropshipping is the fastest ways to make quick money online.

Suppose you have an online shop(s) and you are selling various products, you will need to have stocks of products you are selling.

But instead of having stocks of these products, you employ other companies that have such stocks of goods to send them directly to your customers whenever you make sales.

For instance, if you have an online store, you will need to purchase stocks of goods display on your website in advance for easy distributions to any of your buyers that purchase your goods.

Dropshipping avoids you to stock these goods.

When you make sales on your website, you contact any of the drop shipping companies that have the goods in stock (they are called drop shippers); you will buy this item from them and give them instructions to ship these goods to your customers directly.

This eliminates the risk of holding the stocks you are selling on your websites, instead, it is being held another company called the drop shippers.

In this article, I will be educating you on what drop shipping is all about, how you can make money dropshipping and I will be showing you various drop shipping business opportunities you can start right now.

And lastly, you will know how to find legitimate drop shippers around the world that you can start using now. And you will watch a YouTube Video of how dropshipping works.

Different Ways to Make Money Dropshipping 

The question is how do you explore various online dropship business opportunities?

The first thing to do is to open an online store and start selling an item you can easily dropship.

All you need to do is to mark up your price to have your own margin within 10 to 50%.

A commonplace that is well known to open an online store is eBay store, but to avoid heavy eBay fees that may have been running from is to make your own online store.

You can make your own online stores in these two recommended ways:

Wealthy Affiliate Programs

Wealthy Affiliate is my number 1 recommended ways to help any dummy makes money online; it is an online training program that will transform you and turn you into an authority in your niche within a very short period of time.

You will be thought to discover a profitable niche, you will learn how to create your own website, you will be coached and learn how to send traffics (people) to your websites and lastly, you will learn how to monetize your websites.

This is legitimate ways of making money online in any place you find yourself on earth.

It has been proven that this system and model of doing business online work and a lot of people are taking turns of dollars online daily.


SaleHoo Stores – Online eCommerce Store Builder

 start dropship business online

One of the easiest and effective ways to make money online is to start selling physical products online.

Usually, you can easily do that on eBay but the fees on eBay store are killing.

The best online eCommerce store builder in the world right now is the SaleHoo Stores.

SaleHoo stores will help you create your own personal online store and help you escape eBay high fees and heavy competition.

There is nothing like having and promoting your own business online, unlike MLM and all those scam products online.

In my opinion, all MLM is a scam, because they make you promote other people’s websites and products while you remain in obscurity.

My friend, if you are fed up and tired fighting the price war of eBay and other competitors the way out is having your own store with SaleHoo.

It makes it so very easy developing your independent online store, no previous website skills are required to have one at SaleHoo Stores and you will be trained extensively on how to start making money immediately your store is created.

Try it out right now at SaleHoo Stores.

what is drop shipping about

Get Instant Access To Dropship Blueprint Course


Best Rated Drop Ship Companies

There are a lot of drop shippers mostly in China that cannot be trusted. They will take your money and refuse to send you the products or send you inferior goods.

Therefore there is a need to deal with a legitimate and well-known drop shipper. The question is that how do you find good and trusted drop shippers?

While we have a lot of scammers parading themselves as drop shippers, we have some best-rated drop shippers that have a proven record and are legitimate that you can deal with immediately.

dropship business sale

Using the SaleHoo Directory

The simplest and easier way to find the trusted drop shippers is through SaleHoo. It is an online directory with over 8,500 drop shippers, liquidators, and wholesalers.

Using SaleHoo Directory is key to your business because you can be sure you are dealing with verified suppliers that have been vetted and proved worthwhile.

This directory will avail you genuine drop shippers of more than 1.7milliion products at best wholesale prices.


Oberlo simplified the dropshipping process by helping you to drop ship products and send directly to your customers with a simple click.

This online company has been in business for a long while and they know their onions so very well that a lot of eCommerce stores depends on their tools for dropshipping.

The major feature employed by Oberlo is the importation of products from various suppliers of AliExpress.

A lot of drop shippers patronesses AliExpress because they have thousands of trusted suppliers and Oberlo ‘s tools simplified these processes.

Oberlo makes you a trusted drop shipper, Oberlo is not an eCommerce store itself but they have an extension you can set up on your sites that simplifies your dropshipping process.

Is Dropshipping Worth Your Money?

What is your take on my review on what drop shipping is all about and how it works? Also, can you now make money with dropshipping?

Do you now know how you can make a fortune drop shipping goods? We have covered what is dropshipping all about and different companies that you can source goods from.

We also touched various business opportunities as related to dropping shipping of products around the world.

I also recommend SaleHoo Directory as the best directory where you can select your legitimate and trusted drop shippers that have been proven to be in the business of drop shipping.

Do you drop ship before now? Are you making money dropshipping? What is one thing you have learned so well? What is dropshipping to you?

I hope you have discovered everything about dropshipping? Or do you have a better opinion?

Technology is a moving train, please let me know if there is an advanced way(s) of doing this.

Do well to drop your comment for me down below.

8 thoughts on “What Is Drop Shipping? Can You Still Make Money?”

  1. Hello,

    thank you for sharing in-depth article about drop shipping. I have to point out, you really explain in detail everything we need to know about drop shipping. By reading your article, I really learned a lot.

    I only have some question, aside from SaleHoo store, which are other drop shipping companies you can recommend? I don’t feel like going for SaleHoo Stores. Kindly Please write something about those otehr dropping shipping companies i can find in China?

    Thank you for that and keep up the good work.

    Wish you all the best


    1. Thanks for coming to my web page. You can access suppliers and drop shippers that are trusted and legitimate in SaleHoo Directory of Wholesales. The admission of suppliers and drop shippers are rigorous and painstaking. Just to ensure all members in the directory are legitimate and trustworthy.

      The other recommended ways you can get trust worthy and legitimate drop shippers are :

      1. Wholesales Suppliers In Ali-Express:Usually Ali-Express is a retail online store, but they have several trusted suppliers that can supply whole sales goods and stocks. Click here to check it out.

      2. MiniintheBox : MiniinTheBox is also a massive retail stores with a lot of trusted suppliers and drop shippers. These two sites are trusted and i personally engage i use them both before. Do well to check it out.

      Drop shipping is one of the best ways to earn extra money at home With a lot of margin. All you just need doing is to have a store of your own and start making money.

      I hope i tried to do justice to your questions?

      Take care and i hope to see you again.


  2. I have been looking for ways to make money online ever since an illness took me out of the workforce permanently a year ago. That is why I join Wealthy Affiliate. I had heard of drop shipping but never really understood the whole process. I have bookmarked your site so I am able to come back when I have free time and look at the Salehoo store.

    How do you think i can use Wealthy Affiliate to my advantage going into drop-shipping business online?

    Thanks for this information.

    1. Wealthy Affiliate is a resource center or a training program where you will learn various ways to make extra money at home. You will be trained on how to turn your passion into a thriving business online.

      If you decide to venture into owning your own stores, with Wealthy Affiliate training, you are prepare to develop your own website, optimizing your website has been made simple for you. Wealthy Affiliate will train you on the strategies of maintain and driving traffics to your site and the conversion will not be complex for you.

      You will only need to know and learn the Online Selling Tactics Bonus that is How to Build a Successful eCommerce Business

      I hope i could help you?



  3. Hi there, really lots of good information you have in here. I have been reading up on drop shipping. Does salehoo really works? And there is a membership fee if I am not wrong? Drop shipping really sounds like a good way to earn extra cash and be even developed into a full time business.

    1. Your question is interesting. Does Salehoo really work? Yes, Salehoo works. Mostly when you gain access to the Salehoo service area.

      You will need to search for both products and suppliers you are willing to work with via the Salehoo directory of wholesales.

      After you must have contacted the suppliers through the Salehoo Directory of wholesales, you then make necessary arrangement with your chosen suppliers on pricing of the detail of the products.

      The whole process and procedure of contacting the suppliers are very simple and straightforward, but you must decide if you are going to be drop shipping your products or you will need to purchase from the suppliers. Either one has its benefits.

      On membership fee, you are very correct. The membership fee use to be lifetime membership fee of $67 but now because of a lot of improvement injected into the directory of wholesales and other process put in place. The pricing is now a yearly fee of $67.

      Members have a lot of benefits. Read up the benefits of Salehoo Membership Here.

  4. Hi there. I just finished reading your article about drop shipping and it has really got me thinking. I just want to drop you a quick comment to say thanks for the information.

    I have looked into drop shipping in the past but hadn’t really thought of having my own drop shipping website. The idea of building a website of my own and then having products that I never even have to touch sounds great to me.

    I just have one question. What happens if someone orders something from you but the supplier makes a mistake or the buyer doesn’t receive the item for some reason? Do you need to deal with refunds and complaints?

    Thanks for the help!

    1. Dealing with refunds and complaining does happen occasionally, though this is not very common in Salehoo. There are system put in place for tracking of sent goods; from the date of departures to the last person that received the product.

      But in case there is need to refund, both the buyer and the seller must exchange information so as to agree on what to be done. If there is no agreement between both and the buyers insist that refund must be done. The seller must refund within three business working days, both the price and shipping fee must be return to the buyer.

      If this is not done and the buyer escalate to Salehoo, Salehoo support will review the issue and if fund in favor of the buyer, the fund will be refund directly to the buyer, it will include the cost of the product and the initial shipping cost. will treat the refund.

      Salehoo will make effort to retrieve this fund back from the seller, if un able to do that, they will contact Paypal to deduct the amount from the seller’s account. If such fund is not in the seller’s paper account, the Sellers’s account will be blocked and account suspended pending.

      Seller have 30 days to appeal this decision most especially if they can show evidence that the goods was received twice by the buyer.

      I hope i answered your questions? Thanks for comming to my website, i hope to see you again.



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